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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. Adam Gase is Doug Marrone on Steroids. Can not imagine playing for either is any fun.
  2. That is funny. Actually that is what it looked like outside of Talladega Speedway last month before the Nascar race when a bunch of folks protested Nascar not allowing the Confederate flag at the races any longer. There was a large procession of vehicles flying their flags. Not sure if Jake was in that or not.
  3. The pandemonium about the rise in Covid cases is just absurd. My three kids and ex wife have all probably gotten it in the past 4-5 weeks. And the worst was my older son (college football player) who had stomach flu for 3 days. My daughter (young adult) felt tired, and my younger son (17) had a 100 degree fever for about a day and a half. My ex wife had a cold for a week. It took her at least 8 days to get her test results, and by that point she was absolutely fine. Most of the people who get the virus have mild symptoms to no symptoms. The death rate for healthy people in general and those under 55 is very very low. So I am not even sure why the players are that scared of even getting the virus. Its not going away anytime soon. And we just need to deal with it on an individual level as best we can. The NFL players are young and healthy. If they are that afraid, then don't play. But why should they get paid? The fear and overreaction that has enveloped a good portion of society (including many on this message board) is staggering. Its like most adults have never dealt with tough times struggles or hardship in their life. I see all of that every day in my business for the past 30 years. Unless the death rate starts approaching levels last seen during the Black Plague of the middle ages, (a little hyperbole to make a point) I do not see any reason to get overly alarmed . And I sure hope the NFL players feel the same way. Hey Nascar keeps rolling. And they actually had a decent amount of fans at the race in Ft Worth yesterday. I suggest you all start following it. It is that exciting. And this is coming from a huge football fan for over 4 decades. Now I just hope I can have both!!
  4. Good point Nucci. Depending on where the Cowboys were to draft next year, they very well could find an immediate starter. Other then Trevor Lawrence, who are the top QB's ahead of this coming college season (if there actually is one) that will likely be coming out in next year's draft?
  5. Not a big Dak fan. (as I have stated many times on here) Cowboys have not won much because of or with Dak. I would have traded Dak and rolled with Dalton this year. And they can draft a QB next year to groom. The boys can win with Dalton and that O line and group of skilled position players. The whole contract situation w Prescott puts a stink on the team. Have no idea why anyone would pay him 35 million. He is soft like a down feather pillow. ( I know who would pay him-Kirby Jackson would!!)
  6. No offense taken. I went there from 83-87. You are correct about the low end housing. It is not one of those fancy modern campuses with lots of newness everywhere. I lived in a dorm on the "Hill" for two years. It was called Mosher-Jordan. It was nice. But most of the dorms are basic average type buildings. The school is a great academic institution. But the physical structure of the university is not spectacular. As for the bar scene, not sure what its like today. When I was there there were two bars in particular I hung out at. Charlies and Ricks. Both were fun and the booze was always flowing. There was also Dooley's on the other side of campus, more towards the city of Ann Arbor. There were a lot of frat parties and dorm parties back in the day. There were no rules about underage drinking in the dorms in the 80's. There were keggers on every floor it seemed like on the weekends. Very different then the rules set by colleges today.
  7. Salaries have skyrocketed over the years. But don't sell AJ Klein short. He has some game. He is not the dynamic player that Bryce Paup was. But he is solid nonetheless. No I am not. But he was one of my favorite players of that era. I still have my #95 Paup Jersey which I bought at the start of the 1996 season. My eyes are not set as wide apart as his were. LOL
  8. I was happy with that kind of money 25 years ago. Is that what the terms were? I was so happy to be able to buy a top end snowmobile to race between Green Bay and Buffalo all winter long, that I forgot the actual numbers. Look at AJ Kleins numbers compared to what I got 25 years ago. LOL
  9. I wish he did. I went to Michigan in the 80's. My son played at Syracuse and then transferred to Georgia Southern. Not quite Michigan but hopefully he can turn some heads this year if he can stay healthy. Had a bad knee injury against LSU last year. Fortunately surgery went well last fall, and he has busted his butt rehabbing.
