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Paup 1995MVP

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Posts posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. The Bills have one player in the top ten of any position, and alot of you want to trade him. Not including special teams, Jason Peters is the only player to crack the top ten. If you really wanted to be clever maybe you could make a case for Terrence. Anybody else, and you are just grasping at straws.


    My gosh, I hate reading posts like yours that just gush over Peters. He was not a top ten OT last season. He plays lazy in pass protection a good bit of the time. He is never bull rushed, but watch guys go around him like Joey Porter when he doesn't get out of his stance quick enough. And he takes a large amount of penalties for a supposed "top ten" lineman. And he always seems to miss a few games with "so called" injuries. The guy has been made into something by the media that he is not. I hope we trade him, because he NEVER has put the team first.


    Marshawn is definitely top ten RB in the NFL. He plays hard every snap. There is noone better than him inside the ten yard line at sniffing the goal line. If we get a little more solid on the interior of our line, watch out.

  2. thank you...my point exactly...he put up better numbers as a #3 WR than a #2 WR...


    Its also interesting that Breston as the #3 WR in AZ and a rookie managed to top 1000 yards and put a better season than Bryant ever did in the same offense...


    First of all, Breaston was not a rookie this past season. He was a second year player. Second of all, look who was throwing the ball to Breaston-KURT WARNER!!! Who did Johnson have throwing him the ball? JT O SULLIVAN and SEAN HILL!!! Big difference, wouldn't you say???


    More importantly, we need another veteran receiver. Bryant Johnson while no stud is a decent receiver with some size capable of putting up decent numbers. Having him in the mix with Lee, Josh, and Steve Johnson, and possibly some combo of Hardy and Parrish gives us a much better, and deeper receiving core. I am for bringing in any decent veterans who can help positions of need.


    We need more weapons, it is as simple as that. B. Johnson will help our offense.

  3. The funniest thing about all this is how much praise DJ and staff was getting when we were 5-1 (especially in 4-0 start) about their mid game adjustments and how much better we looked in second half...he was even in running for coach of the year...then what happened?


    Well, we lost key starters, including our entire threat of a pass rush in Schobel, 2 corners playing great ball in Greer and Youboty, LB's, OL, Reed, and then Trent severly regressed coming back from injury and also missed more time with new injuries...


    So, the overly dramatic cries about DJ get tiresome to be honest. Do I think he is a great coach...NO, but he is not nearly as bad as the fans want to make him out to be. Its about time people start owning up to the fact that there isnt enough talent here at this point. That starts and stops with the lack of a true football GM and not maximizing our drafts...


    Go back and look at my posts...When we were 4-0 I said we would have a hard time making the playoffs, especially if we start getting some injuries and if our O Line doesnt play better...well what happened...injuries crushed us on both sides of the ball, we had terrible QB play which had a lot to do with inconsistency at O Line, injuries and Trents clear regression and loss of confidence.


    We still won 7 games, and should have won 9 if Lindell doesnt blow the kick and JP doesnt fumble. Heck, if JP doesnt play against SF, we probably win that game too and could have easily been 10-6.


    This team needs more talent. And honestly, I dont care if we sign Julius Peppers and bring back Bill Walsh from the dead, we wont win much more until we have MUCH Better QB play from either Trent getting better or someone else replacing him...Our D is no where dominant enough to be able make up for the poor QB play we have been plagued by...

    I totally agree. I do not think Jauron is a great coach by any stretch, but our QB play has been mediocre to poor for years. Are the Cardinals and Steelers in the Super Bowl because of their great coaching? NOT AT ALL!!! They have gotten at least very good quarterbacking from Warner and Big Ben, if not great quarterbacking a lot of the time. Both guys are leaders, play with confidence and win games. They also have a lot of very good receivers around them to throw to. Hopefully, the talent level on our team at all positions other than RB will improve substantially. That is the only way we will compete in our division and in our conference for that matter.


    Edwards needs to step up bigtime. He needs to start acting like a leader, stop missing so many games with injuries, and start throwing darts all over the field like an NFL Quarterback should do. A little bit of swagger out of Mr. Stanford would not hurt either. Jay Cutler is no better throwing the ball than TE, but he has that swagger that says I am "The Man". Trent needs that in a hurry.

