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Paup 1995MVP

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Posts posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. He definitely makes the team. He is a more than serviceable backup. If he was poised to get cut, wouldn't he be lower on the depth chart, now? He isn't old, doesn't make a ton of money, so he isn't going to be cut for economic reasons, if one of these guys is signed to start.

    Dean, I totally disagree with you. Keith Ellison has not been a difference maker for our team. He should not be playing linebacker in the NFL. He is not powerful, athletic, or remotely dominating in any one particular facet of the game. He has no upside, and his awareness and instincts do NOT make up for his lack of physical ability.


    I would think someone who posts as much as you would be more astute in evaluating our talent.

  2. I can hear it now, if the season unravels this year then we can make all kinds of excuses from Belichek cheating to our inept FO and now the newest and safest one, TO.


    I hope I am wrong but I'll tell you what is more tiring than missing the play-offs and clawing to be a .500 team and that is the whining and complaining from the fans. We want to find a scapegoat everytime we are unsuccessful each year but if there were no football team in Buffalo at all then how would you feel then? I'd like to see a fresh approach this year not just from our FO, organization and team but even more from our fanbase. Appreciate what we have. We are one of 32 cities to have a NFL franchise in the WORLD!


    Go Bills!

    I like your attitude Tipster. A large portion of the posters on this board are simpletons who have no real clue about the Bills or the NFL. I for one am very psyched about this season. For god sakes, we have TO coming to town. That is frickin AWESOME. For anyone who doubts what positives TO brings to the table. Watch the repeat from last summer of 2008 Dallas Cowboys training camp on NFL Network. The man is the consummate professional who is still an absolute stud. The example that he will set in training camp with his work habits is going to be phonomenal for the young players. Guys like him and Rhodes are exactly what the doctor ordered for us fans. Just wait and see. For all you doubters, this years team will have a whole new attitude. We are going to rock.

  3. I think the Bills have pretty much made it clear they are going to go with Ellison at OLB this year.


    They keep bringing in these OLB FAs, and do nothing with them but wait until they sign with other teams. Ellison is, unfortunately, our guy.

    Totally disagree. The Bills have done just the opposite by bringing in so many outside linebackers for a look see. If we really loved Ellison, why would we be meeting with all these other OLB's? I would say it is 50/50 whether Keith Ellison even makes our team. I sure hope he does NOT!!!

  4. Is it arguable that the talent level of the current offensive unit could rival that of the 1991 Bills (arguably the best unit in team history). Whether or not the playcalling is there is a different question. My concern is strictly from a talent perspective. I am aware that the line is still young and unproven and will be the key to the offense if they play as a unit, but assuming they do, I think this could be potentially the best offense in Bills history.

    I love your optimism. I think this team has a lot of talent on both sides of the ball with the free agents and draft picks we have signed this offseason. However, there are two very big factors that will determine if we are a winning playoff type team. And that is whether TE can step up and become a good, (doesn't need to be great) QB. And whether coach Dick will grow a pair and coach agressively. If we get good coaching and quarterbacking, this is a playoff team. All the other pieces are in place.


    Coaching and Quarterbacking will be the biggest factors!!!

  5. Once again you fail to give credit where it is due. If it was so easy to mold players into elite LTs teams wouldn't be paying 10+ million per year for them would they? It just points out once again how we squandered away a player with freakish natural abilities. And yea, I really wanted to use that #11 pick on a DE when we had 2 good tackles...but now that idea is just preposterous.


    But hey, it could be worse. At least you aren't suggesting we draft a TE at #11...


    Oh yea and I love how you guys throw around that 11.5 number like it actually means anything. You cannot just count the number of sacks accumulated by players who lined up across from JP, as defenses have been known to stunt. I know usually that stuff is reserved for peewee football but it turns out NFL teams actually do stunt. Also, JP would not have given up nearly as many sacks if he had gotten help the way that almost every other LT in the league does. But he was so good that the Bills coaching staff felt they could leave him isolated every play, so your 11.5 isn't factoring the sacks that were avoided because we had extra help across the line. Just stop pretending the guy wasn't good. Say it with me - we lost a great player because the Bills are CHEAP. Accept it and get over it, but stop pretending this was a brilliant move that makes the Bills better.

