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Paup 1995MVP

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Posts posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. I am wondering just how strong the interest be, given that free agency has been in full swing for quite some time.

    Personally, I hope that Green Bay grabs him. He gets shoved around on passing downs, and makes up for it by having no push on running plays.

    I love it Bill. Duke Preston is the perfect symbol of why the Bills have been so mediocre to poor this whole decade. Does he god awful suck? No, not really. But is he good at all? No. Has he shown any upside to becoming a legitimate starter in the NFL? NO. The guy has been marginal his entire career with the Bills, and we have played way too many marginal guys for too many years. We should let him walk and find someone who is at least DECENT, and has upside to be very good. Too many Buffalo Bills have low ceilings when it comes to talent. That culture needs to change. Say goodbye to the Duke. (And thanks for getting in that fight at the end of the first half against the Pats-brilliant move)

  2. Mcgee won't be returning kicks much longer, he is getting too old to do it, and thats one reason why McKelvin was brought in.


    McKelvin won't be returning Kicks, Punts, and play CB


    What has Fred Jackson done as a return man that would make you think that the Bills should make him a full time guy?


    Trading Parrish, who is one of the top returners in the league, should not be shopped unless they are getting something big in return, not just some mid to late draft pick. He is too valuable on ST's to just give away because the bills signed TO for one year.

    Have you watched Fred Jackson return punts and kickoffs? EVERY TIME he touches the ball he makes people miss and gets a sizable return. I suggest you open your eyes when we are receiving a punt or kickoff. He definitely can make things happen on a regular basis. We should be able to get a third for Roscoe.

  3. Rolle has been terrible the past few years. He was good earlier in his career with the Titans, but has been playing all on reputation the past few. Not a good tackler either. Our five top corners will be better than him this year.

  4. Sadly, when it comes to our beloved Bills, doing something this stupid is a distinct possibility.


    If Jason Peters is traded, the odds of getting someone in his class to replace him is next to impossible. There is virtually no chance of this given how good he is, as well as where and how the Bills draft. Jason Peters is a member of this team because the Bills are lucky. Sure, he was brought in as a UDFA, but he was also at one point cut. Sorry, it was pure luck.


    A smart team would rip up his old contract and pay him what he deserves. If it takes 10 million or a little more per year, that's what they should do. The Bills, with Trent, TO, Evans and Lynch have the potential to be a potent, exciting offense. A coach and front office with any sort of brain would be looking at ways to strengthen a line which is already questionable, instead of getting rid of its strongest component.


    When opponents don't fear the run and sacks pile up, people will certainly be blaming Trent instead of the cheap fools who caused this.

    Bill, you have so bought the kool aid on Jason Peters. He is an above average OT, and nothing more. Yet he has a terrible attitude and doesn't play with any type of mean streak. You really think he should be the highest or near the highest paid O lineman in the league. Please give it a rest and rethink your position. In the long run the Bills will be much better off trading his big fat ass. Do you really think we would lose much having Langston Walker, Chambers, or Bell play there? I don't. One player will not make or break this team, trust me on that.

  5. One thing is certain...Peters had a drop off from 07-08...I imagine that drop off was directly related to the Holdout...The Bills CANNOT go through another Hold Out from Peters in 09...This is some VERY dangerous territory because We are talking about the LT Position...But enough is enough...Peters Trade value is pretty much sky high...And it's not going to get any higher if He continues to underachieve in 09...


    I'm reluctantly in favor of Trading Peters...Chances are the Bills get a 1st and something for one of the Premier LT's in the NFL (at least if You ask Peters' Agent He is...)...Unfortunately, chances are also good The Bills see a drop off at the LT Position this coming Season...But at this point I don't see how they are going to bridge a $3 million per Year gap...Especially considering the fact that The Bills don't seem willing to pay ANY Player top cash at their Position...At least with a couple extra Picks in Rounds 1-3 The Bills will be able to fill a couple more holes...And IF the Bills get lucky and grab the right Kid, they could very well fill the LT Need in this Draft...


    My gut is telling Me Peters and The Bills are never going to see eye to eye again...If there is a Team willing to give up a couple Premium Draft Picks for Him I think it's time to cut all losses and move on...No more distractions at the LT Position please... :huh:

    I agree. I will keep saying this until the cows come home, as I have been saying since last year. The guy is just not that good. Why do so many of you on this board think he is GREAT? He is not great. Does it make everyone feel better about the Bills that we can say we have a top player at a position? Even though we all know it is not true. I say we trade him for Philly's higher first round pick and their second if possible. If they will not give up a two take their first and third and maybe a fifth. Because lets face it, noone is giving up two first round picks for Peters. That kind of trade is just not done anylonger in the NFL. He is a headache, not a gamechanger. It is time to say goodbye to Jason.

