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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. I like our chances with Greer, Yabouty and McKelvin. Plus Whitner can sometimes switch to a coverage corner. And we might get to finally see Reggie Corner get somes reps if Terrance is inactive. We have DEPTH at corner and returner now so we will be fine.
  2. God that made me sick. My son and I were screaming at the TV as well. Nonetheless, I thought Edwards was just a stud in the 4th quarter. He put every pass exactly where it needed to be. He never panicked, and looked confident with every pass. The TD to Roscoe when he was getting creamed by number 90. That was a HUGE play!! BIG TIME. When we got the ball back down 23-21, you knew he would get the job done. He absolutely knows how to play the QB position. He just gets "it". We are in for a fantastic year, if we avoid major injuries. This is our division to lose right now people.
  3. Good topic for discussion. I think something that a lot of people are forgetting about is what value the Bills placed on Crowell. He is in his 5th or 6th year with the team. I have said this several times before, and will say it again, the guy has no upside from where he has played the past couple of seasons. While he does not suck, I think he plays real stiff and is not a great tackler or just a very good instinctual player for his position. I strongly believe the Bills knew this and were not planning on giving him an extention. I believe they liked Keith Ellison and John D. just as much if not more than Crowell. But given the lack of studs at linebacker on our team, he was probably going to be given a chance to start if healthy, but would most likely be heavily rotated. Once he pulled this crap of surgery right before the opener, it was all the Bills needed to dump him. I am not an orthopedic surgeon, but I deal with knee injuries a lot in my business. When your knee is constantly swelling over a long period of time such as Crowell's, it is likely a degenerative condition with arthritis involvement. Even with surgery, Crowell will likely have continued problems in the future. It is the nature of his condition. I am sure the Bills doctors know this. I just don't see him ever being a big time starter in this league for anybody else. Conversely, the Bills' doctors must have known that Ryan Denny's injury would heal back to normal in due time. And the Bills placed more value on what Denny brought to the team, so he was not placed on IR. Take the nature of the injury, and combine it with the value the team places on that particular player, and you come up with why Crowell was placed on IR. Football is a brutal business because of the violent nature of the game. The Bills knew this, and saw what they had in Crowell. Having surgery right before the season just made the Bills decision that much easier to get rid of him.
  4. In the NFL you have to think about the present every single year. There will not be a future for Brad Childress if the Vikes do not start winning soon. Developing a QB for the "future" is always a dicey proposition unless they show signs of being a player from the start. I think TE would fit into that category. But Jackson certainly hasn't shown anything that would lead one to believe that he will ever be a player in this league. That being said, I have no idea why Gus Frerotte is still in the league. But every week I think you play the QB on your roster who gives you the best chance to win. Maybe Frerotte knows the playbook better, or looks better in practice.
  5. Suprising to say the least that Copeland Bryan (96) was active for the game and not Chris Ellis. Bryan played some snaps and looked pretty decent. This shows that we have much stronger depth this year than in recent seasons. I think we are much stronger going down the roster all the way to the 53rd man. Come to think of it, I do not think we got any contributions out of any of our draft picks yesterday. We do not have guys on the roster who are not NFL caliber like Jeremetrius Butler, Tim Anderson and Jason Jefferson-guys who are on the active roster because we have noone better to put in front of them. I think we have a very strong roster that will only get stronger once our rookies get accostomed to the speed of a regular season NFL game, because we will have some injuries during the year to our veteran starters.
  6. Spencer Johnson played strong, as did Kyle Williams, and for that matter the entire D line looked more energetic than they have in years.
  7. That is funny you bring up Eddie Robinson. He could have been the worst free agent pickup we have ever signed right up there with Joe Panos and Larry Tripplet. Ellison will be solid for us with the occasional bigt play in pass defense. The problem with his lack of size is that he tends to wear down. I can't see him lasting more than 4 or 5 games in a row without suffering some sort of injury that sidelines him for a bit. We will definitely need to add someone shortly to the linebacking corp.
  8. Crowell has a chronic knee condition which is only going to get worse over time. There is no way we are going to give him a long term extension when his long term existence as an NFL player is definitely in question. Wow, we are going to see a lot of Ellison and Digiorgio. It brings back bad dreams of last years defense.