  10. The South is just fine. Have you lived down here to even make such a ridiculous comment bro? And trust me I am like plenty smart enuf in the world I live and function in. You keep worrying about Harvard and their football program. Because it really means beans on any level of society. When I was young I thought wow going to an Ivy League school was something really special. But once you lived as much life as I have you realize that means ***** in the real world. And your success is not predicated on any of that. So you keep coming up w your opinions and I will keep coming up w mine. Michigan just needs to start playing like a champion again is all I care about. And my son to stay healthy so he can show what he can do on the football field again.
  11. I cringe a little with that. But in today's NFL that really is not a massive deal. I just hope he plays well enuf that it is money well spent.
  12. I am not on twitter and never heard of Clay Travis. But I do I almost never agree w your opinions on here. And that is going back a whole lot of years. You miss my point. Sure you have to work real hard academically to play a Varsity sport and get an education at an Ivy League School. And young men who can do that deserve a lot of credit. I know several young men who played on my son's middle school football team in the Atlanta area a decade ago (one of the best teams you have ever seen for that age btw) who went on to play college ball at Ivy League schools. (my son was not that kind of student so he plays at Georgia Southern) But the overall level of play is nothing to write home about is all. So it really doesn't move the meter to me on whether they will play this season or not.
  13. If Dawkins has a big season, then we should pay him well. If he has an average season, (which overall is what his play has been over the past 3 years) then let him walk and try and find someone who is better. I hope it is the former rather then the latter.
  14. Who cares!! The Ivy League is never in the discussion when it comes to College Sports anyways. Would it matter if they never played Sports again anyways? They are great academic institutions. That is what they are known for. Not sports. Big 10 making big mistake not playing a full schedule. Canceling Michigan v Washington to open the season. Terrible. I don't see the other Power 5 conferences going in that direction. Country has gone in the shitter in 2020.
  15. Not a big Watson fan. He runs around a lot. But we had him dead to rights in both recent Bills-Texans games and pretty much gave the game away because of poor offense in both games, and a horrible defensive call on 4th and 18 in the playoff game. He may be top 10, but just barely. I am not sure he is any better then Ryan Tannehill. Athletic ability is all fine and good. But that's not what makes a great QB. Putting Brees Lamar and Brady behind him is laughable. And no way Wentz is in my top 10. I wouldn't put him top 15. Don't like his game at all. And he is a frikin goonie Ginger on top of it all w acne on his neck. Ugh!! Murray Cousins Big Ben and Matty Ice are all better then Wentz. Eagles get way too much love in the media. From the voice of the one and only Paup!! Now back to work. Have to make a living. Can not wait for football to get here.
  16. How afraid of life are you?!! People have been dying since the beginning of time. Are you seriously that afraid of Covid-19? The virus isn't going away until there is a vaccine or it cycles thru the entire population. Its just something we need to deal with and live our lives. You can just shut it down and hide. But I think most of us are moving forward with some precautions. There is absolutely no reason for the NFL season to be postponed. How is that going to get rid of the virus? You have to live and enjoy. And btw I live in one of the "idiot states" you mentioned. We are doing fine in Georgia as far as the Corona is concerned. We are going out, taking precautions and living our lives. How is it going for you all worked up and shut in?
  17. Mahomes would not have been as good with us, because of the lack of talent there would have been around him. Zay Jones and Kelvin Benjamin? Ugh! Better last year with Brown and Beasley. This has the makings of a hell of a year for Josh Allen w the talent we have accumulated around him. No reason he should not be a top 10-12 QB this year. And top 5-7 QB going forward after that. If that happens, I don't think we will miss Mahomes too much. Although he sure can play and is super fun to watch.
