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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. I think Benson gets at least 4 games if not more for his latest incident. The guy is a punk. Goodell knows this, and I bet you he comes down HARD on him. Prediction is that the Bengals cut him. He makes Marshawn look like a choir boy.
  2. Dude, I love the Bills. Every year I am excited about the season. By the end of June, I have forgotten all the crap from last season, and am getting fired up for this season. Even more so this season because we finally have a COACH who I believe understands what it takes to win in the NFL. I love football. The Bills are my team. They will always be my team. They are a huge part of me. Simple as that. Season starts in 11 weeks. Training camp starts in about a month. I will be up in Buffalo with my daughter over the weekend when training camp starts visiting my mother. She is 69 years old and loves the Bills. We will go to St. Johns Fisher and watch a practice. I have never been there. I will be there with my mother and my daughter who is 12. Three generations of Bills fans watching OUR team. I am getting excited about it just writing this. I will be passionate about this team as long as I live, and hope to share that with my grandkids one day.
  3. What are you talking about? For the love of god, what "unexplored potential" does TE have that Fitzie doesn't? Why do so many of you on here still like Trent, but can't stand Fitzie? Trent played a bunch in the past 3 years. He has shown nothing. He is missing the most important ingredient that all great QB's have. The ability to make plays and to play with confidence. He rarely makes a play, and he plays with no confidence. Fitzie makes plays, and is a leader. Why does Trent have upside? He was not a winner at Stanford, and has played some of the worst QB us Bills fans have ever seen. The Monday nite debacle against the Browns should have gotten him a one way ticket out of town. Give Fitzie a real offensive gameplan and watch him go. Does anyone on here remember the Rams-Texans game several years back when Fitzie threw for over 300 yards in the second half to lead a comeback from 27-3? The guy can play. The coaches will see that.
  4. U have got to be kidding me. I have heard some innane posts on here, but this has got to take the cake. Last I looked the Pats still have Tom Brady, Randy Moss and Welker will be back. As long as they have Brady, they are good for 10 wins minimum. Hopefully, we will be able to compete with them now that we have a real coach who will hopefully play to win, instead of playing not to lose. What you say is plain WRONG!! They were the length of the football away from beating the Colts in Indy when the Colts were still playing all their starters. Sure they got wupped by the Ravens, but don't you think that was a wakeup call for them? Do you think the players and coaches they have are just going to mail in the season? Seriously, if you want to write something, think before you start typing.
  5. I am a big Fitzie fan!! I am going on the record that he will have a good shot to be our starting QB this year. Not saying our offense will be great this year. But I think that we will be much improved, to at least watchable, and possibly good at times with Gailey leading us. I am interested to see who is the starter. It will be fun to watch. But I would be very surprised if Fitzie did not look solid and win the starting job.
  6. Jason Campbell is no better than what we have now. And to be quite honest, I think Ryan Fitzpatrick has much more big play potential than Campbell. If Campbell was anything, why do you think the Skins traded for another overrated QB in Donavan McNabb? Did you watch the Bills-Redskins game in DC back at the end of 2007? Campbell was horrible that game. All he could throw was the 5-7 yard dump off to Chris Cooley. Give the negativity a rest MPL. (what kind of a user name is that anyways-do you love maple syrup or something?) Just because we did not make any big splashs at QB or LT this offseason doesn't mean we can't have a solid offense. Spiller was the best running back hands down coming out in this years draft. Add him to an offense which was decent running the football with a MUCH BETTER offensive mind running the show, and we have the makings of a solid Offense. Between Shawn Nelson, Marcus Easley, Steve Johnson, and James Hardy, I believe we will have enough downfield size and speed to take some heat off of Evans. I think you are giving way too little attention to the atrocious scheme and play calling we had going on offense with Jauron, Schonert, and Van Pelt running things. At the NFL level all the players are great athletes. The difference is how successful the scheme you are running is with the type of players you have. Give Gailey a chance. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
  7. Why does he deserve to play for a contender? He should not have signed that huge extension before the 2007 season if he wanted to play for a contender so badly. Why are so many of you so sympathetic to Schobel? Sure he was a good player..But absolutely NEVER a leader on the team. And he certainly did not make everyone around him better. We have won absolutely nothing with him on our team. Maybe if he was more of a leader, this team would have been in much better shape. I think what most of you do not realize is that a team needs its best players to be vocal leaders. He has never been that. He does his job, but never took it upon himself to be even the slightest spokesperson for the team. He played in a vacuum like most of the guys on this team have done. Not the kind of guy who inspires those around him to play better.
