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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. If Travis Etienne or Najee Harris are there when we draft at 30 we need to give serious consideration to either of them. Sure we can use a little more juice on defense. But getting a big time stud at RB will help the offense big time. Drafting another AJ Epenesa doesn't get me all that excited. Heck go RB 1st round and CB and DE in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. Once you are in the bottom third of the 1st round, there probably is not a lot of difference between guys drafted there and all the way down to the 3rd or 4th round. If you are a big time stud pass rusher or stud lock down corner, you are going top 15 or 20. After that its all how they develop once they get to the NFL.
  2. Of course QB is important. But getting the right QB is what matters. And you need the pieces around the QB to be successful, including the right coaching. The Bills have done a great job coaching up Josh Allen. Putting a scheme together that plays to his strengths, and surrounding him w talented WR's and a solid O line. But with all those good pieces in play, we still fell short of the Super Bowl because our defense was not good enuf front to back. (Yes Levi Wallace for all you Levi fans is not a solid starting NFL CB. He is not the worst, but his lack of athleticism is a problem) So yes QB is very important. But you sure as hell better have a defense that can bring it also. But there is far too much hype about a lot of QB's that come out every year. Lets see what they can do when there are defenders on the field covering their receivers and trying to knock their heads off. (Which unfortunately is not allowed any longer) For every Josh Allen there are far more Josh Rosens. And scouting is definitely not an exact science. What were the Dolphins thinking drafting Tua in the top 5? He has no arm. Lets call him the lefty Chad Pennington.
  3. You need to relax bro. Its more football. That's not a bad thing on any level. To get that worked up about it, that's not good. Try focusing on other sports in the offseason like the NCAA Bball tournament or Nascar. It will take the edge off. Most of our lives are full of stress. The NFL going to 17 games is not stressful. Go take a big hit and calm the F down.....
  4. What does the health of one's family have anything to do with playing college football? Football players are far away from their family on campus. They are not living at home. So not sure what that has to do with any of it. My kid played college football last season. He wasn't worried about the health of his family. He was worried as was his family about him rehabbing his knee to be able to play again after a serious injury at the start of the 2019 season. (Fortunately he came back strong) Amazing that the pandemic is still a topic for discussion on any level. As for Star he missed out on one hell of a 2020 Bills season. But hey if he comes back and plays well, I welcome him back opt out or not.
  5. But neither Miami or NE has a QB on their roster right now that can throw a football more then 10 yards in the air. And we have Josh Allen and a whole bunch of talent. We will be ruling our division for years to come.
  6. I am not sensitive. I just get tired of people complaining about McDermott signing guys he used to coach. But I do understand your point. Not real impressed by Addison Butler or Jefferson (who did come from Seattle) last year. Hopefully with a year under their belts in our system Addison and Butler (who I thought started to come on more towards the end of the season) will be a lot more productive.
  7. At #30 I go DE or CB if one that is highly rated is available. Otherwise I take Najee Harris or Etienne. I hear a lot of talk about Singletary and Moss having a lot of potential and it was the O lines fault last year that our running game was mediocre at best. I disagree w that narrative. Neither Singletary or Moss has any explosiveness. If we had taken Dobbins w our pick in the 2nd round we would not be having this conversation, and could be focusing on DE and CB right now. Lets hope Epenesa brings some game this year. Not expecting Nick Bosa, but dam he was a big timer at Iowa. He needs to step up his game!
  8. Miller is meh. He wouldn't make our top 5. Looks like he is in high school still. McKenzie is underrated as a receiver. He is quick enuf to make DB's look silly.
  9. That cliche has kind of worn thin by year 5 of the McDermott regime don't you think?? Lets see who Emmanuel Sanders played for previously in his career... The Panthers? Nope. The Steelers Broncos 49ers and Saints. How about Jacob Hollister? The Panthers? Nope... How about the Seahawks and Pats. What about Matt Hauk? The Panthers....Nope. So we don't JUST go after former Carolina Panthers. And some Panthers have been pretty decent btw. Daryl Williams certainly comes to mind. And Starr has been pretty solid also. And AJ Klein certainly had some strong moments last season. The one blight from Carolina was Kelvin Benjamin. And he was a first round draft pick back in 2014. So he did have talent. Unfortunately he had no desire and was fat.
