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Paup 1995MVP

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Posts posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. This game in many ways made me feel better about our football team, maybe not for this year, but going forward. It's OBVIOUS to anyone who watched that game would agree that NE and the Jets are better football teams this year than us. I think we will catch up shortly, we need another offseason..and a productive one. My thoughts:


    1.) Dustin Keller for the Jets proved a viable tight end can win games.

    2.) Brett Favre is the right QB for that team right now

    3.) Having a TE not perform well (Ben Watson) can kill a team (sound familiar?)

    4.) Jarod Mayo is going to be really good for years

    5.) The Pats are quietly replacing Bruschi and Vrabel with some good young LB (Woods-#58)

    6.) Kris Jenkins is a monster and makes all the other guys on the Jets DLine better

    7.) The game is won in the trenches and both these teams have better trench guys than we do on both sides of the line

    8.) Matt Cassel has more weapons to work with than Trent Edwards while Brett Favre's experience allows him to create weapons for his team.


    What this tells me about our team is that we aren't as good as our 4-0 record indicated and not as bad as our 1-4 record in the past 5 games has indicated but we are not yet ready to beat these two football teams. The Jets had a better offseason than we did and if we want to compete, we are going to need to take a good look at our football team and make some vast improvements quickly as Miami is right behind us as well and will be way better next year.


    Our division is going to be super competitive for the next couple years. We need to get stronger on both sides of the line, we need a TE and another line backer. We need to do that while improving the guys we have on our roster. I think one thing that is obvious, is our coaches need to coach better yes, but they need better players to work with. The one constant in the last few years has been not coaches, but our personnel department..it's been intact...in the meantime, we have seen other teams build and re-build a lot faster than us.


    I think some amount of responsiblity needs to be put on the personnel side and I would say this upcoming off-season is a good make-it or break-it year for them.

    I totally agree with your analysis of last nights game. The biggest differences I noticed between Pats-Jets and us is their D lines vs. ours. No comparison. Their D lines are much more dominant than ours. They just have a lot better players than us at D line. And their O lines are just more physical. I am very puzzled as to why our O line is so passive. Football is a mean and nasty sport. I just don't see that in our O line. Maybe Butler can bring that to it. Our guys just do not play nasty. Peters, Dockery, Preston, Fowler, Walker. All way too passive. O line is attitude. Just don't see it.


    Love the play of Dustin Keller. He reminds me of a young Tony Gonzalez, though not as big. Very fluid in finding open area to catch ball, and can run. We have noone like that on the roster. Though maybe Derek Fine can make some plays if used enough. I agree, we need better players. We have been too satisfied bringing in second tier guys who are not great athletes. I.e. Robert Royal, Dockery, Tripplet, Spencer Johnson. Even Marcus Stroud-who I thinks best days are behind him. The personnel dept. has to get better. Bringing in Faneca and Jenkins was huge for the Jets. We need a lot more difference makers which we do not have right now. Guys like Ellison, Kelsay, Denny, Royal, the entire O line have no upside. Why do we still only have one quality receiver? And our rookies need to start producing. We need some major changes in the offseason. I sincerely hope Brandon understands that.

  2. This weeks Browns game means everything for the season. We have to regain the momentum. To make the playoffs, I think we seriously have to win 6 out of our last 7 since we are already 0-3 in the division. I was fuming over last weeks loss. But that is in the past now. Time to look forward to Monday night.


    If the team really wants to show it is on the upswing, it has to start with this weeks game. Everyone on the roster has to come ready to play, because if not the Browns will beat us. Trent has to step up and play with CONFIDENCE!! Watching the Pats-Jets game last night, two things stood out. Both teams have much better D lines than we do. There guys make a lot of plays and are constantly causing havoc. We are getting nothing from our D line. They have to get back to playing like they did against Seattle. Stroud has to make more than two plays a game. He has to dominate, and get the guys around him to play better. Where are his leadership skills? And Favre was so confident and solid last nite. The whole team fed off of him. He made every play he had to make. We need that from Trent, like he was against Oakland in the 4th qtr. He has the tools, but he has to have the moxie to make plays and lead. It all starts Monday. Our season is in the balance. In fact I think the Jauron era should hang in the balance on this game as well. What are everyone elses thoughts on this?

  3. Anyone who has watched Bills games for the past year and a half could have told you this...The Bills run game is completely neutralized by the C and RG getting blown up on half of the run plays, which results in the opposing teams DL in our backfield before Lynch even gets the ball. Out of 12 Lynch runs yesterday on tape, he had to dodge defenders in the backfield 5 times. Another time he ran and there were no Bills blockers out there and 4 untouched Patriot players waiting for him at the LOS. Even when the Bills do get some decent blocking, the best thing that happens is the other team goes back a few yards, but then fills the holes and stops Lynch after 3 or 4 yards. Another time Preston actually blocked a DL into the hole instead of away from it, because he was beaten pretty badly. Basically Fowler/Preston and the RG(Chambers) are getting beaten so badly it gives our run game absolutely no chance of even succeeding. Throw in Peters getting beaten badly on a quick inside move by Seymour which ended up with him in the backfield(luckily he missed the tackle and Lynch ran thru where Peters and Seymour should have been for 8), and you can see just how bad our run blocking is---mainly on the interior of the OL. Dockery and Walker were the only players yesterday to do an OK job of run blocking. The interior of the OL needs to be a high priority this offseason...we are killing ourselves by not being able to run the ball and being highly predictable in short yardage situations because we have no faith in attempting to run for the first downs...

