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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. This may be a harsh post - but I have a busy day, I am mad, and I only have 5 minutes to post. 1. Goalline stand. Play calls. 1st Down from the 2: Run. 2nd Down from the 2: Run 3rd down from the 1: PA Pass - Sack. Figgie. WTF was that about??? Pass on first down - the PA would be perfect when they expect the run. NOT ON F*CKING 3RD DOWN :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: . That series blew the game for me when we should have gone a TD and a FG up and really failed to make the most of a great INT. The football gods frowned when Drew dropped back and they wreaked vengence on the 45 yard pass in the final 2 minutes. That series was pure Killdrive - Mularky and Clements need to review the history books. 2. Izell Reese. Leftwich's pass at the end of the game was a duck. In f*ucking triple coverage some who-dat TE makes a catch? WTF??? Izell :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Make a play on the goddamn ball - jump - get to the TE - do anything that flap around like a wingless chicken. 3. Fans - Yay!! I could barely hear the commentary on the radio - good for trying to lift the team. 4. Moulds - good man - back on proper form again!!! 5. TBD - let the meldown commence.
  2. i gues....... woohooo - fotballs season is BACK!!!
  3. if the numbers reported are true - this is a truly superb contract for the BUffalo Bills. Go Aaron!
  4. uncalled for. don't do that again
  5. Pickoff by Ryan Denney as he drops 30 yards deep... like THAT will ever happen...
  6. thanks - I actually work for the british Ministry of Defence - and i tried to get one thru work - but no dice i'll try using my digital satellite to pick up the channels.
  7. Travis - 2 yard plunge around RT
  8. Well yeah I would actually. But what i was in fact getting at was the fact that the contract is not that huge. it will be renegotiated after 2 or 3 years for sure... not a huge contract really.
  9. real helpful guys... i'm in a Bills black hole and this is my only way out...
  10. ahhhh football season is back and the inane ICE posts return yay WRs get better by being developed steadily like any other player - bringing their confidence along steadily at the same time. MM has shown smarts by going with veteran guys who clearly have produced well in preseason and camp. after all - what has evans shown us except how to drop balls?
  11. OK - so the Bills play live on AFRTS and this is my only shot at seeing regular live Bills games in the UK. Anyone know how to get hold of an AFRTS decoder or where AFRTS programming is shown in the UK?? ta!
  12. At least I know that all of that $150 bounty is mine!! not one person predicted the same as me... i have us as 10-6.. no not only will i have $150, but my team will be in the playoffs! sweet!
  13. LOL - it's just plain old England - no N about it Anyway we can have the spreadsheet too? That way we could track how well we do....
  14. This just confirms who the heavy hitters are on our team. I think it is or should be clear to each and every person involved with our team that these are the players who lead in all aspects of the game. Good for Coy being voted for STs captain. We all too readily bash him here at TSW - and it's clearly unfounded. That man works hard to do the best job he can - and I for one do not see too much of a drop off in play with him filling in for Milloy.
  15. I have some tough choices to make I think... 1 QB: McNair over Bledsoe. 2 RB: Portis is a lock to start. Toss up between Corey Dillon, TJ Duckett and Quentin Griffen. 2 WR: Moulds, Charles Rogers, David Givens? 1 TE: Winslow is my starter. Ben Troupe is backup. 1 K: J Feely 1 DST: Seahawks or Chiefs?
  16. I've joined the Bills pickem....
  17. Unbe-f*cking-lievable. Look - Kelsay being named starter doesn't mean squat right now. All preseason the Bills have inisted that Kelsay and Denney are a two headed monster at DE - they will split time in a pretty heavy rotation, as will Phat Sam, the Keg, etc. Does this mean that they too are busts?? NO!
  18. See recent TMQs for views on NFL contracts... The Schobel contract for "5 years for $23m" is moot. The fact that we managed to resign Aaron is huge! I am over the moon that we have locked up what promised to be one of the top NFL pass rushers for the future. I have found my new favourite player....
  19. No doubt Marv Levy would be my #1 choice of coach to swill a few with. The maybe Andy Reid or Mike Holmgren.
  20. I don't think TMQ has had his coffee... We'll never regress on last season. I think the whole organisation would give up if that happened and transplant itself to LA.
  21. Wow - even weather gets essay treatment from FFS... and there was me thinking his diatribes were reserved only for football!
  22. well bend me over and bugger me backwards... good going dude - sweet... B) what are your sources?? how did you get the job?
  23. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: seriously? you are their bills correspondent???
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