  4. He was easily the best player on our defense this year. Look at the weak cast that he plays with! There is not one player in that front seven that could not easily be replaced. He consistantly played on the other side of the LOS and faced double teams. While fan favorites like Poz and Whitner somehow don't face scrutiny, Stroud was the only player that WAS Pro Bowl worthy on this team. PAY HIM!

    I agree he was the best player in our front seven. But that is not saying much at all is it? The most talented defender on our roster is Ashton Yabouty. McKelvin has more athletic ability than Yabouty, but is not the corner that Yabouty is at this time.


    Stroud is bigtime overrated. He gets absolutely no push on pass rush. He was decent against the run at times. But do you mean to tell me that you thought he played like a beast game in and game out? I think not.

  5. If we can get a legitimate tight end to throw the 15-20 yard seam pass to like just about every other NFL team does, I think TE has the potential to be good. That big target in the middle of the field who can run is a huge need that this team needs to address.


    In addition, we need to start stretching the field vertically regardless of who is our QB. We had the fewest downfield passing attempts in the league this past season. That is a huge reason why our passing game sucks year and year after.....

  6. I remember hearing something about it and remember Stroud saying something to the effect of "my play will make you want to rework my deal".


    He was good this year but I dont know if he was that good was he?

    Marcus Stroud had an average year at best. He had some strong quarters, but wasn't nearly a dominant force throughout any entire games except possibly the opener against Seattle. I thought he would have a much stronger presence. I would be very suprised if he received a lucrative extension.

  7. I went to the Bills-Redskins game last year at FedEx Field. That stadium is huge. The seats go very high up around the entire field. Very nice sight lines. Tremendous stadium. Ravens stadium is very nice as well, although not nearly as big as Fed Ex. Have also been to the Georgia Dome several times. Very sterile place. Domes suck bigtime.


    Ralph Wilson stadium is very basic, but the sight lines are solid and the atmosphere can not be beat. Now lets get a winning team to go with the best fans in the NFL.

  8. His route running is bad, he is slow to understand the pro game, it usually takes a year for a player to get back to 100% full physically and mentally from ACL injuries, and he showed no real promise during his first year. Do you really think he is going to be 100% ready by the start of the season? He also may be a step slower then last year which again won't help his cause.


    To me, he's useless and will not contribute next year. I hope I'm wrong but I don't see it.

    I totally agree. The guy was useless with two good legs. Now with a bad knee, I would be shocked if he is ready to contribute by opening day 2009. James Hardy looked like he had absolutely no clue on how to get open against NFL defenses. A lot of receivers take time to develop, but the Bills did not have that luxury of having Hardy take his time with understanding the pro game. I blame the organization for not doing enough research on Hardy about how NFL ready he was coming out of Indiana. And than when he came to us, we put no packages in to utilize any strengths he may have.


    If Hardy is not going to be ready for 2009, we need another WR and a TE to give Trent or whoever is going to play QB more downfield targets. (The Bills were last in the league in passes thrown over 16 yards in the air according to Mark Gaughn of the Buffalo News.)

  9. How I feel about the Peters situation is pretty obvious by my signature, but if they plan on keeping him, the extension needs to get done before the offseason conditioning programs. Should he be here the entire offseason, I guarentee there won't be a peep about trading the guy. In person, the dude's probably an a**hole, but has the talent to be better than Will Wolford. Should he be here in top condition, overrated will be a word that isn't used anymore either.

    Why do you have such a hard on for Jason Peters? He played horrible most of the year. The guy is not a leader in the slightest. He held out until right before the first game of the season. You want a guy like that setting the pay scale for your team? I think not. He has a tremendously overinflated opinion of himself. He is not overly physical, and he is slow in pass protection when dropping back against speed rushers. (SEE JOEY PORTER) Sure he doesn't get bull rushed, but he isn't nearly as good as you and many others on this board who have drinken his KOOL AID would like to believe.


