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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. My 9 year old son watches every Bills game with me. We talk about how he was 5 months old when we last went to the Playoffs. And now he is nine, and we still haven't gone back. He agonizes with me thru each game, but he understands that this is his team like it is his daddy's team. He will never quit on the team like the team quits on us year after year.
  2. So what if Dick Jauron signed a three year extension. Who says it is even guaranteed? If we play poorly in our last three games, Dick is gone period. This board has gotten so caught up in Ralph is cheap. He wants to win. Why the hell does anyone own an NFL team for this long if he doesn't want to win? He sees what is happening on the field. He may be old but he is not an idiot. I am sure that Brandon will have a say in what happens. Another embarrasing performance today, and the rest of the season, and big changes will happen. Has anyone heard DJ say anything about his future with the team? He knows his neck is on the chopping block.
  3. What is there positive to say about the state of this franchise seriously? Come on we suck bigtime. We have not been to the playoffs in nine years. That is horrific. Sullivan is the man. He calls it like he sees it. When the team plays well he is very positive. But as a columnist he is supposed to give his opinion. And I believe his opinion is similar to just about everyone's opinion on this Board about our team. We were 5-1. We are now 6-7. Our only win since the start against a team with ONE win. We have not come close to winning any of the seven losses except the Cleveland game. Our coaching and quarterbacking is among the worst in the league for the umpteenth year. The team plays with absolutely no emotion, and our defense while somewhat better than our putrid offense has almost no playmakers and can not stop a good offense. So what again is there to be positive about at this point in another lost season? And don't get me wrong friend, I love the Bills bigtime. But what Sullivan says is spot on.
  4. I agree with you. Poz has definitely not been a gamechanger for us whatsoever. You don't look at his play and say this guy is special. It's as simple as that. He is pretty solid near the line on inside running plays, but in space his pass coverage skills are surely lacking. And who can forget Matt Cassell's touchdown run up the middle early in the Pats game. Poz was maybe 10 yards out of the play. It is too early to say that the guy sucks, but he certainly hasn't shined and taken over this defense. We have two guys on defense who have shown playmaking ability most of the season. And that is Marcus Stroud and Brian Scott. Other than those two, who has stood out and made much of a difference? The rest of our defense has been marginal at best. Forget points allowed. Our defense rarely takes over a game. Miami only scored one touchdown, but moved the ball when they needed to the entire game. We still need upgrades on defense if we want to compete for anything other than last place in our division.
  5. I thought Marv died in the pressbox during the Monday nite game against the Cowboys. At least he looked dead to me.
  6. Our best safety is Brian Scott who we picked up off of the street. He makes many more plays than Whitner in run support. As far as in coverage, none of our safeties make any plays. Drafting Whitner and McCargo in the first round was just terrible. That is why we are mediocre to poor every year because we draft players who are mediocre to poor every year. Whitner plays like a late round pick. He has not improved since his rookie year, and he is the smallest safety in the league. The guy looks tiny.
  7. JP will not be even a backup on another team if he continues to play like he has for us in the past two weeks. I think he reads defenses as poorly as any quarterback I have ever seen. He has not gotten better in his recognitions and instincts in throwing the football since day one. He has a great arm, and is mobile, but lacks ANY SKILL in knowing where to throw the football on each play. Watch how many deep passes he overthrows by a lot. It is ridiculous that a professional quarterback can misfire so badly and look that confused As a team our offense had 163 yards total against a Miami defense that gave up 48 points to the Patriots. That is pathetic and unacceptable. We have scored 6 points in two games. Our offense is worse than last year which I thought was impossible. This team looks nothing like the team of the first month of the season. It is shocking. This team is in the same place as at the end of 2003 and 2005. Absolutely pathetic. I sit and watch and just cringe at how bad we look. Offensively, as BAD as any team in the league. We have to change head coaches. Jauron has lost this team. They are going thru the motions. Is anyone even coaching out there right now? I would like to see Jauron canned immediately, to start to get rid of the stench. (Less accountability on this team, than just about any in the NFL. Lynch played just horribly as well, and looked like he really didn't care. Need much more out of a player of his caliber. Players have stopped playing hard for Dick. SAD, SAD,SAD,SAD
  8. I wish we had Randy Moss. And you should too. Trent has not shown enough promise to warrant being handed the starting job next year. We need to bring a veteran in to compete with him. As for Jauron, who cares what knowledge he has. He can not coach our team to victory against any team that is half decent. He does not get the most out of our players. His schemes NEVER confuse the opponent. Wow, the players praise him. Who cares. They don't play to win, and that is because of good ole Dick. They don't play with confidence. Look at Atlanta my friend. A new coach with a good personel guy, and they have turned it around in one season. Like I wrote in an earlier post. If we lose Sunday, it will all come down and the season will end in a train wreck.
