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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. Thanks 416. I spoke to him last nite and he is doing great. Says he feels good, getting his appetite back and is looking forward to getting out of quarantine.
  2. Wrong!! Football will be played. There will be lots of cases until there is a vaccine. The country is just going to have to live with it and manage. You just can't stop things because of a virus. My son plays college ball. He has the virus right now. Says it isn't nearly as bad as what the media wants you to believe. Said his worst day was like having the flu. Granted he is 20 and strong as an ox. But he did not have any respiratory symptoms. He told me he could work out right now, but has to quarantine for 6 more days. Lots of guys are going to get it. They need to quarantine, get well, and get out there and play ball. Clemson didn't lose a qtr of their roster. They are sick. They will all likely be well in about 2 weeks or less. Stop acting like a scared B word. Between the Covid and the protestors (and btw I drove by today where the Wendy's in Atlanta was burned down last Sat Nite. because I had to get my step son's car out of impound, and it is one of the worst neighborhood's you could ever imagine. The entire area should be burned to the ground) I just want to scream WTF is wrong w the United States of America??!!
  3. Good points Wide Left. I don't think the playcalling of going too conservative is the issue as much as the game day roster. Gore Dimarco Foster and Lee Smith gave us no production. Yeldon Sweeney and Duke Williams should have been playing the entire second half of the season. We were severely lacking in offensive firepower last year.
  4. That was an AWESOME video! Made my frikin day. The narration. Was that Jeff Kaye? And the music was great too. Wow I was 8 years old when the stadium opened. Did not move to Buffalo until 1976. But remember watching those early games as a kid living in Pa. That artificial turf looked so good on TV. I remember the Juice cutting back and making plenty of long shifty runs. The 70's were so much better then the world is today. My goodness.
  5. Why so much talk about Racism all of a sudden? And what the hell does it have to do with the football field and an NFL locker room? What racism is going on in the NFL? There should be talk about police brutality and better police training. I don't think its a racial thing as much as a power trip by police. They treat most *****. Get rid of the bad cops and things will be a whole lot better. And I don't care what race you are. Don't commit crimes, and you won't get in trouble to begin with. I have 3 kids 17 to 22. Two boys and a girl. All three are not afraid to scrap especially when partying. So when they act up they can suffer the consequences. They know it. And will have to deal with it if they get caught causing a ruckus. It should be the same with everyone. People need to hold themselves accountable for their actions. Black white yellow or brown. And so do cops when they step out of line or over the line. But that certainly doesn't mean racism is rampant in our society. That is just a ridiculous fallacy. If Kaepernick is good enuf to make an NFL roster he should be given the chance. Simple as that. He seems to come off as somewhat of a weirdo. But that is just one man's impression. If he has game still good. If not, bye bye and go get a job like the rest of society. I don't need him representing anything in our country. He aint no Abraham Lincoln. What the NFL needs to do is figure out why there are only 3 black head coaches in 2020. When the league is at least two thirds black players. That is where the problem is. Guys like Jason Garrett Matt Patricia Patt Shurmur and Jay Gruden are head coaches. Just a bunch of ineffectual white guys. Bring in some fiery ex black NFL players as head coaches. A guy like a Brian Dawkins, or someone of that ilk. That is what the league needs. That is where the racism exists in football. All the rest of the talk about the NFL leading change. Why? And who cares? Stick to football. Goodell can barely do that right. And why not bring in a black commissioner? Someone with some swag and clout. I vote for Primetime.
  6. Allen is an amazing athlete. He is every bit the athlete that all those guys you mentioned are. And I would say a better athlete then Cam (overrated) Newton. Not saying he is a better QB then Mahomes Jackson or Wilson. But he has more upside then Watson. And Murray we don't know yet. And Allen is a far better athlete then Tannehill Lock or Prescott IMHO. Allen is the ***** as an athlete. It just remains to be seen how good of a QB he becomes. There is a big difference to being a great athlete and being a great QB. If you can be both even better. Guys like Dan Marino and Ken Stabler were not great athletes. But HOF QB's.
