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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. You post more than most people text. And for the amount you post, you say very little. We still need two tackles, depth on the interior of the OL, help at WR, TE, and at least 4 more guys who are good in our front seven, and a QB. And you think we are going to draft all those players. What you say makes no sense. There are plenty of solid veterans who are available this year in free agency. And by just signing one O lineman so far, we are making a HUGE mistake. Sure we need to draft some solid players, but we need to improve right away. What is wrong with bringing in "name" players? Every other team in the league tries to do that. "Name" players are usually pretty darn good. And that is the problem with our team. We don't have a lot of GOOD players. Our talent across the roster is probably bottom 5 in the league. You think just drafting is going to make us competitive? Keep dreaming. This was a horrible 6-10 team last year that played like a 3 win team most of the time. Tell me what have we done to get better other than bringing in Cornell Green. When you bring a free agent in for a visit, it should ONLY be with the intention of signing him. Otherwise don't waste your time. The only way we can sign anyone is to overpay, because why would most players want to play for a team that has been as bad as we have for so long? And we don't seem to even want to pay market value for anyone. I am as big a fan as anyone on this board. But I am quite disappointed by the inactivity shown by our front office again. Has anyone looked at our receivers at this moment? Evans, Johnson, Parrish and Hardy. Enough said. Our TE's? Nelson, Schouman, Stupar and Klopfenstein. Our QB's? ARGHHH!!!
  2. Why is he not the answer? The guy is big, can move reasonably for a man his size, and has a bad attitude. He certainly IS part of the answer.
  3. BillsVet I do not always agree with your negative tone. But I completely agree with you saying that the lack of any sense of urgency is alarming. How do we plan on getting better? This is a team that has consistently been one of the NFL's worst for the past decade. I have heard nothing from anyone at OneBillsDrive about any plan whatsoever to move this team forward. Is there a plan? If there is, I would sure like to know from someone in charge. Give us some idea of what kind of team we are trying to put together. I am not sure anyone in the front office or coaching staff even knows.
  4. I totally agree. You win with a mixture of guys picked up in free agency and thru the draft. We have holes at TE, OL, WR, DL, LB and QB. I would say that is a good two thirds of the team. Sure we can draft some guys. But are we going to have the majority of our starters as first and second year players? That does NOT win in the NFL. We need some veterans to show how to win. If we can't sign some mid level veterans to bring a sense of stability, and show the young guys how to win, what is Nix even here for? I would have thought we would have guys lined up and down One Bills Drive ready to discuss contracts. To do nothing is pathetic, and will just make me more angry as a fan. The stench of last season, (the whole decade for that matter) and particularly the loss to the Falcons (game I was at) will not go away until some MAJOR changes in personell are made. The less that is done, the more it looks like Nix is another Ralph puppet with no intentions on changing anything. Time will tell though. I hope I am wrong.
  5. And that is news that we are going to get an OT. We had the worst in the league last year. So you are going out on a limb by saying the obvious? Go back in your cave, and try and think of something a little more original dude!!
  6. And you don't think that the system is PEYTON MANNING? Lee Evans and anyone else we have would thrive with Peyton as well.
  7. Wow, that is a stupid post. The Colts have Peyton Manning. They don't have to bring in a bunch of free agents when they have one of the top 5 QB's of all time. When our team has been just putrid for the past decade you do whatever it takes to get better in a hurry. Free agents, drafting better, trades, CFL, it doesn't matter. You have to clean house and start fresh. And if that includes vets over 30 so be it.
  8. Washington is a lot bigger than Josh Reed, and he is more athletic. He can definitely help our offense.
  9. What on earth did Incognito do that everyone is so excited about? He is an average player at best. Just because we did not tender him doesn't mean we can't resign him. Do you think he is the second coming of John Hannah? I sure don't.
  10. At least he is a lot bigger than Maybin. I would be happy if we just bring in D lineman that all weigh over 300 pounds.
  11. Bills Sabres Michigan Wolverines Football. Go Blue baby. Those are the only three I need. Can't stand baseball and basketball I do love my son's middle school football team. Walton Jr. Raiders from East Cobb, Georgia. Won the N. Ga. Championship this past year at 12-0, and noone came within 2 touchdowns of them in a 31 team league. And I don't expect them to lose in his next two seasons. Nice to watch a well coached winning team at least once a weekend!!
  12. I agree. Just because he did not suck, certainly doesn't mean he was very good. I always thought he was average at best, certainly not dominant. We need to sign a RT in free agency and draft at least one if not more LT's.
  13. Dude we need linebackers as much as any position on the team. If McClain is there at number 9, he is as good a choice as any. The guy can play football and he came from a winning program. Besides we have free agency to pick up several players at several positions of need. I would not be suprised if we sign players at two of the positions at least that you mention in free agency. We need to sign at least 4 or 5 solid contributors in free agency to get this program turned in the right direction. That will allow us to target specific needs in the draft. I think Nix and Gailey will get it turned around.
  14. You are telling me the Police kicks butt over the WHO? I so think NOT!!! The Who was tremendous in their time. They are just old now. But listen to their music on a CD instead of how they sound now, and they still frikin ROCK!!