    Dude, you are just stupid. I am just so sick of listening to you rant about how great Peters was. Did you get to watch even one Bills game living in South Georgia? Peters was AWFUL last year. Say it again!! He was beaten several times in EVERY game he played last year. Langston Walker or whoever plays LT this coming season will more than adequately replace him. The Bills are not cheap. Was Pittsburg cheap to let Alan Faneca go to the Jets? Is every team cheap for not signing everyone of their own free agents? I dont' think so!! So just give it a rest and try and look at the big picture of the situation.

  6. I have been a Bills fan for more than 40 years (and will continue to be as long as they are the Buffalo Bills). I still do not like the Peters trade or the talked about Roscoe trade.

    Why don't you like the Peters trade? Did you watch him play last year. He did not give a sh-t about the team.. He as much admitted it in his press conference today in Philly. Do you really believe all the hype and think he is that great a player? He was sieve on the left side last year, simple as that. It is just a shame for all the fans of this beloved team to rip the FO for getting rid of a guy who did not want to play for us, and was at best mediocre last year. For the love of god, why on earth would the Bills give Peters a 4 year $53 million extension when he stayed away all last offseason and than played horribly the entire season? Get a clue, PLEASE!!! There are other huge men in this country who can play LT in the NFL, and will also agree to be part of the team.


    As for Roscoe, he is a punt returner. He makes a few big plays every year. He is not worth $3 million/year. He is a TERRIBLE receiver. And when he does catch the ball he gets brought down almost immediately everytime. Lets see what we can get for him, before jumping off of a bridge!!! I count five if not six receivers on our roster right now I would rather have playing than Roscoe.


    We have not won with either Roscoe or Peters. Change is not always bad fellas. Enjoy it. We didn't win with these guys. Lets keep changing it up until we find some winning combinations. Besides it sure makes the offseason a whole lot more interesting.

  7. The proof is in the pudding:


    Eagles: 7 playoff appearances, 5 NFC Title games, 1 SB in 10 seasons

    Bills: 1 postseason, 0 AFC Title games, 0 SB in 10 seasons.


    Every darn team in the league whiffs on select personnel moves. The Eagles do it far less, and as a result are in the post-season more often.


    The Eagles wanted Peters, and this was mentioned by none other than Andy Reid himself. They remember him from scouting one of the Andrews brothers at Arkansas. Had Bills front office read the stitches on the fast ball, they'd have realized this and held off to get more for him.


    Go on trying to destroy everyone who says Buffalo failed, but if you'd rather trust a team with 6 less playoff appearances than Philly's in the last decade so be it.

    You are one negative dude, let me tell you. I have found you to be one of the more intelligent writers on this message board. However, you have said absolutely nothing positive about the team since the end of the season. Are you just so bitter that you can not find any hope in anything the team has done since the end of the offseason? To me that is just pathetic. I honestly believe that Brandon is trying everything in his power to turn this team around. As a fan you need to have hope. Think about it. Try and find something positive, or go root for another team. The best thing about being a fan is having hope that it will always get better. Otherwise, don't even bother. Have you ever even liked the Bills?

  8. Sure, this guy makes perfect sense, if you want to look at stats and not base anything on how he actually looks on the field. Peters is one of the best left tackles in football, period, but you can only see it if you watch his play on the field. I'm not sure if this guy's ever been to Bills game to actually see him perform, cause unless you're there, it's pretty hard to see how good he is.


    This is ridiculous, stats are the worst thing to go by for offensive linemen. First of all, sacks allowed isn't even a real stat. Yeah, Peters gave up quite a few sacks, but he also plays in a zone blocking scheme, so it's not all on his shoulders.


    Believe me, the Eagles are going to be a force, because they've shored up the offensive line, and it's going to be vicious. It's big, and fast...


    This person needs to quit reading stats, there's a reason to watch the games.

    Hey CFL, were you watching the right league last year buddy? Peters was absolutely dreadful last year. He was fat, slow and LAZY. It is hard to see how good he is, because he hasn't been very good. How often did Peters and Dockery obliterate the right side of any D Line? It just did not happen with any sort of regularity. For whatever reason, people get on someones bandwagon and make them out to be the best player at their position. The media put a player on a pedistal and before you know it Peters is Anthony Munoz. The whole thing became a big joke. What has Jason Peters done to make so many of you think he was the Bills savior? I just don't see it, and I have watched a lot of football over my lifetime. I just see Joey Porter going around him like he either didn't care, or just plain old SUCKED!! A new era is coming. Get on board because it is about to get a whole lot better.