  18. I can personally disagree with you on that. I was there in 2013 weekend before Thanksgiving to see Giants-Cowboys. Seemed like a real nice venue to me. What don't you like about it? Site lines were excellent. Not a palace but a nice solid stadium right near the swamps of Northern Jersey. Took the Path Train from Penn Station in Manhattan. It was a good time.
  19. That was a typical offensive performance by the Tyrod Taylor led Bills in 2017.. The defense shut Cam and the Panthers Offense down real nicely. But the offense was garbage. Very similar to the playoff loss at Jacksonville. By his 3rd season with us Tyrod was terrible.
  20. I can't wait to see Cam play in the cold weather of the Northeast. I can see him shaking with his hands in the fanny pack trying to stay warm. And then throwing passes over his receivers heads, and skipping some into the ground, then jogging over to the sidelines looking totally lost w Belichik just glaring at him. The cold wind rain and snow of NE, NY and Buffalo are going to mess with Cam big time. It will be very interesting to see what Cam has left in the tank. A lot of people think he has a lot of game left. I am not one of them. But I was admittedly never a big fan of his. Thought he was all about Cam even when he was good. But not trying to dive on the fumble in the Super Bowl was as weak a football play this side of Kyle Orton checking up short of the first down against the Broncos to keep from getting hit. Barkley won't be our backup for long. Fromm is going right by him on the depth chart real quick Billly Boy.
  21. Last years offense was pretty lousy relative to the rest of the league. At least playing well on a consistent basis. The Flutie led Bills were a better overall team of 1998 and 1999 then last years Bills team. And the Kelly led Bills of 1995 and 1996 were better also. We went 10-6 against a pretty marginal schedule. And collapsed against a Texan team that was far from dominant. Yes we beat the Steelers and Cowboys on the road. But the offense was lousy in too many games. This year I expect to be a much better offensive team, with improved special teams, and hopefully a little more bite on defense w the new acquisitions. We should win our division. And win at least 1 if not more playoff games, and be a legitimate contender for the Super Bowl!!
  22. Yes the 8-8 team was a disappointment. But looking closer I remember the downfall of that team came in week 12 at Tampa Bay. We were 7-4 and playing a good Bucs team. We were playing well in that game and then got hit w a bunch of big injuries late in the game including a bad knee or achilles injury to Sam Cowart. (start of the end of his career) And ended up losing the game. And the season went downhill from there. And then the wheels came off after Donahoe was hired, and he brought in Greg Williams as head coach. The second half in that Tampa game sent us spiraling into the abys. From the mouth of Paup!
  23. Wade much better then Marrone. The 1998 and 1999 Bills teams were very good w excellent defenses. Flutie was awesome at QB. Those teams were much better then Marrone's teams. Rex was terrible and didn't care. McDermott has done a good job. But the offense has to bump its play up several notches to be a Super Bowl contender.
  24. I was never a big Nascar fan before this year. I knew who most of the drivers were, but never gave it much attention over the years. Usually would watch Daytona and then my interest would flame out by week 2. But I stuck w it this year, and have not missed a race. (With the virus there is not a lot else to do on the weekends) And I find it absolutely fascinating how intense and exciting each race is. The passion of everyone involved is off the charts. The fans just go bonkers for their drivers. It is really cool. And then when you watch specials on the history of drivers past like Davey Allison, the Dale Earnhardt vs Jeff Gordon rivalry in the early 90's, Michael Waltrip, etc it is really awesome. (I am a big fan of historical shows on Sports-The NHL Network has had some great shows on the Gretzky led Oilers, the Red Wings and Joe Louis Arena, the 94 Rangers, the 100 years of the NHL, etc over the past few months) You should give it a try and join Nascar nation. It is far more entertaining then any sport I have watched and followed beside NFL and College football.
  25. Nascar keeps rolling. They had 5,000 fans at Talladega on Monday for an amazing race. Hopefully by mid summer the tracks are at least allowed to be half full.
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