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Everything posted by finn

  1. I saw this. Ingram rag-dolled Spencer Brown last time they faced each other, all 6-8 320 Ibs of him. Kept making impact plays all game. Why is he still available?
  2. Fair. I guess I'll never forgive Davis in the Jets game last year for dropping that absolutely incredible, once-in-a-lifetime throws by Allen, who, with a just-injured elbow and the game on the line, chucked the ball almost 60 yards, hit Davis perfectly in stride. It was the most clutch, jaw-dropping plays you'll ever see in any sport. Rarely do you see such magnificence from someone of our species. And Davis drops it. He just drops it. In retrospect, he should have been traded that day. Better a hole in the roster than a choke artist, no matter what his mamma says.
  3. He calls some of the most exciting plays and situations in NFL history the way you and I would describe unpacking the groceries after a long day at the office. "And now, here is the summer squash. And the milk. Not many people know that milk has 13 essential nutrients."
  4. Exactly. Davis has 39 receptions on 69 targets (56%). Compare to Kincaid's 61/72( 85%). With the game on the line, even Davis' mamma would throw to Kincaid.
  5. You know, no one has mentioned a particularly delicious scenario: the Bills win out, winning the division, and the Dolphins lose out, missing the playoffs and opening themselves to universal, well-deserved, and long-lasting derision. Heh. Would you mind summarizing his response to these questions?
  6. I had the same thought as the O.P. The article and ensuing brouhaha might have lanced the boil, so to speak, exorcising what might have been simmering resentment and helping to focus the team for the stretch run. (Sorry about the mixed metaphors!)
  7. I don't think you're alone. Between the Taylor Swift hype, their crybaby display this week, and just overexposure over the past five years, the Chiefs are no longer everyone's darlings. The talking heads will still be making excuses for them, and it will take a lot more to crack the Holiness of Saint Patrick, but it feels like the tide has turned. Baltimore is the darling of the AFC, and rightfully so; they're playing great. But watch out for Buffalo. That's a Cinderella story in the making.
  8. I was dying watching Hopkins. He would have been the difference maker on the Bills.
  9. If the Bills win out, do they have a chance to be the number one seed? The machinations are beyond my weak brain.
  10. Funny, I'm convinced the Bills will win out and the Dolphins will collapse, or at least lose to the adults in the room (Baltimore, Dallas, the Jets, and the Bills). They've been overhyped all year, a sugar-high team with no bottom, as they showed last night against the Titans. Of course, the Bills have been epic chokers this year, so who's talking. But at least they have a chance of figuring that out and turning it around, as they may have already. I'd rather be the team that loses to bad teams and beats good ones than the other way around.
  11. The question is, would they have won so much if they hadn't gotten so many calls in the past?
  12. Yes, you're right. I meant to say that he's could even better next year. If Beane can acquire a true WR2, the offense should rock with Diggs, Kincaid, and the new person, with Knox and Shakir playing the role of good backups. But that's a big If. What keeps me up at night is Beane giving Gabe Davis a big contract.
  13. Which means Knox staying in to help, reducing his effectiveness and along with it the whole team's. Spencer Brown: the gift that keeps on giving.
  14. The Bills led the league in drops last year, a fact that didn't get half the attention the Chiefs are getting for their dropped passes this year. The Narrative at work: Mahomes the messiah heroically struggling to make up for his teammates' incompetence. The Bills' drops last year? Crickets. The fact is, both Mahomes and Allen have just one quality receiver and otherwise a bunch of meh. I keep thinking how different the Bills would be today if Beane had drafted Pickens instead of Elam last year.
  15. Agree. That play should be on all the highlight reels, as should the Allen juke that broke the ankles of that DB. All the attention in the game is going to Mahomes' meltdown.
  16. The way he found was blitzing constantly, which begs the question why didn't Allen, Brady, and/or the receivers adjust? In the second half, they were blitzing AND Diggs seemed double covered (and dropped the ball when he wasn't) AND no one was open. Of course, Cook mysteriously wasn't on the field, so our hottest hot receiver wasn't available, but where was Knox, Kincaid, and Murray? Incidentally, was Murray benched after his inexcusable fumble? Or does McDermott reserve that punishment for only effective players?
  17. Is there any reason the Bills (or any other team) can't sign Araiza? He might not be an accurate punter, but neither is Martin, who is more expensive that Araiza would be and doesn't have nearly as strong a leg.
  18. Did they assign that crew to another Eagles game?
  19. Agreed. He had multiple people in his face the entire second half. Looked like last year's pressure.
  20. Fair question after all the heat he's received all week, including from me. Give him credit. I thought he would play prevent (the win) defense. He didn't.
  21. Does anyone know who Mahomes was yelling at?
  22. Putting a one-score game into the hands of McDermott. Again. Don't the laws of probability kick in at some point? He can't blow it again, can he?
  23. He doesn't seem to be playing hard. Drops, not fighting for the ball... He's certainly not playing like a superstar.
  24. They either let the pass rush through or hold. I mean, what the hell. So choke.
  25. Better than throwing to him at the line of scrimmage with nine defensive players on top of him.
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