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Everything posted by finn

  1. Confirmation bias isn't the only phenomenon in play; there's also the Backfire Effect, which is when people respond to strong arguments against their position (e.g., the film showing Hendrickson rolling up Allen's ankle) by doubling down on their original position. They're MORE convinced than before (e.g., that Hendrickson is innocent).
  2. Allen constantly gets dinged for his turnovers. It's an inevitable part of the narrative now, even though he has just a few more than the other top QBs. Left out of most account are his rushing yards and TDs. You put them into the equation, and no one is his equal. I really, really don't get why everyone--even posters on this board--think Mahomes is the better QB. Allen makes all the Mahomes throws and rushes 60 yards a game. Should be the end of the discussion. My theory is that because Mahomes started his career in spectacular fashion, he is the default MVP. Quibbles like his throwing a pick to end KC's season last year, and a pick to end the game against the Bills this year, are ignored. Inconvenient facts.
  3. Is that what happened, or are you kidding?
  4. Ed Oliver: 6'1" 287 Aaron Donald: 6'1 285 I'll take tiny.
  5. Well, give the Dolphins credit. The sack-fumble was a nice play by the DE, the coverage on the Beasley interception was spot on, and that deep interception by Xavien Howard was impressive. They also shut down the run well and adjusted well after the first quarter, basically taking Diggs out of the game and making Allen rely on drop-prone Davis, a rookie, and two semi-retired has-beens, a smart plan. The Bills won because they're just better, sort of like the heavier guy ultimately winning in a fight. But it wasn't just the Bills being dumb; the Dolphins came to play.
  6. I said two passes, not one. I think you're underestimating the power of optics and narrative. If Davis catches the bomb in the Jets game, the Bills probably win, and the narrative changes 180 degrees, from "What is wrong with Allen?" to "Still MORE godlike throws from Allen!" And yesterday's performance goes from "Nice job from Allen" to "Did you see Allen throw THREE of the longest TDs this season--in ONE game?"
  7. Allen would be back in the MVP discussion if Davis had done his job and caught the ball in his chest. Four TDs, including three bombs? No one else does that. Davis also dropped the bomb in his chest at the end of the Jets game. Catch those two balls alone, and Allen might be the MVP.
  8. Haven't seen KC's schedule yet, but I bet they play Houston 17 times, all at home.
  9. The first two sentences could apply to most of the games the Bills played after the loss to the Jets.
  10. That might explain why he's never open, but did he need a healthy ankle to catch the eight balls he dropped this year?
  11. If he had been even pretty good, like, say, Emmanuel Sanders early last year, the Bills offense would really be something. Add a decent slot receiver (like Crowder) and they might have been a juggernaut. I don't understand why they're not benching Davis for Shakir
  12. If that bomb to Smoke had gone to Davis, think Davis would have caught it? Me neither.
  13. I'm ready to promote Brown and bench Davis. He's borderline incompetent.
  14. Maybe the coaches, since they've kept him on the benches since midseason? Beane and his scouts, not so much concern. Why take Tarik Woolen in the third round when you can take Elam in the first?
  15. And J.D. Williams, remember him? 4.2 speed and he sucked.
  16. It IS legal to run the ball, Ken. I mean, it's allowed in this league. Also, let me tell you about "play action."
  17. Ken Dorsey: "Great! Let's keep the pass-run ratio at 10:1!!"
  18. Always the long third down and let them make it. Rinse and repeat.
  19. And Daboll before him. Before every call, he's asking himself, "Should I throw for 18 or run for four?" And he feels validated by every big throw Allen makes and so wants it again and again. Until the sacks and punts start piling up and they fall behind and, you guessed it, HAVE to throw. If I'm McDermott, I lay the law down: Run it or get fired. Nothing else will get through.
  20. Not looking like a Super Bowl team so far. Soft D and a one-dimensional offense. One is bad enough, but you can't win with both.
  21. Is there a reason they're not running the ball? I don't see a loaded box or anything. Is it Dorsey addicted to sugar again?
  22. Do NOT throw to Davis or MacKenzie unless they're wide open.
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