  9. Bill, have you thought about anything else in the past 3 months other than Jason Peters? For gods sake, give it a rest. The guy is a good player, but I think he was far from spectacular last season. Our offense scored TWENTY touchdowns the entire season. With those numbers, noone deserves a raise, especially a guy who has THREE years left on his contract. I don't think he even wants to play for the Bills any longer. Forget about the guy, and enjoy who we have playing, because I think we have a LOT of talent on this year's roster. It all starts Sunday. You can only root for the guys who are actually on the team. Bye Bye Jason Peters, you will really miss football while we begin our march to the promised land.
  10. Who is Peters going to sign his huge deal with? He is under contract to us for 3 more SEASONS. But it looks like he does not want to play for us any longer. Why do so many of you on this board feel that Peters is just going to all of a sudden show up at One Bills Drive? It is not going to happen. And at this point do we really want him? I honestly think the best move for the Bills is to let him sit the entire year if he wants to, and than try and trade him for some high draft picks before next years draft. I have got to believe that at this point Jauron and his staff are preparing to move forward this season without him. And that is fine with me.
  11. 8.I think we are a playoff possibility without Jason Peters. Our line has been very solid without him. Even JP who still holds the ball way too long and can not throw over the middle with any accuracy had time to scan the field 2 or 3 times before reluctantly letting go of the ball which still seems glued to his hand. Peters has bailed on his team. Do you really want someone like that playing for us? I sure as hell do not. It is time you get over Peters and move on to your next obsession. Besides, Demetrius Bell may very well turn out to be the next Jason Peters.
  12. I agree with you about Demetrius Bell. I watched him pretty closely, and he looked very comfortable on the field. He has good size, and I thought he really got on his man in the running game. From what I saw, he looks to have a future playing in the NFL. Looks much more polished than a rookie 7th round pick at this stage. I would not be suprised if Peters does not come back, that we see some D. Bell at tackle at some point during the season. As for Losman, it never changes. He has a big arm, but just lacks the intangibles needed to be a successful QB in the NFL. It does not come natural for him, and by his 5th year the game should have slowed down to the point where he can consistently make plays. He is a career backup.
  13. I don't know if we have a QB on our roster who really looks like a starter. But Edwards needs to come out tonight and play with confidence and poise, and look down the field instead of the two yard dump off to Schauman when he is blanketed. Regardless if it is preseason or not, Trent needs to take control to give his teammates confidence that he is their leader who can get the job done. This offense needs Trent to step up and start making plays, and make it "his offense". A little swagger by him would go a long way for everyone on the team.
  14. Who made you in charge of what Bills fans should say about our team? We have SUCKED for the past decade, plain and simple!!! Trent Edwards has shown nothing to prove that he can lead our team to the promised land. Sure it was only 5 passes in a half of a quarter of a preseason game, but I sure would have liked to have seen better from him. He did not look confident, same as the end of last year. My god, it has been so long since we had a QB we could all say was a stud. I want him to do well just like everyone else, but I have a right to say that he played poorly whether its a scrimmage, preseason, or regular season game. If you don't like the "Nonsense" maybe you should get off this message board for awhile. As fans of a team that has just stunk for years, I think we have a right to expect a bit more than the very mediocre to poor performance we saw on Saturday night. Posts like yours serve absolutely no purpose.
  15. I agree the pass rush was non existent. Spencer Johnson did absolutely nothing. And the same can be said for Ryan Denny. The defense brought next to nothing except for Youbouty, and Reggie Corner seemed to be around the ball quite a bit. The front seven is going to have to step up and play much stronger, otherwise this will be a bad team. As for the O line, the pass blocking looked fine, but the run blocking never seems in sink with the running backs. I think we need a couple of studs at right guard and center more than we need Jason Peters back. I think Langston Walker will be fine at left tackle. Jason Peters will not make or break this season as much as he or a lot of people on this board think (Bill from NYC). Our QB play has somehow got to become at least decent. Trent Edwards did not look confident under center. Why he only played two series seems ridiculous to me. He has to get his timing and confidence with this offense. And for god sake don't throw a two yard out to the tight end on 2nd and more than 10 yards. He really needs to look down the field a whole lot more. Only the first preseason game, but can this team come out with some emotion and fire, and try to look like a professional unit?
