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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. Not to Milano Feliciano and Daryl Williams. They all likely took less from the Bills to stay in a good situation for themselves. (Especially Milano) Then test the free agent market. If you are a free agent and your team (say the Bills) are offering good money, but not ridiculously good money. And say the Jaguars and maybe the Lions are offering 10% more. I think a whole lot of guys are going to stay with the Bills than jump to a crap team.
  2. Steve Tasker was one of the greatest special teams players of all time. And a pretty solid WR. He gave his blood sweat and tears to the Bills. Was an excellent analyst for CBS, and is a great ambassador for the team....Period. So he is not 100% up to the speed on the nuances of the salary cap. SO WHAT!!
  3. Edmunds has not even been very good, let alone elite. (I don't want to hear he made two Pro Bowls. Big deal. The proof is on the field. And he has not been a stud) I would not have picked up his 5th year option. But lets see what he can do when he is healthy. Its time for him to dominate. He does that he will get his long term deal. Fingers crossed.
  4. I think that is a great analysis of Kurt Warner Buffalo 03. I loved his game. His first season with the Rams is one of Legend. Didn't he throw for over 300 yards and 3TD's in his first 3 games. The way he threw a football was a thing of beauty. Also a great leader and seemed to be a real good guy. He was as good as anyone who played the position during his career.
  5. the dude is way too light at 6'5 255. He is going up against guys his height who are at least 60-70 pounds heavier then him. WTH is going on there? My son is about 6'1 and a half and around 255 or so going into training camp at Georgia Southern this year playing DE. I would think AJ should be pushing at least 270. Its a big man's game. We don't need our D Lineman looking like NBA forwards.
  6. Wow that is harsh from a business economic sense. I wonder how many college programs if valued in a similar way would be higher then the Bills...
  7. Anyone hear anything about Tommy Sweeny? The kid showed some good stuff in 2019. Maybe he steps up and shines this year.
  8. Coaches aren't supposed to get in players' faces and cuss them out when needed? Tell that to Nick Saban. From what I heard Joe Judge did an excellent job last year for the Giants.
  9. I hate agents. A lot of these players should negotiate their own contracts. Some of them got to learn something in college. The NFL was fine before Zach Wilson ever showed up. And it will keep going whether he plays a down or not. Every time a new QB comes into the league, its like they are going to be the best of all time. (How about that all you Tua lovers?) If the Jets are playing hardball differently then all the other teams are with their top draft picks, then shame on them. If the agent is trying to hold the Jets up, then !@#$ Wilson's agent. That being said. Its nice the Bills don't have these problems any longer.
  10. Who is Beasley hating on? Why should he be cut? The guy is a great football player... He doesn't have to love his teammates and they don't have to love him. Its all about winning football games when they get on the field between the lines. These guys are all professionals. They will get down to business once training camp starts. The offseason is so Dam long in football, leaves too much time for players to say stupid things. But my God don't most of you have lives including having to work, run companies and businesses, raise families, go to the gym, church, etc? Way too much attention given to what everyone says. I just want to watch and read about what's going on the field. I have never gone on Social media. And never intend to. I can barely get along with a lot of you on here, let alone with all the self aggrandizing fools on all the other social media pages. My girlfriend says if I went on Facebook I would be fighting with people all day long. No time for that. Life is too short for all that nonsense. See you all when training camp is full steam ahead.
  11. We are a better offense when Josh is running off of scrambles. He has been super dynamic with those kinds of runs over his 3 year career. He is a big boy and can take a hit, and give one out as well. I don't like him running out of the read option, unless its near the goal line where he is almost unstoppable. The pre planned runs by Josh against the Colts did not work very well except down near the goal line late in the 1st half on what I thought was the best drive of the 2020 season. 96 yards in about a minute and a half. Tremendous.
  12. Teams barely seem to practice hard in training camp anymore. At least not full contact. And no more two a days. Most joint practice sessions turn into all out brawls anyways. Who needs that?? We have 3 preseason games to get in the groove and work out the kinks. I am sure will be ready to steamroll the Steelers and their overrated coach, QB and entire roster for that matter come September.
  13. Meh. He has been decent at best. That defensive effort last year on Thanksgiving or Christmas against the Saints was about as bad of a defensive performance I saw last year. Right up there w the Lions against Tampa late in the season. Doesn't seem like much of a motivator. (Seemed a lot more passionate years ago as DC with the Cowboys) With Kirk Cousins as your starter you really don't know what you are going to get from week to week. Same with the Vikings, and many teams for that matter. I like McDermott a whole lot better then Zim. For what its worth the best Zimmer was good old Popeye. Loved that guy chugging out of the dugout looking like he would explode out of his uniform. And he tried to fight Pedro back in 2003 at Fenway. How awesome was that!!
