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nick in* england

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Everything posted by nick in* england

  1. Well - firstly because if he is motivated properly it will increase his value in FA for both him and us. It does neither party any good to have his as a below average backup - and his previous performances for us deserve better than this... (think back to last season) Secondly - i hate when Travis trots in for one play. It's like the coaches are going 'hey look here's our former #1 RB, he must be going in to run it right? haha - no - we tricked ya we're going to pass.' But that's pointless because the D knows we'll pass, and they know Travis can't pass block - so we are almost giving the D a free sack or hurry. If we used him in a more expansive roel - he would be harder to guage.
  2. He had J. Smith on his jersey last week... hang on i'll find a link,,,
  3. I can't be too harsh on Travis Henry. After all he's been benched and his time in Buffalo is clearly limited. His play appears half hearted, mostly because of the unimaginative way that the coaches have decided to use him. It can't be that much fun to trot on to the field 5 times a game to do nothing more than run a draw play that everyone knows is coming and then do some pass blocking when you are used to starting and being a fan favourite. The man has 'checked out' - so I am going to let him slide and wave him goodbye come the end of the season. My one true wish would be for the coaching staff to further reinvigorate the offence by using Travis and Willis together in the backfield. I'd like to see double screens, true playactions passes to one or the other out of the backfield, draw plays with one of them split wide to confuse the D... that sorta thing. I reckon it could be a turning point for the O if we make this happen.
  4. Thank god no one in my family is all that bothered by Thanksgiving... and that I am in the UK - it's an excuse for me to eat too much, drink a ton load of beer and watch football on a worknight!! I couldn't be doing with all this family nonsense - it's bad enough that I have to deal with the inlaws at xmas...
  5. Sounds like I need to get some film of this game.... I love it when the DL dominates!
  6. What have y'all got planned for Thursday?? I convinced the good lady wife that we should go to an awesome American BBQ house up in SoHo - Bodeans BBQ (www.bodeansbbq.com). If any of you visit London make sure you stop by - their ribs are incredible...! So we sit down for a full Thanksgiving 3 course meal at 4pm (cheap too!! only £18.25 each) - got two hours to eat while we watch the pre-game shows then we head back upstairs to the bar to grab all of the games that start at 5.30pm over here. I'm so stoked - the Mrs never likes to watch football in the week - so thank goodness for Thanksgiving and the promise of a great feed...!
  7. Clearly I am my favourite poster. Followed by the poster I used to have on my room at Uni of Yasmin Bleeth.
  8. and a patriots thong.... HB NG
  9. they all are can we get back to football now?
  10. this blatant post padding is against the rules of TBD... NG.... Mr Data - make it so....
  11. Same here - only 24 and it's a pretty poor show...
  12. anyway - i don't think you are so bad ICEman... but it was a lame look at me post...
  13. just to rile ya
  14. surely you could just put this in your profile data without creating a 'look at me' post? it's bad enough that someone else is doing that job for you...
  15. sorry - but that is uncalled for. for that ICE you get this from me :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  16. We are really lumbing the depths of desperation with talk of trading Eric Moulds. He is a Buffalo Bill and should retire as one. He is the only link on the playing staff to an era where we knew how to win. I for one wold not like to see him go. He is the strength of our WR corps - losing him means less chance for Evans to succeed when he's single covered cos EM is doubled... What are the strength of our O right now?? A formiddable rushing attack and quality starting receivers. Lose one or both of those and our O is a bunch of hoods in football uniforms. We may have problems at QB, OL and TE - why make troubles worse by giving EM away before his time??
  17. seems like drew is giving out little bonuses to the front office for each start he gets... man they must like to have their poles smoked
  18. Thats ok (what did i do?)
  19. a little similar i suppose i'd have to check tho
  20. No - I am having a stevestojantty day too - so i'm praying for everyone else to have a bad day too.
  21. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  22. oooohhhhh - much clearer... thanks!!
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