    Everything you said is true. There are never holes up the middle for our backs to run thru. But more telling is why are guys like Fowler, Preston, Whittle and Chambers are playing or even on the roster for that matter? (Chambers may not be too bad as a backup tackle, but was not an anchor at right guard) They would not play for just about any other team in the league. Is our O line coaching so bad, or do these guys have absolutely no talent? It is ridiculous how everyone is constantly saying that we are very weak at center and right guard, but we have done nothing to fix it. In free agency Casey Weigman who played center for many years for the Chiefs was available. Did we even try to sign him? Instead he is starting for the Broncos. They may not have any defense, but they can score points in bunches.


    The talent level at certain positions on our team is horrifyingly low. C, RG, TE, 3rd and 4th WR, DE, 2nd DT, OLB, LG-thats right Dockery sucks. The other positions are average except for RB, Lee Evans. Our front seven is garbage. Our secondary could be decent if coached up a bit. Friends the only players that are studs or have potential to be studs are Evans, Lynch, F. Jackson,and our P and K. (Maybe TE if he gains a lot of confidence and strut ala Jimbo.) With such a mediocre to poor roster, you need unbelievable coaching to succeed and we obviously do not have it.

  4. Three straight crucial losses to divisional opponents would be one. The inability of the team to win important games would be another. How about his inability to win challenges? (or in the case this week, even challenge properly?) One could point to how ill-prepared the team was this week and compare it to past performances and wonder "why is this team never up for big games?"


    The evidence against Jauron is pretty damning. Say what you will about overachieving, but maybe from a personnel standpoint, why are our players so injury prone? And where is the depth that teams like Pittsburgh, NE, the NYG, have that when a key injury happens, they aren't crippled from the loss? It all comes back to personnel.


    These are very trying times for Bills fans. I for one, hate the timid, conservative style of football the team plays. If we are going to lose, at least lets go out swinging. Not meekly walking off the field with our tail between our legs. Look at KC yesterday or Seattle. They lost, but they could walk off the fields proudly, knowing they gave it their all out there.


    But hey, we just have problems "executing" right Dick?



    totally agree. This team brings absolutely nothing to the table. Why is our QB always confused? The same happened with JP. Why can't we come up with a gameplan that our team can work with? We do not attack the other team. Where are the reverses, flee flickers, any gadget plays. How about a deep pass? How about a tight end screen? How about a screen to a running back? We did none of that. We throw out patterns and 5 yard curl patterns. Our offense and defense are the most basic in the NFL. We never disguise our blitzes or our coverages. Have we ever blitzed from outside the DE? Why not overload the rush from one side. Other teams do this.


    This team runs offense and defense like a high school team. This is the same O and D from last year. Nothing has changed. The gameplan has to change from week to week depending on who the opponent is. We have oversimplified things to the point where the other team does not have to gameplan against us. We certainly do not have the talent to beat teams with a basic O and D. Jauron has taken this team, and made it as soft as any in the NFL. Guys come to the Bills and become soft. Or are they soft before they get to us? Either way, someone on the team other than the fans has to get mad. This kind of play and attitude would NEVER have happened when Jim Kelly was in charge.

  5. Jeesh, I understand that you have more experience than me as a Bills fan, but I also watched qbs like Bledsoe, JP, and now Trent. Trent is way better than JP and will probably have a career similar to Bledsoe. As far as the Bills lacking heart and toughness, I'm not quite sure how you get that. Have you been on the sideline each week actually hearing these guys say they have no heart? Have you watched every other team in the league this year and witnessed their 'heart'? I'm pretty sure I know the answer to those questions. I know on television it may look like the Bills have 'no heart' but what do you want them to do? Donte Whinter had his eyebrow stapled in the middle of a game, and he continued to play. Terrence McGee got his a$$ lit up by Ted Ginn because he was playing with a sprained knee. Trent Edwards had a concussion and only missed a week (a by week nonetheless). Jason Peters is mentally retarded and plays shows up every week. And as for guys like Stroud having minimal 'effect', I think you are wrong once again. Stroud is by far the Bills best defensive linemen, and if he had any supporting cast I'm sure he'd be even better. Heck, I wouldn't be shocked to see the guy in the Pro-Bowl this year. I am kind of shocked that you call the Bills' management 'awful'. Russ Brandon and co. have done a pretty shabby job so far to me, they traded for Stroud (even though he is making 'minimal impact' he is head and shoulders better than anything we previously had), they signed Kawika Mitchell, they re-signed Lee Evans, they didn't give into Jason Peters, and they are working towards keeping the Bills in Orchard Park.

    So I know I might need some sort of a reality check, but maybe you could use one too. The Bills lost, and you are taking it worse than a teenager who spells the word 'frugle' wrong. The Bills do have heart, and they have some solid players to build around. I don't know how down you'd be if you were a Lions or Raiders fan!

