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Everything posted by finn

  1. I may be wrong, but I believe he always had excellent offensive lines, much like Mahomes. Rarely is this essential factor taking into account when talking heads--or anyone else, for that matter, compare quarterbacks.
  2. I know what you mean. Soft defense, one-dimensional offense, poor execution... Between injuries on defense, mediocre players on offense aside from Diggs and Allen, and an offensive coordinator who should be coach high school football, it's just a different team than they were at the beginning of the year. All the momentum is with Detroit now.
  3. To think they're playing the Lions. The LIONS! Can you imagine this team against a playoff team?
  4. Let's face it, this is a mediocre defense. They look like Houston.
  5. It's a frustrating defense to watch, but they really don't surrender many points.
  6. Wow. Seriously unimpressive, Bills. Three and out on offense followed by the defense allowing a long touchdown drive.
  7. My 3-year old niece knew that would be a run. Perfect place for play action, Dorsey.
  8. What balance? Diggs has more than twice as many catches as any other receiver. Dorsey is going to lose the Bills more games if he wants to continue this "balance."
  9. They really miss Beasley, or at least Beasley in his prime. He was a zone killer, and the Bills don't have anyone like that. If you take Diggs out, like the Browns seemed to, and there's not much left. A better run game will help, but Beane gambled that either McKenzie or Crowder could step up. Hasn't worked out that way. Like other posters here, I'd say it's time for Shakir, Cook, and Hines.
  10. I'd like to see the percentage of times Allen is under pressure. It seems he has someone in his face more than half the time. Been that way since his rookie season. Can you imagine his numbers if he had the time Mahomes and Brady routinely have? He has one quick look, then he's dodging a DE. Conversely, imagine Mahomes or Brady behind the Bills O-line. 😆
  11. I don't remember that. What did they change it from and to?
  12. I like what McDermott said about him (this from Lofton), that he has a new look in his eye lately, and that no one on the team has more turned it around.
  13. You'd think just once the Bills D would hold in garbage time. Maybe the philosophy really is "let them score as long as they run out the clock."
  14. No, it was after all the conversions on third down and Brisett's glacier-like release connecting time after time. I'm glad to say I'm not in pain anymore!
  15. More like the psychiatric couch. I can see how the pressure got to him. Pre-season MVP pick, he starts the season with a chip on his shoulder, which carried him a long way. But as soon as things went south, the full weight of living up to those expectations must have been crushing. So he presses, does even worse, gets hurt, which is distracting on top of everything else, and the wheels fall off. If I'm McDermott, I'd consider benching him for a game so he can get his act together.
  16. The Browns have a rookie corner and no catches for Diggs?
  17. I'm not worried about Dawkins. I'm worried about Dorsey, Davis, McKenzie, Knox, Brown, Saffold, and Bates. And Singletary.
  18. McKenzie and Davis are both having not just mediocre but downright bad years. Knox is taking the year off, so that leaves Allen, Diggs, and pocket change.
  19. 17% drop rate. That's crazy. Can Shakir really be worse? It's not like he can't match Davis' kindergarten-level route tree.
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