  9. Players gained:


    C/G Hangartner

    WR Owens

    C/G McKinney

    LB Thomas

    CB Florence

    RB Rhodes

    C Philip

    WR Sam

    DE Smith

    T Scott

    QB Fitzpatrick


    Players lost:


    LT Peters

    LG Dockery

    C Preston

    C Fowler

    CB Greer

    LB Crowell

    TE Royal

    QB Losman



    The Bills went into the off-season with glaring holes at center, tight end, defensive end, wide receiver, outside linebacker, and safety. They created holes for themselves at left guard and left tackle because of Derrick's release and Peters' trade with Philly. They also needed a cornerback after they decided to let Jabari Greer walk.


    The Bills addressed center, cornerback and the wide receiver positions adequately by signing Hangartner, Florence and Owens, respectfully. All of our other positions of need were addressed with band aids, IMO, and some positions have continued to be ignored.


    If the Bills don't sign any other free agents or make any trades they will go into the draft with holes remaining at TE, DE, OLB, S, LT, and LG. The Bills can't possibly assume that all of these spots will be filled in one draft so it appears the Bills are in rebuild mode, which is funny because the Bills kept Jauron and Co. around for continuity's sake.


    So much for continuity. 60% of the offensive line will be new next year and the Bills appear to have no rhyme or reason on how to build a team. I mean, if continuity was so important, like they claim it to be, they should have kept Peters, Dockery, Crowell, and Greer. Instead, they decided to blow up the roster and start a new.


    With that being said, I give the Bills a D+, so far, this off-season. I sure hope they hit a grand slam in the draft or the Bills will be going in reverse. We might even be longing for the days of 7 & 9 if this kind of crap keeps up.



    PS. I know I'll get flamed by some for this post, because many of you think I'm such a negative fan, but I'm really just a realist. My knowledge of the game prevents me from having rose colored glasses. So sue me.

    Harami, your knowledge of our team and its players is terrible. Have you watched us play the past few years? Dockery, Preston, Fowler, Royal and Losman all sucked bigtime. None of them were legitimate NFL starters. And Crowell is coming off a bad knee injury. We were going nowhere with the roster we had. And Jason Peters is all a lot of hype in my mind. Where did everyone get the idea that he is so darn good? Because he used to be a TE in college and blocked a punt against Cincinnati in his rookie year. Give me a break. I am actually very excited to get rid of Peters, because the guy did not want to play for the Bills, is not a tough guy, and is injury prone. I believe we will make a few more trades and acquisitions leading up to the draft. I think this big makeover is going to surprise a lot of people come September. I am keeping the faith, and you can keep Preston, Royal, Dockery and Fowler!!

  10. Wait Deano, you're judging Rhodes on a single stat when you mention his 3.5 YPC average, are you not? And that's what Addai averaged last year as well, whereas the 2 years prior, he was averaging 4.4 YPC. Similarly, Rhodes had a 4.1 YPC career average before last year.


    And beyond his TD's, I mentioned his 45 receptions and pass blocking. And maybe he is a goalline TD scorer. Great. I hope the Bills get down there and let him do his thing. :D

    Maybe this has already been mentioned earlier in this thread, but I did not read the entire thing. My take on bringing in Rhodes is that it is an excellent move. Rhodes is a solid NFL player who has played for one of the best teams in the league for most of his NFL career. He comes from a winning organization. We NEED as many winners as possible on this team. The more good veterans we have who KNOW what it takes to win in this league, the better this team will be. The talent level on the Bills has not been good enough for so many years. This just increases our talent level. At this point in their careers, I would put Rhodes at least two notches above a beaten up Fred Taylor.

  11. Good plan to replace him with a dumber, less motivated version.

    Do you ever have anything useful or even remotely intuitive to say? All I ever hear from your posts is negative garbage. I don't know much about Oher, but the fact that he is even mentioned as a first rounder in the top half of the draft by some is enough for me not to rip him a new one. Did you watch all his games over the past 3 or 4 years to make such an assessment? Unless you have watched most of his games, go back in your cave dude. Because you are the only person I have heard say only negative things about him. Did he sleep with your wife or something?

