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Everything posted by finn

  1. I missed that. Did anyone really call for dumping Allen? Now that would be a post to save. Can you find it? That person should have carry it as a mark of shame for the rest of their TBD career.
  2. Did you follow Kelly's Bills? There was just as much doom talk then after inexplicable losses. And there were just as many holes in those rosters as the current team has, especially the secondary. Of the players you list, I would take only Thurman, Bruce and Tasker (over Singletary, Hughes and Jones). Obviously, the Kelly Bills did more, but give the current team a chance. I have a lot of hope for them. I'm concerned mostly for the resiliency factor. That, more than superior talent, is what defined the SB Bills. Not sure if Allen's Bills have that quality yet. You get hit in the face. How do you respond?
  3. Well, the doom talk isn't willful, right? It comes from identifying with the team too much, so when they win we feel like winners; when the lose, we're losers. So the despair-talk, edged with anger and frustration, is all about our fear that we're losers, that we suck and always will suck. I wonder if the players know that the fan's applause and boos are not all about them. I mean, even at the peewee level parents aren't really reacting to and for their kids most of the time. It's still about them. The cool thing about being a fan of a national team is that you go through all these emotions with millions of people. Today we all suck.
  4. Yeah, at least we don't have to wait as long as usual with the bad taste of a loss in our mouths. I think they'll thump the Saints, but everyone will say, correctly, that the victory doesn't amount to much. A sound team can lose to a Jaguars team once a year, but the Bills really do not look good now. It's not just COVID and the missing players, nor just the refereeing or bad bounces. They just don't seem to have the mojo or team identity they had last year. The good news is that I can see it coming back in force. All it takes is a spark, like Taron returning the interception against the Ravens in last year's playoff game. Could have happened today, especially early. If (yes, big "if," but that's the point) McKittrick had broken that return for a big gain instead of fumbling, the Bills might have won, even in a route. It's a funny game. They were passive bystanders in the Jags game, and seemed oddly passive or apathetic today. Maybe being humiliated will galvanize them.
  5. I think this is right, except I still think Allen is special. The Bills are certainly not a dominant team, so let's walk that back. On the other hand, they have most of the pieces in place: QB, WR, and, today notwithstanding, defense. They're still better than most teams (so above average, not average) and they can probably beat anyone. On the other hand, pretty much any team can beat them, not a feature of great teams. What does this add up to? They will probably make the playoffs, where they're probably equally likely to lose the first game as they are to win at all. Look around the league: every team is flawed, including the ones at the top. Really, it will come down to matchups, weather, COVID, and luck.
  6. Need a one-technique D-tackle. And a WR, too. But I'm with you in spirit. Picking nothing but guards for all the rounds, and adding two more elite ones in free agency, would be deeply satisfying.
  7. I agree. It's like they're not hungry, or they expect someone else will step up. To be fair, the defense has been playing lights out all year. I think they're owed a dud or two in a season. But the offense is not doing well. Even when Allen had time to throw today he wasn't connecting much. Could be the weather in part. But you don't sense much urgency or caring. Is that on the head coach? Maybe.
  8. This is the best take on the game I've read so far. Admirably succinct, too. The first and third points are worrisome. I just hope Star and Edmunds can make up the gulf between their offense and our defense. And Allen refusing to play the Tom Brady role of short passes, being patient, has lost them at least two games so far.
  9. True. Every team has bombed games, including the Colts. Trouble is, with a loss today it will be a dogfight to even make the playoffs, and our next stretch is brutal. Do you see this team doing well against New England, twice? Me neither. They might muddle through, but it will be an ugly slog.
  10. Time to ban this idiot from the board. Stick to football, fool.
  11. I think a defensive back would do better in his place. Or one of the coaches. Or a fan from the stands. How could he be so bad? Is it psychological?
  12. You can't win without a OL that's at least mediocre. The sheer awfulness of this line is hidden by the quality players all around them. Without them, it would be exposed as possibly the worst in recent history. They shuffle between blowing run blocks, letting rushers through to the QB, and, when their teammates bail them out, they commit penalties to be sure the drive is killed.
  13. Right? After all those years in the wilderness, both before and after the Super Bowl years, it's just so sweet to have a truly good team.
  14. Actually, I've been a Bills fan since OJ Simpson shoved that snowball in the TV camera on Thanksgiving day, 1975. But thanks anyway.
  15. He wasn't commenting on your grammar; he was paraphrasing Inigo Montoya. You killed his father. Prepare to die.
  16. I wonder if the Bills would consider starting Bobby Hart AND Tommy Doyle. You would think two of them could do the job of one. It would mean no tight end, but at least Allen won't be running for his life all game. And maybe Doyle can catch a couple passes. Maybe I should go into coaching... 😁
  17. Could get much, much worse. Who else on the team quietly chose not to get vaccinated? Mongo? Knox? Davis? We could be seeing the same pattern every week for the rest of the season into the playoffs, if the Bills make them. The margins are pretty slim in the best of cases. Plus, not every player who gets COVID will come right back. Dawkins was in the hospital for like a week or more. But better to miss games, land in intensive care or even die in agony than risk a vaccine that may, someday, who knows?, have side effects. I read on Facebook that a guy's cousin developed a rash!
  18. Maybe they can have Gilliam and Tommy Sweeny play guard and tackle. Only half kidding. The Athletic just released grades on O-lineman, and Ford was rated dead last. Daryl Williams' pressure/sack numbers aren't as bad as I thought, but I'll never forget seeing him frozen in his stance for a full second while the Jaguars DE blew past him to sack Allen.
  19. So, to recap: Our left tackle is having the worst year of his career; our left guard is also playing poorly, but he's injured and has been replaced by a backup who's even worse; our center is playing relatively well (which isn't saying much), our right guard is mediocre at best; and our right tackle is out with COVID, so the replacement will be a) an extremely raw rookie, b) the aforementioned mediocre guard who is alarmingly bad at tackle and would in turn be replaced by a guard who may well be the worst in the league; or c) a inexperienced backup (Bates). This on a team with a superstar quarterback, a terrific set of wideouts, a rising star at tight end, a competent pair of backs, and the best defense in the league. In other words, a Maserati of a team with Walmart tires.
  20. I don't know about that. They're not immune to losing to bad teams any more than the Bills, Rams, Chiefs or Tampa Bay. I can see them losing two or three games to the Pats, Jags, Steelers, Dolphins, and 49ers.
  21. Interesting inflection point for the season. I thought the offense would be much better, and I didn't expect the defense to be this good. If they can play up to their potential on offense, maintain this level of play on defense, and stay healthy, they'll easily be the best team in the league and could run the table in the playoffs, top seed or not. At least they're not peaking too early. 😏
  22. Which raises an interesting question: Would you trade Bass for Teller? I say no.
  23. Fortunately, the Bills punt less than three times a game, tied for third lowest in the league. But he does seem to take his time punting.
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