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Everything posted by finn

  1. The shaky part is weird, or maybe it has had multiple causes: the utter bizarreness of the overseas game; the multiple injuries; the "no running for you, Josh" edict; the injury to Allen... Truth be told, this team is really is not very resilient, the calling card of the Kelly-era Bills. They're a bit fragile, easily thrown off their game. The talent is there, even now. The question is, Do they have the character to pull it off?
  2. You know, if they lose tonight, no one will care if they beat the Broncos next week. Or the Jets the week after. It would take them beating the Eagles for the sporting world to start showing the Bills respect again. I'd like to say I don't care what the media and fans think, but it does make life more pleasant when the known world thinks your team rocks. And it's pretty miserable to see nothing but "Bills suck" articles and posts. In short, I hope they win tonight. 😁
  3. I'll settle for George Pickens in exchange for our first.
  4. I really don't have a read on this game. I was sure they'd win against the Jets. And the Jags. Thought they'd crush the Giants and the Pats. By the time Tampa came around, I wasn't sure what to think, and I'm still not. It's like 2019 all over again.
  5. Actually, I recall McKenzie saying something along those lines. The snow was slippery or something stupid like that. I remember being embarrassed by his comments, yet another reason I was glad they let him go.
  6. That doesn't sound like McDermott's way. He'll likely play him only after the bye.
  7. I don't see the Bills defense slowing down the Bengals offense. Burrows gets the ball off very fast and hits the soft spots in the zones very well, negating the Bills' strength, its pass rush, and exploiting its weakness, especially Dodson (when he's on the field), Jackson, and Taron, who has been uneven this year. They also can run the ball with Mosert, and it seems the Bills always give up at least two big runs a game. I have more hope on the other side of the ball. Their DC is impressive and worries me, but if Allen is on, he's allowed to run, and his receivers show up, this could be a very entertaining shoot out. Bills win in this case because Allen has more moxie, heart and sheer godliness than Burrow.
  8. Tre White was still coming back from his injury, so I'd say Douglas may even be better at this point. Pretty much the same age. Douglas is bigger. Nice job, Beane. Now bring back Harrison Phillips, and we can call it a day, even without a LB.
  9. Would you mind elaborating? What schemes lead to easier or more likely tackles? And why wouldn't the Bills use those schemes?
  10. Worth a second-round pick? (Provided we could sign him to a long-term deal.)
  11. I'm thinking that the Bills need to surprise the Bengals on both sides of the ball to avoid a blowout. The hurry-up pace Dorsey tried last week is encouraging. I hope they add more wrinkles. It's time to play loose, take some risks. Fake punts, QB runs, going on fourth down, power running, end arounds... This offense is thinking too much. They need to have fun--and stay one step ahead of the Bengals' excellent DC. On defense, maybe replace Dodson with Rapp or Hamlin. Put Rousseau at tackle. Activate the physically talented Elam to erase Chase. Something to flumox an increasingly confident team with momentum. But it's more likely that McDermott will want to stay conservative, kick field goals, play bend-don't-break ball, and hope for a close win. If he does, I predict a Bengals blowout.
  12. They are hard to gauge. But, objectively speaking, it's hard to be optimistic. Cincinnati is picking up momentum, fast, and the Bills look bewildered, still traumatized by the loss of Milano, Jones, and White, and unsure how to get its mojo back on offense. Best-case scenario (realistically): Allen is on fire, and the defense, while being shredded, gets one or two turnovers. Bills win by a hair. Worst case: a blowout on national TV.
  13. The Ravens are to the Bengals as the Jets are to us. Kryptonite. Ironically, we do better against the Ravens than the Bengals.
  14. Agreed, but the Bengals are charged with energy while the Bills are like a fighter who has gotten off the mat, shook his head a few times, and signaled to the ref that he's ok to go, sort of.
  15. Thank god it's rare. Thank god it's rare. Thank god it's rare.
  16. Purdy doesn't have the zip on his passes that Allen does, does he?
  17. He could turn it over 10 times and still be the MVP favorite and darling of the media. The narrative is set in stone: Mahomes can do no wrong.
  18. Kincaid looks like he might be an increasingly important weapon for the Bills. But next year, watch out. That's when he really might break out.
  19. Third game in a row the defense allowed the other team a chance to score at the very end of the game. Jordan Phillips, wow. He hustles, but last week he missed a key tackle, this time he commits a facemask on a fourth down sack. He's like the Knox of the defense.
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