  10. You are talking about Richard Sherman like he is in the prime of his career. He is barely hanging on right now. He has a year, maybe two left. He was getting toasted last year. And Gurley can barely walk at this point. Who wants a washed up RB with arthritic knees?? Free Agency is a lot of hype. But the guys you mention don't move the meter all that much. Not sure whatever happened to Clowney. When he was coming out, people were talking about him as the modern day Bruce. He is a physical specimen. But certainly has never lived up to the hype. Funny how a guy like Kyle Williams drafted in the 5th round ends up having a much better career.
  11. That was Brady in his early years w the Pats. He had Deion Branch and David Givens. (all before Gronk Moss Welker and Edelman) And he still won 3 Super Bowls. I would spend some money to build an O line. I seem to recall Daniel Jones running for his life a whole bunch last year.
  12. Great points boxcar. And we don't have boatloads of money to sign the big name guys either. Hollister is a solid NFL player. And we are not a TE based offense anyways. Only so many balls to go around. Good signing!
  13. Thanks for sharing that. Very interesting data. If I am the Bills I don't do the 5th year option. If he has a big year, we can try and resign him long term. If he does not have a good year, we let him walk after year 4.
  14. He has been injured since middle school.
  15. He is a tough dude also. Remember we he tried to return a fumbled punt w no helmet on running it out of the end zone and got creamed in the face and head? LOL Lots of blood and he was dazed. But still was able to get off the field. Anyone have the footage of that from a few years back? Game was at the Ralph.
  16. I was going to say the same thing. Gruden is terrible. Terrible w personnel. Terrible as a game day coach. He should have stayed in 2002.
  17. Agree. I am not sure if he is any better then E Sanders. A lot of you are sleeping on Sanders, but he can still make a lot of plays. Especially with a QB like Josh Allen. Our offense is going to be sick this coming season.
  18. Reasonable points Barley. What kind of money would we have to pay him if we pick up the 5th year option for 2022? And is that fully guaranteed, so there is no buyers remorse?
  19. Bills should not "re-up" Edmunds unless he has a monster season and takes a huge step forward as a dominant football player.
  20. Way too much respect being given to the Pats. We wiped them up and down the field in Foxboro late last season. Cam is garbage. And their signings don't move the meter. They may not suck. But they have no QB. I am sure the Bills will make the necessary changes on defense to be much better even if the personnel doesn't change much. Mcdermott and staff are good enuf to know what worked and what needs to be tinkered with. We are in the top echelon of the league. Fans need to change their mindset. I expect to win every game we play in the division. And most over all. Go Bills.
  21. You shoudn't be. Levi is not a good CB. His ceiling is very low because of his lack of athleticism. Ike is good and has a pretty high ceiling to be a very solid NFL offensive lineman.
  22. I love your user name. Thats a great line from a great movie! I like your post also.
  23. Has any player been injured more in the past 5-6 years then AJ Green?? It seems like foot/ankle/achilles for him every single year. If he makes the opening day roster that would be an accomplishment at this point in his career. Loving the E Sanders signing more and more by the minute!!
  24. I would certainly do that trade. But I am very much in the minority on the message board as far as my feelings for Edmunds. I think most of the posters get Edmunds confused w Takeo Spikes in his prime. Or even Sam Cowart or Sam Rogers for us long time fans who remember the late 90's teams. If Edmunds stays, I just hope he gets a lot better. His tackling is just brutal. Maybe he can practice all offseason tackling his father who was a pretty decent TE years ago. LOL
  25. Emmanuel Sanders is a good quality NFL WR. I was stoked when I heard we signed him. The guy is a winner. Good move Mr Beane. Keep it coming.
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