    The Bills should make him a decent offer, but not anything outrageous. If he threatens to stay away again from offseason camps, than definitely try to trade him before the draft. Demetrius Bell will get his chance than to start. I bet you he is better than Peters in the long run. The Peters situation set the tone for this past season, and that was a BAD TONE.

  10. Even if I agreed with a Peters trade (which I totally do not), you are 100% correct, even if your post was tongue in cheek. Does anybody seriously believe that if Dick Levy got another first round early pick (Peters is easily worth this) he would grab one of the top LTs in this draft? How could any sane person think this? And even if he did, he would use the other pick on a defensive back.


    I have a lot of fun between now and the draft. The information and speculation is great, but reality tells us to say hello to a #11 safety. We will have 2 #11s and a #8 in the secondary. After 09, we will probably have a top 5 corner.

    The big problem with our team each offseason is that we do not bring in enough impact free agents. This past season we brought in Marcus Stroud (trade), Kawika Mitchell and Spencer Johnson. And noone on offense. For a team coming off two 7-9 seasons, this was not nearly enough. Johnson did nothing. Mitchell is way too slow dropping back and moving laterally. His only asset is rushing the passer. And Stroud while not horrible was far from dominant game in, game out in the middle. He got no push in pass rush, and had his moments against the run. My point is that these guys did not make a major impact.


    Right now to be a very competitive team next season, (despite our lack of coaching) we need a Center and at least one more guard, a Tight End, another WR, two more d-lineman, at least one and maybe two LB's and a safety, and of course another QB. That makes 9-10 players. If we could sign at least FIVE GOOD, don't have to be great players in free agency, it would open up so many more options in the draft. Lets hope this team wakes up and tries to be a big time player in free agency.

  11. Hey Guys!


    With or without Dick I personally dont think were far away from being a serious contender. I think we need to SELL Peters and buy another young O lineman or 2. We need a Veteran QB to help guide Trent... Kurt Warner and Kerry Collins will be available... I like Kurt.


    We need a DE... A Bruce Smith type. Add the return of Shobel and Crowell (biggest missing piece this year) and our defence is MUCH better... Quick pressure makes our D top 10.


    We need a TE.. I like Leonard Pope from AZ


    We could go for a big play WR like TJ Howsyermamma from Cinci.



    Heres the Free Agents available that i think can make an impact for us


    Defensive End....


    Julius Peppers


    Albert Haynesworth


    Terrell Suggs


    Bertrand Berry




    Kurt Warner


    Jeff Garcia


    Kyle Boller


    Charlie Batch




    T.J. Houshmandzadeh


    Bobby Engram


    Devery Henderson


    Shaun McDonald


    Tight Ends Available.


    Owen Daniels, UFA, Houston Texans

    Will Heller, UFA, Seattle Seahawks

    Eric Johnson, UFA, New Orleans Saints

    Jeff King, RFA, Carolina Panthers

    Jim Kleinsasser, UFA, Minnesota Vikings

    Leonard Pope, UFA, Arizona Cardinals

    Daniel Wilcox, UFA, Baltimore Ravens

    L.J. Smith, UFA, Philadelphia

    Bo Scaife, UFA, Tennessee


    Linebackers... (I like Mike Peterson)


    Ray Lewis, UFA, Baltimore Ravens



    Eric Barton, UFA, New York Jets


    Karlos Dansby, UFA, Arizona Cardinals



    Mike Peterson, UFA, Jacksonville Jaguars



    Bart Scott, UFA, Baltimore Ravens



    Jonathan Vilma, UFA, New Orleans Saints

    Bo Scaife would be a huge upgrade for us at TE. Bart Scott would give this defense some bite.

  12. I'm sure the decision is already made, if he were brought back ,we would already know.. Remember he has a confirmed contract and the Bills would go public if they intended do utilize it.. Just a few I's need to be dotted I suppose. jauron also DID NOT make himself available for end of year comments.


    Speculation is Marty Schotenheimer will be the new coach , if I'm wrong I won't post anymore this year..

    Buster I totally agree. I posted this last nite. If Jauron was staying it would have been announced yesterday. I will take Marty in a heartbeat. Toughness, toughness, toughness. A lot of guys who have been on this very soft team will no longer be here if Marty takes over. We can only hope and pray. I would take Bobby April too.

