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Everything posted by finn

  1. Yes, I was moving on to another point: That may be limping, but he's also not catching the ball when he should, quite apart from his legs and feet.
  2. I think it's Allen. Receivers are still dropping balls, blocks are still being blown. He's just a transcendent QB. I've never seen anything like this guy (yes, even Brady included).
  3. So he can't catch balls that hit him in the hands because he's limping?
  4. Agree. Just like an earlier drive--and a key drive last week--was killed by Cook dropping the ball.
  5. And a fast, breakaway back (Cook) who has dropped three passes in six throws in his career. What an impact player.
  6. Here's the plan: Allen snaps the ball, blocks the charging d-linemen, and snags the pass for a touchdown. Then he intercepts Jackson to get the ball back. This is a one-man team. Is there anyone else, besides maybe Diggs?
  7. The cupboard is bare on offense. We have only two blue-chip players, two red chip (Dawkins and, arguable, Morse), and that's it. Allen's talent has covered up the deficiencies up to now.
  8. The talking heads are already writing the lede: Jackson is the real deal, Allen is not.
  9. Normally, I'd say no big deal because, well, Josh Allen. But he seems off, his offensive line is playing like last year's line, and his receivers have taken a holiday. Oh, and it's raining.
  10. We might need to adjust our expectations back to 2019 levels.
  11. Ravens making it look easy, Bills making it look hard.
  12. The Bills are the better team in pretty much all areas, including coaching, so they should win. I would be less confident if the Bills were fielding last year's defense against the heavy, three-tight end offense of the Ravens, but Daquan, Rousseau, Settle and Basham have been great, and now Oliver is back. The Bills offensive line, though.... They really have to to turn that around, starting today. Saffold is playing like he's 60 and Brown like he's 13.
  13. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whenever this board discuss why the Bills lost, someone always trots out this bromide. The manly thing to do is soldier on! No excuses, men!
  14. I wonder if it was a mistake to cut Ford. Anyone hear how he's doing in Arizona? That would be rich, the Bills struggling at guard after cutting two good guards in Wyatt and Ford. (Although I noticed I had a hard time writing the word "good" so soon after typing Ford's name.) If Saffold continues his poor play, the Bills might consider putting Bates back at his more natural left guard position and put...uh... someone at right guard.
  15. No fun to lose, but this game is like the wind game against the Pats*: an aberration. If the Bills can only be beat under bizarre conditions like these, that means they have a terrific team. All those injuries PLUS the heat, PLUS playing an away game on a short week, and they lose by two after outplaying their opponent in all ways but the score. The stars had to align perfectly for an inferior team like the Dolphins to win, and by definition that is unlikely to happen again. So I'm not too upset about this loss. As many posters have pointed out, the team played their hearts out and showed a lot of resilience.
  16. First bad play calling from our OC I've seen. Two expected run plays that get stuffed, setting up a third and long below your own goal points. At that point you might as well run again and punt. It's like playing to your weaknesses.
  17. I'm going from memory, so take this accordingly, but as I recall he made two critical mistakes: allowing the winning TD in overtime against the Bucs by busting the coverage, and blowing covering in the famous 13-seconds debacle. Maybe his mistakes were few, but they were fatal. It's probably best he moved on.
  18. I'm sorry, but Allen is better than both these quarterbacks. In fact, it's not close.
  19. I enjoy imagining what it would be like for my team to be facing Josh Allen, let alone with a strong, balanced team behind him. Allen alone would make me anxious. I mean, what do you take away? His runs? His deep passes? His short passes? The (new) running game? It's like you're screwed no matter what you do, as the Pats* found out last year. So glad he's ours!
  20. I'd like to hear an analysis of how the Rams are playing Allen. Seems like they're taking away the deep routes. Any observations?
  21. The kickoff was bad, and McDermott is surely pissed. But let's keep some perspective. This is an excellent offense, and they'll score a touchdown in a half. The sky is not falling, especially with the offense playing lights out.
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