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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. You seriously need to get a life, if you are so jacked up because of what Jerry Sullivan writes. The guy has been around for a whole long time and writes editorial pieces. That means he gives his opinion. I find them insiteful with a whole lot of context, since he has been covering Buffalo sports for so long, with just enuf humor edginess and disgust. You don't have to agree with him. But he is an excellent writer. And btw that organization that Sullivan supposedly worships? They have won 5 Super Bowls and played in a total of 7 since the 2001 season. And have played in the last 6 Conference Championships. So while as Bills fans, we loathe them as a rival. You have to respect what they have accomplished.
  2. This team has been wretched for years, and you are going to miss a mediocre receiver who played hard. A safety who was always injured. And a CB who was a wimp and didn't try? You have really set the bar low my friend. On the current team I will miss once they are gone, Kyle Williams because he was a beast of a player coming out as a 5th round pick. And is a great leader. I would miss Shady because his talent is incomparable. The rest of the team. Meh. Keep the revolving door moving until we can find some winners.
  3. Cruz has nothing left in the tank after all the leg injuries over the past several years. He looked very slow, with no explosiveness last season for the Giants. Sheppard got a lot more balls thrown his way then Cruz. We have to do much better at receiver then Victor Cruz
  4. Tyrod is not middle of the pack. He stinks as a passer. We are not winning anything with him. He has not beaten a good team since taking over. Stop living in La La land. He is not worth $10 million let alone all the guaranteed money he would get on the extension. You are an apologist for the guy. You either have it or you don't. He doesn't have it. Watch the NFL a little bit. Watch how the good ones make plays effortlessly. They do two things that Tyrod does not do. They are decisive where they want to go with the ball on every snap. And when they throw, they are very accurate most of the time. Decisiveness and Accuracy. The good and great ones have it. Tyrod does not.
  5. That is not a true statement. We had the 31st ranked passing offense in the NFL. You don't think that played a part in not making the playoffs for a 17th straight year? And our coach was a pretty bad game day manager also. Don't forget that.
  6. You are a dumb ass in your thought process, and your ability to form coherent sentences. I can not imagine anything worse than watching your team go thru a 2-14 season. It is embarrasing and humiliating. Being the joke of the NFL should not be anyones goal. (you want that go root for the Browns)
  7. Maddog, I so agree w your thinking. I am for dumping Taylor at the salary he will be due going forward. And from what I am reading we may be able to trade him as well. (at least a 3rd round pick and maybe a 5th or 6th would be fine with me) Getting Simien will be solid. He has a calm presence, and has some upside. We have so many other needs. Bring in Simien and draft a guy to both compete w Cardale, while solidifying many other positions in free agency and thru the draft, and this coming season will be looking a lot brighter.
  8. Which game did you miss since 1980? I have not missed a game since the last game of the 1994 season when we were eliminated from the playoffs. Also missed the Bears game mid season that year when I got married in Jamaica, and could not get a feed for the game. I am sure I could in 2017 though. Gotta love the NFL Sunday Ticket.
  9. That is an interesting take on the Super Bowl and the NFL in general T Master. I am excited to watch the actual game, and the commercials. But most of the commercials are not nearly as entertaining as they were years ago. The younger generation has no sense of humor compared to us middle age folks who grew up in the 70's and 80's. Slap stick commercials are long gone. As for the football game. I like watching the game, but all the pre game talk for two weeks is garbage and unnecessary. If you don't know what's going on after 5 months of an NFL football season, than you need to awake from the dead. I like how College Football does their thing. Its all football. The National Championship is all about the matchup and the game itself. Nothing more nothing less. Overall the college game is much more entertaining. But lets hope for another excellent Super Bowl like two years ago.
  10. What are you furious about? Tyrod was marginal at best most of the time. Did you not watch him play? It was seriously painful watching him lead a passing attack. We were going nowhere with TT at the helm. We have cleaned out our coaches, and now we need to clean out a whole bunch of the roster. The stench of the past 17 years dies hard. Except for Shady and Sammy, noone is irreplacable on this very mediocre to poor team. McDermott is a start. Let's keep the turnover going!
  11. Give me a break McBride. Tyrod is OK on a good day. He is not leading us to the promised land. He still looks confused on most plays that he drops back in the pocket. He threw for 329 yards against the Fish, and still missed a lot of throws. He is not consistent enuf to beat the good teams. Look at his body of work over the past two years. Some good. A lot of mediocre to poor. We can do better.
  12. I think a lot of the defense is going to be riding out on a rail with Rex. This team has not beaten anyone all season. We were lucky in playing a bunch of garbage this year. If we had played the NFC East South or North this season instead of the NFC west, we would probably be 5-9 at best right now. Our Defense hasn't stopped a decent offense since Rex took over. Time to change the entire vibe at One Bills Drive.
