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nick in* england

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Posts posted by nick in* england

  1. Does anyone else think that without our all-overpaid linemen in we might get some heart on the line on the line.... These boys are well overpaid for the quality of play - they seem content to trot out and block noone as long as they get their cheque each month.


    Maybe with the replacements in we'll be better.


    Now CB and SS is s different matter. Come back Lawyer and Troy!

  2. Tom Donahoe - although he's made mistakes, he is an NFL GM.  So lets give him the benifit of the doubt, because he can't possibly be THAT stupid, can he?  He couldn't have drafted McGahee without the possibity in mind that he wouldn't play for 2 years, right?


    Are you trying that positive affirmation garbage??? It won't work. We are billsfanone.


    billsfanone I tells ya.

  3. Is that the Palmer way too?  How's he doing this year?  What about Manning, he did pretty well his second year after starting his first?  Not to mention, Vick still hasn't developed into a QB, if it weren't for his feet (which he didn't learn to use sitting on the sideline his first year) he's be an average QB right now.


    My point is, there are different ways of bringing QBs along.  You can point to the successes and failures of both.  I don't think starting JP the last 5 or so games of this season could do anything but help the kid get ready for next year.  There would be no presure on him as our season will be shot by then anyway and our last 5 oppenents appear to be pretty weak.


    And I'd also disagree with the QB scrambling talent effecting sack outcomes.  With the exception of Drew, the league leaders in sacks the last few years have almost all been scramblers...Vick, Culpepper and McNabb.


    So in summary it is a crap shoot. and it may work to bring him in now or it may not.

  4. Henry is not a bad blocker, is a great runner, and is not bad at pass catching. We could have had a much better day if we had given him the ball more.  We have a line that cannot pass block.  We have a qb who cannot scramble and get a pass off.  We have receivers who cannot hold onto the ball.  We can run block.  What should we do?  How about RUN the BALL?  If you can't do anything else...do what you CAN do. Actually benching him and saving him for next year might not be a bad idea.


    Our OL held up quite well... But this is not the 1950's and you cannot run 90% of a game. I believe (somebody find the stats to prove it) that we run more often than we pass anyway - and that's what you are advocating, right? If my instinct is correct, then we are already playing to Travis' skill.


    Henry IS a bad blocker. He is an AVERAGE pass catcher. He is a good runner. Drew can't get a pass off on many occasions because Travis is frequently allowing gentlement past him like he's a revolving door not 200+lbs of muscle and football equipment.

  5. People need to get off this McGee bandwagon.  He's a hell of a returner and he does have a knack for being around the ball on D...but he got burned more times yesterday than anybody not named Coy...and that TD he allowed was just awful.  If Vincent is healthy McGee shouldn't get anywhere near the starting lineup.


    Fair enuff

  6. I want to interject a little. 


    Did anyone see that great play by Dillon where he knocked a blitzing Posey on his butt, then slid out and caught the swing pass for a 10 yard gain.  That is what we miss.  That was a pro level running back showing what is required. 


    Honestly someone, point to a time in TH career where he ever did that.  Most other "playoff" caliber running backs can do that.  Look at Dillon, James, Smith, Mccallister, Holmes, even Barber,  etc...  these guys do this type of play weekin and weekout.


    You see - our problem is with the Travis apologists... They need to be enlightened. Maybe we could all take turns to do a 7 step drop back facing a blitz and have travis in to block. That would shut the apologists up - they'd be unable to speak for weeks as the picked themselves and their teeth up off the turf.

  7. I hear both sides of the argument but I can't help but think that Travis is a big-time player who comes up small when it REALLY counts.  I have the same opinion of Bledsoe and Moulds.


    I can't wait til the Losman-McGahee-Evans era starts, because at least with them there's the potential for future improvement.  The three guys we have now ... what you see is what you get.


    So true - Moulds needs to go come the end of the season. he is in decline - i just hope he goes to the NFC and rekindles his career.


    Jennings and Pat Williams are gone at the end of the year and The Keg will be retired soon enough.


    We are on the verge of a completely new era in Buffalo Bills football...

  8. Its similar, except for only about 100 things, including having a guy like Doug Flutie around who sparked the team


    But we do have McGee and McGahee...


    I think these two could provide a spark given the chance to start. And Milloy can do some damage when he is back...

  9. 98 yards...4.1 carry.  Geez...I can think of 21 OTHER players who are more to blame for this record.  And most significantly the COACH and GENERAL MANAGER.  Trade Henry...we don't know what to do with a playoff caliber running back.


    His running is NOT the problem and I don't contend that he is a poor player based on is rushing skills. But more critically, he has blown important blocks that have landed Drew in dire trouble.