  13. jauron is gone. If he was staying, Ralph would have announced it today. You don't keep a coach who is staying twisting in the wind. Bobby April should be our next head coach. The guy is creative and smart, and actually shows emotion. And he knows the talent or lack of talent on this roster. Mark it down here fella's.

  14. There is no way he has anything to do with the draft or free agency. He might give that person(s) a dollar figure but he has no clue who Donte Whitner, Derrick Dockery or Langston Walker were before they became Bills.

    Whitner and Dockery are marginal players who should be cut. (Thats right Whitner should go. He can't cover anyone, and is too small to play saftety in the NFL.) Walker has been the best of the three. He is not great but serviceable as our right OT. What about drafting McCargo and trading up to take Poz? Oh my god, the list can go on and on. Marv did nothing better than Donahoe did. I loved Marv as coach, but all I can think of is him looking dead in the pressbox against the Cowboys.

  15. Yes, but the blueprint makes sense for the Bills. Get a great not good D along with a running game, which we have to set up the pass. I think we are yound and improving on offense but the D needs help.

    We can't score because we have no passing game to speak of, and refuse to try and run the ball in any situation that is 3rd and less than 3 yards to go. We run and pass out of the same formations every single game. We have two excellent running backs and no excellent receivers or tight ends. I don't think we even have any very good receivers. Lee Evans is so overrated. He has not taken over a game since the Texans game lst quarter in 2006.


    But you are correct that the D needs help as well at DE, DT, LB and S.

  16. A better offence that can score more then 20 points a game would keep the defence off the field for more then they have been this season, and maybe they could sustain longer drives then. The defence doesn't get enough credit for how they have played this year. They were not bad, and only had at the most 4 games maybe were they were bad. having an offence that is a threat to score will help the defence alot more because the players don't have to be afraid of giving up a score that will cost them the game, and they can attack more and be more aggressive. When the offence is barely a threat to most defences, the Bills D can't play as aggressive because its not likely that if they do give up a TD or FG that the offence will get it back for them. They have to play near perfect in order to make up for the offences ineptness.


    Improve the offence and the Bills are a playoff team

    has everyone forgot the problem at Quarterback. Nooone and I repeat noone on this board can feel real comfortable with Trent Edwards going into 2009 as our starter. I am not convivnced in the slightest that he has what it takes to lead this team to many victories.

  17. You always take the big man over the safety...besides, too much invested in your current crop of safety's....

    Our safety's SUCK!!! We need a fast TE, C , OLB, DT, DE, and at least one if not two saftety's. Simpson and Whitner BLOW. Scott is good on short yardage, but couldn't cover a corpse in a phone booth. We obviously have a lot of holes because we have drafted poorly and done poorly in free agency for far too long.

  18. Dockery has been nothing but average his entire time in Buffalo and today he was less then average. How Preston puts himself in that position before the half I have no idea. I know it's easy to take shots at Jauron but Preston has to understand the situation and the Center is suppose to be the leader of the line and he should be running back to the line of scrimmage to prepare for the field goal attempt. Even in his sound bites after the game he took no responsiblilty for his actions. He certainly has his faults but this season is not all on Jauron.

    This team's identity is a that they have a very good special teams unit and that is it. We need to focus all of our offseason efforts to improve one side of the ball. I don't care if it's offense or defense but we need to be great on at least one side of the ball.

    Dockery is so soft for an NFL player. He nevers nails anyone. We should cut him and eat his bonus immediately. The guy is average at best. I would keep Preston as a backup, and try and find the best dam center in North America and sign him in free agency or the draft. It is that important.

  19. I think you'd be hard pressed to cite an instance of "stupid penalties" that have been game-changers. Mistakes, yes- but mistakes in the form of turnovers and the occasional dropped pass/missed assignment.


    Furthermore, let's think for a second if Lindel hadn't botched the first two FG's against SF. Suddenly we're not going for it on 4th down inside the redzone, and we've got 9 extra points in a game decided by only 7.


