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Everything posted by finn

  1. Thanks to whoever is posting the twitter videos. Much appreciated from someone "watching" online!
  2. This is the kind of asinine comment that keeps me away from this site for long stretches, until I start craving the excellent observations and insights also to be found here. So we need to be experts in building a roster to comment on how the Bills are doing with it? Or is it just that we all need to blow sunshine in every post? God, I hate fools like this. Engage your mind before you post, buddy.
  3. I'm most heartened by this post. Thanks very much. Even if he doesn't pan out, having the model of Cam Newton in mind (instead of C.J. Manuel) at least gives me hope, which is all we Bills fan really need.
  4. Troy Aikman pointed out that very few quarterbacks who were inaccurate in college have made it in the NFL. That got me thinking: are there ANY quarterbacks with Allen's low percentage (in a weak conference, too) who have made it? I'm genuinely curious.
  5. This has been said elsewhere and better, but to get it off my chest: How many "big-armed" busts have to be drafted on potential for "experts" to learn? Look no further than E.J. Manuel and J.P. Losman, for god's sake. We all know what comes next: "Give him time, he's still developing"; "It's the scheme, not him"; "he needs a better surrounding cast"; "it's the coordinator!" before finally, five years from now, "Maybe we can get a late-round pick for him from some sucker team."
  6. Like many of you, I've gotten my hopes up for every starting qb the Bills have had since Kelly: Collins, Losman, Edwards, Fitzpatrick, Manuel... the list is too painful to complete. Combine it with qb busts from other teams, especially the first-rounders, and it's plain that drafting a qb is a crap shoot. We have two first-round picks this year in a supposedly qb-rich draft. Why not use both on a qb? Take whichever of the Big Four drops to 12 (looks like one might) and take whoever drops still further--say, Lamar Jackson--with the 22nd. The stakes are about as high as they could be. You know the drill: we draft X, who shows promise! Ok, he's not great, but he needs time! Ok, he's had time, but he needs to be surrounded by better talent! A better D! A new scheme! And the years go by. This way, the Bills double their chances of a hit. Yes, it's asking for a quarterback controversy, but I'll take that over four years of "Just give E.J. a chance!" And if both (or all three) qb's look good, ship one or two away to get the picks back. Yet we know Beane is unlikely to do so. Why?
  7. Shades of Kelly going down in his last playoff game--against Jacksonville.
  8. Except the Bills, who gave up two first rounders plus a fourth for an injury prone receiver in the deepest receiving class in NFL history to move up eight spots. The rest of the league laughed then and they're laughing now.
  9. You're right. I'm just worried about the prospect of Trump being president and transferring it onto Ryan supporters. That's not fair. Apologies.
  10. Ah, reasoned discourse: another hallmark of the Ryan supporter. Mouth-breathers unite!
  11. Rex Ryan, the Donald Trump of the NFL. Deeply stupid, reckless and supported by millions of like-minded fans.
  12. This won't be a popular comment, but I find my interest in the Bills way down since Ryan took over. I think he will fail, but even if he succeeds I won't enjoy the success as much as I would if practically any other coach was in charge. It's like Trump winning the presidency. I love the Bills and will follow them regardless, but already I'm far less interested--and far more embarrassed for them than I have ever been. I won't claim he's incompetent, but I dislike his style so much that even my loyalty to the Bills is diminished sensibly by his rank presence. It sickens me that such a clown is associated with the team I've loved for decades.
  13. You sneer, but the NN of N were dead right last year, and they might be right again this year. But don't let that get in the way of your Sunshine. Rex is God, right?
  14. This helps. I think Rex is a true fool, but it helps to be reminded that the 2014 sacks and ranking don't tell the whole story. That defense still needed work. I still would rather have it than the mess Rex created, though.
  15. Typical response to anyone down on (i.e., realistic about) the Bills: attack the poster. Imagine how this board would have responded to an (accurate) forecast in August that the team would take a big step backwards under the Clown. Yet when the optimists predict glory, this board cheers them. Happens all year every year.
  16. This precedent isn't brought up nearly enough. The 2000 Bills had two excellent defensive tackles (Ted Williams and Pat Williams) with an effective pair of ends (Phil Hansen and Marcellus Willey). Gregg Williams, defensive genius a la Rex, walked in and blew it all up, and a team that had been one play away from the conference championship two years before never recovered. It's always the same story: scheme before players, even if the scheme is excellent already for the players. Worst case scenario for next year: mediocrity--"Hey, a few bounces and we would've made the playoffs!"-- meaning Rex gets still another year to bumble on, a la Gregg Williams.
  17. Miller has been one of the worst-rated guards in the entire league. He's a turnstile in the tradition of all the putrid left guards we've seen the last three years. Line play goes up noticeably when Urbik goes in. This franchise just doesn't get it about the O-line. We haven't seen an excellent or even good one since the Super Bowl years. Always it's other priorities. Glenn, Incognito and Wood are very good; the rest (with the exception of the adequate Urbik) should not be playing in this league. Guard and right tackle have to be the top priorities. With a line strong from left to right, we'll see results. Miller should be demoted to the practice squad.
  18. What's inconsistent? I thought the Bills could go somewhere with these two and that dumping both was premature (and I'm for dumping the Clown right now). So, yes, I'm rooting for them to go all the way. I'll never root against the Bills, but I'd love for Fitz and Gailey to stick it to this asinine organization. Plus, I'd love to see the Clown humiliated. Upshot: it's a win-win game for me Sunday.
  19. I agree. So many posters say flatly that Rex simply can't be fired. Others (maybe the same) say just as flatly that Mario is as good as gone. Neither has to be true, and in fact the best course is the reverse. It would mean not that the franchise is "starting over" but acknowledging its mistake and moving on. If Ryan is allowed more time to tear apart the defense, then we really will have to start over with what mess he leaves behind. Yet another coach bringing in yet another scheme. It's not too late to recover last year's defensive prowess and build on the progress the offense made this year.
  20. That's it. I don't think it's the money. $27 million sounds like a lot, but it's not in the context of the mega salaries in the NFL. No, it's the ego. Pegula is a new owner and doesn't want to look like a panicky novice, so he'll be inclined to go forward with the Idiot. But that is a mistake. Next year will be even worse, which makes firing the Idiot easier but doesn't do a lot for the team or its fans. What is truly awful is that Pegula probably knows this perfectly well, and he will likely go forward with the plan anyway. Another poster made a good call: To save face, Pegula needs this team and its fans to completely lose it: open rebellion against the Idiot. Only then can he say, "Hey, it's out of my hands." How do they get to be billionaires?
  21. We wish you well--in another city, another sport and another era. Please take Coach Blowhard with you.
  22. "Learning curve"? Don't you see the problem with that? This team didn't need a learning curve, not on defense anyway. Ryan made the Bills regress from excellent to mediocre. "Learning curve" my b****. The only blame rests with Coach Clown.
  23. Could it simply be probability? Depressing as the thought is, it stands to reason that, putting all the major-league sports together and giving it enough time, there will be at least one franchise that will whiff again and again, despite changes in ownership, management, coaching and personnel. The extremely improbable does happen. Unfortunately, it appears to be happening to our team.
  24. Injuries happen to virtually every team every year. Good teams figure a way to work their way through them. Bad teams use them as an excuse every year.
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