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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. Jets coaching has been pretty bad for awhile. Todd Bowles and Adam Gase. And Rex before them were all lousy. (at least Rex was at the end w the Jets) Darnold looks like a deer in headlights with any pressure on him. He needs a new start someplace else with a coach who is going to build up the guys confidence. Right now I don't know if he can even get to the level of say a Case Keenum. The Bills coaching of Josh Allen has been solid. But the second half of the schedule after playing the Patriots is going to be tough. (Patriots game will not be easy either regardless of how they have been playing of late) We'll see how competitive McDermott has us playing. There is a big difference between being a decent coach and being a very good to elite coach. These upcoming 9 games should give us some indication of what McDermott really is.
  2. Agreed. Roster is not good enuf on either line or at LB. (Edmunds will go down as a huge bust. Should be cut after this season. And defense should be built around Milano) Offense is very good at WR, but they are all fairly small except for Davis. Another bigger weapon would be a big boost. Engram is an excellent athlete. No comparison to Knox who is tough but a stiff w stone hands and no fluidity to his game. I would bring him in in a heartbeat.
  3. Wagon Circler-Are you Chris Berman in disguise? LOL Your statement is sad but true. (Great Metallica song btw) The talent on Defense has fallen off a cliff. The past two years losing Kyle Williams and LoRax to retirement. And letting Jordan Phillips and Shaq Lawson go has crippled our defense. Combine that with the lack of development of Tremaine Edmunds (guy is not an NFL starter-I would cut him after this season if no improvement) and Ed Oliver and the free agents who we signed playing lousy, and you have a bottom 5 defense that plays with no intensity whatsoever. The next two weeks against the Jets and Pats may be the two most important games of the McBeane era. When the wheels start coming off and the players lose faith in what the coaches are selling, getting back on course can be very difficult. I have been following the team since the mid 70's. Thought this was the year we return to the glory of the early 90's. Not so sure McDermott has what it takes to coach a team to play championship caliber football. And not sure if Beane can get us the players we need to do that either. Getting Diggs and Josh Allen was genius. But the O and D lines are incredibly weak right now. And if this level of play continues we will be lucky to finish 8-8 which should not be acceptable to the Pegulas.
  4. Good post SoCal. We did not dominate in any of the first 4 wins. We didn't play lousy, just not tight mistake free football. We always look a little loose and sloppy. (Josh Allen's two fumbles against the Jets in the first half for example. Big defensive breakdowns against the Fins and Rams. Stupid decision by Josh taking the sack against the Raiders and giving up some big plays) Not horrible stuff. But we never look like a well coached football team in all phases of the game. We have the offense to overcome when Josh is playing lights out. But our margin for error is slim. I think McDermott's coaching is lacking in putting a well prepared mistake free football team on the field game in and game out. He isn't a clown. But he needs to step up his game in the second half of the season in a big way. Otherwise for my money we can look elsewhere. There is a big difference between being a mediocre to a little above average at times coach (which is what McDermott has been) and a championship coach!!
  5. We are missing a TE to go to in clutch situations. Most teams in the NFL use the TE or multiple TE's as big time weapons. We don't have one who can get down the field and hold onto the ball. This team is unbelievably flawed everywhere but QB and WR. And Josh still has his rough games as we saw the past couple weeks. But you have to love his competitiveness and the way he can throw ropes all over the field when he is on.
  6. Best post I have read on here in ages Penfield!! (I had to come out of retirement to respond) We get bullied. We play scared. And we look completely unprepared against any top 12-15 team. (The Eagles game last year comes to mind right away. A combination of the Titans and Chiefs game. Totally run over. Not prepared. And played scared)
  7. Seriously why did you feel the need to tell me that? I bet you were one of those nerds in high school who got a swirley in the toilet. I spell words in a way that looks better. Just like Thru versus Through. I seriously can not stand this message board. Between the nonsense about Covid and Social Justice on here for the past 3-6 months, and BS from clowns like you, I am done!! This place used to be about football football football. Don't know what happened. But it has become unreadable. I would rather spend my free time on an online gambling site then this nonsense. Wow it is painful to read. (Other then Yolo, GunnerBill and a few others just not worth the Paup's time) Bam.
  8. Seriously man?? You are concerned about what they say or don't say about the Bills in the middle of week 2's Sunday Nite game. We have beaten the Jets and the Dolphins. Its week 2. There are 32 teams. Just be happy we are 2-0 and finally have an NFL passing game. When we beat Dallas and Pittsburgh late last season the networks were all over us. Us beating the Jets and Fish while nice is like Clemson beating NC State and Virginia. Nice but not earth shattering. Enjoy the ride. Its a long season...
  9. The kick was lousy regardless. And so were his 3 other FG attempts. The kid was kicking off the inside of his foot pushing everything. Hopefully he figured out the problem this week. Otherwise he may not be coming back on the team flite from Miami after the game.
  10. If he stops overthinking things with the misdirection running plays where Josh hands off to the RB while they are standing still instead of moving towards the line of scrimmage we should be fine. That worked horribly against the Jets. I do not like running with the QB in shotgun. The RB is always getting the handoff flat footed, and it allows the Defense to have all the momentum rushing into the backfield.
  11. We have Dodson and Klein, neither of who suck. We will be fine. Every team has injuries. Football is a violent physical game. Our offense should be clicking. With our receiving corp, we should throw up at least 35 on the Fish, and win by 10-14 points.
