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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. Disagree about Feliciano. Thought he played pretty well. And he also was playing w only one good arm.. (shoulder surgery after the season) Morse was pretty good, but needs to be better. Spain is solid. I agree w you about Dawkins. He is average at best. Not sure where all the love comes for him. Can't see paying him 15 mill per year or anything close to that. He plays soft like a Frosty Snowman blowup doll. Feliciano is a tough guy. That is an important in the trenches. We have Spain Long Feliciano Boehm Ford and Boettger competing for 2 starting Guard positions. The cream should rise to the top. At tackle we need Dawkins to step his game up. He doesn't suck. But he needs to be at least good. If Darryl Williams can find his game, we will be good there as well. And maybe Ford finds some quickness that will let him compete outside. And don't forget Nseke. There are enuf decent players that our O line should be above average. Very few great O lines. Need some first round talent for that. Not sure what doesn't excite you about our free agents. Jefferson and Butler are beasts. Addison can still play. And AJ Klein is a player as well. We lost Alexander Phillips and Lawson. Decent players but not superstars. I see more upside with the new guys. And Josh Norman has something to prove. He brings some toughness as well. We brought in some good players. The season is going to ride on our QB. He has to be a lot better throwing the ball. Good teams have good QB's. Always have always will. I can only think of a few championship type teams that did not have dominant QB's. 85 Bears (although McMahon was pretty good) 2000 Ravens w Trent Dilfer and the 2002 Bucs w Brad Johnson. And the 2007 Giants. (I am not an Eli fan. But he played well in some big games I must admit-but NO to the HOF!!)
  2. Glad you like my user name. Paup had two amazing years in 95 and 96 before injuring his groin pretty badly if I recall. He and Bruce were a deadly combo on the pass rush. (I have his 95 jersey and still wear it on occasion) I do remember when Ricky Williams ran wild against us for over 220 yards. But I think we did win that game. I believe that may have been Bledsoe's first year. I went to the Bills-Dolphins playoff game in Miami after the 98 season. (Flutie got sacked by Trace Armstrong to end the game inside their 10 yard line) I believe Moulds had 240 receiving yards that day. At the time it was an NFL playoff record. Not sure if it still stands. He caught a bomb down the sideline on our first drive. Exciting game. Disappointing ending. I remember talking with Chris Mortinson at the Ft Lauderdale airport after the game. Oh the memories!!
  3. Bobby Fisher, what a reference! (never thought I would see him mentioned on a football message board) He was a weird guy from what I have heard. I agree. Lets hope Diggs is everything we are hoping he will be and then some. Dam it has been a LONG time since we had a big time WR. Sammy never got there. Stevie J was good, but not quite a top 5-10 guy. Lee Evans was great on the go route, and not much else. I am thinking it has been since Eric Moulds in his prime from 1998 and 2002. That is a LONG TIME ago.
  4. So what if he is a douche. The guy is a great player. Not everyone falls in line like little toy soldiers. I have never heard his teammates bad mouth him. If you had to catch passes from Eli Manning late in his career, you would probably be pretty cranky also. And playing under Freddie Kitchens was probably like playing for that pee wee coach who had no idea how to coach and was half drunk at every game. The Bills can use a little more edge and douchiness on their team. Good old Richie Incognito provided some of that. Jerry Hughes has some edge. And some of that edge from Diggs will be good for the offense. Let's not forget its football, not chess club.
  5. Don't sleep on Darryl Williams. If healthy he could be our guy at RT. Beane isn't signing guys just to give them Wings and Fries at Duffs. There is a method to everything he does.
  6. We have A running back. Singletary is a nice player. But he is small and not overly fast or explosive. He is shifty and tough. Getting one of the top RB's would really improve our offense. If Dobbins, Swift or Taylor start falling in the 2nd round, Beane needs to grab one of them. We did NOT win the Super Bowl last year. We went 10-6 against a pretty soft schedule. Our roster is pretty good. But we still need more offensive weapons to get to the next level. Diggs is a big upgrade. But I sincerely hope we add at least two potentially big time play makers in this draft at WR and RB.
