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Everything posted by finn

  1. Not too confident. With blue-collar teams like this, it doesn't take much to lose. A blown assignment or missed tackle to give them points, then lousy field position all game mixed in with a few drops or penalties at key moments, and suddenly you're down by four late in the fourth quarter backed up with one time out. Allen is the X factor, though. If he's on, it doesn't matter if the line sucks, his receivers drop balls, or Bass misses kicks. He'll win through sheer will power. In short, we have a Hulk, and they don't.
  2. I just don't get greed in extremely wealthy people. They don't want to postpone because the revenue will be slightly lower? They're upset because, what? they can't buy a 3rd helicopter pad yet another house on a tropical island? They're willing to risk the safety of fans for a .0002% gain on their portfolio?
  3. You got to wonder how either team gains more than a few yards, given that in these conditions you stack 11 players in the box. I guess you're hoping for two four-yard gains and one three-yarder? Seems like the points will come from wayward punts. If you're kicking into a 50 mph gust, it will blow somewhere other than you intend, a recipe for turnovers and turnarounds. Both teams might be going on fourth down a lot when they're going into the wind. I wish I didn't care, because it sounds wicked entertaining.
  4. The Bills will miss Gabe Davis' blocking, but this type of game is perfect for tight ends, and the Bills have two good ones. Knox and Kincaid might not leave the field.
  5. Maybe you're right. The thing is, Allen isn't just a good runner; he's huge, fast, and he can juke. Most importantly, he's got that dog in him. He WILL get that first down. Ok, now I feel better, thanks. 🙂
  6. And our primary runner is second in the league in fumbles and second in drops...
  7. The weather is bad news for the Bills and great news for the Steelers, who are an inferior team in exactly the areas eliminated by the bad weather. The only difference between them now is that Allen can run more effectively than Rudolph, which is not much of an advantage. The game is likely to be decided by something stupid: a blocked punt, a defender falling down, a fumbled snap, etc. It's basically a coin flip game, which sucks, because the Bills would blow them out in good weather.
  8. Warner's evidence is persuasive. He's saying Allen needs more patience, but many of the negative plays are the result of the receivers not reading blitz and running long-developing routes. He doesn't say if that's on Brady, the receivers, or both. Looks like that first interception is on Davis (again) for not breaking off his route to help Allen. The second one might just be on him, too, since who knows if he could have made the catch if he didn't trip over his own feet. In Warner's examples, Davis always seems to be in la-la land running his routes while Diggs seem to be either adjusting or just being open. Can't say I'm impressed by Brady. His excellent W/L record might be more the result of unshackled, revitalized Allen than better play designs. In fact, Dorsey might have been the superior coordinator; evidently the numbers back that up. That would be ironic. McDermott shackles Allen, it all goes south, so he fires the blameless coordinator and hires an inferior one, but also agrees to unleash Allen, who comes alive, making the inferior coordinator and foolish coach look like geniuses. Meanwhile, Dorsey, not McDermott, is painted as the bad guy who almost doomed a Super Bowl team. How's that for a counter-narrative?
  9. The Bills I know will make Rudolph look like Joe Montana but will keep him to one TD and two field goals. Meanwhile, the offense will stall, punt, turn the ball over, and score two TDs and a field goal, after missing at least one. Rudolph will get the ball back with three minutes left just miss a chance to win, and we'll all age five years. Again. 17-13 Bills.
  10. Yes, but Diggs dropped it because it was wobbled in the wind, not his fault. Perfect demonstration of how hard it is to pass in big wind. You can do everything right and it can still go wrong. Do they have a run game? They ran on Dallas, who stubbornly stuck with six DBs. Less success elsewhere, and if the wind is bad, the Steelers will stack the box and (if they're smart) contain Allen. Which would you rather have in very windy conditions, with the QBs more or less negated, the Steelers' line and Najee Harris, or the Bills' line and Cook?
  11. Sit Von for every logical reason under the sun. Activate Eli Ankou and Joseph. If the weather shuts down the passing game, they'll need every man they have for the trenches. Could be a very dull game of stalled drives, punts, and missed field goals, decided by fumbles. With a concussion, Ty Johnson likely won't play, which is killer, since he's so dynamic. It doesn't look like they have another RB on the practice squad. Might be a Cook, Fournette, Murray day, with short passes to Kincaid and Knox, and designed runs for Allen. I'm not saying anything new, just mulling.
  12. Funny, this is just how I've been thinking it will play out, except the 49ers make it to the Super Bowl.
  13. Such a welcome development. Just as good (or better, in terms of cost) as if they had hit on Elam. If Elam can develop into at least a quality depth corner, the team should be set at the position next year.
  14. Well, I sure underrate him. It's possible that both interceptions are on him. I think that's three games where he and Allen "miscommunicated" on a potential TDs, something that other receivers don't seem to have a problem with. I think it's time to promote Shakir. Shakir over Davis, Jonathan over Miller, Fournette over Murray, and, just possibly, Bates over Torrence.
  15. Especially after leading it for most of the season. Demoralizing. (Good!)
  16. I think it would be a good move if play quality were the only factor to consider. He's been playing poorly and might just be exhausted. Sitting a game might be just what he needs. But the move might hurt his confidence. As others have said, it might also affect the chemistry of the line. Well, the coaches know far better than we do. Let's hope their judgment matches their knowledge.
  17. Am I the only one reminded of the heat game in Miami last year? The Bills lost that one, but like this game, they dominated in every aspect of the game except scoring. Don't recall if they turned the ball over. So glad it turned out right this time.
  18. Man, he is going to be some sore tonight. He was throwing his body everywhere. That third and 13 run was godlike, reminded me of that famous conversion in Dallas on Thanksgiving. Guy is a centaur.
  19. Let's just say that if Davis is out for the playoffs, I'll won't have any trouble keeping my mourning in check.
  20. Remind me. Have the Bills ever won a game that doesn't take five years off the lives of their fans? I mean, ever?
  21. Pass to Cook in the endzone was pretty good, too.
  22. That part is definitely NOT Groundhog Day.
  23. Good point. We're all dooming on Allen, but remember who we're playing.
  24. A repeat of the sunstroke game last year here.
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