  7. You obviously are a very big Tua fan. Which of course is your right. But the NFL and college games are totally different. And to gush that much about any prospect coming out of college and transitioning to the pro game is just way over the top. And that is at any position. To think he is just going to come in and tear it up like noone in recent memory is just very unlikely. If he can come in and play like Kyler Murray did last year, that would be a successful season.
  8. I watched a lot of Auburn football living in SEC country. And you all should know that I am way higher on Jake Fromm and Jarret Stidham then many of you based on my previous posts. On the whole Stidham was better then mediocre in college. He was good for the most part. And at times very good, and at times average. He has a good arm and is a gamer. He tends to panic against a big pass rush and drift backwards to his right ala Baker Mayfield. (See the game at Clemson in 2017 when he got sacked 10 times) But you have to understand that Auburn has not gotten nearly the offensive talent that Alabama LSU and Georgia have got the past 5-7 years since they played in the Nat Title game against FSU, which is ironic given that Gus Malzahn is an offensive minded coach. Their O line is mediocre as our most of their skill players. Their program rolls behind its defense. Which is always top notch. Whether Stidham is better then Tua remains to be seen. But Simms is correct about some of the throws Tua makes. He has guys wide open a whole bunch of the time. Stidham and Fromm for that matter did not have that luxury.
  9. How about an Allen fake QB sneak into the line, and then pitch out to Moss or Singletary around the outside. If executed correctly that could be a big time gainer..
  10. I could not let this slide when you said the "mistreatment and dehumanization of minorities in this country has gone on for far too long"". Seriously?? This is 2020 bro. This is not 1965 in Alabama. I do not know what world you live in, but who on earth is dehumanizing minorities? I have worked in my field for 30 years. I have worked with hundreds, probably thousands of black people as clients and co workers over those years. I have NEVER heard anyone ever use any language even remotely in the same stratosphere of feeling dehumanized. Where the hell do you come up with such statements? Sure there are people who are not crazy about minorities. But your dramatic rhetoric is absurd and unfounded. Most black and white folks as well as other minorities get along just fine. The liberal media wants you to believe otherwise. But that is just not the case. Most people are doing fine together. Everyone has equal rights in this country. Last I checked we all can eat in the same restaurants, sleep in the same hotels, drink from the same water fountains, and even date outside our race!! Does EVERYONE love each other? Obviously not. But I think the overwhelming majority of people get along. Not sure what your agenda is, but its way over the top with unnecessary drama. Does the Confederate Flag offend you? I guess you are not a big Lynard Skynard or Kid Rock fan than. Does the American Flag offend you as well? I sure as hell hope not. And btw why do you have so much time to post on here? Don't you have a job and/or a family that needs tending to?
  11. Why is Drew Brees not a good person? I personally do not know a lot about the man. He sure has been an iconic figure in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina. And didn't he and his wife donate a ton of money to help fight the Corona Virus in Louisiana? He comes off as a good family man kind of guy. Great football player, leader on the team. What am I missing? He certainly has a right to be against people not standing for the National Anthem. And for the life of me I can not see why that view would be considered racist in the slightest. Americans should all be patriotic. Doesn't matter what color race religion you are. This is the greatest country in the world. And I am wayyyy fukin proud whenever I see the Stars and Stripes flying, whether from the back of a car, someone's house, or from a building, anywhere!! It is for ALL Americans of all walks of life and all races. And if people have a problem with loving the American Flag and all that it stands for, I have a big problem with you. Don't burn it, don't desecrate it, don't disrespect it. Period. The American flag does not discriminate. It loves all who are Americans. This is a GREAT country. It is not a perfect country. (there is no such thing) Sure there are some bad cops. And some are racist. Similar to the rest of society. And the cops in Minnesota certainly deserved to be punished to the fullest extent of the law for the horrible crime they committed against George Floyd. It was absolutely despicable. But that in no way diminishes our country and the good that the overwhelming majority of people stand for and believe in every day regardless of their color. Not the anarchy that has enveloped many areas by a small portion of misguided souls. Because regardless of what the media wants to portray on the news and all other platforms, the overwhelming majority of people just want to live their lives, stay healthy and make a god dam living.
