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Everything posted by cusebob

  1. Colts have a boring offseason every year. If there was enough talent here, we wouldn't be ready to leap off the Skyway after 36 hours of FA. There will be good bargains to be had. Bills will land some solid player. Relax. Go out and enjoy the sunshine.
  2. Not even the worst GM in Bills history, but you'd probably have to be older than 12 to realize that. My vote would be Pat McGroder. Poor bastard got booed mercilessly when Ralph decided he had to go on the wall. Marv wasn't a GM. The mistake was the Bills for asking him to step into the position. And even if he were the worst in the history of the NFL, anything he did as a coach would certainly trump that fact. Marv helped this organization achieve the only real sustained success it has EVER had. We're talking 51 years. Man deserves respect.
  3. Sabres, Notre Dame football, Red Sox, Celtics (occasionally).
  4. St. Louis is a bad town because the Rams suck? What the hell kind of logic is that? Don't get me wrong, I live and die with the Bills and Sabres. But that hardly seems like a legitimate yardstick. Then again, if I had to watch the Rams ...
  5. Trent was a serviceable NFL QB, pre-concussion. Perhaps with the right coaching, he could reach that level again. Serviceable. I'd rather go with a young guy who has more potential than just serviceable. And I like Trent. He's bright and honest. Just seems like we've hit the ceiling there. PS: EZC, good to see the 'O' face
  6. But this won't happen in Ralph's lifetime. He's got the place in OP free and clear, which is no small feat in today's NFL. It appears the Rams will have to upgrade their dome to keep the team viable. I guess Goodell makes a fair point here. Updates in Buffalo are pointless. There are fewer and fewer businesses that can gobble up suites or boxes (I believe we are the only NFL city with no Fortune 500 companies. GB has two.) A shrinking population. I realize some of them have simply relocated to elsewhere in Erie County, but many have dashed off to warmer climes. And any number of community needs greater than a $600-plus million football stadium (and this is from someone who believes the loss of the team would be a death knell for an area struggling to get back on its feet). Part of me wishes the NFL would just put a team in LA already so that we can see which legitimate NFL markets remain. Toronto? OK. San Antonio, perhaps but that's college country. My point is that East Coast/Rust Belt cities are quick to cough up cash to support private enterprise at the first mention of relocation when Oakland, San Diego, San Francisco all play in badly outdated facilities.
  7. Jauron missed out on job at Princeton, I believe. He went to Yale. Good guy. Probably a good coordinator. Too many brain cramps in critical situations.
  8. Sean Connery: I'll take "THE RAPISTS" for $400, Alex. Alex: That's "therapists."
  9. Didn't Flutie make the Pro Bowl and lead the team to the playoffs??? Didn't Bledsoe pass for over 4,000 yards?? I know it's the Bills so everyone and everything ever associated with the team sucks, but these guys both played well (at times) while they were here. Edwards is probably not the answer, I agree with you there. But he did occasionally show signs of promise before being knocked silly at Arizona.
  10. Ruben Gant. Couldn't catch a cold.
  11. Remember, they're always louder when they stand. I'll keep the tickets, thanks. When this thing finally turns around, and it will, I'll be glad I did. Why is it so hard to understand that the gameday experience, the tailgating, the hanging out, the energy when the team gets introduced, the hope that, maybe this is the week, is really what keeps people coming back. That's a buffalo on the side of the helmet. It represents me, my father, uncles, cousins, everyone who has every rooted for this team through the years. Kay Stephenson couldn't change that. Neither could Hank Bullough or Mike Mularkey. Why would Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey be the final straw??
  12. No Rooney rule for GMs and I don't believe there are any minorities in those positions. The league is 70-plus percent black. The rule makes a whole lot of sense, as far as I'm concerned.
  13. Does Wade get whacked if the Cowboys lose? That's the only scenario I see that Cowher might be willing to wait for. Of course, that would mean butting heads with Jerr-UH every day. Jimmy Johnson couldn't do it. Switzer, Wade ... guys have been yes-men. BTW, Jason Garrett has fallen off the map, hasn't he??
  14. "if there were more than one newspaper in buffalo ..." Ahh, that old chestnut. List for me please the cities that have more than one paper, not counting megalopolises such as Los Angeles, New York and Chicago. I can wait ... I'm not the biggest Sully backer around, but he's paid to stir the pot. It would appear the pot has been stirred.
  15. He's not a beat writer. He's a columnist and therefore paid to have an opinion. You can choose to agree or disagree. Mark Gaughan and Allen Wilson are the beat writers. They rarely offer opinion (except maybe on their live chats). As for the "going national" stuff, that gets a little old after a while. Could it be that, like so many of us, Sullivan has grown to like to community and its people and has no desire to go anywhere? Good people leave the News every day to go to New York, Washington, etc. This may come as a shock, but many hardcore newspaper people don't see TV as a step forward. The News pays well and he obviously has a following here. Tim Graham "made it big" and, last I heard, is moving back to WNY. Lastly, I don't get the crap most people spew when it comes to newspapers. I guess it has to do with the fact that most grown men beileve they can easily do Sully's job. That very well may be, but it's a 365-day-a-year operation. There are no weekends, no holidays. Someone is there putting out a paper. Every day. Your neighbors, people who live and work in this community and care about it as much as you do.
