You know what - ALL football players moan when they get cut. stevestojan HAPPENS!!
When I play football I cut guys ALL THE TIME. It gets them down and out of the way and they think twice about how you are going to hit them on the next play. Normaally guys will get right back up again and start bitching at me cos I cut them.
Being cut is not a good feeling... One moment you are running along with glorious visions of blowing up your man, or making the big tackle/block and the next thing you know you have a mouthful of dirt. It's not nice and it hurts your pride - so well all get up and B word about it and threaten the other guy.
Welcome to the world of playing football.
Martz shouldn't make such a big deal about it - not should Holt... But in truth after that guy broke his leg earlier in the season on a chop block, cutting is in the coaches/media spotlight to try and ban it. See the Denver example - Mike Shanahan had to sit down with a bunch of hacks to PROVE to them that it is not just Denver that utilised the cut block. It is a fundamental of football - and SHOULD NOT be outlawed.
Football is a collision sport. People will get injured. Players are taught from a very early age that the best way to hit a guy is to hit him so hard hes injured and can't play. While nobody should go out with the intention to injure, if in the course of a game somebody does, we should not seek to outlaw certain KEY ELEMENTS to avoid natural accidents.
In summary. It happens. Guys will B word. Thats football.