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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. I hate the NBA. And it has nothing to do with the players opinions on politics racism or whatever else they talk about. Its just boring as f**k. I was hoping they would just cancel the NBA forever. Michael Magic Larry, the Bad boys of Detroit. That was competition and excitement. Now who cares!! I love my football. Pro and college. I love my Nascar. Hockey is ok. And baseball is just there like watching grass grow. i can't say anymore on the topic because my posts are always getting deleted by the powers that be on this board because they don't agree with my opinions. lol.
  2. I like your point about the circumstances surrounding each game. Hopefully we are a desperate team on most Sundays. And I would like to think we can throw up at least high 20's to low 30's every single week regardless who we play. But that depends on how much improvement we see from Josh Allen.
  3. Gunner I respect your football IQ. And 11-5 is a solid record. I did not look at each game in detail. But what stood out to me was the relatively low scoring of the Bills. I did an average and based on your numbers we averaged just over 21 pts per game. You don't see us putting up in the high 20's w this office. Teams are not winning the Super Bowl averaging 21 pts a game in this era. If most of our games are this low scoring I will be very disappointed in Josh Allen and he offense. Thoughts?
  4. The only bad thing about our team right now is the owners. They are absolute clowns. They did two things right. Hire McDermott and Beane. Now just go far away. The rest is awesome. We are going to roll this year. If Josh gets on fire, we are going 12-4 baby. We are frikin loaded. Seeing a little Patriots in us cutting Hauschka. You were great for a year and a half. Sorry you got blindsided by scumbag Harry Anderson. But we stuck w you for a long while after that, and now time to move on....We got Bass. The next Butker and Lutz all in one. Great move drafting this kid.
  5. Yes the game has changed since the LT era. But I remember a big pick 6 he had against the Lions in the Silverdome (there is an iconic place-especially since Led Zeppelin played there on their 1977 tour-footage from that show is always on some Rock and Roll historical documentary and they had the 1982 Super Bowl there. A great game between Cinci and San Fran. And there was a huge snow storm in Detroit that weekend. It looked so cold and wintry there) that he took almost 100 yards.
  6. LT would still see the field in any situation my friend. He is one of the all time greatest defensive players ever!! Pass rush, setting the edge against the run, and even dropping back in coverage. He could do it all. And he was an insane crazy man on the field. Him and Parcells would get into it some times. Two very intense men. As for the other guys, you are probably right. Carson Banks and Johnson were great LB's of a different era. But Carson was really a tremendous player and leader on that team. Class guy also. And don't forget Gary Reasons. He had some game at LB as well. That Giant defense in 1986 was amazing. Maybe not quite the 1985 Bears D. But great nonetheless.
  7. I do agree about Winfield. He was a great tackler. In fact, I was watching a condensed replay of the Michigan-Ohio State Game from 97 or 99 on the Big Ten network. That was back when we used to beat the Buckeyes with regularity. And Winfield was a tackling machine for Ohio State in that game as well. (Even though the A Train did do some damage)
  8. That's because LB's are built now the way safety's used to be built. Whatever happened to being physical at the point of attack. My god can't a LB weigh at least close to 240 pounds anymore? You get an O lineman on any LB now and they are pretty much finished. All these supposed LB's do is run. But they can't tackle or stand their ground. Sure its a passing league but guys weigning 220-225 at LB is just not what football was about. Remember the Giants LB's back in the day of Pepper Johnson, Carl Banks, Harry Carson and LT. Those were LB's. Heck we had Keith Newman Sam Rogers Sam Cowart and John Holacek. All 4 could bang. Now we have Matt Milano and Tremaine Edmunds. Yes they are athletic. But when was the last time either of them just knocked the snot out of a RB sending him backwards?? I just had to rant. I want some physicality w my football.. Dam it!!
  9. And that would be a real find for Beane. Our RT's over the years have been less then stellar.
  10. Why can't the Bills have 15,000 people in a stadium that fits almost 5 times that many? Is there something about the Corona Virus in WNY that is worse then everywhere else in our country? I don't live up there so someone please explain why other places will have fans but WNY can not. I thought the point of wearing a mask is so that people will feel more comfortable being around others.
  11. If Williams starts at RT and plays reasonably well, he is our rt tackle going forward. The guy isn't that old. Just entering his prime actually based on your numbers..
  12. You're a real cynic. It is certainly better then getting toasted throughout practice. Good grief.
  13. Thats a good point. I just know that it did not look like he sucked, like a lot of marginal O lineman look when thrown into the fire.
  14. Yes he was a dam good player for a long time during the heyday of hockey in the modern era. Very sad. RIP Dale. God bless you and your family!!
  15. That's a scrub punt. LOL. Lets not give up on Bijorquez. The guy has a cannon for a leg. Had the two bad ones against Baltimore. But I think he gets a whole lot of undeserved negativity from Bills Nation. And he seems to have a little swag to his game. I like him.