    Like it or not, for all the blame you want to pin on Jauron, players have to be accountable too. Lindel turned two very short FG attempts (20y/40y) into two HUGE mistakes. We can pontificate all day long about what MIGHT have happened if we handed it to Lynch more often, or if Edwards had the sack to throw one deep, or if we brought the blitz harder and more often. But to me, points are points. We missed out on 6 gimmies, and it informed a decision later in the game that would have given us 3 more.


    We should have beaten SF. You COULD blame Jauron, but in doing so you're ignoring the game changing impact of a PLAYER's mistakes.

    Blaming Lindell for either of those losses is ridiculous. We should have blown the Browns out at home. Our QB imploded early and than did not have the moxie or fortitude to get his head together and make plays after the dreadful first quarter. Against SF, we did not covert in the red zone when we had numerous opportunities. The play calling was suspect, and of course we did not execute like we should have.


    Also, you have to look at 0-5 in the division. Probably to be 0-6 come Sunday at 4pm. That says we just are not good enough. Sure our coaching has been suspect at times. But I look at our lack of talent at certain positions as much more glaring. Overall, our QB play combining TE and JP has been mediocre at best. We have no threat to speak of at Tight end. The interior of our O line is very inconsistent. Even worse is our front seven. That is our biggest liability. Stroud is good, but definitely not dominant. Mitchell can be great at times, at other times he looks slow. But from there it is all downhill. Even when Schobel is healthy, he is inconsistent. The rest of our front seven basically is below avg. to sucky. They just are not athletic, simple as that. And our safeties CAN NOT COVER!!! Our biggest advantage is our return game, and coverage units. We almost always win the field position battle thanks to Leodis, Roscoe and Fred.


    For next season pray that TE keeps getting better, and finds the confidence bordering on cockiness. Get a tight end that can run, and please please get some pass rushers and linebackers who can make plays. It is not impossible to turn things around, but there are some glaring weaknesses that need shoring up. With the lack of talent on defense, 7-8 is right about where this team belongs.

  20. I will admit upfront I saw barely 5 minutes of this game....



    -Why are the Bills notorious for playing well and winning MEANINGLESS GAMES!?!?


    -This further solidifies my opinion that Ralph Wilson was wrong and the Bills did not fall to grace because of a lack of talent (though a lack exists), but rather because of poor coaching decisions. In terms of talent, the Bills are no better or worse than the Broncos and even if the Broncos miss the playoffs, they will have a winning record. At least 3-4 games that the Bills lost can be attributed to poor coaching decisions.


    -Someone mentioned that this teams downward spiral came following Reed's injury and today's game was proof of his value. He is Edwards favorite receiver. Too bad he is not a threat beyond 12-15 yards. He is a great slot receiver, the Bills would do themselves a whole lot of good if they find a reliable TE or 2nd WR this offseason and let Reed do his thing with even less attention. He could be a poor man's Hines Ward. By the way, Parrish will never be a poor man's Wes Welker (unless we get better blocking, Randy Moss and he becomes smart).



    -I would argue that today's game showed even more that the main goal this offseason should be to add some athleticism and power to our defense. Especially at the position of OLB and DE. Our defensive is severely undersized and not athletic enough to become a "game changing defense". I say draft the best available defensive athlete that is NOT a defensive back. Someone that can pop the QB and not get fooled on misdirection bull sh-- plays. I didn't see the Eddie Royal reverse but the Ravens/Steelers would never have let that happen.



    -Whitner is good, but not at #9.


    -Losman and McCargo might go down as some of the worst draft picks since Ryan Leaf/Mike Williams. Both might be out of the NFL within a season.


    -Leodis McKelvin might go down as one of the better players drafted in 2008.


    - Jauron still needs to go. The bittersweet part of this victory had nothing to do with our draft position, it had to do with giving Wilson some cover to make this terrible deal with Jauron public. If anything, this game was just Wilson's flak jacket. Hopefully the fans have a high powered bazooka to counter.

    We definitely need a tight end that can be a receiving threat. We must have the LEAST PRODUCTIVE tight end's in the league. We need at least two more studs in our front seven to rush the passer and just make plays. Have you ever seen less athletic linebackers than Poz and Ellison? And we still get nothing from our front four.


