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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. I agree. Fitz looked real good last nite. You can tell that the guy is a football player. He knows where to go with the football. And does not hesitate in his decision making. He looks to be a big upgrade from JP.
  2. What the hell are you talking about? He sounded very contrite to me. What is he supposed to do? Sit there and cry. He admits he screwed up, and did wrong. He served his time. Who are you to judge him? If he keeps his nose clean and acts like a good citizen, his personal views are his business and his alone. I am glad you are so self righteous, you freak anti pot smoker, you.
  3. If players and agents can hold teams hostage, than why have 28 out of 32 first round picks already signed with there respective teams? And if and when Maybin and the Bills come to an agreement, why couldn't this have been hammered out 3-4 weeks ago? I firmly believe that the terms agreed to will be a little better than Moreno's, but nothing out of wack with the other draft picks. Maybin's holdout has been a mystery from the start. I don't think the Bills would lowball him. But I don't think the Bills are drowning in their tears that he is not in camp. I think they view him as a project for the future.
  4. And why would Vick not play here? Its not like we have a stud at QB who never gets hurt. The guy makes plays and is exciting. You think Ralph gives a sh-t about dogs? I very much doubt it. He wants to win football games. Is Vick Tom Brady, obviously not? But can the guy makes things happen? He sure can. And for all you posters who are morally appalled by Vick, deal with it. The guy served his time. Let it go. Or just go root for another team. Vick will be on the Bills by next week. You heard it here first. And I believe I was one of about 3 posters on this board who said TO would be on the Bills as well.
  5. So if Crabtree doesn't sign soon, (and I think there is a distinct possibility that he NEVER signs with the 49ers-I don't think Singletary will put up with this kind of nonsense from a rookie) than is Maybin not going to sign either? The guy is barely a 250 pound DE who played in a crummy league, and was good for one season. It boggles my mind that he is holding out. Pay him a little more than Moreno got and lets move on. If he is waiting on Crabtree to sign, he might not play for us either.
  6. Don't be stupid. Do you really think that Vick wants to spend more time in prison? You are a MORON!!! The guy served real time in a Federal Prison!!! Do you know what that is like? I don't know first hand, but I sure as hell do NOT want to find out. And as arrogant and stupid as Vick might have been to do what he did, the guy ain't going back to Prison. And I would sign him tomorrow to be our backup.
  7. That is a very interesting interpretation about why Maybin is not signed. How do you know he looked terrible? And if what you're saying is true. Do we really even want to sign him? My god, I can't imagine giving 20 million guaranteed to a DE who is not even 250 pounds and is only 21 years old. If he is not signed before our second preseason game against Chicago, will he ever wear a Bills uniform? And is it a bad thing if he doesn't? THOUGHTS?
  8. Maybin needs to sign by next week. Once a player, especially a first round draft pick is not signed when preseason games have started, it will become somewhat of a distraction. But depending on how Chris Ellis plays, the Bills may not be in much of a hurry to sign Maybin. Did Maybin have any better of a college career than Ellis did anyways? I hate small defensive lineman anyways. What team other than the Colts (Robert Mathis) plays D lineman who are Maybin's size anyways? I think the whole thing is very interesting as to how it may play out. If the team looks strong in the preseason, especially at D line, will the Bills just let Maybin rot? I think the whole Peters holdout mess from last year left a bad taste with management. And because of that, I really do not think they are going to just give in to anyones DEMANDS. (nothing to back that up, but just my personal opinion)
  9. I agree with you. Parkers represented Jason Peters and we ended up trading him. We were never close to signing him to an extension is the feeling I got. With Maybin who knows. Noone seems to be up in arms that he is not in camp. Are the Parkers trying to hold up the Bills with the Maybin negotiations? And does anyone feel that the Bills are in no hurry to see Maybin in camp? Just a guess so noone needs to freak here, but maybe the Bills are having second thoughts about him, especially with Chris Ellis in the fold. What about if a deal is not looking imminent in the next couple of weeks that we trade the rights to Maybin to a team that has a young veteran at a position that we need such as outside linebacker, tight end, D tackle? Just throwing that out there. Would it shock anyone here if we did that? It would not shock me. I just don't seeing the Bills being flexible with the Parkers, and visa versa. Thoughts on this.
  10. Dude, you are a fool. I hope Peters plays terrible the rest of his career. He had a great opportunity with the Bills, and he Sh-t on us. We gave him the chance of a lifetime, and he decided not to play his hardest for us. He should be ashamed of himself. As an athlete not to give his all on every play. There is NOTHING worse. To root for a guy like him after he shunned us. You call yourself a Bills fan? Peters is a piece of garbage, and I am sooooo glad he is gone. He thought he was the team. He was one piece of the puzzle and nothing more. Good riddance.
  11. Dude, can you change your avatar? The picture of Jauron underneath that ridiculously large hat is just soooo annoying.