    It's his attitude to blocking that stinks - he'll do it when he can be arsed, not when it is needed. He wanted to be #1 - so play like a #1. Like my example with Westbrook - he was give the chance to shine in the absence of the other RBs in Philly, and he brings his A-game with the rushing, and the catching and the blocking. Can you honestly say Travis is doing the same?

  10. Let it rip Nick. Nobody said anything when Henry was complaining with his little "play me or trade me" rant. If you're going to talk the talk, walk the walk.


    Exactly. That boy wanted the world. So we gave it to him and he decides that maybe he'll get 45% of the playbook executed - and leave out the bits he doesn't like - like blocking.


    You can't demand to be a #1 and play 95% of the game when in reality you'll come out and play 65% of the game or less. Being a running back is not about blazing past defenders and scoring 60 yards TDs. Someone wants to remind Travis that he's only a great back because he's had guys in front of him doing some blocking. He needs to return the favour.


    As TMQ says: 'It's pretty fun to run when every gentleman in front of you has been knocked down."

  11. I can't wait unitl Willis plays so we will have a new whipping boy. Jesus this team has nothing but complainers for fans. 


    Look - Travis CANNOT block. He consistenly screws it up. And don't we have a right to complain after losing 3 ugly games???

  12. Its hard not to love this guys motor, he hits and is a tackling machine, but in terms of football smarts, he is killing us.

    -kicking the football

    -Taking the ball away from kick returners and returning it himself

    -2 personal fouls in the first 15 minutes (even if one wasn't deserved, it still happened)

    -Fumbling the ball out of the end zone.


    It was this last play that really, to me, exposes his greatest weakness. On that play he reached backwards with the ball in an attempt to break the plane of the goalline stretching the ball into the air. As he was doing it, he gets hit and fumbles away the game. If he had simply gone down and let the offense back on the field, the play COULD NOT have been reviewed, because the Pats were out of challenges. The part of the play that annoyed me the most was him getting up and celebrating even after he saw that the ball had crossed the end line. Was he celebrating the fact that the Pat's were getting the ball back? NO. He was celebrating the fact that HE got a fumble recovery for his stats. I just don't see a smart player in that situation taking the risk of stretching for the end zone, backwards, with the ball now on the three and your team down by 7. Each one of the four points above show us (week-to-week) how the came to London, is about London, not his team.


    ...and that's why I hate players like Fletcher. He is such an attention seeking whore at the expense of everything else. He may be a good LB but he constantly pisses me off by being a show off. Just play the freaking game and win it.


    Spikes suffers from a similar thing - the showing off i mean - but at least he is a consumate pro on the field.

  13. :D


    Cablelady and I saw JP after the game.  He is wearing regular sneakers and no limp.


    The biggest positive is Brian M.  Our MVP is a punter but suck a great player.


    There are only 8.5 months til training camp. :angry:  :doh: that was a joke. Not funny but what the heck.


    Lawyer is back in two weeks


    Cindy - if that's all we got to be positive about I know we are in trouble... :(:doh:


    :lol: Go Bills :)

  14. Or like a Joe Gibbs.  He's known as a solid coach that runs disciplined teams.


    Of course, the Redskins are getting killed by the same types of stupid penalties that are killing the Bills.  And come to think of it...Jim McNally had the reputation as an effective offensive line coach, and the penalties we're seeing are way out of proportion to his usual efforts.  It starts with the coaches, for sure, and I'm pissed that Mularkey hasn't managed to rein this team's stupidity in (hell, just kicking Fletcher's ass would be a big improvement)...but I can't help wondering if there's something more to the problem than can be answered by a simple "Parcells' teams don't do this" statement.


    Look - i am merely hypothesizing that when we inevitably end up with a new HC in a couple of years time, I think we should go with a tougher coach. I'm not saying that Parcells or any other coachs team does this or doesn't do this - but with all the silly penalties and stupid remarks made to the media by our players, it would be nice to see some discipline installed into the team.


    Don't belittle the point by over simplifying it.

  15. So which type of HC do you want or do you not see any difference here?


    Like you say - I don't necessarily want them, per se, but rather a type of coach that breeds the killer instinct and loyalty to coach and team and gets results. Parcells is clearly the model, but Coughlin looks good right now too...

  16. I am sick of the Bills losing.


    I am sick of the fuggin NFL commentators in the UK dribbling on about the fuggin Pats.


    I am sick of work right now.


    I am sick of my ankle injury.


    I am sick of Travis Henry.


    I am sick of my fantsasy team.


    I am sick of not being paid enough.


    I am sick of England - i want to move abroad.

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