  6. Eagles won't trade their two first round picks.

    Bills will not trade Jason Peters.

    Bills just signed TO and is not interested in rebuilding the team, at least not this year.

    Jason Peters will not hold out because he already tried last year and it blew up in his face.

    Clayton is smoking something good and I want some of that.

    This discussion is a waste of time.

    Peters WILL hold out. Do you really think he is going to show up for offseason conditioning without a new contract? NO WAY!!! He wants a huge contract. The dude is all about the money. He could care less that he held out all offseason and messed up our entire O line. The Bills will make what they think is a fair offer to Peters. If Peters' demands are ridiculous and it looks like there is no middle ground. I believe we will certainly try and trade him for the best deal we can before the draft. That makes the most sense.


    For you people on here who think Peters is comparable to Anthony Munoz and Tony Boselli in their primes, please tell me what I am missing. To me Jason Peters plays lazy and uninterested a lot of the time with poor focus causing him to false start quite a bit. Sure when motivated he can manhandle people, but his first step back on pass protection is not fast, as shown by how many guys went around him for sacks last season.

  7. We could have 5 first rounders. You're not going to find a LT as good as Peters in this draft.


    The only options for teams in our division against stopping our passing game is to blitz the hell out of Edwards before he can throw the ball. Having major holes at both LT and LG would not be wise.

    You are retarded. Jason Peters is not close to being the best left tackle that ever walked the earth, so control yourself. If we could get two first round picks for him, that would be a tremendous deal. He may be wanting some unbelievable contract that is not realistic for the Bills to give him. The guy is a headcase, plain and simple. I am sure we could find someone in the first round to replace him, and get another stud as well. We would be sitting pretty with 3 first round picks.

  8. Everytime it is even rumored that someone might be released, or becomes a free agent or rumored to be on the trade block, within seconds people are making posts for them to come to Buffalo (Housh, Holt, Haynesworth, etc). First off, this organization isn't going to pay for big names, second off most of these players don't want to come to Buffalo. The newest one isn't even funny-T.O. to the Bills, that is the dumbest post I have seen on here yet. Hasn't Lynch been enough distraction? We have a very young QB who he would crush. Please, most of these posts are somewhat entertaining when you have nothing else to do, but the T.O. one is retarded.

    You're the RETARD buddy!!! Why would a team that has not been to the playoffs in ten years, and has had one of the worst passing games in the league for this entire decade not want to bring in a guy who is still a top 10 receiver in this league, and is the number 2 all time touchdown reception leader? It makes all the sense in the world to bring TO to Buffalo. Our team needs a shakeup. We have been going thru the motions for years. Did you watch our divisional games this year? We were absolutely pathetic. The team is rudderless. Professional sports is about having at least some stars. We have none. The biggest stars on the Bills our us the FANS. Are you excited by any of our offseason moves in the past 5 years? I didn't think so. To win in the NFL you have to think big.. Our team doesn't think much, and when they do, they think SMALL. That won't cut it in today's NFL. TO is a great player. He is worth a shot. This is not a team that is great, that needs a little tinkering. There is NOTHING here to upset. We are a terrible team, as shown by our pitiful finish of 2-8 last year. We have made no big free agent signings. Something has to be done. Does any team bring in more free agents and sign less of them than us? I think not.


    Posts like yours are just negative. Why don't you tell us something constructive about how we can improve our team instead of ripping on people who want us to bring in a future HALL of FAMER?

  9. The "he is a disruption" issue is too large to be dismissed. He is arguably the worst locker room guy of his generation, especially out of all the good players. There is no doubt the guy is a fine receiver; although, he has lost a step. But he tears teams apart from the inside -- he has been on three teams and did it to all three of them. Add all the caveats you want to a contract -- he doesn't care. He does what he wants even when it means dire consequences.

    One of the problems with our team is that there is no disruptions and distractions. By that I mean everything is way too comfortable on this Bills team. Nonne stands out and calls people out when needed. I don't see the burning desire to win from anyone on the Bills. Our championship teams had guys like Reed, Thurman and Talley who were not exactly team guys. They were very cranky at times and did not look to be buds with their teammates. They made things "uncomfortable" which did not lead to complacency. TO is a winner. He always wants to win. Have any of you seen him on the sidelines when the team is playing lousy? He gets pissed!! A lot more vinegar is what this team needs. I want TO!!

  10. I will take anyone that would make are team better. TO would make our team better, and much more entertaining. Do you think he knows that Buffalo is even a team? That would be awesome if we tried to woo TO with a big fat contract. He would be stunned, and we would be the headline team in the NFL for a short time. Again, anyone who can help our offense is fine by me.

