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Everything posted by finn

  1. They can still win, but, damn, that is so ugly to let the Eagles take the lead. This is like the New England game.
  2. Two guys against one and they let the one guy catch it. Reminds me of the Cardinals game. When the stakes are highest, the Bills defense folds like tent.
  3. That was not a championship-caliber defense playing.
  4. Defense is playing like they've been on the field all day instead of the bench.
  5. Too blatant to call 25 penalties for one side on one for the other. Had to slow down.
  6. 14 points by a 9-1 team is perfectly fine. Not so fine was the Bills not scoring even a field goal on that last drive. Shades of Dorsey's last five games, where their efficiency was excellent but they couldn't score. They got to get over that on this next drive. Turning point coming up.
  7. With the refs eager to help the Eagles, the Bills just have to score at every opportunity. If it's close at the end, the refs will make sure the Eagles win, even if the Eagles don't really care very much, which seems to be the case.
  8. The refs considered calling defensive holding to wipe out the fumble but knew they couldn't get away with it.
  9. What, is the mob involved? Payoffs to the refs? This is truly outrageous. Ignore the horsecollar and call intentional grounding.
  10. I'd like to see a sweep here. Or a naked bootleg.
  11. Allen is playing well. Cook, Kincaid and now Davis have all dropped balls, while Sherfield was mugged.
  12. Yeah, but not when everything is being called against the other team.
  13. Ok, the refs are flag happy. So what explains no flag on that mugging? Who is going to defend the refs now?
  14. Are we talking about the same play? He went right at the guy who took two steps back and that was it. No impact at all on the play.
  15. Miller is a joke out there. I could rush like that. I mean, no moves at all, not even a bull rush? What is he doing besides taking space?
  16. The refs are saying to the Eagles, "Hey, we're doing our part. Meet us halfway, and we'll put this to bed."
  17. Agree. Murray is running like he's 50 years old.
  18. I missed the Cook drop. Was it a long bomb? Tough catch?
  19. How lucky are the Eagles? Mahomes hits his receiver in his hands, and he drops it. Allen hits Cook in his hands, and he drops it.
  20. It's that hesitation/shuffle that frustrates me. He weighs over 225 pounds. He should hit the hole like a freight train, not dance around as if he's nimble and quick.
  21. Third and two and they give the ball to the slowest running back they have. Great.
  22. I see these teams as pretty much even. Both very good in some positions and flawed in others. I would normally say Allen will be the difference, but that's assuming his receivers catch the balls he throws, which isn't a certainty, as Mahomes found out last week. After the debacles against the Jets, Patriots, Jags, Giants, and Broncos, all games the Bills should have won, my confidence is shaky. Put it this way: I wouldn't be surprised if they lost big OR won big. Weird season.
  23. What offensive line issues do they have? I thought they were solid from tackle to tackle.
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