  16. Don't be scared. Be happy everyday you are above ground. And that Football season will be here in less then a month. We will have an awesome team this year. Read the Athletic's day 1 practice preview. It reads great. We have so much talent across the roster. Once you start reading the practice summaries, it feels the same as in past seasons, that football is back!! Live your life. Corona is way overrated. Unless you are old or have a whole lot of co morbidities, just keep rolling forward brother. Never over think things. Leaves you paralyzed.
  17. Always thought he was overrated. Has a big mouth (did not like his schtick on Hard Knocks) and then has to bring up the social justice nonsense. Bye bye. He can go be a marcher with a torn quadriceps now. LOL.
  18. I agree that Long was solid when he played. Probably his relatively high salary for a mostly backup lineman figured in Beane's decision to release him. Also, it probably gave some more cap flexibility going forward with the big extension given Dawkins a week after releasing Long. I have been pretty vocal about being cautious in extending Dawkins before this season. However, after reading what Dawkins said after getting the big extension, I am definitely more comfortable knowing that the kid has a great head on his shoulders. Hopefully that translates onto the field.
  19. That is what I heard also Yolo. My son plays for Georgia Southern. He says the Sun Belt will follow whatever the SEC does. His team is already practicing in pads. Their opener was supposed to be against Boise State. But the Mtn West cancelled their season. They are playing Army on Nov 21st in an out of conference game. They also play FAU out of conference. and have two more to schedule. Cancelling the season by the PAC 12 and Big 10 is a terrible mistake. Other then Ohio State, many of the Big 10 schools will lose a lot of recruits going forward. It just shows where those schools put football on their list of priorities. In the South and a lot of the schools in the middle of the country, college football is it. There is absolutely nothing bigger. And a virus that mostly will kill the old and the unhealthy is not going to keep the games from being played. I know a lot of you on here have a very different mindset. And that is fine. I am just ecstatic that my kid will get his shot this season to show what he's got. And that there will be college football to watch. I am very disappointed that my school Michigan did not vote to play. But the mindset there now about the football program is certainly not what it was when I went to school there in the mid 80's. If Bo Schembechler was still coaching (RIP) you had better believe that Mich would have voted to play this season. But Nascar keeps thriving. And they are going to be selling 8,000 tickets for the race in Darlington come September 6th. And yours truly will most definitely make the trek there to watch good old 48 in his Hendrick Chevrolet try and get some of that magic going again. Hope you all stay safe and have some fun. From the word of Paup!
  20. Totally agree brother. As a team, we will be fine. We haven't won a playoff game with him anyways. And he was garbage in the second half against the Texans. Its an offensive league. Beane will find a suitable replacement. And its about time we leaned on the offense some anyways. And a strong pass rush will help take away the sting if he decides not to play.
  21. Dumb decision?? We have the best GM in the league and you are bitching about cutting a backup O lineman. Maybe they like Ike Boettgher a whole lot better, and at a much cheaper price. Or any of the other dozen or so back up lineman we have. Flipping backup O lineman for 6th or 7th round picks will not make or break the organization. And we just brought in a starting RG from the Jets yesterday. Beane knows whats up!!
  22. This shows how serious the Bills are about making a deep run this season. A starter goes down and we sign a very good replacement immediately. Beane is tremendous! This should be an exciting season. We should be competing hard for a Super Bowl birth this year. Josh needs to up his game to a level that is in the top 10-12 QB's in the league (should be attainable) and we are a serious contender. Go Bills.
  23. Its pro football brother. Any football is better then no football. I don't care what the rosters look like by seasons end. If the Bills have the best team in the league versus the competition, that's all that matters. The league will go forward. Just like baseball is still playing. And hockey and basketball are back playing. Regardless of circumstances you always keep marching forward. That is what life is supposed to be about. It should never stop. If you let the virus ruin you and your life it will. I control my life. Not some frikin virus. There were fans in the stands in New Hampshire for the Nascar race today. They were not sitting on top of each other, but there were plenty there. Life will go on. That's up to a lot of you if you want to get back on the bus. I like the challenge of not only having to be a good team. But also having to keep a healthy team. Quite a challenge. But if anyone can do it right, it will be the McDermott and Beane led Bills.
  24. We need to be scoring in the high 20's every week. We do that we should be in the 12-4 range when the dust settles. With the roster we have that is doable. But the big ? is still our leader Josh Allen. He has to make more plays every week. Simple as that.
  25. I agree with all that you have said. This guy is letting his woman punch him in the face. That is absurd. Dam straight he should have walked. He doesn't need that from anyone. A lot of young guys have no self respect. Today's generation of men is soft soft soft. The macho alpha males of yesteryear are just not around anymore. I am almost 55. I can not imagine being w a woman who was abusive like that. If a woman raised her hand or fist at me, I would just grab it real hard and say NO! Not going to happen. Settle the F down. I would have had to have done something real bad before I would allow a woman to take a shot at me. And if it happened again I would be gone. Because no relationship is worth that kind of nonsense. Self respect is everything. If you don't have that, you have nothing!
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