  11. Here's the thing. Coles walked away from 6 Million a year guaranteed from the Jets. Now to me, that is a strong clue he just may have wanted more money then that. He came to Buffalo first, and I'm just spit-balling here, but my guess is that he conveyed that desire to Brandon and his circle jerks. No matter what we think Coles might be worth, Brandon knew what needed to be done to sign the guy. I read from "sources" Brandon offered 3 years at 6 Million a year? I'm not a math genius, but that's not more then 6 Million a year, it is the same.


    Miami passed, surprised me, I thought for sure the Fins would sign him. But there was good old "cheapskate" Mike Brown, of all NFL owners, willing to give Coles an extra million dollars a year for an extra year in the contract. Who ever thought Mike Brown and the Bengals would "overpay" for a free agent? Small market Cincinnati?


    Well, they did not overpay for Coles. They paid the right amount to sign him, according to him and his agent. Sure Brandon, Wilson, the circle jerks and even the vast majority of TSWers out here can sit around and laugh at the money the Bengals overpaid to get Coles. Bottom line? Brandon blew it when he had the chance to "overpay" for Coles himself. And if he would have offered Coles 28 Million dollars last week before he ever left Buffalo and signed him, I'm sure most of the fans out here would be freakin' happy about it, and not mocking out the Bengals right now.


    But that's just me.

    Have you watched Laverneus Coles play the past couple of seasons? He is nothing special. Certainly not worth 4 years and 28 million dollars. Receivers are a fickle bunch. Very few have great seasons year after year. I don't think the Bills wanted him that badly to get into a bidding war with the Bengals. What is more important is getting Trent Edwards to play like an NFL QB. A good QB can make very mediocre receivers look very good.

  12. R u suggesting we trade Freddy for Brian Waters?

    I would trade Fred Jackson for Brian Waters if we can sign a very capable veteran to replace him. Good O lineman are so much more important than decent running backs. That has been the problem on our team for years is that we have not given the necessary attention to both our lines. Look at the Broncos over the past 15 years. Great O line, with many different DECENT RB's having good season after good season. It starts in the trenches boys.

  13. Pat Moran insists that Buffalo has not signed Coles, that their offer falls at least a bit short of he wants, that Coles' agent is trying to set up visits with other teams, and that Coles may come back to Buffalo at some point if he can't find something better.

    That is a joke. If the Bills are really offering 3 years, 18 mill. to sign Coles, there is absolutely NO teams in the NFL who would pay more for him. The guy is a decent receiver who is a complementary piece to any teams offensive puzzle. A lot of these agents mislead their players into thinking their worth is so much higher than it really is. Laverneus will be waiting awhile if he thinks he will be getting a megadeal from someone.

  14. Personally not a JP hater and Jp is definately better than Fitz, But Fitz might do better here than in concinatti because we are a dink and dunk team and hes a dink and dunk and run guy instead of the throe the ball down field that cincinatti wants and Jp is better at.

    Poet, JP was horrible. I don't care what system he plays in, he can not read defenses, can not make quick decisions and his accuracy on short and medium passes is god awful. I have got to believe that Fitzpatrick will be a big upgrade.

  15. Are the Bills stupid. If he left 6 million behind to look for more, how can they offer that contract???? That's insulting. Do the math. 18 divided by 3 is 6! They offered exactly what he left on the table. What about 3 years for 21 million. This is ridiculous. I don't know what to think anymore

    You are ridiculous beast mode. Who in their right mind would pay Laverneus Coles a contract averaging $7 million per year. The guy is a decent 31 yr. old receiver, and nothing more. If he was as awesome as you are inferring from your silly numbers, than don't you think the Jets would have kept him?


    Steve Johnson has way more upside at this point in their careers than Coles does. Besides the amount that matters is how much is guaranteed. I am sure the Bills offered at least $8 mill. guaranteed. With some of you on this board, the Bills can do nothing right. If Coles chooses Cinci over us, than good riddence to him.

  16. Dockery sucked. He underperformed from day 1. This is an excellent start to free agency. You have to get rid of the dead wood before moving forward. The next few days of free agency are going to be very interesting as to how this team is going to look. Does anyone have a list of all the interior lineman who are going to be free agents come tonite? Please post it.


    Also, does anyone think that cutting Dockery freeing up more money means a new extension for Jason Peters is imminent? Just a thought to throw out there.

  17. Come on guys, lets wake up and think about this for a minute. Way too much credence is given to the combine. They don't play football at the combine. They run, lift weights and do drills. Have any of you watched Andre Smith in his career at Alabama? I have not watched him closely, but have heard he was a beast in what is arguably the best conference in America. So because of immature behavior at the combine, he is no longer a great football player? I think NOT!!! What matters is how he plays on the field, not what he does in the confines of Indianapolis.


    The Bills can watch the film of how he played and decide from there. If he is that good and will fall to #11, we should trade Peters for high draft picks and take Mr. Smith. And you know what we do with the picks, fill our other needs.