  8. I was at that game sitting between the thirties. It poured about 30 minutes before gametime. Than the sun came out and it was unbelievably hot and humid for the entire game. I had my Flutie jersey on and got plenty of abuse from Phish fans for it, who basically suck ass. (gave out my share of sh-t as well) Flutie definitely had to get rid of that ball at the end of the game. NO WAY he could take the hit in that situation. Moulds was a beast in that game-just ate up Terrel Buckley from what I recall. Looking back our 1998 and 1999 teams were very competitive. Hopefully, we get back to that level and beyond soon enough. I have a good feeling about what Chan Gailey is going to bring to the table. I also went to the Music City Miracle. Anybody else on here go to both of those games? Two tough games I tell you what. Seems like a lifetime ago.
  9. I agree. The guy was a good player, but nowhere near a hall of famer. Since we have been so bad this decade, and he was a good player, everyone makes him out to have been the savior of the franchise. Well my friends he is not even close to that. On a lot of teams, he would have been a decent DE and nothing more. There were many games that he was invisible in. That being said, management needs to see if he wants to be traded. And if he does, than lets try and get some O line help with him as bait. Any sentimentality towards Schobel is definitely being misplaced as far as I am concerned. What I don't understand is why he is ready to not play after only 9 years in the league. Pretty sad when you lose your desire that quickly. He should just ask for a trade and lets get on with it. The guy is a hick from Texas and has absolutely no savvy with how he is spinning this. At least Favre makes you still want to root for him. Schobel-Meh!!!
  10. Troy Vincent was terribly overrated by the time he came to the Bills. The only person who thought Troy Vincent was great was Troy Vincent himself. The ultimate clubhouse lawyer and not much more. It was pretty dam stupid what he did to JP Losman-thats for sure.
  11. You sound like a moron. When your team has not made the playoffs in a decade, EVERY practice should be MANDATORY, all year long. I agree with the original poster. Nelson (who had a negligible impact last year) has missed a lot of practice and game time in the year and a half he has been a Bill. He is not going to get better missing practice at any time during the year. If he had a death in his family they should just say that. Short of that, he needs to be out there. We all have personal problems. You deal with them, and keep working. The guy is what 23, maybe 24. At that age, there should not be much to distract you from your goals. It is called commitment my friend. And so far in his career, Nelson seems to always be injured or missing. Just my observation.
  12. I can and will bad mouth his performance as a Bill, because he did give any effort in running his routes at least half the time. And unless the ball was perfectly thrown with no defender within 3 yards of him, he NEVER fought for the ball. Oh, and he has just awful hands at this point in his career. Enuf said about TO. He just stopped trying in Buffalo.
  13. Did you not watch any of the games last years? Fitz is not god awful!! He is not great, but he sure is servicable. He has a decent arm and makes plays when they are there. His accuracy is not the best, but he has MOXIE!! He is our best chance to win this year. Everyone says this is a rebuilding year. Sure it is. But Gailey is a winner and so is Nix. They are not going to tank the season. Fitzie understands the game of football, and with a half decent line and a solid gameplan, we can win with him. TE plays scared. He is pathetic. Regardless of physical skills, if you play scared you can not be an NFL QB, or a QB at any level for that matter. Brohm looks very robotic, and has had some problems between the ears. Brown will be backing up Fitzie at the start of the season and could get a chance to start by midseason. But seriously, anybody who watched our team last year knows that Fitzie can make plays. He is not a classic dropback guy with pinpoint accuracy, but he will start while we groom Levi to be the future. TE is done, and Brohm looks like nothing special. There you have it. For everyone who says Fitzie sucks, get used to him. He will have a long career in the NFL, because he understands the game. Simple as that.
  14. What makes you think the Bills want Gaither that badly? All there have been is rumors anyways. If Gaither is such a good left tackle, why did the Ravens draft Oher in the 1st round last year? Gaither is 6'9. In my opinion that is too tall to play any position on the Oline. Who says he is any better than Jamon Merideth anyways? Way too much panic on this message board when anyone is mentioned in a possible trade. Merideth played at an SEC school and was highly thought of before the draft. He may actually have some talent and was not horrible last year. I think he is much better than Demetrius Bell who has absolutely no business whatsoever playing NFL football. (I believe our coaching staff will figure that out in the next few months) If the Bills really want to trade for an OT. They would do much better going after Jamal Brown from New Orleans. Seriously, how many people on this board new much about Gaither before the trade rumors started to fly?
  15. Why would Fitzie be released before TE? Fitzie does not suck. And with some real coaching the guy might actually lead us to some victories. At least he is a leader and plays to win. That is something Edwards has not shown since he was a rookie.