  15. He is not THAT talented. He is above average on a good day. He does not consistently find a hole and run straight thru it. As far as NFL caliber running backs are concerned, he is middle of the pack at best. You want talented, watch Ray Rice or Chris Johnson-that is TALENT. The excuse about him being 23 and suffering growing pains is BS. The guy makes dumb decisions and gets in trouble on a pretty regular basis. He has no idea how to act like a professional. If you are a superstar, it will be tolerated. If you are another "guy" which is all he is and will ever be, get rid of him for the best deal possible. We haven't won anything with any of the guys on this roster. So as far as I am concerned, (and management should feel the same way) NOONE is near untouchable on this roster. If it were up to me, I would turn over two thirds of our current roster.
  16. Totally agree. Our receivers as a collective unit are mediocre at best. When do any of them get separation on a regular basis. The answer is never. Sure we want to give Hardy and Johnson a chance. But I think we need two additional guys who are fairly big and can run. Look at any of the top offenses in the league and they all have at 4 or 5 very solid WR's on their roster. Our receivers have been very underwhelming for most of the past decade. Anyone who says otherwise has not been watching us play very closely. When a team has not had a 300 yard passer in three seasons, it falls on more than the QB play.
  17. What were you watching this past season? Lynch was horrible most of the time. He plays like he doesn't care, and has absolutely no vision in finding holes. If we can get a 2 or even a high 3 for him, we need to get rid of him. The guy is tough, but has no burst or wiggle. There are many guys we can replace him with in the league and out of the league right now. Lynch is just a "guy". Nothing special. I would much rather have a Pierre Thomas type back than Marshawn.
  18. Did you ever hear of a QB named Warren Moon? Started his career with the Edmonton Eskimos. And there was this little guy named Flutie who was the best QB we had since Jimbo. Played for the Calgary Stampeders for a whole lot of years.
  19. The reason we have been bad for so long is exactly because guys like Donte Whitner are on the team. He SUCKS plain and simple. The guy is just not a good athlete. He is small, can't cover anyone, has no ball instincts, and gets injured every year because he gets beat up playing in the box because he is TOO SMALL. I may be harsh, but anyone who thinks he is even remotely above average has not watched his play over the past 4 years, and compared it to other safeties around the league. I see no reason whatsoever that he is back. He is in the last year of his contract. No way we give him an extension. He just has NO upside. I agree about Youbouty.. He is ALWAYS hurt. We can replace him with Lankster and Corey Harris. It is time we upgrade all positions that do not have studs in them. And that definitely means Whitner is gone. He is worse than Byrd, Wilson and Scott. An upgrade at the strong safety position would be nice, with Scott and Wilson providing depth.
  20. That will easily be remedied when a Colt O lineman takes Bobby McCray's knees out, which needs to happen after the shots he put on Warner and Favre. The Saints don't have a prayer in this game. No way there secondary can cover the Colts' receivers. I think the Jets D is far superior to the Saints anyways. The Colts know the Saints will try and blitz. Once they beat it, which they will by the second qtr, the game is theirs.
  21. Why are you even on here? Has the cold of Pa. rotted your brain? If you have nothing even remotely intelligent to add to any conversation on here, why don't you go back in your tent and play with yourself my friend? Your negativity is downright pathetic. If you don't have hope that "this" year is going to be much better, than go root for somebody else loserman!!!
  22. Just like we were very happy to get rid of all our coaches including Kugler on the O line.
  23. What are you talking about "satisfied with Fewell"? Fewell had no clue to being a head coach. Did you really think we played consistently better under him than Jauron? We blew the Jacksonville game late-now thats a first, and looked horrible against the Jets in Toronto, NE at home, and don't even talk about the Falcons game-worst performance this side of the Sunday nite NE debacle of 2007. He was as conservative in his gameplan as Jauron. We played one very good quarter under Fewell-4th against Miami, and the rest was the same as the entire Jauron era. Did you really expect the Bills to make a splashy hire? We are a bottom feeder franchise right now. No supposed "stud" coach was going to come here. The Bills knew that, and we as fans know that. That being said, maybe Gailey with some help from Nix finding players came mold a team into something that is at least bearable to watch. We obviously did not have many options. If you are a fan of this team, you support whoever is the coach until he proves you wrong. What other choice do you have other than to go find another team my friend? But don't ever tell me that Fewell was satisfactory. The guy had no clue. Remember him punting from Atlanta's 36 yard line late in the first half down 17-0 when we were 5-9 on a 4th and 3? Yea, that call sure inspires confidence in ones team!!!
  24. You are stupid. Jim Harbaugh was an excellent NFL QB-not Hall of fame, but pretty darn good. He was one dropped Hail Mary from taking the 1995 Colts to the Super Bowl against the Cowboys. He could throw the hell out of the ball, had good mobility, and was very gritty and an excellent leader. He was better than any QB we have had on the roster since Jimbo.
  25. I believe Wayne Fontes died in the past few months. Maybe we can exhume his body and put him in a chair on the sidelines-he will still have more vitality than Dicky J. Kind of how Marv looked in the Monday nite house of horrors against the Cowboys in 2007.
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