    Junior, if this is what you consider to be a strong team, than one your expectations are pitifully low, and two you have not watched enough football in your short life to have any clue as to what a talented, tough, well coached football team is.


    We played our three division rivals on successive weeks and had no chance to win any of the three games. And by the way, Kawika and Marcus have had minimal impact on our fortunes this year. Marcus played big against the Seahawks, and Kawika played big against the Chargers. And by the way your boy Donte drafted with the 8th pick of the 2006 draft has how many picks in his illustrious career?


    I love the Bills more than anything but my three kids. I have missed ONE game since the 1988 season. I think I can say that I know football and the Bills as well as anyone on this board. Today was downright painful. Take off the rose colored glasses and learn the game, study the game before making such ridiculous banter. Thanks and have a good day at high school tomorrow.

  6. right...every year we never have any talent. I can tell you our talent is better than Miami's. I can tell you that its probably better than the Jets. I can tell you that at a lot of positions, its probably better than the Pats too---lets see, they had their backup QB who before this year hadn't started a game since HS, their 5th!!! string RB who shredded us, a secondary that has 0 impact players in it right now with the loss of Harrison, and were without their best LB in Adalius Thomas most of the game today. And yet they still found a way to create matchup problems for the Bills, and the Bills once again did not. That is the same song and dance every week it seems. Bills have the ability to create some really tough matchups on opponents(Parrish on a 3rd CB or safety, Jackson/Lynch on a LB in the slot, Evans on way subpar secondaries---like bottom 5 secondaries 2 of the last 3 weeks in Dolphins and Pats), but never do, while the Bills defense should be able to prevent offenses from completing 50 short passes in a row against us, but never can because they play 20 yards off them and aren't even in the picture half the time when the receivers catch the ball. What makes it worse is this team is actually pretty decent at stopping the run and forcing teams into 3rd and longs. Our special teams should cause matchup problems for teams, but all of a sudden Parrish refuses to return a punt, fair catching everything in sight.


    Talent is NOT the problem with this team. They have enough talent to certainly play better than they have been. Last year was a team with not enough talent, with 3rd stringers all over the place. Kansas City, Detroit, Oakland, Miami(yes Miami), Rams, Seahawks(mostly due to injuries), 49ers. Those are teams with not enough talent. There is a big difference between just not being good enough and being good enough and playing horrible. We are good enough and are playing horrible, which is what makes it so frustrating. We are coaching horrible. We are coaching scared. We refuse to take any chances. We have no faith in the players in any game situation(3rd and 1 passes, repeatedly punting inside the opponents 40 yard line all day, DB's playing 20 yards off the receivers). We are coaching dumb and not learning anything from previous games. Fewell has had 4 teams do the same thing to us and has watched 4 opposing defenses use various ways to prevent us from doing the same thing to them. Common sense would tell you to look at what they are doing and then implement some things, but I guess that is asking too much. I guess its also asking too much from Schonert to figure out how the opponents are getting so wide open and creating matchup problems for us on defense and to do the same things.


    Talent is losing games 47-3 like the Rams because you just aren't good enough. Losing 24-0 and gaining 77 total yards in the game is being not good enough like the Raiders last week. Going 1-8 and 0-9 like the Bengals and the Lions and getting blown out in a lot of those games is not being good enough.


    Lets stop this nonsense the Bills don't have the talent. The talent is there, it needs to be utilized better and the players need to execute better. Is there any doubt that Jeff Fisher or Bill Bellichick could take this same team and be 8-1 or 7-2 with them?? I have none. This coaching staff needs to step up and stop allowing themselves and their players to continue to accept these piss poor performances....

    This is the best post I have read in ages on here. I totally agree. Our coaches have no confidence that we can dominate anyone. Not to go for a first down on 4th and 3 before the half was just ridiculous. Weren't we on the 39 yard line? We can tie the game on that possession and we gave up the ball. And wasted a timeout instead of punting with time left on the play clock. This is terrible coaching staff, that I believe has lost the heart and soul of its players!!!


    Jeff Fisher is tremendous. He knows what he wants from every player on the roster, and expects nothing less. Jauron has no verve going with the players to squeeze everything they have out of them. Why isn't Steve Johnson playing? The guy has talent and hasn't gotten a chance. Where was Derek Fine today? It is absurd. Our offense is as bad as last years. We have no game plan to attack any team. On 2nd and goal and third and goal, why didn't we throw to James Hardy? Why did we even draft James Hardy if we don't and won't throw to him? Why does Chris Ellis look like he has no idea how to pass rush? Than again, why does Chris Kelsay look the same in his sixth year in the league?

    • -Bills' next three games: vs. Cleveland MNF game, the crowd will be rockin' and the team will be pumped. @ KC, hopefully no Larry Johnson. vs SF, a pretty easy game.
      -Brad Butler may be back next week.
      -Leodis McKelvin is gaining confidence as a Kick Returner. James Hardy may also be gaining confidence after that TD catch.
      -Dicky J says that he 'will find ways to help them [the team]'.
      -The Bills are 5-4.
      -Jason Peters won't be getting any mega-sized contract any time soon.


