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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. Gilmore looks like he should be playing flag football. I would let him walk also. Jordan Lewis at Michigan will be a great cover corner. Tackles like Antoine Winfield, but is a much better cover guy. Taylor is afraid to just let it rip down the field far too often. If he does not show major improvement over the rest of the season, I would let him go and groom Cardale to be the guy next year. People do not realize that he can move also. And draft someone in the first couple rounds to compete w him. We have a talented roster. We need a talented passer as well.
  2. The team played a very solid game yesterday in all phases. And we actually out coached someone for a change. (Jeff Fisher is a garbage coach whose hey day was a LONG LONG time ago) But the passing game is wretched. Our yards after the catch are almost non existent. Most of the routes run are towards the sidelines, and comeback turnarounds where the receiver is immediately tackled. The only passes that were thrown with room to run was the bomb that was overthrown to Woods who was wide open, and the slant that he dropped where there was at least 15+ yards of open field in front of him. (He is a receiver that can make plays though w a decent passing QB) The passing game has to get better. I think it is a combination of TT not being accurate, lacking confidence in throwing guys open in the middle intermediate area of the field, and the route combinations being called by the coaches. We will stay in the race for at least the Wild Card because we have a very good defense and running game. And TT will make the occasional big play w his feet and his arm. But to be a contender to make some serious noise, the passing game in general has to get better. And if those of you want to start doing cartwheels because we are 3-2, so be it. We have improved to the top half of the league. And that is a great move in the right direction. But to play w the elite teams, we have to get more out of the offense than just McCoy.
  3. You summarized everything as succinctly as possible. 17 years of the same garbage. It all starts w the coaching and management. They just can't seem to get it right. Watching the Bills-Jets, they have Nick Folk as their kicker. Remember the winning 53 yard field goal he kicked when he was with Dallas in 2007 on Monday nite when they recovered the onside kick. Just an awful ending. Here we are 9 years later, and nothing has changed. Different year, same results. Wash Rinse Repeat. Ryan Whaley and Brandon all need to be shown the door. The next two games will be very telling. I don't care if its the Cardinals. We are at home. You play fast hard and mean at home. Doesn't matter how good or bad a team you have. These guys are supposed to be professionals. If Rex can not have them ready this week and next at the Pats. He needs to be fired immediately after the Patriots game.
  4. If Tyrod does not get a whole lot better than what he has shown in the first two games, he will not be our starting QB (Nor should he be) next season. Cardale Jones can ball people. (The TD drive against Indy at the end of the preseason game was a thing of beauty) TT has never looked that good. He can make all the throws. And he is a winner. If TT is not the guy, Cardale will hopefully get his shot.
  5. That is SO TRUE! I watched the Falcons-Raider game yesterday, and Matt Ryan was awesome. He has had his problems w red zone interceptions the past few years, and had a bad one yesterday. However, he was so in sync w his receivers, it was a beautiful thing to watch. And not just Julio Jones who is something special, but also their TE Jacob Tamme and his other secondary receivers. On just about every play he knew where every receiver would be on the play and always threw to the right one. The difference between him and TT was nite and day. You watch a good to sometimes very good QB, and compare to where Tyrod is and it is not even close. (I have never understood what everyone including the Bills see in TT. He can not read defenses, and has no feel for running an offense. And his accuracy in throwing the football except for the deep pass is terrible. He is an excellent athlete, but not a QB. Cardale Jones has much more upside than TT will ever have.) And the second point I got from watching Atl-Oak was how well prepared the Falcons were coming into Oakland. They had just lost their opener at home to TB, and their D played lousy. Going into Oakland against a Raider team coming off the big victory at NO at the end, you knew Oakland would be pumped. But Dan Quinn the coach of the Falcons had them so mentally ready, prepared and full of confidence from the opening kickoff, it was tremendous. The D did not play great, because they have a marginal front 7. But they played hard and stayed composed. And their O was terrific. Everyone was in sync. QB's O line, RB's TE, WR's. They all new what to do on every play. That is because the coaches had them prepared, and their QB leads the offense and knows what is expected of an NFL QB. So in conclusion, coaching and a QB that has game poise and grit is what wins in the NFL. The Bills have not had either in a long time. When Cardale is given the reigns that will be a start. And when we get a real coach who understands the NFL game, and is not worried about tailgating at Clemson when his job is on the line, we will be on our way to better things. Until then, this raging tire fire that has become the Buffalo Bills may actually turn into a nuclear waste dump. God bless us all of us who continue to stick w this team. Because it sure aint easy.