  7. What are you talking about? Today is April 13th. The NFL season is not scheduled to start for over 4 an a half months. Why such gloom and doom? You really think there is going to be much of a shutdown past the next month in most places? I just don't see it. The panic among some is unbelievable. The reports I watch are that things are getting better. People are going to demand to go back to work. Life for most of us has to go on. The mindset outside of the Northeast and probably the West Coast is probably different on most things. And this seems no different. The liberal media paints a picture that is absolutely catastrophic. Here in Atlanta there is major social distancing. But by next month things will get moving again. What is there approx 23,000 dead from Covid 19? Do you know how many people die on avg in our country every day? Almost 7,700. Why aren't we in a panic every single day? I think while serious, the response has been absolutely over the top in many places. And then other places like Kentucky, they are holding big time Easter church services. I don't think that is appropriate. But to think that people are going to accept having their lives completely turned upside down for a whole lot longer is absolutely preposterous. What Corona is going to be remembered as is a bad virus that killed a lot of elderly and a lot of poor people. And why the poor, because many of them unfortunately have a whole lot of co morbidies (which means preexisting underlying health problems) and are not healthy to begin with. Sure there are outliers. But that is the overwhelming majority of who is dying. And those people would likely be still dying (maybe not as rapidly) even if there wasn't Covid-19. (I know. My business has centered around lower income people for a quarter century. I know how they live and what they do and don't do. And what happens to them) We live in such an age of political correctness, that if anyone is not in absolute panic overdrive mode about anything that kills even the smallest amount of people, they are chastised to the extreme. Do you think 40 years ago there would be this much hysteria over Covid-19? Absolutely not. And according to CNN and most of the media it has to all be Trump's fault. I want football. Its bad enuf this time of year with no sports to watch. (I was just becoming a Nascar fan this year when the virus hit) Imagine what the weekends will be like in the fall with no football. I don't even want to fathom that. You all stay safe. And keep thinking positive. The draft is almost here!!
  8. Great take on Collinsworth Mister D. I can see him just gushing over Dak Prescott Eli Manning and Patrick Mahomes as I write this. I remember watching the season opener between Green Bay and Chicago and Collinsworth was saying how good David Bakhatiari was at left tackle protecting Aaron Rodgers (who Collinsworth absolutely reveres.) and thinking Bakhtiari is playing lousy. And the next play he gave up a sack. LOL Michaels isn't horrible. But he looks like he should be on the Adams Family. I have no problem with Dan Fouts. He never bothered me.
  9. I always thought Dan Fouts was fine. Not great. But didn't bother me. Took me back to my younger years as an NFL fan. Air Coryell and the Greatest Show on Turf. The early 80's Chargers and the Kurt Warner led Rams. Best passing teams of my lifetime. I can't stand Chris Collinsworth and Al Michaels. They just try and be too fancy. Its a football game. Call it as such. Its not a discertation of Shakespeare. I think Kevin Harlon is excellent. Favorite announcer in sports has to be Gus Johnson. Period. But Charles Davis does an excellent job as well.
  10. Well I hope Dawkins comes out this year and plays like the dominant left tackle a lot of you think he is. If so, he should be paid as such. I would just not jump the gun on him is all. We can always wait til after next season before free agency starts in 2021. I know he could test the mkt, but with such a big contract at stake, I am not sure you rush into it. Want to see a dominant year out of him. Then you can pull up the Brinks truck.
  11. Hopkins is a good receiver. But he is not unstoppable. Although I did not like the way Tre White covered him in the second half of our playoff game. Gave him way too much cushion. Needed to be in his jock right at the line of scrimmage. Diggs is faster and more elusive. Cooks is fast but small and has had his bell rung several times. He will not be as effective without Woods and Kupp on the field with him. Everyone on here thinks they are a GM.
  12. I agree Gunner. We had a pretty loaded roster in 2018. Then we give up 63 points in Columbus with a total meltdown in the second half. And a month later get smoked by Florida in the Chik Fil A Bowl. I wanted him fired then. But he is still in Ann Arbor because our AD is in love w him for some disturbing reason. Harbaugh is no Bo Schembechler (who he played under) and no Lloyd Carr either.
  13. Interesting reference. Blade Runner came out a long time ago. Don't really remember it well. But Rutger Hauer was a good actor. Didn't he die not too long ago? I remember him as the bad guy in a movie w Sly Stallone in the early 80's called Nitehawks. He played a good villain. Had a classic sort of creepiness to him. Good actor.
  14. Harbaugh has been a big disappointment. We didn't hire him to beat Maryland and Northwestern. Team does not play with a lot of confidence against good teams. Hopefully things get better this year with Shae Patterson gone. Need a big time QB to be a big time program. Our best QB under Harbaugh was Jake Ruddock in 2015 who came in as a 5th year grad transfer from Iowa. Hopefully McCaffrey or Milton raise the team to a higher level.
  15. I would be very happy with Edge, WR as our top two picks in the draft. As a big Michigan fan I would be ecstatic if we draft Donovan Peoples Jones and Josh Uche in rounds 2 and 3 somehow. Both are very talented players and excellent athletes. They were certainly not the reason that Michigan has underwhelmed the past few years. Blame that on a QB named Shae and a Head Coach named Jim. I think both have a lot of upside (especially DPJ). And their best football should be ahead of them. Go Blue! Go Bills. DPJ is also good at returning punts if he doesn't let the ball just bounce by him, which happened several times at Michigan.