    Also, you guys should just be thankful to have a team to root for. Granted, the Bills are not a perennial powerhouse like the Patriots, but they are one of the longest withstanding teams in the entire league. Heck, they might be the one thing you have had in your life the longest! With all of this talk of the Bills moving to Toronto, I no longer take any game, whether it be a win or a loss for granted. I am a freaking 18 year old numbnuts who lives in Florida, but the Bills always have and always will have a significant role in my life and it should have one in yours' too!


    Another thing, the Bills are on the rise and no one should deny it. They have a 25 year old quarterback who is going to be a future star, a hard-nose duo of running backs, a head coach that players love to play for, exceptional special teams, and, most of all, character. The Bills management is willing to do what it takes to get the players it needs, too. The Bills may not be super this year, but they have a solid nucleus to build upon, and they will definitely appease us sometime in the near future.

    Dude, I am almost 2 and a half times your age and have been watching the Bills since 1976. This team we have in 2008 has absolutely no heart, poor coaching and zero toughness outside of Marshawn Lynch. The NFL is a tough guy league and we have very few tough guys who want to hurt people on the field.


    Our management is awful and our coaching staff is worse. We have brought in noone over the past decade that has made a difference in helping us WIN games. Look at our QB's since Doug Flutie. RJ, Drew, Holcomb, JP and TE. They have all SUCKED, and TE right now is heading there. Watch the lack of intensity on our team, and compare it to almost every other team around the league. We just do not come to play week after week. I am so fed up, I want to scream and cry at the same time. I watch every game with my nine year old son. He doesn't think we will win another game this year. He has never seen us go to the playoffs. You all think we are just going to wipe the Browns, Chiefs and 49ers. While these teams are not great by any means, they are laying it on the line every week. We just look scared and look like we don't care. TE has taken on the same role as JP. Never gets fired up. Never is talking with his teammates. There is just a big disconnect on this team between players and coaches, players and players. WE ARE GOING THRU THE MOTIONS.


    Guys like Marcus Stroud come to our team, and make minimal impact. Other guys like Keith Ellison and John McCargo make absolutely zero impact. Our best receiver had 2 catches today. When was the last time he stepped up in a big game? It doesn't happen, and it never happens. Get some reality Junior. Things will only change when we clean the front office and coaching staff and bring in some hard nosed tough guys who can identify talented players and than coach them up.

  7. Why didn't Jauron run on the field and throw the challenge flag near where the play took place? He blew that. It is the coaches responsibility to do whatever it takes to throw the flag. He did nothing to get the refs attention. The man is a dead coach. No emotion in a very emotional type game. The refs did not cost us this game. The Simpson penalty was terrible, but it was on the first series of the game.


    We stink. We have played three division opponents and had no chance to win any of the games in the 4th qtr. That is pathetic, and should get our entire coaching staff fired except for Bobby April.

  8. I think Marshawn is tremendous. Our line almost never makes a hole for him. We get absolutely no push off of the ball. And to run the ball well you have to be able to mix in a real passing game. We have stopped trying to throw the ball down the field. Our offense has changed minimally if any since last season. I see no crossing patterns 15-20 yards down the field, no seam routes. We have not thrown deep in weeks. There is no room to run when the defense continually puts 8 men in the box.


    I feel bad for ML. He is a great talent that is being wasted behind just an atrocious O line-probably the worst in the league at run blocking, a very nervous QB, very mediocre receivers and an abysmal coaching staff.

  9. The Patriots are still the Patriots


    The Jets are better


    The Dolphins are Better


    The Bills have not improved over last year.


    The Bills coaching is the 4 th best in the AFC East.


    The Bills Front office is the weakest in the AFC East.


    It's time for new leadership.



    The Bills were out of contention in this Game very early. They never really challenged the Pats until the last TD drive.


    The 4th quarter domination of the Bills on the Patriots touchdown drive was complete. You do not see that in the NFL that often.

    I agree. This team has no edge, and brought nothing to the table today. TE played scared, and the coaching staff coached scared as well. To not throw the ball at least once in goal to go in the first half was just plain stupid. If you are going to run from the 3, than at least do it from the spread with 4 wides in the game. It looks like Turk Schonert is no better at play calling than Fairchild was. We have talented skill players but do not use them correctly. We threw down the field zero times today. On defense our d line gets absolutely no pressure on the QB. This team has not improved whatsoever from day one under Dick. We bring in new players and absolutely nothing changes. The team had no chance to win any of the games against our divisonal rivals. I think we played them tougher in the 3-13 year of 2001.

  10. Bills will lose big, 40 something points to less than 20 points.


    The Bills will have registered zero sacks.


    Trent will have been intercepted 3 or 4 times mainly due to horrible pass protection and constantly being shaken up.


    Lynch and Jackson combine for 50 yards.


    Jason Peters will have another fukking excuse after the game.




    Dick Jauron will give his usual neutral press conference in which he will call no player or unit out on their play and simply state that although things are coming together the team still needs to do some work.