  9. That says it all. We never come out strong in a big game. We always play small. The two reasons are that we have consistently poor quarterbacking whenever we play an above average team. And we are almost always outcoached. Does Jauron act like a leader of men in the most intense sport in the world? Of course not. Noone on this board can disagree with that fact. I believe there is a good chance we lose our last four games. It all hinges on this week's game. If we lose to the Fish our season is over. We will than get buried in our last three games. Lets see how this team comes out and executes. If they are flat, weak and mistake prone, this will be the start of the end of the DJ era. Freefall if we lose. Heads will start to role. A wasted three years. But we can always have hope that the next coach will get it, and coach to win.
  10. You are splitting hairs if you want to compare our team being better than the one in 2005. We had a horrible JP Losman and a marginal Kelly Holcomb as our quarterbacks. Spikes went down with a torn achilles in week 4 against the Falcons. From their things unraveled. The point is that this year we started out 5-1 against a very easy schedule. But the team absolutely failed to build off of beating a bunch of bad teams. The easy schedule masked the coaching staffs inability to install any sort of confidence in its players that in a tough game, against a tough team that we had the talent and moxie to prevail. We went into the tank against the Fish and Jets, when the games were close. The team played tentatively, and the coaches coached scared. We went to New England, and played with absolutely no confidence. These were our 3 divisional opponents, and their was no fire from this team in any of those games. I blame the coaches for not instilling any sense of importance in these games to the players. And than to lose to Cleveland and SF at home is inexcusable. Both of those teams are pretty much talentless. And we barely played at their level because their is no standard set by the coaching staff. Both in game planning, and motivating. If we had played any other two divisions in the league this year our record would very likely be 2-10 or 3-9. This team plays with no confidence, has no leadership on the field or the sidelines, and is one of the least physical in the NFL. I blame that on the coaching staff. The talent is not great, but not horrible. They have failed to mold this team into a winning machine. Jauron has not destroyed this team. He has failed to make it into a team. Bobby April molds his special teamers into a "UNIT" every year. I would like to see what he could do with an entire team of players. The guy at least looks like it matters to him, and he communicates with HIS players on the sidelines.
  11. Did you watch the game last night? The Jaguars absolutely quit on Del Rio. That team is playing worse than us. Del Rio's schtick (and that is all he has) has worn very thin. Unless the Jags win there last 4, he is gone!!! Billick or Mariucci would definitely be an upgrade over Jauron. But Billick's offenses with the Ravens were definitely offensive.
  12. What on earth are you talking about? Things have played out and our record under Jauron is 20-24. Hardly close to being a playoff team. This team has no mental and physical toughness, and even less playmakers. We are solid at RB and CB. Our O line has the potential to be good if we can find a center and some depth at right guard. Our receivers are TERRIBLE. And we do not have a number one tight end. Worst of all is we have collectively about the worst group of QB's in the league. We need a leader who can make plays and TE is not it!!! Our front seven has NO studs. Stroud and Mitchell are OK, but do not dominate games. And our safeties do nothing. This team has won games because our special teams has usually dominated. But that will not get you to the playoffs. We need upgrades at WR, TE, C, QB, DE, DT, S, and LB. Enough said about how talented this team is.
  13. To compete for a Superbowl we need upgrades at DE, DT, OLB, C and TE, and more competition at guard. As well as continued improvement from Trent. (We should know more about him after the next 5 games) Anyone who we can bring in at these positions that makes us better, I am all for. The Kelsay contract and whether we cut him because of how much he is owed should not be part of the equation. He is nothing better than average AT BEST, and it is time to cut bait. If Russ Brandon wants to win, Kelsay will be cut.
  14. Stevie Johnson will hopefully become a very good slot receiver. I think he has way more upside than Roscoe as a receiver. I would definitely trade Roscoe for a third round pick. He is not a consistent factor in the offense. McKelvin and Fred Jackson are both good returners. We will not get more than a 3rd for Roscoe because he is not a major contributor on offense because he is too small and is frequently injured.
  15. Do you watch the NFL every Sunday and Monday? There are tremendous hits being dished out in every game all game. Your topic is just plain stupid. Pro Football is the greatest game played on this earth in my opinion. Just enjoy it. The hitting is ferocious.
  16. Playing Terrence Mghee on one leg was a brutal mistake by our coaches. Keeping him in the game after he was burned early should have gotten someone fired. McKelvin is probably the best athlete on our team. Now if we can find some studs to play in the front seven, we may actually be able to contend someday for a Super Bowl. The win yesterday was great. But overall Jauron is still garbage. I say we give him the next five games. Lets see where we end up. I need to see us go at least 9-7 if not 10-6 with us being ultra competitive in every game, otherwise it is time for a new head coach.
