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Everything posted by finn

  1. Not Bass. Not Knox. Not Brown. Not Dorsey. Not Davis. Oliver played well.
  2. Wow, it was like the Giants knew what calls were coming on offense. Dorsey walked right into the lamp post in this game.
  3. Yeah, but in the hands of a real OC, this offense could be so much better, that's the point. The offense is good despite Dorsey, not because of him.
  4. This. Can you think of anything creative, innovative, or just plain different that Dorsey has done since he became OC? He was given the keys to a Porsche, and he drives like a Ford Pinto.
  5. They could not have done worse if they ran every last play so far this game. They might even be winning. But, no, for Dorsey, it begins and ends with the shotgun.
  6. Occam's Razor. The most obvious answer is the most likely. Dorsey is not an NFL-caliber coordinator. McDermott hired an Allen crony, and they've been paying for it since then.
  7. The Bills are being embarrassed out there. They're playing at at home against a bad team suffering from the worst injuries in the league. There are no excuses at all. Can't blame the refs, the weather, even a fired-up opponent. They look like an overrated team, at least on offense. Is Diggs the only receiver on the team?
  8. This, just this, is the only way the Giants can win. You go into the half 3-0 or 6-0 and do the same for the second half.
  9. Still too early to judge, I think, but not a lot of urgency on either side of the ball. Maybe they think they'll win by reputation.
  10. Because he thinks it's now or never? And it's against his old team in his old town?
  11. Still a long way from the record 28-point spread the Broncos had over the Jags in 2013, but sizeable anyway.
  12. You think Bills fans are the only ones who react to losses this way?
  13. This game seems like a good opportunity to get back to basics on offense, especially running the ball and play action. Maybe Dorsey will finally give Kincaid some deeper routes, even 20 yards and beyond. I don't understand why he hasn't yet, when the potential payoff is so huge.
  14. I was just teasing. We did hear a lot of media figures pumping him up that first year. I recall which one--Nick Wright, probably--claim that Allen wasn't even the best QB in the AFC East (implying Jones was). That hasn't aged well.
  15. What about Mac Jones? Future HOF, remember?
  16. Not concerned about his age, although he might not be as mobile as he was in the past. But, true, he might just be out of practice. I hope so. Still, I'm expecting a savvy veteran who won't turn the ball over and can lead a few touchdown drives. The only way the Bills lose this is if they repeatedly turn the ball over themselves. Or if they're sleepwalking and let the Giants hang around in a low-scoring game. Daball might also pull out all the stops: going for it on fourth down all game, fake punts and FGs, trick plays, innovations, all-out blitzing. A desperate opponent is a dangerous one.
  17. I would rather face Jones than Taylor. Taylor may be not be a risk taker, but he's mobile and doesn't turn the ball over. I can imagine him dinking and dunking down the field against our replacement LB and DB. Jones seems much easier to confuse into a turnover or sack.
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