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Everything posted by finn

  1. I've been neutral on Dorsey, but by now I have to agree with his critics. He's not innovative, he doesn't adjust, and he's predictable. This with a future HOF QB to work with.
  2. Why use play action when it's so successful? Surprise the Jags with an ineffective scheme, that'll screw them up.
  3. So is the Jags D really playing like the '85 Bears, or are the Bills sleepwalking? I mean, perfect play from them?
  4. So let me get this straight. The Jags are a) stuffing the run; b) pressuring Allen; c) taking away the deep pass; and d) stopping short passes for little gain. Adjustments, Ken?
  5. The Jags are well prepared, the Bills are not.
  6. Important drive for the offense. A long drive, even if it ends in a FG, will settle the team. Three and out would be very bad.
  7. More profitable to show 15 commercials and skip the replay.
  8. Allen's turnovers in the Jets game fits the media narrative. His playing lights-out does not. If any other QB, especially Mahomes, had his numbers, virtually every media figure would be putting him in the HOF. He'll have to play at an MVP level for another five games to change that story line, it's that entrenched.
  9. And likely not next year, either. Achilles tears take a long time to heal. He'll be 30 in 2025, so a few years left, but not many. A cruel blow to a good guy and great player. Tough on the Bills, too: a $16.6 million cap hit this year and each of the next two years.
  10. Greed will lead them to drive the NFL into the ground. Just a matter of time. To be fair, greed is what made the league...
  11. You might be right; I never heard that information before. Still, it's strange that in our culture "better" means "winning more" instead of "more talented," even if the talent isn't just potential but stellar production, plain for everyone to see. I realize I'm in a minority, but to me, "better" means "better," not "the one who won the most." For example, I think it's clear that Allen is better than Mahomes, even though KC fans will forever yell about his two SB rings. He's bigger, faster, stronger, and just as accurate and competitive. In short, he's "greater."
  12. Agreed. Easy to take him for granted, but, wow, what a player! He may end up being the GOAT if he continues on his current trajectory. He can do everything Brady could do and he's bigger, faster and stronger, along with having a much stronger arm. Brady was a better decision maker and certainly took care of the ball better, but now Allen is showing he can do that, too. We're living in a Bills golden age.
  13. It's hard to understand. The guy is huge. If he goes low on that lineman, he could have blown him up and stopped the play. What good is it to be 6'5 250 pounds if you play like a DB? Is he just soft?
  14. Did you see him run into his own man and both of them fall down. It's at 2:45 of the breakdown below. I wouldn't look for much from Kincaid until next year, or at least the latter part of the season.
  15. I don't understand why opposing teams haven't figured out that you have to take Diggs out of the game, even if it means single coverage on all the other receivers or rushing just four players. Same with KC and Kelce. By doing so, you're trading a sure way to lose for a probable way to lose. The talent level between Diggs and the JAGs, including the TEs, is, well, very different. If he's not checking down, Allen has to work a lot harder to get the ball to the non-Diggs receivers.
  16. Yeah, that's the usual argument. No disrespect intended, but it's lazy thinking. Are Jeff Hostetler, Doug Williams, and Trent Dilfer also better than Marino because they each won a Super Bowl? You have to take into account all sorts of other factors, especially the quality of the team around the QB, but also the coaching, ownership, the era (e.g., PI penalties), and how many healthy years he played. I'm not dissing Brady (although I despise his Marcia face), but having watched both him and Marino, there's no question, to me, that Marino was better. Put him on Brady's teams, let him play there until he was 45, and he would have won more championships.
  17. It helps to play until you're 57 or whatever he was. I still maintain he wasn't the GOAT. That title belongs to Marino or Manning, both of whom would have done more than Brady playing that many years with the talent he had around him, to say nothing about the cheesecake division he played in most his career (especially the Bills).
  18. The league doesn't have to be rigged from top to bottom for outcomes of particular games to be influenced decisively. All it takes is a wink and a nod, nothing that can be proven or even called out. Money or other rewards can be exchanged later. If I'm a congressman (god forbid), I would quietly urge the FBI to probe the matter at least on a preliminary basis. That field goal a few weeks ago by the Rams (I believe) in the last seconds when they were down a touchdown is Exhibit A.
  19. I don't know. There's a calm emanating from Allen the past two or three games I haven't seen too often before. He seems very much in control of himself and the offense. Even against the Jets he was taking what they gave him until he melted down. Ironically, he might have needed that meltdown to learn (or reinforce) the lesson that he doesn't have to do it all. My sense is that this is the version of Allen we'll see from now on, the same version we saw in the 13-second game. In short, the best player in the league, at any position.
  20. The one to Shakir was perfect and probably should have been caught.
  21. Is there a dumber penalty in football than lining up Offside?
  22. You get a sense the Bills are not going to score again, don't you?
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