  12. What Peter's has accomplished is to go from being an undrafted TE to becoming one of the best LTs in the game. Football contracts are renegotiated all of the time and it's only because of Peter's exponential rise to probowl LT staus that his last renegotiated contract was quickly out of step with his talent. That's supposed to be a good thing if this were any other NFL team that took care of their best players. But on the Bills he gets the back hand of a tightwad owner who refuses to pay the going rate to his only player that has actually accomplished something of note. Trading Peters to save money is shameful and Bills fans who are backing the owner had better not complain when Fitzy is starting the majority of games after the Trent "china doll" Edwards has been broken to a million bits.

    Peters is overrated. So he made the probowl, big effing deal. If anyone watched Peters play at all last season they saw a slow, fat disinterested player who let us down bigtime last year. Why on earth would the Bills want to pay a guy who does not bring it game in and game out, who has held out and has not given any type of commitment to the team 10 plus million/year? It is never going to happen. We have not won with the guy, maybe we will have far more continuity without him. Because it is the Bills FO, they are automatically in the wrong. Get over it. Peters is never going to play another down for the Bills. Why do you think any other team would pay a guy who held out all offseason $10 mill/year with at least 2 years left on his contract. You do that in Pittsburg or New England, you are GONE. No questions asked. The Steelers let Alan Faneca walk, and he has had a much more productive career than Peters. Look at NE with Deion Branch, and many other guys. I think the Bills are playing this perfectly.


    The hate for the Bills front office is just god awful ridiculous.

  13. Interesting post Tipster.


    Most of the moves you outline of course are the mundane day to day tasks that any organization has to perform, shuffling players and staff in and out.


    I like the hiring of Ray Brown but he was needed to assist Kugler after McNally retired. That decision was likely Jauron's. I also like the Adrian White hire although that was probably due to the staff's familiarity with him, not any personal connection to Brandon.


    Here are several issues that Brandon is dealing with or has dealt with.


    He has recently acquired Terrell Owens. I give him high marks for this.


    He recently brought back Buddy Nix, one of the most respected college scouts in the league. Big kudos for that move.


    He extended Marcus Stroud which was probably necessary from a fairness standpoint. It also sent a message to others on the team about what sort of approach to team will be rewarded.


    On the downside, he sat on his hands all last season instead of being proactive with Peters. Both sides were incommunicado with Brandon saying the team had made "a few" attempts to reach the disgruntled player. An earnest and eager attitude towards the player and his agent might have changed the messy situation in which he now sits.


    He botched the Crowell situation IMO. As with the Peters situation there is probably blame on both sides. The final straw, the punitive IR move ensured that the situation would be a lose-lose for both sides. Brandon made the final move in this game and it wasn't a good one.


    He botched the secretive "did he or didn't he sign an extension" situation with Dick Jauron. The needlessly secretive approach dragged on for 11 weeks of the season and was a distraction to the team.


    He possibly could have extended Jabbari Greer last offseason for much less money than he ended up bolting for in free agency this year. Not a huge deal but it is a valid point.


    Brandon's been on the job for 15 months and it's too early to judge his worthiness. I'm not seeing the second coming of Bill Polian right now. I'd say he's done an average job.


    Hopefully Buddy Nix will strengthen the college scouting department and we will have a great draft. The Peters situation, to a lesser degree the Fred Jackson situation and now the Roscoe Parrish situation will go a long way towards evaluating Brandon's competence.

    I agree with you San Jose. The Peters, Jackson and Parrish situations are very big as far as how Brandon acquits himself in bettering our talent level, stabilizing things on the team this offseason, and making us more competitive. I think we will have to trade Peters. His attitude, and absurd contract demands are not conducive to a positive team first attitude, nor do I think the Bills want to pay a stratospheric contract to a player who is not nearly as good as he and his agent want to believe he is. And I believe Brandon while not a long time football guru understands that. I believe a reasonable deal with Jackson will be reached in the near future, and that Parrish is an asset that we have, that we don't need. Some of you can say that there is no reason to give up the best punt returner in the game. I say we have at least 2 other guys (Mckelvin and Jackson) who are almost as good. If we can get at least a 3rd round pick and/or a solid player at a position of need for him, Brandon will make the trade. I am excited to see what Russ has up his sleeve. I think he is worlds better than Mr. Comatose Marv Levy.