  13. I agree. We have the 32nd ranked passing game in the NFL. That is laughable. Our receivers are not great by any means, but they don't suck. Tyrod has absolutely no clue where to throw the ball on any given pass play. And his pouty B word attitude stinks. He will be exposed again on Sunday against Pittsburgh because the Steelers offense will be marching up and down the field, and we will have to match them They will line up 8 in the box to key on Shady, and we will have to throw up the field to have any chance of moving the ball consistently. TT will not be able to do that, and we will probably lose by at least 17 to 21 points. After the game with a 6-7 record, Rex will have no answer as to the demise of his team. Being out of the playoff race, he will have to do something, and hopefully will turn to EJ or Cardale. Hopefully, one of them will provide some hope for next season. I would go into next year w Cardale and possibly EJ, if he wants to resign w a modest two year deal, and a chance to start if he can up his game. Bring in a high draft pick and a veteran (Matt Moore type) and let them all compete. We have seen what TT brings to the table, and it certainly is not good enuf. He is not worth any of his future contract. ZERO. We need to cut ties after the season. Heck another bad game, and he can walk on Monday. And if we perform as we did in the second half against Oakland and like the first half of the Jacksonville game, Rex and his brother can walk on Monday also. Because we will lose like the Jets against the Colts on Monday nite. We are not going anywhere with Tyrod and Rex. I think everyone on this board knows or should know that. So the sooner we move on from this mess the better. There is no accountability on this team. Gilmore sleep walking thru the season is a perfect example. The second half collapse in all phases never happens to good teams. Coaches and players do NOT ALLOW it to happen. Keep what is good on the team (Shady, Gillislee, Glenn, Incognito, Sammy, Woods on offense. And Marcel and Lawson on defense for sure) And make everyone else earn a spot next year. Of course a lot of the other guys who are on the team will stay. You can't turn over 80% of the team. But at least half the roster is marginal at best. Make the rest of them earn a spot, and get rid of a lot of them. Guys like Corey Graham. He plays hard, but is not athletic enuf to be starting. Corey White-should not be on an NFL roster. Too many marginal guys. Time to gut a lot of the roster and the coaching staff. If you all think I am too harsh, watch the good teams and the talent on their rosters. A whole lot better then the Bills at a lot of key positions. And a lot of teams play a whole lot harder then we do.
  14. Tyrod is terrible. He is AFRAID to throw the football down the field. And when he does throw it, it is almost never accurate. Anyone who has watched him play can see that. He has hit his ceiling, and it is very low. Very disappointing having such a strong running game with Shady and Gillislee, and still not being able to compete w the big boys. That being said, the Defense was a disaster in the second half yesterday and completely tanked. Not often you see a team blow a 24-9 lead after scoring two TD's to start the second half. They did nothing to stop the Raiders offense in the second half. Don't see a lot of meanness on the defense. Can't give up 4 straight TD drives at any level. Rex had no answer and needs to be removed as coach. He doesn't have the smarts to adjust on the fly and out scheme anyone. Get rid of Tyrod. He can't pass the football. Makes Vick look like a combination of Marino and Fouts. He will never get better then he is now. He doesn't see the field and can't find open receivers. It is time to move on. Give Cardelle a chance. Has WAY more upside than Tyrod. Draft a guy and bring in a veteran also. Tyrod had his chance. He hit his ceiling. We will never make the playoffs with him at QB. As for the Defense. Bring in some safety's who can hit. Bring in some CB's who will contest throws. Bring in some meanness up front. Maybe its time to say goodbye to Hughes and Kyle. And if you can find a fair trade partner for Dareus, by all means. When your D is this porous game after game, noone's job should be safe. If we have to blow the whole thing up, by all means. We are not getting above mediocrity with this group on both sides of the ball, and this coaching staff. Need a change in mentality quickly.
  15. Glad you are so optimistic about the team. But as long as TT remains our starting QB, most of our games are going to be ugly. And that is because he is not a good passer of the football. All of you Tyrod apologists can come up with all the excuses you want, (lousy receivers, etc) but all you have to do is watch him week after week, and the proof is right in front of you, that his lack of ability in passing the football is holding back this team. That being said, this Bills team seems to have a good amount of grit and fight in them. So we should compete every week from here on in. But it would not shock me if we did not blow out the Jaguars. Or that the Jaguars would still have a chance to win in the 4th qtr. And that is not because of lack of effort and attitude by the Bills. But because our QB can't consistently throw a football at a level needed at the QB position in the NFL. And because of that every game will be a dogfight. I certainly think that we will have a chance to win each of our last 6 games. Be we likely will not win all six because regardless of our fight and effort, our QB is not an NFL caliber passer. Hopefully Doug and Rex realize this, and will make the necessary moves to remedy the situation in the offseason.