  12. Agreed. Lets hope Josh Allen is as good as we all hope and think he will be starting this season. I am excited!! RGlll. Haven't heard that name in a long while. Talk about a guy who started real hot, and then had a meteoric fall. Success can be fleeting. That's why the great ones are the ones who do it for a long time. Year after year.
  13. Don't sleep on Fromm. Georgia has been a much better program then you are giving them credit for. And yes Bama has dominated for a long time. The only team that has been on their level for any length of time has been Clemson with Ohio State a small notch below. (And being a Michigan man, that kills me to say that. Although I love Chris Spielman. He is what football in my opinion is all about)
  14. I actually am a fairly big Roll Tide fan. If you can root for Alabama and Auburn to a degree that is me. ( I put my ex girlfriend's daughter thru Auburn, so I had to show some loyalty to them. Great place to watch a game. Went to the Auburn-Georgia game in 2013 when Auburn won on the Hail Mary in the last 30 seconds. But always have liked the Tide to some degree) And I do like Tua, and can respect his ability. I just don't like all the hype that is given to any player before he steps on an NFL field. I think that needs to be earned. Keep yapping Weo. Fromm has way more ability then Barkley. Don't even go there. The lack of respect Jake Fromm has gotten from many is ridiculous. The boy can play. Did you watch the Sugar Bowl against Baylor? Not too shabby there. He could be our starter at some point in the future. (Of course, I hope that Josh Allen lights it up for many years) Just saying. There was a QB drafted out of Michigan about 20 years ago in the sixth round. Pretty much was an afterthought around the league. He wasn't an afterthought for long was he?!!
  15. We all have our favorite flavor. And I just don't love Prescott's game. He lacks that electricity about him. That it factor. As for Tua, he had a real good career at Alabama. But in the South everyone has their team they love. Just like everyone has their favorite Nascar driver. The South is very different from the North. (I have spent a lot of time in both) Unless you love Alabama, you are not going to be singing Tua's praises. Whole lot of Auburn fans in the Atlanta area. Only 120 miles away. I am taking a wait and see approach on how well he does in the pros is all. He may be great, and he may be marginal. Or somewhere on the spectrum in between. Remember he had a great O line and some great WR's at Bama. He will not have same in Miami. I think comparing him to Brees is a bit much at this point. And I don't think that Fromm is that much below him from a talent standpoint.
  16. I know Tua went top 5. But Fromm was way underdrafted as a 5th rounder. Both guys played in the SEC. And both played well. The Alabama hype machine is omnipresent throughout the football world. And the Alabama program does not even self promote. The NFL and the media think that Alabama football players walk on water. I live in the heart of Dixie. Have watched SEC football for many years. And CBS and ESPN LOVE Alabama and LSU. Did you know that the Georgia Bulldogs also play in the SEC? And they have a dam good program as well? (I don't love them, my team is Michigan) I am just saying that Jake Fromm is much better then most of the Bills fan and the local media are giving him credit for. He will show that soon enuf.
  17. Him and your boy Dak. Right?? Who has won nothing. I will take Romo over Dak every day of the week. As for Tua, go back and watch the film of the Alabama-Clemson national championship game. Didn't look so good that nite. Settle down about the comparisons to Brees.. I would try comparing him a little more to Jake Fromm.
  18. I would take 11-5 and an AFCEast Championship. And we HAVE to win at least one playoff game. Hopefully two. I like our upside this season.
  19. Why are we losing at Denver and home to the Steelers? These are the type of games that championship teams win fairly easily.