  14. Of course it is, with TO and Evans it has to be. Although the O-line has to be addressed first. Can't blame him if Bell and Chambers are our starters this year.

    That is a very stupid statement. What makes you think that Bell and Chambers are going to be bad? I guarantee you that either one of them plays better than Dockery did at LG. And the way Peters played last year, most anyone we bring in to play LT will be an upgrade as well. Just because Bell is not a stud 1st round pick does not mean he is going to SUCK. Why don't you wait and watch what Bell and/or Chambers do before annointing them as failures?


    Don't try and make excuses for Edwards because of a mediocre O line. No QB in the NFL gets loads of time to throw and get comfortable game in and game out. Being a top QB is being able to make plays while under pressure. Don't forget that the guys on D are paid just like the offensive players are.

  15. OK, fine. So the Bills will trade Jason Peters to Philly. And then, the Eagles will pay him exactly what he has demanded to be paid by the Bills, and will anchor their offensive line as a Pro Bowl LT for the forseeable future. And the Bills? Well they will use the draft picks to draft more rookies. And if by some miracle, around the same year Peters' gets voted into his 5th or 6th consecutive Pro Bowl, the rookie the Bills draft at perhaps LT becomes as good as Peters, they won't pay him what his demands will be either. Yeah, it's great being a Bills fan, isn't it?? :rolleyes:


    Bill Polian must be shaking his head in utter amazement as to what has become of his old franchise. This idiotic standoff with the talented Peters must remind Polian of the off-season that the Broncos signed young and upcoming Bruce Smith to an offer sheet. You know Polian lost his temper and most likely wanted to let the ingrate Smith shufflle up to Denver. But, his common sense and football smarts forced him to match the offer sheet, and he reaped the benefits of Bruce's Hall of Fame career for that decision.

    For the love of god, it just makes me sick how much love there is on this board for Jason Peters. Why do all you supporters of him think he is so GREAT? What on earth has he done to make you feel so warm and fuzzy about him? Our offense has been horrible every year he has started on the O line. Is it all his fault? Of course not. Did he contribute to that? Yes he did. His play was AWFUL last year-game in and game out. Is he worth more than his current contract? Probably. Is he worth close to 10 million/year? NO WAY. He is not a LEADER on this team. His holdup cost the team bigtime last year and they know it.


    Most of you have this view of the Bills FO as being totally incompetent. And our record over this decade has not been good. But signing Jason Peters to a new contract will not make or break this team, period. The guy is not tough, and does not dominate on every play. And he is not a team player. Why do we want to pay someone like that so much money? I am sure all things being equal the Bills would like to keep Peters at a reasonable cost. But given his erratic play, his difficult agent, his unreasonable salary demands, and his unwillingness to be part of the team, I think the Bills will trade him for the best deal they can get. Does that mean it is a bad move on their part? NO WAY!!! There are other guys on this team and in the draft who can play O line fairly well I am sure. And they will be with the team the entire offseason. Building continuity is everything on the O line. Peters is gone. Lets hope for the best deal and stop this talk about making new holes to fill. The way this offense has not performed, everyone save our two RB's should be available to move if the price is right. Would anyone be upset if we got rid of the entire O line from last year, our QB, TE's and all of last year's receivers other than Lee? I didn't think so.


    So spare us all the rhetoric about how Peters is so good. There is absolutely nothing to support that giving him a ridiculous extension's positives outweigh the negatives.

  16. I take Cushing or Crabtree. Sure we have receivers, but Crabtree is a stud who was head and shoulders above anyone else in college at his position. He will be the next Larry Fitzgerald. If he is gone, which I think is a strong possibility, I take Cushing. The guy plays lights out on every single play. He is a football player. Put him with Poz and Mitchell and we have a Very SOLID linebacking corp. I am not crazy about rookie DE's because the Olineman they are going up against in the pros are just so much more physical than at the college level. Guys AWAY from the line of scrimmage have more room to roam, and will have much more opportunities to make an impact.