  12. Seriously Gore looks and runs like he is 55 years old. And Bell should have stayed with the Steelers. Football is such a physically punishing game. Careers are not long for a lot of guys. Sure you want to maximize your earnings. But you also want to play on a team and for an organization that has a chance to win every year and compete. Bell is finding that out the hard way. He did not look like a man real happy sitting on the Jets bench late in the Bills game.
  13. He almost missed those two as well. He was kicking with his foot open. It's like swinging a golf club and leaving the face of the club open at contact. Its going to be a push or a slice every time. Someone needs to go over the film of that with the kid and get it fixed immediately. Otherwise his career may well be two games. Watch the kick (if you can find it) from two years ago at the Camila Bowl in the rain between Ga Southern and Eastern Michigan. Bass nails a 50 yarder on the last play of the game to win. The ball had a completely different trajectory.
  14. Why can 17,000 fans go to the game in KC last nite and noone can go to the Bills game? Makes no sense whatsoever. Do all you posters on here who live in WNY actually like living in such a tyrannical environment? I get the Buffalo News on line everyday. I used to actually like reading it beyond just about the Bills and Sabres. But now every article is something about Covid. Its insane. I delete the e mail everyday now. No wonder so many are so scared. If that's all you read about, how else would one think? Much sympathies to you all from Paup. I get to love the Bills and live where we actually have freedom to choose how we want to live. Go Bills!!
  15. Wrong. Hopkins is solid but he is not spectacular. Diggs has more upside because he is more athletic.
  16. Why would we want DeAndre Baker? He is not very good. And his attorney could be very well going to jail for conspiring to pay off witnesses. What a dumb ass.
  17. Matt Milano is a good football player. But he is not the second coming of Ray Lewis and LT combined. He just is not big and physical enuf at the point of attack. He is good in coverage and a nice piece to our defense. But teams don't need to pay the Matt Milano's of the NFL 11-12 million. That being said, lets hope he takes his game to another level of greatness this year.
  18. Good one JMF. I will be plenty happy to see Kyle go up on the wall in the near future. Very good player. Great at times. Great leader and teammate. If Paup had played more years in Buffalo, he very well could have been up on the wall for sometime already. 3 years won't get it done. But the guy was a hell of a player especially in the Bills 3-4 scheme that they played in the 90's
  19. Duke Williams is OK. He has good size and plays hard. But he is not overly fast athletic or sudden in his movements. And his hands are mediocre. He is a guy that is on the fringe of most NFL rosters. He can make some plays some weeks. But not consistently every week as shown by his games against the Jets in week 17 and in the playoff game against the Texans. I think its telling that he cleared waivers and is back on our practice squad instead of getting picked up by another team. If he can take his game up a couple of levels, he could probably contribute on a weekly basis. Just not sure he has that kind of athletic ability in him.
  20. I get what you are saying. That's a lot of guys not good enuf to make the roster hanging around. Adding the practice squad to the 53 man active roster gives you almost 70 players. Its like a college program almost. Lot more commotion getting everything organized. This could have been the year to restart my career and put the 95 Jersey back on. LOL
  21. I really know nothing about either guy. Was Winters a solid starter for the Jets at some point? We snatched him up pretty quick after the Jets let him go. But the reviews on him in camp have not been sterling to say the least. Anyone know much about Winters?
  22. Great analysis. Josh Allen is a tremendous athlete. His upside is off the charts. If he can put it together we are going to have one hell of a ride over the next few years. Trubisky is decent at times. But usually regresses back to mediocrity and below. And I think Allen is a better leader. More fired up. Motivates his teammates well. Don't get that vibe from Trubisky. I think his teammates don't think he is the guy. I think Josh's teammates love playing w him.
  23. Sweeney has some game. Good hands, length, toughness and can run. Excited to watch him play. Looks a whole lot more athletic then Kroft.
  24. Guy has been in the league for 2 years. Give him some time. Sometimes its the situation more then the player. And sometimes it is the player. Alex Smith was ***** in SF before Jim Harbaugh got there. He got it turned around and has had a good career.
  25. Race is an issue because the media wants it to be an issue. And that's because they hate our president and want the masses to believe he is a racist, which he is not. And by inflaming America, they are actually helping to reelect the man they hate. Most of you on here live in some proverbial bubble and think that most people actually care about the concept of "Social Justice". Its a made up fallacy by people who feel that white folk have too much. They call it "White Privilege." In actuality there were two unfortunate incidents this summer perpetrated by at least one group of bad cops. The recent incident in Wisconsin is not so clear cut. (I guess it depends on what you feel a cops rights are to subdue a knife weilding suspect who has several outstanding warrants, and is your typical scumbag) You get rid of the rogue cops and the country is fine. Everyone has equal rights in this country in 2020. I believe most people get along w each other regardless of the color of their skin. And I also believe that to rail on people who want to cause anarchy and burn and destroy people's businesses is not being racist, but trying to keep societal order. And to strike or protest over some perceived inequity in society will do nothing. Small town and rural America could care less about what some younger people (athletes or not) feel is unfair in society. If some of you disagree with my ideas that's fine. But I will say you have been living way too far down in Alice's in Wonderland's hole for too long and have lost all semblance of reality.
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