    Fire Jauron now, I cannot understand why some of you folks have continually defended this assshole who cannot even come close to compiling a .500 career winning percentage. He has never won an important game and his record is even more abyssmal against teams that are better than .500.



    I agree about Jauron. I think he is a lousy coach as well. What has he done to make us a contender? Absolutely nothing. Besides the fact that his gameplans never change, and he challenges plays that he has no business challenging, and he never has our team in a mindset of attacking the opponent, the worst flaw in my opinion is that the standards he has set for the players are frighteningly low.


    Listen to a lot of the players talk, and they think they are playing well. I.E. Jason Peters. And there is an article in today's Rochester D & C where Marcus Stroud says the same thing, that he feels he is playing well. Kyle Williams and Chris Kelsay chime in with quotes that tacitly agree. (sorry I am not adept at putting a link on here) Jauron has not made the players ACCOUNTABLE for their very marginal play. There is NO STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE under Jauron. It is as simple as that. In our three losses, we have played terrible. If our coach will not call players out, and DEMAND a certain level of play, the players we have certainly are not and have not taken it upon themselves to do so.


    The Bills are deluding themselves if they think they can win with this mindset. It starts at the top. If things don't turn around shortly, changes should definitely be made. Does Russ Brandon and Ralph have the kahones to do what it takes to make this team a winner? It remains to be seen. Keeping guys around like Jason Peters just ruin the fabric of a team. The guy holds out for the entire offseason, comes in the day before the opener, and not a negative word is said. I believe his actions, and subsequent poor play have sunk the O line. Yet he was welcomed back with open arms. Where was his dedication to winning?

  11. 10-6.....Home games against the Browns on MNF and San Fran should def. be wins IMO. I say we then split with the Pats one way or the other, beat Miami in Toronto, beat the Chiefs at Arrowhead (Which will be tough, no matter what), and I'm counting the other two losses to the Broncos at Mile High and the Jets in the Meadowlands. I think this is a very plausible scenario, and they could very well beat the Jets in New York or the Broncos as well. I think most people on this board would have been pretty happy with 5-3 at this point coming into this season, particularly with the Peters situation and Crowell suddenely done for the year. With as much parity as there is today in the NFL, almost every team in the entire league is going to go through one or two tough stretches that include back-to-back losses. This is a fact. And this has no doubt been a tough two games for the Bills (But don't forget, the Chargers are still one of the best teams in the AFC IMO, and that was a big time win.) It's how you adjust and pull together during these stretches that seperates the contenders from the pretenders. This team is still the best in the division once they get healthy IMO. Does anyone really believe that Miami and New York are CLEARLY better football teams? Or did the Bills simply not play at the level they're capable of? I would lean towards the later for sure. I personally see a big time bounce back win against the Pats* this Sunday, and I can't wait to see what this board looks like when it happens. The bandwagon is getting lighter and lighter by the hour, and it's sad.

    You can't be happy with 5-3 when in the three losses we had no chance to win at the end of the game. And two of the losses are in our division. I don't know if Miami and the Jets are clearly better than us. But they are both more physical on the O and D lines. We can not run the ball, and we can not rush the passer. To win consistently in the NFL you need to be physical. Look at Pittsburg and Tennessee. We scored ONE offensive touchdown in both our divisional games. That is so unacceptable. This game against the Pats is huge. If we go to 0-3 in the division, it will be very difficult to win the division. Watch how we come out against NE. Are we physical at the line of scrimmage? Do we blitz the hell out of Cassell? (He is decent, but doesn't read the field like Brady. He will eat us up if he has time.) I think this is a watershed game for the Jauron regime. We HAVE to come out and dictate the game. If we get pasted by an above average Pats team, (not a great team) I think it is time to look for a new coach.


    If we can't start running the ball, and rushing the passer, I see another 7-9 team. Several more losses and Dick will lose the team.

  12. I agree with the majority of this post, but what has Albert done that makes him such a great pick? The Chiefs struggle mighty to run the ball and get everyone of their QBs hurt. The Bills liked Butler and locked him up. Albert is not a center, so there was no place for him.


    As for McKelvin, the Bills are gonna face a tough decision at the end of the season to pay Greer, who has become our top corner. He may get some big bucks on the open market. McKelvin, with a full year in the system, will be in much better shape next year.


    We can not afford to let Jabari Greer go. There is no evidence that McKelvin will ever develop into a top flight corner. You just can not let very good players walk. Our defensive collapse dates back to letting Antoine Winfield and Pat Williams go. We are always filling holes, and never moving forward. This organization has just been a disgrace this decade with its talent evaluations.


    If McKelvin turns into a player, you can have him, McGee, Greer and Yabouty as your top 4 corners. I actually think Terrence was best when playing the nickel slot in his first couple of years in the league.


    But looking at how poorly both our lines are playing, there are several holes to fill in the offseason. Another center, guard, and at least won DT and DE. And probably another WR, and a second TE to replace Royal. Good god, when will it end where we actually have very good players at most positions????

  13. At what point can one expect McKelvin to contribute defensively? At what point should one expect McKelvin to contribute defensively?

    As a high number one pick, McKelvin should have been contributing from day 1. But the problem is that he played against marginal competition in college. Troy is not the SEC. I think we way overvalued McKelvin just like we way over valued Donte Whitner.


