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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. Well said. Jake is morally right, but defiance puts the NFL in a hole it could find widening and deepening by allowing this sort of tribute to carry on. Call me cold hearted, but the NFL has honoured Tillman and respected his memory. We won't forget, and nor will Jake, but I think Jake is wrong to defy the NFL and they are right to fine him. Rules is rules.
  2. My cat was put down yesterday. She was 17 and really well, until a few weeks ago she got a weird cough, so whent he vet had her in yesterday to x-ray her chest he saw a massive tomour in her larynx and didn't bring her around. She's been my comfort since I was old enough to have a pet - when I was 7 years old. She was a cranky old girl who wouldn't do much except slouch around the place a malt everywhere. But she was a sweetheart deep down and I will miss her. She was our family cat and she will be missed. My own cat - my parents got me when i was 16 - was the funniest little guy you ever met.. Jet black. Big ears. Big voice. A real tearaway in the field out the back of our house and a real ladies man (despite having no nuts ). I discovered him run over one morning on my way to school on 2 February 1998. He was 3. I still have his ID on my key chain and to think about him always makes my cry. So this message is one of love for Tinkerbell and Hook. Gone, but not forgotten.
  3. Interesting thought - and worth at least some consideration. But I don't buy it. I am sure that TD felt like he knew a little more about MM than CW or RC and felt that MM could bring in a O package that TD was more comfortable with over Weis (e.g. Tom Clements and the promise of Sam Wyche)... Drew has virtually no say IMO over what happens front office-wise any more than any other player...
  4. Does it bug anyone else that injury reports are not descriptive? for example: What about the back on Pucillo?? What type of injury is it? Did Villarrial eat some bad chicken?? Is Milloy out with his forearm cos the last 12oz curl went badly wrong? just frustrates me that they are not detailed in any way.
  5. 11:03 - JP burps and a little vomit comes into his mouth. He swallowed it and it did not appear to hamper his recovery from a broken leg sustained in Training Camp. Losman was the 23rd...... blah blah
  6. Shitballs i am getting a little sick of the over zealous JP reporting.
  7. NFL.com see game preview it's true
  8. or pants with one leg rolled up
  9. this is true
  10. Yes - in the snow bowl... He came on to replace Ray Lucas....
  11. What I think is dumb is the current trend to buy ridicuous caps with huge brims - them keeping that brim as flat as possible while not removing the stickers or labels - THAT knock 200 off a persons IQ when I look at them. I know this is a really 'street' thing to do. But 'street' is rapidly becoming a psedonym for 'assinine'.
  12. Jags are 3-0 - can't bee that crappy...
  13. good point. well made. [tumbleweed]
  14. Sundin Khabibulin to name just two players who would be excluded if that rule was enforced. dumb idea.
  15. I saw him picking fluff from his navel on the sidelines....
  16. Lee hasn't proved he can catch in the NFL yet.
  17. Exactly!! and welcome to the board... B) The whole American NHL coverage forgets that in Canada, the NHL is a huge deal - the biggest deal there is. People go in droves to see Canadian teams play - and HNIC is one of the most watched TV events on the schedules. The problem with Hockey interest rests solely in the US - and as a result - a draw down on the number of US teams would be no bad thing.
  18. I can think of 5 teams from the get go that would be canned ahead of the Sabres. Phoenix Columbus Minnesota Nashville Carolina Get rid of these teams. It helps consolidate the NHL more in Canada where the bigger interest is. Then, contract the schedule to maybe 72 or 65 games - make playoff games best of 5, not 7 - and the wildcars are best of 1.
  19. Nahh - award us the Super Bowl now.... B) I am drunk
  20. Hey I am with ya... In Drew we trust.
  21. Madden 2005 is not the improvement I had hoped for. While I like the franchise improvement - it still needs tweaking and the gameplay has suffered along with graphics. I mean - DL make leaping tackles of 15 yards to make it harder on the O... grrrr
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