  17. Your remarks are totally misguided and irrelevant. Look at the last series the Bills ran. We took a knee three straight times and gave the ball back to the Chiefs. Who than tried to throw the ball with their last few plays. The previous series on 4th and four we ran Marshawn straight into the line instead of trying a forty something yard field goal. If we wanted to run the score up, we could have thrown for an easy first down. Didn't you enjoy running the score up on another team for a change? I sure did. Good god, we have been on the other side of blowouts this entire decade. I was hoping we would score 61. But, I do agree with you that Jauron is still a lousy coach. Lets beat the 49ers, and Dolphins, and see what kind of gameplan we put together for Brett and the Jets. Than we will know if Jauron has any coaching ability left.
  18. Ellis does look small at DE. We need a DE and a DT, and most definitely an OLB to replace Ellison who is slow and small and makes no plays at all. Our secondary is set-although I would like the FS spot to be up for grabs as Simpson still makes very few plays and looks slow in coverage. On Offense we need a C, and another WR or TE to help Trent out. If we get 5 bigtime players and TE takes it to the next level, we will be set as a contender.
  19. You are completely wrong with your assessment of McNabb. Have you seen how unaccurate he is with his throws? He may have a few good games left in him, but he is definitely on the down side of his career. He just does not have the accuracy on his throws anymore. He was never great. At his best he was very good. Now his best is average. His career will play out like Drew Bledsoe's.
  20. Stevie Johnson could very well be one of our top 3 receivers next year. And that could be a very good thing. Lets hope that James Hardy is also one of the top 3. Because so far he looks like an absolute STIFF. Don't say that he needs time to develop. The guy has done jack for us so far, and we have needed him to produce. For whatever reason though doesn't it seem like guys who play offense for us just don't play well? It just seems like the coaching staff is bringing the entire offense down, and not utilizing each individual's talents. What I want to know is why the hell is our offense as bad as last years? I did not think that was possible, but it has really become a reality.
  21. Dude, You are SO WRONG. This franchise is in no better shape than when he arrived. We never beat teams that have winning records. We are not going to the playoffs for the third year in a row with him. We are always outcoached. We were whipped physically by our three division rivals. What more do you want? Oh, he never coaches up any of our players whatsoever. Now, instead of only the Pats being better than us, so our the Jets and Dolphins. And we are not better than the Steelers, Ravens, Colts, Titans, Jaguars and Broncos , Browns and Chargers. Maybe we are a little better than the Bengals, Texans , Raiders and Chiefs. But that is debatable. Enough Said. Have you watched us play for the past 3 seasons????
  22. I am 43 and have been a fan since before the Chuck Knox era. (do u know who he was?) I went to the Super Bowl vs. Giants. (One of most fun days in my life until the miss) went to the bowl vs. Cowboys in the Rose Bowl. Was at the Music City Miracle, and the Dolphin playoff game where Flutie was sacked inside the 10 yard line trying to lead us to victory. Have been to many games at the Ralph. I have not missed a game since 1994. I wear a Bills jersey for EVERY game. (sometimes my Bryce Paup jersey-best year a Bills defender has ever had 1995-Defensive MVP) I watched all the games now with my 9 year old son. It means alot to him as well. Being a Bills fan is so passionate. We all LOVE our team. Real glad you feel that. Keep it up. Appreciate when we become good because it doesn't last forever. One day (not this year) we will turn it around. Keep the faith.
  23. 2. We can't just go into next year with Trent as our uncontested starter. We actually have guys who can play on our offense. But Trent played super SCARED after the 3 picks. Bad enough to start so poorly. But the kid showed no moxie by not fighting thru it and continue to throw downfield. He showed me nothing. We need to find someone who can continue to make plays and not go into a shell. I have never seen a QB so scared ever in a game. It did not look like any of our coaches went up to Trent and tried to clear his head. The whole QB situation has become pathetic. 3. We get ZERO pass rush from the outside. Kelsay and Denny and anyone else playing DE never even got a sniff of Quinn.. Unbelievalble.
  24. You are a MORON!!! Jauron is an awful coach. We have not beaten a good team since he took over as head coach. I don't care if the players like him. They certainly don't play very hard for him. I want a coach who the players respect and fear. I very much doubt that the Giant players love Tom Coughlin, but they sure play hard for him. The same goes for Belichek. The head coach is our leader. Do you think Jauron acts like a leader? The guy can't even throw a challenge flag for god's sake. His schemes don't work, and his motivational skills are worse than his schemes. We lost handily to our three division rivals. That is unacceptable. Jauron does not hold the players accountable for poor play. Mediocrity has been accepted in the Bills organization for too long. It all starts with the head coach.
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