  16. Bottom line is that Tyrod is the weak link on our team. He is a bottom 5 QB passing the football. Sure he can escape pressure at times, but he is nowhere close to Mike Vick running the football. And he needs to be Vick in his prime to make up for his inaccuracy and indecision in the passing game. If you think TT is the answer at QB going forward, you are blind to the truth, or your standards of what a starting QB should be are amazingly low. We have gotten by w an amazing running game and a tenacious defense. But this is the NFL and not the Big 12 or Pac 12. NFL Defenses will eventually stop your running game enuf to make you hit passes in key moments. Tyrod rarely does that. And that is a big reason why we are only 5-5. We need a QB that can pass the football, AND is not afraid to pass the football. Cardale Jones could very well be that. (I have no idea why so many say he is not ready) The guy can ball. And a veteran like Romo should also be in the mix. Until we have a passing game to compliment the running game, getting to the playoffs will be very difficult. How many of you were dreaming of Kirk Cousins being are QB while watching the Sunday nite game?
  17. I agree about Gilmore and Robey. Neither should be back next year. Gilmore has tanked, and wasn't great to begin with. And Robey plays with great effort, but is just too small at 5'7 to compete game in, game out at a high enuf level. The season obviously hinges on Sunday's game. This is usually the type of game we come up very small in. But if there was ever a game where the organization needs to make a statement this is it. If the team plays its usual disinterested mistake filled poorly coached game, than they should show Rex the door on Monday morning. The dysfunction that continues to pervade the team week after week, season after season has to stop. It is time to lay the hammer on a good opponent in a game where everything matters. A big win could very well propel us to great things. Let's hope Rex actually has a game plan to stop Andy Dalton and all the weapons the Bengals have. Because they can be stopped. But the scheme and effort has to be top notch.
  18. That is a fair assessment of Rex and Doug are doing. The problem is it is likely too late for this season. We are 4-5 with a must win game against the Bengals this Sunday. Not sure why the fire was not lit before the opening game against the Ravens. If we had beaten two of these three (Baltimore, Jets and Ravens) we would be looking a whole lot better at this point. Real curious to see the performance against Cinci. They are a physical solid team. But not a dominant great team. They are coming off a tough game in New York last nite and have a short week to prepare. We on the other hand are coming off a bye and should be in better health and rested. In my opinion this is a bellweather game for the Ryan regime. Everything is at stake this Sunday. No reason we don't come out guns blazing on both sides of the ball, and just kick a tired beaten down Bengals team right in the mouth. A solid win could send us on a nice run with Jacksonville following next weekend. A soft uninspired mistake filled performance (similar to the Philly Washington and KC games last year) and the season is in the toilet. And we can start looking for a new coaching staff. It will be interesting to see which team shows up. It just sucks that our season could be over after game 10 of the regular season. I hope everyone on the team gets that from Whaley on down to all the coaches and players.
  19. Mills is terrible. He is not an NFL caliber starter in any sense of the word. Right Tackle is another hole to fill on a team that continually has holes year after year after year. If your lesser players are in the average range and don't suck, you can win games. Our lesser players are in the below average to very poor range. Right tackle, Corners, Safeties, Tight End. Wide Receiver except for Woods. Just too many below average NFL caliber players playing for us right now. That will maybe get you in the 7-9 8-8 range at best. And guess what? That is where we will probably end up. We aren't making the playoffs with this many holes on the roster. Just very disappointing. Thanks Rex. Thanks Doug.
  20. Graham made two good catches. But we have no safety who will knock your block off in the middle of the field. Receivers are a whole lot bolder when there is no enforcer on the back end. And our secondary is as meek and non intimidating as there is in the NFL right now. We have a pretty decent team. But the secondary is god awful. They played poorly in 4 out of 5 losses. Horribly in 3, and below avg against the Fish. We need all new safety's next season. And getting rid of Gilmore and Robey Coleman at corner would be a start. Also the decline of Darby is very disconcerting. He really looks lost this year a lot of the time. Hope he can turn it around. When will this cycle of mediocrity and ineptitude end??