    Taking Whitner at #8 was a terrible decision. He is far too small to be a major impact player at Safety. He is a good football player, don't get me wrong, but is certainly not a gamechanger. He has the ability of a late 2nd round pick at best. Granted this is hindsite, but taking a 5'9" safety with the 8th pick in the draft makes no sense. My god, I believe even Bob Sanders who is much more physical than Whitner was taken late in the 2nd round. And McCargo was a complete bust. So there are two 1st round wasted picks.


    McKelvin doesn't look like he has any instincts at CB or KR at this point. Being drafted at #11, he should have had a strong understanding of the game from the first day of camp. As for Hardy and Ellis, they look completely overwhelmed by the pro game. Who is running the scouting dept. on this team. Makes you wonder is it the coaching or the scouting that is leaving our draft picks way behind? Derek Fine did look good yesterday, so lets give Kudos for that pick.


    Can we please draft some O lineman high next year. PLEASE!!

  14. Did it ever occur to you the reason TE is holding on to the ball is because the Jets are dropping 8 into coverage because they know the Bills can't run? Again it all comes back to the O-line.



    I totally agree. Our O line is just terrible. They have no attitude whatsoever. The O line is supposed to set the tone for your offense. Ours just doesn't seem to care. When was the last time any of them just pancaked guys out of the way for our runners? Jason Peters is so overrated, it is ridiculous. And Dockery is just soft. For my money we can get rid of Peters, Dockery, Fowler and all of our right guards. Play Chambers and Walker at the tackles and bring in three tough guys, doesn't have to be studs in the middle and maybe we can move some defenders off of the line of scrimmage. (Thats right, I think Chambers will play much harder than Peters) Where is the emotion? For a team that is in a dogfight to win the division, there was no sense of urgency out there.

  15. 1) WTF was Jauron thinking when he challenged the reception? There was no chance of the play being overturned, and that was our last timeout.


    2) I am not going to start a poll, but how many of you are getting an upset stomach watching Kyle Williams get his ass beat?


    3) This might make no sense, but Mckelvin looks bad even when his reurns result in decent yardage. I know that he is young and I am grasping at straws, but it wouldn't be a bad thing to see some production of Jauron's little prodigy. Maybe it's me.


    4) Over the years, I have made some not so strong attempts to defend Kelsay. I am here to say that I am sorry about that. He is small, weak and now he is even slow. He isn't good at any phase of his position.


    5) Dockery looked like a very average Guard today. Maybe that's what he is, average. Preston was a disgrace. Whittle? At the end of the game I wasn't sure if he was laying there hurt, or he passed out in shock because someone mentioned the possibility of successfully blocking his opponent.


    6) When you are outcoached by Mangini (who is a freaking nitwit), you are either second rate, or having a very bad day. You be the judge. In the credit where it's due department, I bet that Jauron looks better at shaking the winning coaches hands than any other head coach in the NFL. He sure has enough practice.


    7) No excuses for the picks by Trent. On the first one, they absolutely had to come away with points. On the last one, it was a dumb time to go to Hardy.


    8) Jauron will win you some games with his bend but don't break b.s., but chalk up this loss to the Jauron philosophy. Non-impact 1st round defensive backs, and weak lines.


    9) Back to Kelsay.....Denney and Kelsay were just so bad today that it hardly mattered at all that they were on the field. There was no chance of them containing their sides. I swear, after one particular play it looked like K. Williams was getting pissed, and he is so-so at best. Good God! :wallbash:


    10) OK, the running backs coach needs to teach these guys to hold onto screen passes that are right in their f :thumbsup: ing hands. I mean seriously, wtf is going on with this? :wallbash:


    11) Kudos to Stroud, Greer and Poz.


    12) Two penalties for 12 men on the field? Guilty as charged, but Mangini spent virtually the entire game on the playing field. Does the 12 man rule exclude beached whales?


    13) NE is now a must win game. I hope that Jauron can keep this team from quitting after this disgrace.

    Unfortunately, the bottom line is that the Bills are the least physical team in our division. We can not run the ball and we can not rush the passer. Trent was certainly not perfect today, but with no running game and only ONE legitimate wide receiver, he does not have much to work with. Our pass rush has been NON EXISTENT for most of the season. And in the 4th qtr. after making it a six point game, we let the Jets pretty much run out the rest of the clock. That is totally inexcusable.


    Do most of you kind of feel like we really are not much better than last years team? We have not beaten a team that has been playing good football all season. Seahawks, Jags, and Chargers look pretty poor, and we barely beat a bad Raiders team, and the Rams were at the end of their rope as well. If we can't start running the football, we are a 8-8 team at best.

  16. I agree this game is huge. We still have a lot to prove to the rest of the NFL IMO. We are 5-2, but have not dominated anyone since the opening game. (We did play very well against San Diego though) Also, in our two losses, we looked horrible on defense, and our offense turned the ball over too much.


