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nick in* england

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Posts posted by nick in* england

  1. What I think is dumb is the current trend to buy ridicuous caps with huge brims - them keeping that brim as flat as possible while not removing the stickers or labels - THAT knock 200 off a persons IQ when I look at them.


    I know this is a really 'street' thing to do. But 'street' is rapidly becoming a psedonym for 'assinine'.

  2. Marv Levy knows a lot about other stuff besides football. Each week, Levy will touch on a non-football topic as part of his column/


    Today I will discuss an item of great unimportance. About 10 years or so ago, I saw a young fellow wearing his baseball cap with the brim facing backward. I chuckled. Now there, I thought, is a person with a sense of humor. What a clever, original and harmless little bit of stagecraft. It's like he's saying, "Look at me! Ain't I funny?" It was so cute that others soon adopted the gambit. Then people who never had an original thought in their lives said, "Duh, me too!" and copied. Today, whenever I see one of those backward hats walk into the room, I no longer chuckle. Instead, I just roll my eyes, and then I deduct 15 points off of the guy's IQ score.



  3. What does the desert have to do with hockey anyway?????



    Exactly!! and welcome to the board... B)


    The whole American NHL coverage forgets that in Canada, the NHL is a huge deal - the biggest deal there is. People go in droves to see Canadian teams play - and HNIC is one of the most watched TV events on the schedules.


    The problem with Hockey interest rests solely in the US - and as a result - a draw down on the number of US teams would be no bad thing.

  4. Madden 2005 is not the improvement I had hoped for. While I like the franchise improvement - it still needs tweaking and the gameplay has suffered along with graphics. I mean - DL make leaping tackles of 15 yards to make it harder on the O... grrrr

  5. I started with Bills sites on the web back in '97. Feeling like an outsider being in the UK I lurked on a few forums and finally registered to TSW early on. I didn't post much. and when I went to uni my posting slipped to nil until I returned to lurk in about 2000. I don't remember why I registered again in Sept '01 - I think on 9/11 I wanted to be a part of a US community again feeling out of touch in the UK (it was all so melodramatic over here). The rest is history...

  6. Actually, that is exactly the kind of block that Ruben excelled at.  He is a textbook pulling guard, and he does a beautiful job at that and that only...when he doesn't pull too early (before the snap).  I've been noticing that most times I see false start called on a guard (including our current guards), he's moving in such a way that might indicate he's pulling on the called play....anybody else notice that?


    Yup - and as a guard myself - you want to get out of the blocks fast when you pull cos you've got a long way to go. When I false start it is 99% on a play where it's a pull/trap... Also - you are generally back on your heels a little more to help get turned, so that makes you more unstable...

  7. Since this team's offense can't score anyway...


    Every time we get the ball, we punt on first down... unless we are in FG range, then we kick the three.  It's up to the defense (and special teams) to score TD's.


    Of course, with this sytem, we will fire all the big money duds on offense.  Just think how much salary cap freedom this will give us to beef up an already stout defense.  We will be far and away the most dominant defense of all time.  Also, we invest in a couple superburners for kick returns.  All we need is approximately one TD per game from our defense and return game.  That, and a couple field goals resulting from turnovers in the opponent's territory.


    This way, we could win 10 to 12 games per year with scores like 12-7 or 10-9.  You get the picture.




    Quick kicks and punting on first down has to be the answer!!!


    Love it!! :o

  8. What the holu fu ck is a colonoscopy?


    Is this the sort of thing that happens in prison?



    It's a scope of your bowel and lower intestine. The only way to get there is through the ol' poop shoot with a long tube. It has a camera attached to the end. Don't worry, you'll have one sooner or later....


    Jesus Wept I hope not

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