  21. I have been watching football for over 40 years. MNF certainly does not have the same appeal that it did in the 70's and 80's when it was an event every Monday nite on ABC. Now it is kind of just another game to finish off that week of football. I usually watch because it is football, and I love watching football. I can watch any two teams if the game is competitive. (Even Jacksonville v Tennessee) But the problem is there is too many nites of NFL football. The matchups on Thursday nite usually blow. This week we have Cleveland vs Baltimore! Why?? There is no need for Thursday nite NFL football. It is NOT NECESSARY! There are not enuf good matchups to go around. So it becomes a non factor event. Was anyone really interested in the Miami-Cincinnati or Arizona-San Francisco matchups? I didn't think so. It is not compelling football or entertainment for that matter. Thursday nite should be reserved for College Football. There are always compelling matchups available in College Football because there are so many teams. And for the most part, the game is a lot more exciting then the NFL. I am a huge college football fan, as is just about everyone in the Southeast and Midwest. I love watching the Bills (yes it can be painful, but I am addicted) and have not missed a game since 1994. But taking out the Bills and University of Michigan my alma mater, if you give me a full slate of college vs pro games, and say watch one group of games. I am going college. The games and matchups are just more exciting and compelling on the whole. And lets not forget the Goodell factor. The man is ruining the NFL. How many more players will he suspend for smoking weed? What is he going to do with the spread of legalization? God bless that!! What say you all?
  22. Good take on the game. I have not been a big TT supporter, but he stepped up big time last nite. We still need a TE that can get down the middle of the field. We have Clay running 5 yard curls. We are paying him 7+ million for that. Just stupid. He just does not look like the same player he was in Miami. We need to renegotiate his contract or get rid of him. He is marginal at best and just not a big time player. Woods was awesome. The guy plays his guts out and gives 110% every snap. Must resign him. Him and Sammy w a better TE and a third big receiver (maybe Justin Hunter or a high round draft pick) w Goodwin and Percy for speed and our receiving corp is looking real nice. Need a new rt tackle. Mills is marginal at best, and can not be counted on against good DE's. On Defense the secondary is atrocious. Gilmore needs to go as does Robey Coleman. (has a lot of heart, but at 5'7 is too small to play in the NFL) Darby looks like a high school DB on the field. Not physical and gets spun around like he is in a tornado. Corey White looked the best out there. May not be a great athlete, but his technique and physicality much better than Gilmore and Darby. None of our safety's are athletic. Graham can hit and tackle well, but is too slow to cover anymore. Blanton and Meeks are not NFL caliber players. (I would draft Safety, Corner and WR/TE in first 3 rounds next year) Jordan Lewis from Michigan is a GREAT cover corner-Go Blue!! Our front 7 with Dareus Lawson and Ragland all back next year,plus Alexander, Hughes, the Brown Bros, Worthy, Washington, Kyle (yes he has at least two more good years left in him) etc will be bad ass. And get rid of Carpenter. There are much better kickers out there. Tough loss, but dam was it exciting down to the end.
  23. Of course you need some defense and a running game. The Falcons, Saints and Chargers have not had any Defense to speak of for the past few years. Give Rivers and Brees a solid run game and a solid D and they will take you deep into the playoffs, as they have done in the past. Ryan has been off the past few years. But is bad ass again. The Falcons are solid, but still are inconsistent on Defense. My point is that this is a passing league. With our run game and defense well above average, the weak link is our QB. He has to play at a very good level (not excellent) for us to have any chance to make the playoffs. And so far this year, he has not done that whatsoever throwing the football. He is tentative to let it rip. The good ones always let it fly. Listen the guy is fun to watch. He just needs to get the basics of passing a football at the professional level down very quickly.
  24. You are grossly incorrect. Sure they are not All Pros. But they can play. TT is afraid to throw the ball unless it is a 5 yard out to a wide open receiver in the flat, or a bomb to Goodwin. He hesitates almost every time he goes back to pass. Even when he rolls out to avoid the rush, he almost never will throw down the field. One play in particular (late in the 1st half I believe) he eluded the rush while rolling to his left. On the replay from behind him, you could see that Clay was wide open in the middle of the field. And as he rolled to his left O Leary was standing 10-12 yards away from him by the Bills sideline w NOONE covering him about 5 yards past the 1st down marker. And Tyrod just held the ball and ran out of bounds. Just a terrible play. We are not a playoff team w Tyrod Taylor. His skills as a passing QB are not good enuf to win, unless your run game is absolutely stellar. And your D is playing lights out. That does not happen most weeks for almost any team. The guy is a great athlete. But his passing skills are not up to NFL starter quality. In today's NFL your QB has to be able to push the ball down the field. Cordale Jones should be starting for us next year. He has way more upside than Tyrod as a passer. The NFL is not the old Big 8 conference of the 70's and 80's w JC Watts at QB for the Sooners running the wishbone option. Teams will stop your run eventually. You have to stretch the field. A solid QB (Rivers, Brees, Ryan, etc) would win w Tate Hunter Powell Clay and O Leary as their receivers.
  25. Unfortunately, we had Drew Bledsoe at the helm. And our run D was a siv that day. And lets not forget Ryan Lindell's 29 yard missed FG. That certainly didn't help. Did he ever make an important kick for us?
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