  6. I watched the game with my 13 year old son yesterday. I had the game on the Sunday Ticket and he had the Sunday Ticket on his phone watching The Raiders-Saints, Falcons-Bucs and Packers-Jags. I asked him if likes the Bills. He said no they suck. They have sucked his whole life. My daughter who is 18 used to say the same thing screaming, why would I always make them watch such a crappy team. She wore a Moorman jersey because last decade he was the best we had. My older son who is 17 is a gluton for punishment like me. He watches them every week. All he could text me after the game was, our offense Fu%$#@ sucks. When will this disgraceful mess end? At least we have Michigan TCU Arizona State and Auburn to root for between my families college teams. They may not win every week. But they are legitimately coached teams that come to play every week.
  7. Why do you have to be negative? Have you watched Tate play over the years? He is lightning fast. And has some ability at WR as well. At least as good if not better than Marquis Goodwin. And he played with the Pats so he doesn't suck. Be excited for the season instead of worrying about the guys they bring in to fill out the bottom of the roster. If you know football well, you will know that just about everyone who plays in the NFL is an athlete. Some are better than others. But if you can last as long as Tate has, you have some game.
  8. Bills win 31-17! The Ravens are not a good team, and we have a lot of weapons. A lot of you are doom and gloom about the season. But we have a very talented roster even with the injuries.
  9. Joey Bosa is an overrated punk. He did NOT dominate at Ohio State. He will be solid, but no where near a dominant force that people like to think he will be. He is not a fast twitch type of player. He will be getting paid a ton of money being the 3rd pick regardless of the language in his contract. He looks like a spoiled child holding out like this, when everyone else has been grinding in camp for the past month. I spoke with my son last nite about this while eating Pizza and wings at a Buffalo type restaurant in good old Atlanta. He is a DE on one of the top high school teams in the country. Starting his senior season. (Had a bad left lower leg injury early in his junior season and now is completely healed. He is behind in the recruiting process a bit, because he missed most of last season. But he had a huge first game last weekend. So if he keeps it up he will be playing big time Power 5 college ball next year. Sorry for my digression.) But we discussed the Bosa situation. And I told him. If you are blessed to be a high draft pick in 4 or 5 years from now, you will never hold out. You played ball since you were 6 years old. Now you get the opportunity to get paid to play the game you love. And get paid quite well. You don't screw with that in the slightest. Bosa and his family look greedy. Good for the Chargers. They do business how they do business. It has worked for Phillip Rivers, Antonio Gates and Ladanian Tomlinson. It should work for Joey Bosa. Enuf said.
  10. I agree with you completely. Management, coaching and quarterback play have been for the most part abysmal over the past 16 years. And if last year is any indication, not much has changed. (nice improvement at QB is a start) Hopefully, Rex figures out how to win again on a consistent basis. I am cautiously optimistic that w TT taking the next step into being an above average QB, that we finally break the drought. But Rex is going to need to be much more on w his game day decision making and scheming. Go Bills! As for Pegula, not overly impressed w anything he has done since buying the Bills.
  11. I guess he hasn't watched Drew Brees and Phillip Rivers throw it all over the field for years. I hate the dink and dunk offense. Any monkey can play QB doing that. That is boring football. I guess Miami needs to find some O lineman who can protect PantyHill. I don't think they have had an Oline since Marino retired, and Dwight Stephenson was playing center. Gasing into the future. I see Miami being their typical crap self this year.
  12. The Jets are going nowhere with Fitz. They played an easy schedule last year (as did the Bills) This year is a completely different story. Crossover games are against the NFC West and the AFC North. Two tough divisions. Just a lot to do about nothing over the entire off season about whether Ryan Fitzpatrick would resign with the Jets. No other team even wanted him as a starter. In the past 4 drafts, the Jets have drafted Geno Smith, Bryce Petty and Christian Hackenburg. Yet they caved in to Fitzie. You would think one of those three youngsters would step up. Nice drafting John Idzik. Oh I forgot he was fired. LOL But seriously Fitzie was exposed for what he was in the 4th qtr against the Bills in the last game of the season. Actually in both Bills-Jets games last year. I don't see it getting better for him. I see it getting worse against tougher competition. The love this board gives to Fitz is something I do NOT understand. He won nothing for us in Buffalo. How about we hold our man crushes until this team shows it can finally win. Or for an individual performance that is out of this world.
  13. We are not paying 15 million to a player that is injured every year. He is solid but not worth that kind of money. There are many corners in college and in the pros that are quality players that would play well for us for less than half that money. Can you say Kevon Seymore? And watch Michigan corner Jordan Lewis this year. He is tremendous. Has way more upside than Gilmore. Go Blue!! It is the nature of the NFL that you can't pay everyone. Lets just hope that Gilmore can stay healthy this year, and leaves his best on the field for us, as we make our run deep into the postseason!!