    The Jets are a decent team, but not great by any means. They almost lost to a horrible Chiefs team, but that is the NFL this year. Playoff caliber teams win their home divisional games hands down. I think the Bills will come out with a very strong effort. With TE we have a large upside on offense. Our defense worries me some. We look far from dominant, especially in the front seven. How can you get to the playoffs without any semblance of a pass rush from your front four is the big question? I think Kawika Mitchell could be our best pass rusher.

  17. Oline

    -In terms of pass protection this team done better than what expected initially. Sometimes it seems as if TE has all day back there to go through his progression.

    - Our run blocking is horrendous. And considering we got one of hte most beefiest Oline's in the league. Thats pretty wack, these guys should be bodying their opposition and having their way with them on the LOS.

    -Jason Peters appears like he is regressing. He went from almost never getting beat last season, sure fire probowler and elite LT to now..getting beat at once or twice a game whereby the passrusher goes right through him ala Joey Porter did for the safety. I think most of the blame goes to him missing training camp but yea...

    - Dockery...wow, I don't know what to say about this guy. If i remember correctly, he got a pretty decent contract 5-6million per year. Dude hasn't impressed me at all, his play is average at best. I really wish we could have signed Steinbach when he became a FA (now with the browns i think).

    - These two players are suppose to be our allpro's. What comes to mind is when we need that all important 1 yard to convert a 3rd or score...everyone should know who we are running behind. But i just don't feel as confident with them like I was season.

    - Folwer average.

    - Brad Butler= VALUE! But he should be a backup.

    - Walker, I have had no problems with his play. He has been a bright spot IMHO.


    TE- Wow, Robert Royal is a team captain folks! Just found that out recently watching Off the Record with Michael Landsberg. No comment. The man's play speaks for itself.



    - Is it just me or is stroud appearing to have less of an impact? Or are teams just doubling/tripling him? Either way, his first couple of games he was a menace and now he's almost non existant.

    - The rest of the guys are pretty average aside from Schoebel. YOu can tell that we miss him. Anderson has been playing solid.



    - I think it would have been a wise move to have put mcgee in the nickel position for his firs week back to game action. He got BURNED. I have never seen the kidd get beat as badly as he was against the phins. I was feeling for him, really i was!

    - Gotta love whitner, dude is a straight STEAL!

    - Greer is becoming a lockdown corner, i think we need to sign the kidd long term.

    totally agree about the O line. There is definitely a lack of meanness from that group. They just don't seem to play with any nastiness and purpose. Peters and Dockery play very soft for such big guys. Walker has been the best of the bunch all season both in pass blocking and run blocking. I honestly think that Duke Preston has played very well for us. That is a problem when he is your team's second best lineman.


    The D line is very average at best. Stroud has not been a gamechanger of late. He is not getting much push up the middle. I think the biggest problem is that McCargo has just not developed. He is slow and lazy. Has no motor. The Bills have too high of an opinion of their D lineman. None, including Schobel are better than average.


    The two best teams in the league this year are the Giants and the Titans. The difference right now between them and us is both their lines. They are both just more solid across the D and O lines. Tennessee has a bunch of no names on their O line, but they can play. G men have a GREAT O line. Just a lot more toughness. And on the D lines forget about it. None of our guys could play for them other than Stroud.


    Finally, unless Peters really steps it up quickly, I don't think the Bills should give him a mega extension. The guy just plays lazy. He is OVERRATED!!

  18. WRGB has listed the Jets & Chiefs for the 1:00 game this week. Is it time to get our dialing fingers warmed up ???

    Have you not heard of a satellite dish mate? If you get one from DirecTV you will never have this problem again because you can order the Sunday ticket which will get you every Bills game in HD. In 2008, you should be able to watch every football game without leaving the confines of your home. Welcome to the 21st century!! But remember you need a clear view from your residence to the southwest to get the DirecTV signal. Good luck!!

  19. 1) Forget stats. I don't remember seeing Marshawn Lynch play a better, more complete game. He picked up blitzes, and was as clutch as a m.f.!!! :thumbsup:


    2) It makes no sense to say, or even think this, but anybody who isn't a part of this can kiss my a$$. OK, I'll calm down.


    3) Message #1 to McKelvin: Please, go and talk to your coaches before your coverage gives me a heart attack. Thanks.


    4) Who here actually believed that Mitchell had it in him to take over a football game? Not me, and I always thought that he was a good player.


    5) Tell me, who was the better quarterback out there today, Rivers or Trent? I mean, I'm just :angry: ing asking, ya know? :D:beer:


    6) I promise.....this was a season changing, absolutely HUGE win. I hope you read this 1billsfan. We did it Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :beer:


    7) Did Jason Peters play well? No, he was flat out dominant. He was crushing, I mean destroying m.f.s, and going upfield to hit someone else. It was truly a thing of beauty to watch. Good for you kid!!!!! :thumbsup:


    8) Melvin who?


    9) Message #2 to McKelvin: RUN, don't trot when you catch a kickoff. If you do so, you will outrun people to the endzone with your blazing speed. Thanks again.


    10) We deserve this kind of elation folks. We can bicker away, but we are in this together and right now, it is looking :thumbsup: ing good. Let's keep it going! :)


    11) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. If Trent stays healthy, we are looking at a 12-4 season. He is that good.

