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Everything posted by finn

  1. Arguably the worst starter on the entire team is the only Bills player to be on this list. Wow.
  2. Years from now, it will be obvious in retrospect. Another generation will be jealous we got to see him play live, like I'm jealous of those who got to see Jim Brown and Walter Payton.
  3. True, but watch Milano in the game highlights. He whiffs the tackle or is blocked out of the play again and again and again. But at least he got a lot of reps. He might take several more games to get up to speed.
  4. I love the comment, "He's playing like a sixth grader in PE with not a care in the world."
  5. I take back every bad thing I've ever said about Rapp. He's having a really good season.
  6. Why is Anderson playing?
  7. Remind me who our run stuffers are.
  8. Because they're playing the worst team in the league? After barely squeaking out a win again the second team in the league? They're not "winners"; the other teams are losers. Witness what just happened. Was that botched snap a clutch play by a clutch team? No, it was the Chiefs getting lucky yet again.
  9. All we'll hear is how the Chiefs "find a way to win." It's more the other teams find a way to lose, week after week when they've outplayed this empty shell of a team.
  10. Good one. Or "Coach, I know you can't criticize the referees, but are their evenings after some games when you find you drink more heavily than others?"
  11. Maybe they'll relocate to Detroit if it's really bad. 😀
  12. Think of the questions this board would ask. Me: "What can you do differently with Milano in the lineup?" "To what degree do the veterans on the team teach the younger players, such as Cooper and Coleman?" "Which players on the team study the most film?
  13. Would Lamar still win MVP? 😀
  14. Hobbled and also still developing chemistry with Allen, at least in the case of Coleman, Samuel, and Cooper. With Allen, the tight ends, and a line that's been playing together all season, this offense is on the rise. Barring more injuries, it should be peaking just when the playoffs hit. It's a nice time to be a Bills fan, isn't it? At this point in the season, I'm used to thinking about the draft next year.
  15. From what I gather, Joe Burrow should be the winner, even though he's not listed. You wouldn't know it from his pretty-boy clothing habits, but he's evidently a good guy on the field, sort of like Andrew Luck was: saying "Good hit, man" and just being a regular guy on the field instead of a prima donna. Meanwhile, Patrick Mahomes being on the list doesn't pass the laugh test. I mean, he was fined for whining too loudly about that Jason Kelce throwback TD last year, and he had nothing gracious to say about escaping the Bills in the playoff game.
  16. Chargers. I want the bloom to continue to fade from the Ravens' rose (to mix my metaphors).
  17. Interesting combination: near-best pass rush but most yardage given up. Sounds like a boom or bust defense. Looking at the highlights, it looked like the Bills were moving the ball pretty well on offense much of the game. Penalties, a tipped pass, and a well-timed blitz shut them down early. What really jumps out is how badly the defense played in the first half. The Ravens were doing whatever they wanted.
  18. I read that it's their defense, which I find surprising, since I associate that team with rock-solid defense. Also, the offense chokes, one reason I thought the Bills could have come back in that game. But, yeah, it is puzzling.
  19. The weakest likely playoff team this year looks to be Houston, but every team has its weakness. I'd say Bills and Chiefs are the least vulnerable, followed by the Ravens, Steelers, Chargers, Bengals, and Houston. As you say, no gimmes.
  20. Could he be a Darnold type, someone who just needs a second chance? Or is he more like Carson Wentz, good early, but essentially not good? I haven't watched him much.
  21. Context is the first thing to go when people compare quarterbacks. What quality receivers is he throwing to? How many times was his team behind and he had to throw vs. ahead and didn't throw (or score)? What kind of running game and defense does he have to rely on? What teams did he play? Did he have a good offensive line? Were his coaches competent? What factor did injuries play? I don't think I've ever seen an analysis that took even half these factors into account. It's always "X is the GOAT" or "How many trophies does Y have?" I (grudgingly) respect Brady because he won with a wide range of teams and against every kind of opponent. I respect Allen because he won with a mediocre team around him, at least early on. I respect Marino because he incredible things all by himself. But I've always been skeptical of Mahomes because he's had every last thing a quarterback could want: great receivers, coach, line, defense, luck...the works. Burrow? I'd say the jury is still out.
  22. Three-plus hours of Collinsworth making everything about Mahomes? No, thanks.
  23. I was kidding, but you're right. I wouldn't hand out batteries or lacrosse balls to an NFL crowd, either.
  24. I see your point. Allen can't play defense, as we saw in the 13-second game. His will to win was enormous in that game, but it didn't carry over to the defense or coaching. Does that make Burrows the true MVP then? (I mean, in a just world.)
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