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Everything posted by finn

  1. The posters here trashing the Bills as loser, etc., would be the first to celebrate them as amazing, etc., if that last pass had been knocked away.
  2. I agree. It's a shame this amazing play--extraordinary thrown, extraordinary catch--will be lost in the Murray beatification.
  3. The end zone play reminds me of the playoff game last year. All the safeties had to do was tackle Watson, and they couldn't do it. All they had to do today was knock the ball away, and again they couldn't do it.
  4. Great game by both defenses--and great clutch plays at end by both offenses. That's the way it should be. I don't plan to go into the bye week brooding about coulda-beens and who sucks. I mean, it was a good game, what the hell.
  5. I gotta say, this defense is better than anything we've seen this year. They're putting pressure on AND stopping the run AND covering downfield AND tackling perfectly. Something has to be open, but Allen and Daboll aren't seeing it. (Probably Knox, who sucks.)
  6. Looks like it was intended for Knox. 1) ball through his hands; 2) penalty nullifying a big game; 3) possibly a lousy route (he definitely had one before when he curled INTO coverage). A real asset to the team.
  7. He seems like a pissy guy in general. Did you see the sour look on his face when the Cardinals kicker missed the last field goal last week? Josh Allen never would have reacted so peevishly.
  8. You mean two weeks. With the bye, we'll be living with the media (and fan) narrative for a long time. I hope it's a good one. I hate that lazy "good Josh/bad Josh" story line. So many people want him to fail.
  9. I was impressed that the Bills offense went from a very-run heavy game against the Pats directly to a very pass-heavy game against the Seahawk. Daboll is innovative and flexible, a dangerous combination when you're on the other side. I can see him keeping the Cardinals off balance with some new twists today, maybe bringing Dawson into the game in deep outs (and making him earn his pay finally; I bet he's desperate to prove himself). I'd say look for a lot of Singletary, Moss and designed QB runs today. I'd love to see some sweeps and screens, too, especially some more "Smoke screens." On defense, losing Wallace may be more of a plus than a minus, sorry to say. He has value as a nickel back, maybe in Tauron's role, but that's about it. Marlowe and Wallace are the real losses. Bad timing. I wonder if Jaquon Johnson will finally get his chance. He's very small but very talented.
  10. The Bills must really like this guy to keep him around. Does anyone know anything about him? There's not much online.
  11. The only time I saw Knox was when he whiffed a block on a safety blitz that ended up in a sack on Allen.
  12. Right. Long drive, mix in runs, time off clock, TD. Give the defense a rest. They're doing fine.
  13. I noticed he wasn't wearing the black compression harness last week.
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