    4. Kawika played a monster 4th quarter. The reason this team is playing so well is that every week someone else is having a monster game for us. We have a lot of players who can have monster games. The talent level on this roster has greatly increased. No reason we can't be 7-1 when we go into New England.

  20. I think if there's any doubt about Trent, the Bills should err on the side of caution and keep him on the sidelines. There's no sense in gambling with his career.


    That said, if Losman starts, it shouldn't be that hard for San Diego to contain the Bills' offense. They should take away the long bomb to Evans (obviously), and probably put eight men in the box on the off chance that our offensive line provides some semblance of run blocking.


    On offense, San Diego should strongly emphasize short to intermediate passes, thereby exploiting the cushions our CBs are coached to give their receivers. Our defense hasn't done a good job of stopping that kind of attack thus far, so they may as well exploit that weakness.


    If Losman starts, and if San Diego does the above things--and does them reasonably well--I would expect it to come away with a win.


    We need to win the San Diego game, it's as simple as that. If Trent can practice by Wednesday, looks effective, and is processing the offense, and says he is feeling good, than he has to play, put caution to the wind. JP has never beaten a good team in his career home or away, unless you want to count the Bengals at home two years ago. Sure he will hit a few passes downfield, but the game will probably be close going into the second half. And rest assured there will be at least half a dozen plays where he holds onto the ball way too long and takes an unnecessary sack, or misses a wide open guy in the flat because he has NO accuracy on his short passes. I absolutely dread him playing next Sunday. But if he does, the O line will have to step up bigtime. And honestly, I don't think they have the talent to do so. Edwards can win w/o a great O line because he is much more decisive, gets rid of the ball quickly and has tremendous accuracy.


    What worries me on defense is that we have no answer for covering Antonio Gates. Whitner is too small, and was eaten up by Gates two years ago. Heck, Whitner got eaten up by John Carlson the Seahawks rookie tight end in the opening game. Did anyone else see that? Probably went unnoticed because of the score. He is too short to come tight ends down the field. We need Ko Simpson back to cover Gates. And there wideouts are big also, especially Vincent Jackson. To win, we are going to need a huge pass rush, and whoever plays QB will have to light it up. Both of our lines will have to be strong. I think we learn a lot about this team next Sunday.

  21. It doesn't really matter what scheme we are playing on defense, Cover 2, Bears 46-Greg Williams favorite, Zone, Man to Man, 34, or 43. You need the horses up front to run any defense successfully. An our D line is still average at best. We dominated against Seattle, but since than the pass rush has been sporadic to garbage. Stroud has been DECENT against the run, but has not consistently dominated since the Seattle game. Kyle Williams goes full speed on every play, but is not a stud-sort of in the Kelly Gregg, Sam Rayburn mold. Spencer Johnson has made a few plays, but is not dominant at all. And our fourth DT McCargo has done nothing when allowed on the field. Our ends are the same. Copeland Bryan is way too small. (Why is he on the team?) Ryan Denny seems to play better inside, has a high motor, but is not a difference maker, Schobel is overrated and just dissappears way too much. Kelsay I think has been our best D lineman against the run and can really move, gives everything on every play, but is not a freak athletically.


    There you have it. A mediocre to decent D line on a GREAT day, but nowhere near good enough to lead our team to dominate against any team with an above average offense. By far the best athletes on our defense with the most upside are POZ, Whitner, Simpson and Yabouty. Hopefully McKelvin gets there soon. Kawika can play strong at times, and Mcghee is good when healthy, but other than Poz who looks like a real stud in the front seven?


    Our team's strength is its special teams and offensive weapons. Lynch, Fred Jackson and Evans are studs. Hardy will be excellent and Parrish and Reed are very good NFL players. Obviously, the key to our team is Trent Edwards. IF he can get and stay healthy, we are a VERY GOOD team. He is already a top ten QB is this league. Eventually, he will be top five. (Thats right I said it) As bad as our D played, if Trent does not go down early on Sunday, we still would have had a chance to win in the fourth quarter. He is that good. But the O line which seems to have regressed from last year has to get better. Fowler and Butler are NOT NFL caliber players, it is as simple as that. And Peters and Walker have just not played very well so far.


    I see a much more determined team in 12 days against San Diego. The Bills know that they are not good enough to just show up and win. But pray big time that JP is not playing. He still does not have what it takes to consistently make plays for an entire NFL game to beat a decent opponent.

  22. WNY is in a fever pitch. Can we start talking playoffs now? Please? Everyone keeps saying the season is young, but now we're 4 and 0. I can't help it.


    WE'RE GOIN TO THE PLAYOFFS!!! :ph34r::lol::wallbash:





    I am totally on board with talking playoffs. As long as Trent stays healthy, we are going to win our division. We have a VERY GOOD team. A lot of guys who have been mediocre have become very good players. ie-Greer, Reed. A lot of guys who were pretty good are becoming dominant. ie-Whitner, Poz. If the O line can become a little more consistent. (Come on Peters and Walker, start moving your feet) No reason we can not go 12-4.


    So, lets start talking playoffs, and keep talking playoffs. But I will tell you the ride to the playoffs is going to be so much fun.

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