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nick in* england

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Posts posted by nick in* england

  1. My evidence?


    1. Media campaign to big him up.

    2. Players who face him speak highly of him.

    3. Coaches speak highly of him.


    To the contrary?


    1. Fans won't vote him in.

    2. Brett Farve.


    Still - the love affair probably means that he'll be going. My money is on him being the #2 guy.

  2. Topic says it all. The line have played too high, and are being killed by the speed of the DL. Butler in particular has been terrible today - the harshest criticism remains with Jason Peters. He is getting killed to the outside and can't move his feet fast enough.


    Also - Melvin Fowler is just poor today. He hasn't been very good all year, but today he is very poor.


    Shape up boys.

  3. More film review - a small point on the creativity of Schonert:


    One play 3 and a half minutes into the 2nd quarter, we end up with 4 WRs on the field but - Parrish wide left, Reed and Hardy bunch right and Lee Evans lines up at fullback. Evans motions to make a standard trips bunch and we run a pitch right. I would never have picked that play from that formation!

  4. Nice analysis Jaws in -er Nick in England!


    I think we found our post game writer! :flirt:

    Ha. I thought about offering to do post game. But I might struggle to do it for a Monday!


    Also - it's kinda hard to break down the game as it happens and you are drinking beer.

  5. Just wanted to draw attention to some excellent game planning and execution from last week.


    Watching the tape back of the Jags, the first TD of the game by Lynch was brought about by good personnel choice, and great blocking.


    The Bills came out Single Back (Lynch) - TE Left (Royal) - Twins Right/weak (Z=Evans H=Reed) - X Left (Hardy)


    This looks like a definite passing situation on first down, so the Jags are in a Nickel D, with the free safety shading the weak side. Jags DL is up on its toes for the rush, in an even (maybe over) front.


    On the snap, Peters and Dockery release to the second level leaving Royal matched up with the end, whom he cuts (badly - he missed). Fowler and Walker turn their guys to the outside giving them the edge to rush upfield. The man over Peters expects to be blocked, so as he bursts upfield, he stumbles and is decked by Butler who is coming down the line on the quick trap block. Lynch runs directly through the trap hole and follows Peters and Dockery to space. It's a one wiggle move past the FS and a score.


    What I like about this play is it is a creative use of personnel and a back to basics play combined with superb execution and a little flair to get the score.


    More of this from Buffalo this year (and crucially this high level of line play) and we'll be playoff bound for sure.

  6. Read that, and I think you're right when saying "there isn't anything here that an informed Bills fan doesn't already know". It makes me realize that we live in a very focused bubble within this community, and are far ahead of the power curve in terms of (a) immediate information from local reporters (or so we hope) and (b) interpretation thereof. Casserly's piece is....well, nice, I guess. I'm of two minds. Yes, I like seeing that the Bills are starting to get some props, but, golly, the team has a long way to go. It's a 16-game season, last I checked. My opinion means nothing, of course, but it's refreshing that the team members (from what I can read of the interviews) are taking the same approach.


    Next week is next week. Bring the lunch pail.

    It's the internet that makes you so well informed. I know as much about what is going on with the Bills as anyone in WNY, and I am thousands of miles away. My take on Casserly's article - he's read some news reports online, and not gone over the top in criticism or praise.

  7. Yeah. Ham & pineapple tastes OK - not so much w/the BBQ chicken.


    If you're gonna throw chicken on a pizza, it should be roasted chicken, on a white pizza, with spinach, garlic, and artichoke hearts.


    GO BILLSSS!!!!

    Sounds like you have been eating girls pizza.


    Man pizza: 7 types of meat and thick crust.

  8. Overall - I left this game with a pretty poor impression of Peters' play overall. It was unforgivable to be beaten so badly for that sack/fumble and would not have happened for sure if he's been in practise and worked out the rust.


    However, one play to me stood out - and showed me why he is so valuable and a legit pro bowler:


    97 of the Jags gave him a speed rush outside move forcing Peters back fast into a kick step. All of a sudden the rusher turned into Peters and jacked him up. As it unfolded I thought JP was too high, and would get rolled back fast into Edwards. In fact, Peters just jecked the dude up and stopped his progress completely. It was incredible - and all from a stance that was WAY too high.


    His strength is amazing, and I am glad he's back in the lineup. I think we'll see the usual quality performance from him against the Raiders. Temperature and first game back kind of give him the excuse to have a couple of blown assignments this week (apart from the gash job on that sack).

  9. Hey all - sorry to do this, but I am in a bind.


    I'm coming back to Buffalo on Thanksgiving... My buddy (niners fan) are coming from the UK to the Bills/Niners game on Nov 30th - but we currently don't have tickets and the TeamExchange will only accepot US cards!! Couldn't get single game tickets cos they claim it is sold out.


    If anyone has two tickets that they can't use for that game I'll willingly buy them off you in a snap. Please contact me ASAP if you can help!




    In other news, the trip will be football-tastic.


    We fly in Wednesday, shake off the jet lag. Thursday head to Niagara and hole up in a sports bar for 9 hours of Turkey Day football. The Friday we move into Buffalo to soak up UB and Kent State before a night of drinking on the Chip Strip. Saturday is a 'relax' day with more drinking and whatever sports we can find on the Bars TV. Sunday (hopefully) Bills/Niners. Monday we fly home.


    If anyone wants to join a pair of Brits on a football mad booze filled weekend you are more than welcome to hook up with us.


    Need to get some tickets first though!

  10. Apparently the Bills coaching staff decided they would be too shorthanded in the 2-4 week window in which Crowell would need to recover and created a roster spot by putting the veteran linebacker on injured reserve.


    Without Crowell Buffalo has just five linebackers on the active roster and one on the practice squad in Marcus Buggs.


    This I get. 5 LBs isn't enough to go into the season, particularly as you're looking at one of those being Jon Corto.


    Crowell’s decision to have surgery this close the start of the season likely did not sit well with the Bills coaching staff, and their decision to put him on injured reserve, in what is a contract year for the linebacker, likely does not sit well with him.


    This is the maddening part. An open admission on the Bills official website that the decision they have taken WILL tick off the player. It smacks of playground politics, for which frankly I have no time. Consider the silent treatment on Peters and its a foolish looking FO right now.


    Bear in mind - with Peters, he and his agent have been quiet. You might say the Bills FO have been mouthing off in contrast.

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