  16. Pennington has the worst arm of any NFL quarterback. I do not see him as an upgrade to Cleo Lemon. The talent level on the Dolphins is still very low. If Edwards plays well, the Bills are a much better team than either the Fish or the Jets. If we are really worried about the Jets or Dolphins than we have not improved at all this offseason. I love our defense if Stroud stays healthy.
  17. Why did you come up with such an ill advised post? Bledsoe never gets in the hall of fame. He was horrible and I mean horrible his last two and a half years as QB of the Bills. I get ill thinking of his era. Noone who played like he played for the majority of the time as a Bill would ever get in the hall of fame. You are smarter than that Mr. Pyrite!!!
  18. I have been saying this for weeks. The Bills are not going to break the bank on a player who has had ONE pro bowl season playing for the 30th ranked offense in the league. If he comes in and plays a very integral role in our offense becoming a "professional offense", than of course the Bills should renegotiate with him after this season. But until than he needs to play under his existing contract, it is as simple as that.
  19. Crowell is a decent player, but nothing special. I think the Bills like him, but do not love him. He is not a continuous gamechanger. And lets not forget he has a swollen left knee which has been bothering him this training camp as well as last years. Sure, he maybe able to play with it now, but as he gets older that left knee will get arthritic real quick. Unless he has a megayear, he is not the kind of player to throw big money at. If we want to spend money on a stud OLB there should be much better in next years draft with a high round pick or free agency. Does anyone see him having a lot more upside? I just do not see it.
  20. That is a pretty reasonable view of what will hopefully end up happening. But Peters has to report before any movement whatsoever will come from the Bills. He just has to show some good faith to the organization before Brandon will give any type of olive branch. Remember, he is still due to make $3.25 mill this year, and he has played left tackle for all of a year and a half with 3 years to go on his contract. Given all of those numbers, I would not say he has dramatically outplayed his current contract as Devin Hester has.
  21. You give these agents way too much credit for what they do. Peters reputation with the fans of our great team has gone down the tubes. I strongly believe that Parker and Peters have totally misjudged Brandon's resolve with doing things the "Bills" way. Peters is only going to come out of this looking like a fool. He either will sit out and not play this year, or come back with his tail between his legs alienating his teammates and fans alike. He ain't getting a new contract as long as he doesn't report. And how does that make Eugene Parker a great agent?
  22. Do you get royalties from Peters if he gets a big fat extension? Give it a rest. He is good, but not the best player to ever line up at left tackle in the NFL. And for the love of God our offense SUCKED last year, and Peters was part of it. Peters is good, but just another guy blown up to outrageous proportions by the media hype machine. Anyone who doesn't care about his teammates pulling the stuff that Peters has, do the Bills even want him back right now?
  23. The Bills will not give in to Peters demands of a new contract until he at least reports to the team. I agree that the Bills should have protected themselves by signing another Offensive Tackle of decent quality in the offseason if they thought that Peters would holdout. However, Peters position is ridiculous. Does he even care about the team? Even Devin Hester, Anquan Boldin and for that matter Ocho Cinco showed up for some off season work. The guy has played ONE strong season at LT. Play another strong year and you will get a HUGE contract. Act like this and the Bills will let him sit and rot and turn into a big fat blob. Do all you big Bills fans really want a guy on your team who is all about ME and nothing else? I sure as hell do not. Get ready for Langston Walker to move over to LT if Peters is not there within a week. Think about this for a minute. Should anyone on an offense that has been ranked at the bottom of the league for the past 4 seasons get a big raise? I really think NOT. The same goes for Lee Evans. Let him have a huge year and the Bills will either give him a megadeal or Franchise him after the season. This has been a HORRIBLE offense for years! Lets see some strong play week in and week out and than reward our supposed stars!! Go Bills.
  24. The Packers are idiots. You play who gives you the best chance to win the Super Bowl each year. And Brett Favre gives the Pack their best chance, plain and simple. Who cares about Aaron Rodgers? The Packers have one of the best QB's of all time still playing at a high level, and they want to go with an unproven commodity? Ted Thompson should and will get run out of Wisconsin.
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