  20. With all the moves we made and we go 9-7? That is terrible. Losing to SF by 18 and Pittsburgh by 13 at home? That is ridiculous. With this roster we should have a shot at 12-4. I expect a big leap forward from JA this year. I expect the offense to be nite and day from last year. An improved Josh Allen. Stefan Diggs. Zack Moss, and an improved O line. And we will finally have a kicker who can bang them thru w consistency from between 55 and 60. This is our year. 12-4 and playing in the AFC Championship at a minimum.
  21. Forget about the fact for a minute that Josh Allen has more upside then Dak Prescott to be an absolutely great NFL Quarterback. (not saying Josh will, but he has that potential which hopefully will be realized over the next two years) But Josh Allen is way more the leader then Dak will ever be. And he is much tougher as well. The 4th and 1 that Josh made against the Cowboys was one for the ages fellas. And did anyone watch that video from 5-6 years ago of Dak getting his ass kicked in Panama City Beach, Florida by some thugs on Spring Break? You think Josh Allen is getting his ass kicked by anyone? Don't think so. Dak is a momma's boy baby B word when it comes down to it. There you go. From the mouth of Paup. Over and out. Have a good Sunday to all you Bills fans. Stay safe in these very combustible times. And God Bless America to stay strong and unite as one people again..
  22. You think its just all about the money? You don't think anyone plays for the love of the game anymore? The competitiveness? Being a warrior? Sure everyone wants to make a good living. But these guys will still be relatively young when they are done playing. And can actually go do something else. By your user name, you must be pretty young. Do you think a guy like Chris Spielman played football solely for the money? Do you think the great Edmonton Oiler teams of the 80's played for the money? They played because they loved hockey and playing the game they love for the best team in the world. When you are in your 20's and early 30's, I could not think of anything better to be doing w one's life. Ya Digg? LOL
  23. The Ravens are a great organization. They draft well. The win most seasons. They are well run. The organization has a lot of pride and good history. It would not have looked good for Judon to try and stick it to the Ravens. I think there is a strong sense of loyalty in that franchise amongst the players between themselves, to John Harbaugh and to management. And visa versa. Sure its a business and each player wants to do well for themselves. But I think on some franchises, like Baltimore and maybe Kansas City w Andy Reid, among others, the players think beyond the money. And I am sure Judon would rather take a little less playing for the Ravens then playing for say the Jags or Lions. Teams like the Seahawks and Packers come to mind like that as well. And besides, I don't think guys like Ray Lewis Ed Reed and Jonathan Ogden would be very happy with Raven players being disrespectful about the franchise. I would hope the Bills would get to that level in the not too distant future with continued winning.
  24. Always enjoy your feedback and analysis Gunner. Andrew Whitworth has had a very good career. And he never looks that athletic and powerful. But he gets the job done, is a good leader and is technically very solid. A true professional. I think he will be 38 this season. Jason Peters has had a HOF career. Unfortunately mostly not with the Buffalo Bills. But those things happen. Tyron Smith is a physical freak for the Cowboys. But he has been injured at times, and still gets beat occasionally. I always liked Matt Light for the Pats during the first decade of Patriot dominance. Was very solid year in and year out. Not HOF level, but very very good. I compare Kyle Williams to that level of play over his career. Right there with Light. And a bit above Whitworth relative to their positions. I want to see Dawkins approach that level. He is not going to be a HOF type player. Just does not have that ability. But if we are going to keep him on a large second contract, he has to take the next step to being very good week in and week out. I hope he becomes that this season.
  25. Enuf about dumping tons of money at Dion Dawkins......just yet. He has not been dominant in the slightest to warrant a big 15+ mill/year deal at this point. I would wait at least thru half the season to see him elevate his game. If he is dominating, then open the vault within reason. If not, try and trade him or let him walk at the end of the season and draft a potential starting LT with our 1st round pick. His game has been below average to above average ever since he came to Buffalo. Championship teams have better starting LT's then what Dawkins has shown so far. Lets hope he elevates his game. He needs a little bit of Feliciano in him. Little bit more nastiness...
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