    Don't draft guys from Texas. They are mentally soft, and have not fared well in the pros. Mack Brown just cuddles the hell out of his players.

  17. IMHO, if the front office hasn't made any progress with him before the draft, I think they will move him, because I'm not sure they feel they can risk another extended holdout.


    Again, just my opinion.

    I definitely agree. If we can't get an extension agreed to in the next two weeks, than we need to start shopping Peters because whoever we are going to trade him to will need time to sign him to an extension as well. Noone will want to trade for him in a matter of 5 minutes while we are on the clock because that team will also have no idea whether they will be able to sign him to a deal that will keep him from holding out.


    The team can not keep him past the draft without getting an extension done now. It would be totally irresponsible of the front office to not put our team in the best position to fill Peters spot in the draft if we can not sign him longterm. We have to move on now one way or another.

  18. Chicago gave up way way too much for Cutler, (and I happen to think he is a very good QB). The Bears problem is that they have next to nothing at wide receiver. Last year they played Devin Hester, Brandon Lloyd and Mr. Dropsy Marty Booker as their top three as I recall. Not quite Brandon Marshall, Eddie Royal and Tony Scheffler. Also, the Bears have a mediocre O line-nothing special. I don't see Cutler lighting it up until they bring in some real solid receivers. That Chicago agreed to the Broncos asking price is very surprising bordering on sheer stupidity.


    But it sure makes for some exciting talk. We need some big football news right now. Draft is still three weeks away and the Sabres are done. When can we trade Jason Peters? If we can get a first and possibly a third or a fourth for FAT BUTT and also trade down from 11, picking up another second in the process, we will be sitting pretty come draft day. Lets go front office, start thinking like us fans who know a thing or two about the NFL. Yeah Baby, the draft is coming!!!

  19. I don't think you can point to one guy who's been developed from their rookie season better than Peters. So many fans rag on him for the bad 08 season, but his play at a high level from late 06 to 07 proves what he can do when he's there in camp.


    If the Bills trade him and throw up the white flag to Peters and Parker, it goes to show that the Bills are not interested in winning right now. Because what they get in return will be draft picks and that's not going to help in 09 like Peters would.

    Dude, I am so over yours and everyone elses man love for Jason Peters on this board. He is a deterrent to us winning because he does not want to be a team guy and get his big fat behind into conditioning with the rest of his teammates. He is not that GOOD. He does not dominate. Say goodbye to Jason. The Bills will trade him before the draft. I have never heard such drivel about an O lineman in my life. It is the UNIT that will win or lose. Not one guy. My goodness, on most teams the fans could care less about ONE O lineman. Lets worry about getting better at other positions that need major improving. Anyone we put in at LT will be at least as good if not better than what Peters did not show us last year.

  20. :unsure:


    Outstanding post!


    You look around the NFL, and how many franchise left tackles are currently playing in the NFL, as young as Peters, with two consecutive Pro Bowls under their belts??? Of course this kid is worth the money or two number one picks. If the circle jerks trade him for less, then they are more pathetic then I give them credit for.


    Your view of Peters and his play for us is so distorted like over half the people on this message board. The guy had just an awful year in 2008. He could not block anyone. He plays soft, and has a terrible first step back on pass protection (see Joey Porter and everyone else who went around him) I believe the Bills think he is a good but not spectacular player. He should be offered Jordan Gross money, and not a penny more. This team is not going to live or die with Jason Peters at left tackle. He is not that much of a gamechanger. If he will not accept the Bills best offer before the draft, we need to trade his big butt before we make our first pick.


    And for anyone who has no clue to the value of players being traded in today's NFL, we will not get BOTH of Philly's first round picks. We should get their higher first round pick and possibly a third or fourth. But noone short of Brady or P. Manning, is getting traded for two first rounders in the same draft.


    Peters is just not worth the trouble. Continuity on an O line is everything. A line is as good as the SUM of its parts. Not as good as just one player. Try and comprehend it.

  21. Most white cops have no clue how to deal with minorities. It is just a real shame. For the most part I believe racial relations especially amongst blacks and whites are much better than when I was growing up in the 70's and 80's. However, that seems to be more the case amongst somewhat educated white people. A lot of cops are just stupid meatheads who use their badge as an excuse to bully people especially black males. It is too bad that cops get paid so poorly, because if they were paid better, maybe their would be a higher quality cop who had an ounce of common sense. Until than, black athletes will be on the most wanted list of most police departments.