  16. Why draft a guy who just had surgery? Especially if its a Sports Hernia type procedure. (remember the legendary Kolbe Listenbee from TCU-that never worked out) And especially with the shortened off season team activities. There are many other good skill players that will be available that are healthy going into the draft. And you really can't be serious when you say that Foster Duke and McKenzie are a solid back end of the WR group. Foster has a whole lot to prove. The guy caught 3 passes last season. He looked lost on the field. Duke isn't bad but he has a lot of work to do to be part of the mix on a regular basis. And I like McKenzie as a gadget guy, but not a true WR. I am not sure how much upside any of the 3 really have. But we can always hope. And explain to me why so many are gung ho about the "Big Nickel" player on our defense. Do other teams use this so called player? I don't think that is what has been missing from our team under McDermott. How is Dugger or Chinn going to make us a better Super Bowl Contender? I think offense has been missing a whole lot more.
  17. Agree about Spielman. Disagree about Herbstreit. He is a legend in his own mind if you ask me. Soon he won't be able to fit into his suits as he keeps getting puffier and puffier. I like a lot of the secondary college football announcing pairings on ESPN that don't get the 8pm Saturday games. But are very entertaining nonetheless. And lets not forget about Charles Davis. Another great analyst.
  18. That is a riot Yolo. Thanks for sharing. Spielman is a nut. Who is the chick? His daughter or his girlfriend? I went to Michigan when he was at Ohio State. But I still respect the hell out of him.
  19. Gus Johnson is the best sports announcer going. Noone has his enthusiasm and his use of the English language is tremendous. Him and Joel Klatt make a great team on Fox College Football. Can't stand Herbie. Acts like a know it all and thinks he is the Commissioner of College Football. Fowler is good calling the game (and he is a big Metallica fan) But ESPN college gameday by this point is so old news. Maybe you have to be in your 20's to like it. To me its just overkill. Bring me the games. Who has time for all the extra shtick. Chris Spielman is very underrated. Has great knowledge of the game. And really good humor. If you youngsters could have watched him play. That was a football player. As tough as they come. So many of you talk about Matt Milano, and how good you think he is. Back 20 years ago he would not have made it on the field at his size. You had to be able to tackle. And that meant putting someone on their ass. I think Spielman had 26 tackles in the Michigan-Ohio State game in 1986. Chew on that as you all start your day.
  20. I sure as hell hope we don't draft a Corner with our 2nd pick. We have at least 5 guys on the roster right now who can start at Corner. White, Wallace, Norman, Gaines and Johnson. So why do we want another one with our top pick. Trenches possibly. But we still need offensive playmakers. So I have got to believe that a WR, RB or TE needs to be our top pick. And yes I said TE. Smith is garbage. Kroft has to prove he can stay on the field. Knox and Sweeney have potential but are probably not game changers like a Kittle or a Kelce. 3 solid TE's are needed in today's NFL. And we definitely could use anther stud at WR and RB. Our D is loaded. Need to load up on offense. Not going to be a Super Bowl contender otherwise.
  21. Its the hype train that has made Tua such a high potential pick. Watch the championship game from 2018. Clemson v Alabama. Tua was lousy. Alabama has an amazing program. Just about everyone who goes there is a 5 star. My son played with Xavier McKinney in high school on a very good team in the suburbs of Atlanta. They played in the state championship for 7A schools in 2015 and 2016. They were loaded. 15 players from my son's team went to D1 schools including my son at DE. McKinney was very good. He chose Alabama over Ohio State. He has had a very good career at Alabama. But he is not the second coming of Ronnie Lott and Ed Reed. But he is predicted to go somewhere in the bottom half of the 1st round. My point is that many Alabama players are overhyped coming out of college because the program run by Saban. They recruit a lot of good players. But because they come from Alabama they are overdrafted. Not saying Tua will suck in the pros. But the guy maybe 6 feet at best and has played behind a great O line, and an amazing group of receivers. Whose to say he is any better then Jake Frohm coming out of Georgia who is a gamer to say the least? Just some thoughts from someone who watches a pretty good bit of SEC football living in the heart of Dixie.
  22. Wow the love Dion Dawkins gets on this message board is unbelievable. Do any of you think he is really that good? Maybe my expectations are too high. But I just don't see him manhandling defenders on a regular basis. And DE's seem to get around him pretty regularly. He doesn't suck. But paying him $15 mill with a bunch of guaranteed money just doesn't seem right to me. Dude does not seem to play with a mean streak, just beating the snot out of guys. Seems almost too nice. (I guess I am still living in the world of the 1970's and 80's Oakland Raiders-just mean bad ass dudes. The world of Darryl Talley and Leonard Smith) I like Milano. But he is not a thumper. But he does make plays. I would offer him 4 years 35 mill if the Bills want to keep him. Noone is paying him more then that. If AJ Klein got 3 years and 18 million, Milano is not worth a whole lot more.
  23. If JK Dobbins, Deandre Swift or Jonathan Taylor start falling in the second round I believe good chance Beane trades up to get one of them. Singletary is a nice player. But he is not the game changer many think he is. Need two good RB's to win in the NFL. Beane loves to trade up. We have 7 picks-more then we need. I would be happy to come out of this draft w 3 or 4 good players. RB WR and an edge rusher or CB. Daryl Williams will solve our need at RT. Still need at least a couple more weapons on offense. Good D will only take us so far.
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