  16. Not necessarily so. Forbes list for 2009 showed that the franchise value went up, despite repeated 7-9 seasons. Toronto games have boosted the team's bottom line.
  17. I guess you'd have to set down your criteria, but just off the top of my head: Ron Jaworski Don Criqui Pam Oliver Ron Pitts Steve Tasker Any of the Papas Nick Bakay Daryl Johnston
  18. Not that any of this matters, because it really doesn't, but any reference outside of WNY is just Buffalo. Name was changed when the school joined the SUNY system. University OF Buffalo was private; AT Buffalo is SUNY. Oh so subtle, eh? Does the search for a replacement begin now or must the team wait until the season is over to accommodate the Rooney rule and interview whatever assistants they are eyeing?? I suppose if Ralph was backing up the truck for Shanahan, a deal could be struck tomorrow, right? Peace out, Tim.
  19. OK, I know we're in "everything sucks" mode right now, and rightfully so, but don't confuse the performance of the team with the performance of the fans. Every home game has been sold out. ALL tickets, ALL sold. Period. Whether or not people show is a different matter. Those red seats are folks who can afford to eat the price of a ticket and go apple picking on a sunny Sunday, rather than watch the Bills stumble around for three hours. I can recall a strike game against the Giants, defending Super Bowl champs at the time, that sold out before the season started. The game was on TV, even though about 6,000 people showed up. Soryy, JaxBills, those tix were all sold.
  20. I think Peevo put into words how I feel about the whole thing. The only title that will satisfy me down to my core is one for the Bills or Sabres. I've been a Red Sox fan since 1978. Ran home from school in time to see Bucky Dent's homer and then Yaz make the final out. Suffered greatly as a freshman in college when the Mets came back in Game 6. I felt a little sheepish rooting for them in recent years because it looks like you just jumped on in 2004. And Magox, I can't let you slide. Bills AFL titles in 1964 and '65 were at least worthy of mention. I know it's not like beating up on the St. Louis Browns every year on the way to one of those bazillion titles, but it's got to count for something.
  21. Just moved on AP wire, FWIW: Vote moves SoCal stadium forward Eds: APNewsNow. LOS ANGELES (AP) — The California Senate has voted to allow developers of a proposed 75,000-seat football stadium in the Southern California city of Industry an environmental exemption that allows construction to move forward. If signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the bill that was approved Wednesday on a 21-14 vote, would nullify a lawsuit by residents in the neighboring city of Walnut, who claimed that Industry approved the project without sufficiently reviewing its environmental impact. Officials with developer Majestic Realty Co. have said that they would begin approaching NFL teams about moving to the area when the current season ends. The developer’s list of possible targets consists of the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Buffalo Bills, the Minnesota Vikings, the St. Louis Rams, the San Diego Chargers, the Oakland Raiders and the San Francisco 49ers.
  22. Move out here to Syracuse. Bills games ALWAYS on TV. fixed. Syracuse is part of the home market. Therefore, all games are on as long as home games sell out 72 hours in advance. I feel your pain though. I lived in Albany for five years and the team was rarely on. Of course, those were some lean years in the late-'90s.
  23. I've been following this conversation and wanted to jump in. I just don't see how standing makes anyone a better fan than me. It doesn't make you louder. The players can't tell the difference. It's really just a pain in the a** to not be able to sit down for a few minutes and watch without missing the action. I work late Saturdays and then drive 2 1/2 hours to the game. (Just some background info, not a complaint). I love to do it. I'm a fan, born and raised in Buffalo, and I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be on Sunday. I don't get those who say the crowd was lame. I thought the noise level was good. That's where false starts come from. Still, in the fourth quarter yesterday, I was dragging (might have been the beer) and it would have been nice to sit for a series or two. I'm in 117, not the end zones, where I'd expect things to get a little rowdier. (I've sat there often and it can be fun). The folks behind me previously had seasons in the family section. The guys next to me had them in the 200s. Both asked if folks stand in this section all the time. I said that I didn't know, since it was my first time sitting there, too. I've been going to 3-4 games a year since moving to CNY, but decided to take the plunge this season. Telling an usher is a fine suggestion, but I've got 30-plus rows of standees in front of me. Truth be told, I don't mind standing for some of the game. I get swept up in the excitement like anybody else. But I'm 6-4. NOBODY for probably two rows behind me has a chance of seeing anything. And what about kids? My 12-year-old is 5-7 (apparently meeting the 5-5 requirement for standers), but my 9-year-old is not. They will occasionally be with me and I've paid for a SEAT for them. And a final note, there were handfuls of Seahawks fans who drove in from wherever, but nothing like the hordes that come to see other teams. The knucklehead factor for the Raiders game, for example, will likely be much higher.
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