  18. Per todays' edition.


    Owen Daniels TE -Texans. Says FO likes Fine & Schouman but OD is better than both in all aspects


    Devery Henderson WR -Saints. Veteran, big play WR due to his speed.


    Michael Boley OLB -Falcons. Productive vs. run & pass. At 26, still has much upside (Crowell replacement)


    Jermaine Phillips S-Bucs. 7 year vet with a knack for creating turnovers -11 ints., 7 FF since '06. Strong vs. run, well versed in Cover-2 scheme.



    This is the first I've heard on any of these players in our wish list. All appear upgrades.





    page 10.

    I get so excited the week leading up to free agency. The chance of bringing in some new, better players is definitely cause for hope for even us long suffering Bills' fans. I would be happy with all four of those players. I think we need to look at at least one D lineman and a Center as well in free agency. That will open up many more possibilities on draft day. Henderson would be the best #2 receiver we have had in years if we can sign him.

  19. This is a great example of the Bills stupidity, which seems to be never ending. Little if anything surprises me any more.


    Corners mean more to the Colts than they do to the Bills. They play in a dome where passing conditions are always favorable. The Bills already have McKelvin, MaGee and of course Corner. There is only a certain amount of money to go around wrt free agents. We have no center, no tight end, no depth at guard, and the defensive line is a bad joke. What is the solution for thee dumbasses? Offer huge bucks to an OK cover-2 corner. ^_^


    So, where does this leave us? If we are outbid, Dick Levy will almost surely draft one in the first round, or at least another safety. If we retain Greer, Ralph will soon cry "cash to cap." I thank God for the other more important things in my life because the idiocy of this team is never ending and hard to bear at times.

    Bill, you sound like a smart guy with your posts of "12 things" after every game. You are actually are one of the few people on this board who usually says something intelligent. That being said, posts like these make you come off like a big crybaby. Jabari is a very good player in the NFL. We need good players. Sure we have McGee, McKelvin, Yabouty and Corner, but I guarantee you one or more of these guys will be injured at some point in the season. We can certainly use Greer. We have plenty of room under the cap to keep Greer, and sign many other free agents. It would be a good move to retain him.


    The negativity on this board is unbelievable. Why be a fan if you hate the organization so much? I have been a fan forever as well, and am pissed about last season also. But every year brings a new season, and wining over keeping our best cover corner because we have several others who can play the position is stupid. Greer has more upside than Mcgee at this point in their careers. So keeping him over resigning Mcgee after this coming season would seem to be prudent to me.

  20. Thank you! You saved me from having to post this! Hyanesworth had a great season, but he isn't getting younger, and has a history of underperforming... if I was taking a gamble on a D-lineman, I would much prefer J Peppers... up and down as well, but with much more upside...

    What you are saying is just plain stupid. Haynesworth is one of the best if not the best D lineman in the game. Plus he is one mean SOB on the field. If you hadn't noticed we NEED that kind of player. NOONE on our defense plays with a big chip on their shoulder. (Including Marcus Stroud) Put him and Stroud together with Kyle Williams and another young stud as your 3 and 4 D tackles and you have as stout a D line as anyones in the league. We need game changers with attitude. That is why we have not made the playoffs in 9 frickin seasons.. Everyone can rip on the coaches all they want, but look at the lack of talent across the team except at RB. That is the BIG PROBLEM!!! Signing Haynesworth is a step in the right direction!!!

  21. I always forget how young that he is. This will probably be a good year for the Bills to redo his contract, because honestly, his stock can probably only go up from here.

    I would be happy if we traded him. He gets injured a lot because he is too small to play such a physical position trying to always hit much bigger men. Also, he does not make many big or game changing plays. When your biggest play of the year is tackling a receiver 7 yards deep in the end zone, nothing more needs to be said.

  22. We have invested a huge amount of money already at DE. I don't see us using a first round pick or signing a high end free agent at the DE position, unless we release Kelsay or Schoebel. We certainly have enough other needs to address including C, TE, OLB. Believe it or not, there is a significant likelyhood that we do not address the DE position at all. We also used a 3rd on Ellis last year and Denney is solid.


    Lack of a passrush was the biggest problem on the team last year. We have a good secondary. With a decent to good passrush, our defense will be very strong. Look at all of the teams that excell on defense, especially the Steelers. Where does it start? Up front with a strong pass rush. Schobel was not playing well at the time of his injury. He does not dominate games in the slightest. There is no guarantee he will ever regain any type of burst with the severe foot injury he suffered. Kelsay is a terrible pass rusher. Denny is a marginal reserve, and Ellis has showed nothing. Why the hell would we not address the DE position? We are almost 30 million dollars under the cap without even cutting several pieces of dead weight including McCargo, and Robert Royal. Not addressing our D line is totally irresponsible and would show that our management hasn't a clue as to how to build a dominating team.

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