    Whitner is NOT GOOD..His instincts are very poor, and he is certainly not a game changer. He plays like a sixth or seventh round pick. Can he cover anyone big or small? The Bills would do well to find some new safeties because none on their roster can cover anyone. Scott is good in run support and that is where it ends. The team played with tremendous heart today. When TE is on, we will always have a chance. But we are still lacking at several key positions for us to be a contender. But a win on the road against a good team is tremendous. When was the last one we had? Does anyone even remember?

  21. On the late 4th down play, he actually did get outside and then failed to block a soul. As Freddie is getting tackled, Dockery is standing on the sidelines watching. He's terrible.


    Bill, I'm genuinely curious. As much as you like Peters, I call bull sh-- on his behavior in the off-season and today as well. He came in late and took a while to get up to speed. He's had some great plays and good games--but also quite a few boneheaded plays. Thoughts? (I am not in favor of running him out of town...just saying I'm not having an easy time liking this kid.)



    This may be unpopular, but I have a big feeling that Peters is going to pull the same stunt this offseason as last. No way is he worth huge left tackle money. If the Bills are smart, and they can find a willing partner, they should trade Peters. Chambers and the rookie Bell will not be much of a dropoff. Peters is overrated. I would trade him for a high 2nd and a high 3rd round pick. Of course I would take a 1st, but noone is probably going to give that up for him.. All you have to do is watch the film and see that he is a lazy player who is a good athlete, not great, who gets beat more than once in awhile. He takes a lot of penalties and that is from not concentrating enough. He could care less about being a Bill, so lets get what we can for him and spend our money elsewhere. For this team to move forward, guys like Peters need to be shown the door.

  22. No. Its the quarterbacks.


    The pass protection has been good this year, and the receiving group is passable. There is no excuse for them to drop back there and stand around as if they don't even know the playcall, because they "can't find anybody." Time and time again they sit in the pocket until they either take a sack, or check to Lynch/Jackson. I've had it with the ineptitude at the QB position.


    Chris Brown made a post in his blog about one of these losses (if memory serves, it was an Edwards game, possibly the MNF) that recievers were open all game long, and the ball simply never found them. We've seen people say that as the season went on, Edwards stopped anticipating that recievers would get open, and trust the system and his WRs...and instead would wait until guys were wide open to let it fly. And even of the recievers who were wide open...he failed to see far too many of them.


    The running game is not that bad...15th in ypg (113.9), and tied for 13th in ypc (4.2). You can't pin this on the linemen. Its specifically the quarterback position that has held the offense back, imo.


    Losman has always recieved a lot of criticism for holding the ball too long, with good reason. But he doesn't hold onto the ball just because he likes doing it. He holds onto the ball because he just does not know where to go with it, because he can't find secondary recievers and he can't read defenses. Thats why he hardly ever takes a three step drop, steps up and wings it...instead, we get pat-pat-sack, or pat-pat-checkdown. He hesitates because he doesn't know what to do.


    For too many games, we saw Edwards put that same defficiency on display. The ball wouldn't come out on time with the play, and when it did finally come out, it was to his security blanket.


    People will say "I don't know if I'm ready to give up on him"...but are you really ready to just hand this guy the starting job next year? This is the most critical position in sports. We need to bring in somebody who has a clue.

    I totally agree with you Big Bad Boone. Our quarterbacking has been just awful with both JP and TE. Neither of them has any confidence to just wing it down the field. They are always tentative. It is amazing that both of these guys struggle so much. Our talent evaluators have missed big time on both of these guys. I can not remember what its like to have a QB under center who had confidence in himself and his teammates to continuously make plays. JP's numbers are an embarrasment. It is amazing that he is still on our roster. The guy SUCKS!!! And TE hasn't played much better. His performance AFTER throwing the 3 picks against Cleveland was the most gutless performance I have ever seen on a football field. He was AFRAID to throw the ball. What is wrong with these guys?


    We definitely need some competition for TE next season. A guy with some moxie and fire. Shoot I would take Brian Griese from Tampa to come in and compete. At least he can play the position.

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