  12. I totally agree. I hate losing. I will worry about morality, right and wrong, and good character for myself and my children. When it comes to football, I want guys who are means SOB's and just want to kick ass and stomp on Tom Brady's head.
  13. And keeping those two was a good thing? Peters played horrible last year, and wanted nothing to do with the Bills. Dockery was fat, lazy and just a wuss. Anyone we put in there will be better. We didn't win with those guys, and were never going to. Deal with it, get over it, and be happy that training camp has started. It is just pathetic how much negativity there is on this board towards the team. Shame on you and everyone else. If you don't like the team, than root for someone else. Say something, anything intelligent about the team or football in general. But just stop being so negative. Go root for the Lions for god sakes.
  14. JW, I love your articles, always very informative. Listen, what is your feeling on if we will go out and sign a veteran to compete for PT now that Pizza Man is done? (By the way, I don't consider this much of a loss because the guy is not starter material, and I don't think makes over half the rosters in the NFL for that matter. Not overly athletic.)
  15. You are one sick F-CK!!! What you said is disgraceful. I for one will be excited like everyone else on this message board to see Mike Vick do his thing on the field once again. What he did was very wrong. I think we can all agree with that. But he served his time in prison, and will always have disgraced his name. However, time will march on and his misdeeds will leave the spotlight. And like everything else it will be pretty much forgotten. So stop getting all worked up like a dumb psycho and move on with your hate. Football and the NFL is awesome. Goodell is a smart guy. I am sure he had his reasons for his decision on Vick. So just relax.
  16. How can you possibly be a big JP fan? He was terrible. He NEVER beat a good team on the road, and his only win at home against an above average team may have been the 2006 Cincinnati Bengals. The guy sucked. Watch the replay of the Bills-Jets game last year in the Meadowlands. He was terrible, and I am not even including the fumble at the end of the game. How about the Bills-Jaguars game from 2007? HORRIBLE!! Pray that TE can step up and be the MAN!!!
  17. "wish nothing but the best"? The guy was a HORRIBLE QB simple as that. I say "Good Riddance" to JP. All that matters is wins and losses in this league, and for that matter in any sport. This isn't pee wee sports or the special olympics. No room for sentamentality with JP Losman. It wasn't like the guy was brilliant for a while and had us on the brink of greatness. He could not play a lick.
  18. I think the NFL Network is tremendous. Over 4th of July weekend. They had on America's game showing an hour long show on each Super Bowl champion. Just Tremendous. How about the top 10 shows? Greatest Comebacks- Bills over Oilers number one baby. Top 10 gunslingers-Jimbo number 6. For any big football fan, the NFL network is a must. As for the MLB network, I think the sport should be gotten rid of period. NHL network is pretty strong as well.
  19. You are the MOST negative person on this board. Who pissed in your cereal since you were two? Do you hate the Bills that much or were you just gang raped by a bunch of Patriot fans as a child? My god, fans of all are division rivals think more of us than you do. You are a real DOWNER!!!!
  20. Dude, you seem to have some knowledge of football, but your bitterness towards the coaching staff is way over the top. We drafted the TOP TWO guards in this years draft. We let go of one of the most overrated players in football, who did not want to play for us. Good O lines are not solely based on pure talent. The best O lines are a bunch of grinders who wear you down, and play physical, tough and hard on every down. (2007 Giants) Peters at his best did not do this on every play, and Dockery NEVER played hard. Preston and Fowler played soft AND had no talent. I think you will see a whole different attitude with our O line from day one of preseason. An attitude of toughness set by the O line can do wonders for a teams psyche. Just watch and wait. Maybe you will even smile at the new attitude that we will see this year. GO BILLS!!
  21. That was an awesome game. I remember watching on the Sunday Ticket in my house in Atlanta and running out onto my front yard with my buddies screaming like we had just won the Super Bowl. My ex wife was going to have our first child a week later. My daughter is now close to 12, I have two boys right behind her, have been divorced for over a year, but still LOVE the Bills. The more things change the more they stay the same. Memories from games like that are reasons that we all keep watching and loving the Bills my friends. Here's to this year being the year WE TURN IT AROUND!!!
  22. HOPEFULLY, Jarius Byrd is a much better player than Donte Whitner has been for us, and this whole discussion will be moot. Because I think Whitner has a whole lot to prove before the Bills extend him beyond his rookie contract.
  23. You are stupid. Marshawn is a tough football player, who will have a tremendous year with above average blocking. I love him on the Bills, and you should too. Oh, and by the way this is football in 2009. Every team has some thugs. That is the nature of the sport, and the type of people and mentality the game attracts. The guy has made some mistakes. But a guy with his kind of talent will get more chances to succeed as he should.
  24. Dude, you proved my point. He is always going to be playing banged up, because he is too small. Please start your own Donte Whitner fan club
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