  14. If noone has any loyalty, what is the point of even having a team? Players come off as greedy ignorant winey bitches when complaining about the Franchise Tag. Von Miller and Muhammad Wilkerson are both getting a hell of a lot of money. STFU and go play football. I really don't think John Elway is going to budge one bit. And he shouldn't if Miller and his camp won't be reasonable. Show some class and be part of the team. Athletes today are pretty much ridiculous. The fabric of the college game is just so much more enjoyable. That's why my boy Jim Harbaugh wanted out from the Niners. He just could not deal with the modern athlete. Soft and no dedication or commitment. Go Blue Baby!!
  15. Robey is not a good player. He is marginal. He can blitz off the edge when the blitz package is disguised. But overall he gets beat a lot because he is small. I would not be surprised if he doesn't make the team this year. Sterling Moore, Corey White, Mario Butler and Kevon Seymour all have more upside.
  16. You are one of the most negative people on this board. Little Hankerson Boykin and Salas are all professionals. Are they Julio Jones, Sammy or Beckham, probably not. But there is absolutely no reason they can not be competent NFL receivers for us. It ain't that bad man.
  17. Jake Rudock-Michigan QB. I know I keep raving about him. But as a late round pick he will not disappoint. I find it absolutely laughable how much hype Hackenberg has gotten compared to Rudock. And there was NO comparison in their seasons last year. The Bills should take Rudock and either Cordale or Kevin Hogan. Keep those two. Get rid of EJ. Groom both, and see who develops. Than have a 3 man tryout in 2017. I have watched the 30 minute rewind of most of last seasons games. And the more you watch Tyrod, the more limited he seriously looks. I do hope that he elevates his game this year. But that remains to be seen.
  18. A shopping cart with no wheels. Never was overly impressed by his game. Would have been better when the game was much more run oriented and physical. (I seriously miss grind it out smash mouth football) The game at times, more college than pros almost has a feel of flag football. Boo on that!
  19. Kevin Hogan is solid, but Jake Rudock from Michigan is Hogan 2.0 with a stronger arm. NOONE is giving Rudock any love. But I will say it again and again as a huge Wolverine fan. The guy has game. He is smart, tough and a leader. And has decent mobility. He had one bad game for the Maize and Blue last year (opener against Utah. And even in that game, he kept firing) After that he was as good as any QB in the country. And we did not have great receivers or much of a running game around him. Give him a year or two to learn and develop, and I can see him starting and doing well in the NFL. He is not a big man. But neither is Drew Brees. 6th round for Rudock. And he could be a steal. GO BLUE!! You all don't believe me, go back and watch his hilites from last year. And maybe ask the Florida Gators including Vernon Hargreaves what they think of my boy Jake.
  20. Individual corners are way over valued. The way offenses are today, you need a solid secondary collectively. You can do quite well with a bunch of above average to good corners and safety's. Having one supposed "shut down" corner, and the rest of your secondary is mediocre at best is a complete waste. With 3 and 4 receiver sets being the norm for a lot of teams, all a QB has to do is stay away from that one great corner, and that offense is not going to miss a beat. So paying a guy like Josh Norman 14+ million is absolutely ridiculous. I hope the Bills don't overpay to keep Gilmore. We can find two very good corners for 5-6 million each, than paying one guy 12+ million. Remember all, it is a TEAM game!! One player (except an elite QB) will not make that much of a difference.
  21. What makes you the expert on where our players should be playing in Rex's scheme? Everyone on this board thinks they know everything about NFL schemes. I am sure Rex and his coaches know what's up. Why don't you sit back and enjoy the NBA and NHL playoffs, get excited for the draft and let the coaches do what they do best without stressing out about who is going to play outside Linebacker for us in the fall? Just makes life that much simpler.
  22. The guy is TERRIBLE! Put on the worst playoff quarterbacking display in last years playoff game against the Chiefs this side of Jake Delomme's 5 interception debacle against the Cardinals several years ago for the Panthers. It is a joke that he is in the league still. Makes EJ look quite respectable.
  23. Maybe try staying at a real hotel for a change-One where you don't drive your car right up to the front door of the room. And where you are less likely to be mugged in the parking lot....Just saying.
  24. The Jets went as far as they could go with Fitz last year. Fitz is not getting them over the 10 win mark. He just does not have that much upside. Teams will start doubling Brandon Marshall and they will be lucky to hit 8-8.
  25. The dude is overrated. He had DeMarcus Ware on the other side the past two seasons. That will end soon. He will be just another "guy" soon enuf. A lot of you just get so excited over any one particular player. Short of Tom Brady no one particular player is ever that dominant in the NFL for any length of time. With 22 players on the field, the game is not set up that way. The Panthers O line was garbage in the Super Bowl. Put Von up against a solid OT and he will be stoned. Just never overly excited about his game.
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