  16. That is pathetic comparing Jimbo to Ben. First of all, Jimbo was NEVER accused of forcing himself on anyone, other than maybe Harbaugh in their fight after he was retired. Second of all, Jimbo was never a knucklehead, scumbag, retard like Big Ben is. Ben looks like a dumbass dufuss dolt. The guy is not cool in the slightest. Being over 40, maybe I am thinking of what cool dudes were like at Big Ben's age back in the 80's, but this guy is a big goon, who probably has absolutely no talent of hooking up with women unless he gets than wasted. And than gets his bodyguards to pull them into his bathroom for him. I think Jimbo was a completely different animal who would have never let a goober like Big Ben within miles of his parties. If you don't agree than you didn't grow up in the world that I did 20-25 years ago.
  17. Does Torry Holt even play anymore? He has nothing left in the tank. You think if he could play that the Jaguars would not have tried to keep him? I have read your posts for a long time and you are one of the most NEGATIVE posters about the Bills on this message board. I have never heard you say anything positive about the team. And as for Jason Taylor, the guy is 35 and will most likely play 20 plays until he gets injured again. I would rather have Schobel at this point in both their careers.
  18. The Saints are tools to the media and the fans? Who cares, they won a Super Bowl for those same fans. That is all that should matter. The media always seem to feel that they run everything. Bill Parcells and Mike Ditka were ready to beat up any reporter who questioned any of their decisions. And I thought that was pretty hilarious. The media plays WAY to big a role in sports today. Good for the Saints to put them in their place.
  19. That is saying absolutely NOTHING NewEra. I went to the Bills-Redskins game in DC late in the 2007 season. Campbell was terrible. He was tentative and slow both in foot speed and decision making. If he was so good, why would the Redskins give up two relatively high draft picks to get McNabb who is NOT anywhere close to great anymore? I would much rather take a chance on Bulger. We would not have to give anything up, and while the guy has been beat up the past few years, he is a pure passer who with a little bit of time can really throw the ball around. A junior Kurt Warner in my estimation. Sign Bulger and draft at least 3 O lineman to team with Wood, Levitre and Green. Next year we can go after our QB of the future.
  20. New Era I totally agree with you. This is a tough one for me. I am a huge Wolverines fan, and for the past two seasons Brandon Graham was our ENTIRE defense. He had very little around him, and still made many plays every single game. He is tough, competitive and very athletic. I think he is the whole package. That being said, our O line sucks bigtime. We need a major league LT if we want any chance of moving the football. It is as simple as that. If we can trade down and still get a starting LT in the second round, than I would definitely take Graham middle of the first round. But that is up to our front office to find a LT who can step up and play right away who everyone is not going crazy over as a first round pick. If we can somehow get Graham, bring in a LT who can play and get an extra pick in the process than this team is on its way. (hey a guy can dream, can't he?) My perfect scenario would be to trade down in first round 6-9 spots, take Graham mid round and than grab the best LT prospect and possibly Tebow in the second round. If Tebow is gone, than we take Pike or Lafeveur in a later round to compete for the starting QB job. It is quite the dilemma, because Graham will be a STUD in the pros.
  21. There is no salary cap this year, so he doesn't cause us a money crunch. The guy is a decent player (not great, but decent) He will probably be in some kind of front seven rotation. I don't think we are going to have 4 DE's and 4 OLB's that are better than him. He is always good for at least a couple of strong plays per game. That being said, if we could get at least a 3rd round pick for him, I think we should trade him.
  22. Dude, have you not watched the NFL the past 2 seasons??? Jake Dellomme SUCKS!! You lose all credibility when you make statements like this!!
  23. You are a RETARD. The guy has the best hands of any safety in the league. I don't believe he dropped one ball that was anywhere near him. He caught several that were inches from the ground. He is definitely not slow. But you very well maybe with posts such as this.
  24. I agree with you. Fitz is a gamer. Edwards is not. And we know nothing about Brohm. With a revamped O line (that means having TWO OT that belong in the NFL, and a gameplan that belongs in the NFL, I think Fitzie can be reasonably successful. While his accuracy is pretty poor, the guy is not afraid and will do what it takes to win. Watch the 4th quarter of the Dolphins home game last year. He played well. Jauron and Van Pelt had no idea how to run an offense. With some real coaching Fitzie has some potential. Besides who else are we bringing in? We have to draft a LT with our first pick. Maybe a QB later rounds? But I don't think that will be out Fitzie.
  25. Great post. We as a team have earned the reputation of not having any credibility. All these great young players that Nix is supposedly going to draft will need some very established solid veterans to show them the way. I would be quite happy if we can bring in a good receiver and two more front seven veterans on defense thru free agency. That would give us two solid vets on each side of the ball from free agency for those of you who can't count above one. (Yes I think Cornell Green will be solid-I believe Oakland played with much more heart than we did last year-just watch a replay of their wins at Pittsburg and Denver) These veterans will be the mortar that will hold the foundation of the team together. And who is going to be our QB? I think it is very important than this new regime give the fans some idea of what they are planning on doing. It is called accountability, and I believe they owe that much to us given how bad the Bills have been for so long.
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