    All you conservatives on the board can flame away if you like now.

  22. I think the Bills' NUMBER ONE goal is to find a pass rush. I know that it was over a year ago, but I keep going back to what the Giants did to Tom Brady and the Patriots high flying 18-0 machine in that Superbowl. So many people forget and I feel that I need to remind them. The Giants made the "unstoppable" Patriots look rather ordinary on the NFL's biggest stage and the number one reason was their pass rush nailing and pressuring Brady all game long. Yes they did score over 20 points, but if their defense did not rush Brady like that they would have gotten their fourth title going away. They kept it close for Manning and Co. to pull off the miracle.


    Now look at what the Bills have for a pass rush... a broken down Aaron Schobel and a worthless pass rusher in Chris Kelsay. I'd consider it front office malpractice for the Bills to draft a tight end, and not a DE, in the first round. There's a set of priorities and tight end is a luxury pick behind getting getting the pass rusher, center, guard and an outside linebacker. They need to make the Patriots fear the Bills pass rush and they need to start opening holes for Marshawn before his body breaks down in about two years time.

    I understand and agree with you about our pass rush needs fixing. However, I totally disagree with you on Tight End being a luxury pick for us. We do not have a TE who is a weapon on our roster. In today's NFL it is a necessity to have a big target that can get down the middle of the field. And we do not have that. Our passing game has SUCKED for god knows how long. A big reason is the lack of a threat at Tight End. Unless we trade for Gonzalez or Scheffler, I am all for drafting Pettigrew somewhere in the first round. (Hopefully with a trade down) The biggest reason we continue to not win consistently is our offense does not scare anybody. Adding TO helps. And than adding the big TE is the finishing piece to a real offense. How many rookie DE's really make that big of an impact right away? Not many. It takes them awhile to learn how to get by the monster OT's that play in the NFL.


    And don't forget that Hangartner will be a big upgrade at Center.

  23. Don't ask for a link ... I heard it on WGR this am ... Jauron was talking that Ellison is the starting LB, unless they find a FA that knocks their socks off and that Chambers / Bell will compete at LG ... so apparently we're not bring in any more free agents ... so outside of a likely upgrade at center, a hole at LG and no upgrades on D ... we have only the TO move this offseason ... So, while the TO move is an upgrade at WR, I think it is largely a PR move to sucker us back in while they make no major improvements to the roster ...


    why do I even care any more?!? :thumbsup::D:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

    Don't be a simpleton. What is Jauron supposed to say, that Ellison sucks when he is still on the team? He is not going to show his hand to anyone, nor is he supposed to. I am sure we will still be looking to improve the team throughout the coming months leading up to the season. There is the draft and possible trade possibilities for Peters, and picking up Waters, Scheffler, etc.


    So use your brain and don't take everything Jauron says so literally. It is called "coach speak" FYI.

  24. I hope that's not that case. There is no need to use of of our very important draft picks because we released a guy who was overpaid. Was he worth the money, no. But was he absolutely terrible, also no. I hope we sign Simmons or trade for Waters.

    We did not release Derick Dockery because he was overpaid, we released him because he sucked. He was as soft an O lineman this side of Mike Williams that you are ever going to find. While Kirk Chambers is no stud, he at least plays tough. The Bills have had too many soft lineman such as Dockery, Fowler and Preston. Guys don't have to be world beaters, they just need to be tough and decently strong at the point of attack.. The Giants O line is not overly athletic, but they are all very TOUGH, and play physical. I believe Hangartner is that type of guy, as is Butler. Walker is not bad, and the rest remains to be seen. I would offer a 5th and Roscoe for Waters. And I would offer Denver a 4th for Scheffler the Tight End. If we can get those two guys without giving up any higher draft picks, the draft would look very sweet in getting at least two studs on defense at linebacker and end, and than using our third pick on a safety or DT. That also presumes that we extend Peters. If we trade him, than we have to use one of the picks from the Peters deal on a new OT.


    I believe my scenario would cover all our immediate needs. LG, TE, OLB, DE, DT or S. (With Peters trade-new OT and S or DT with the extra pick we would probably receive) THOUGHTS?

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