  14. I thought they wrote well and brought great perspective covering Buffalo sports teams for many years. Everyone can't be Mitch Albom, Dick Schaap or Dr Z.
  15. Agree 100 Boxcar. I read the article yesterday and was dumfounded. Beasley has had two great years for us. The guy is almost uncoverable in the slot. He is not going anywhere. Skurski comes off as an amateur marginal reporter. I long for the days of Allen Wilson (RIP) Bucky, Sully and Gaughn (when he was the lead reporter).
  16. What team doesn't put their hopes on a great QB to carry it all? Teams just aren't built around dominating defense like the 85 Bears, the 2000 Ravens or the 2002 Buccaneers. (maybe the WFT/Redskins are trying to be that. But their defense was overrated last year. Their schedule was garbage, because their division was pretty much garbage. And they still only finished 7-9) We will be just fine with a great offense and a solid defense, and very good special teams.
  17. Agreed. He was a poor man's Richard Sherman at best. Guy could not tackle to save his life. Someone will overpay him, and he will done within 2 years.
  18. Great points DCofNC. I hate handing off when Josh Allen is in shotgun. The RB is standing still and has no momentum heading towards the line of scrimmage. And it just seems to take a long time for the play to develop to the point where there are just too many big bodies in front of our RB's clogging all the running lanes. I like the idea of having our guards and center pull leading the way for a sweep or pitch out. Regardless the scheme will need to be tweaked some to get a more consistent running game.
  19. Those were great hilites. Miller looked real fast that day. I wish Singletary and Moss had that type of burst. Maybe Breida will bring that for us this year. Brookshier and Summerall were quite the TV announcing pair. I used to watch them on the weekly hilite show called This week in Pro Football starting in the mid 70's. Loved the hilites w the 70's music. Awesome.
  20. Drafting Doyle on top of Spencer Brown was just stupid. He isn't making the final roster. I hope we can find room for Stevenson and Zimmer. Tyrell A may push Tryel D off the roster as well.
  21. Cam would not make many NFL rosters, even as a back up at this point. The guy has fallen off a cliff.
  22. Belichik will trade him to the Jaguars. That should soot that overrated turd. Just like they did with Jamie Collins some years back. Shipped him to Cleveland right around the time they went winless. Patriots don't play w that holdout stuff. During the Belichik era, team means everything unless your name is Brady or Gronkowski. The rest are just pieces on a chessboard. Well paid pieces. But noone is going to lose sleep in Foxboro if Gilmore holds out.
  23. Lets start by getting rid of Addison, who was lousy last year. And maybe Hughes as well. (For whatever reason people on this message board think any Buffalo Bill who has started for us for more then one season should be on the wall or being given consideration for the HOF) Hughes has had a nice career. But he has not been Bruce Smith 2.0 like so many people on here seem to think. So sure I would love to have Danielle Hunter. But unless we get rid of Hughes and Addison's contracts, don't see it happening.
  24. Do TE's even block much anymore? Guys like Lee Smith are dinosaurs in today's game. TE's are about getting down the seam and making big chunk plays. At least they are on most teams not named the Buffalo Bills.
  25. Wow the cynicism on this message board is ridiculous. New player coming off a real strong season w the Texans is starting out well for us in OTA's. And most of you have to rip him and the title of the post?? Good grief. Be happy about any positive news from the Bills. This guy maybe a stud and hopefully can teach our overrated MLB something about playing good football. Are other NFL message boards like this? Because between the censorship and the BS cynicism and overall lack of football intellect from a lot of you, it is really hard to read for more then a few minutes on here at any one time. (I will give Kudos to the few on here who post clips from Bills teams and games of the past like the Bills v Broncos and Raiders from 1990. And the Jeff Kaye 1973 narration of the opening of Rich Stadium video. That is some good stuff!!) But dam has this place gone down hill since I came on board back in 2007 talking about my boy Willis McGhahee and his trade to the Ravens. Wow the cynicism on this message board is ridiculous. New player coming off a real strong season w the Texans is starting out well for us in OTA's. And most of you have to rip him and the title of the post?? Good grief. Be happy about any positive news from the Bills. This guy maybe a stud and hopefully can teach our overrated MLB something about playing good football. Are other NFL message boards like this? Because between the censorship and the BS cynicism and overall lack of football intellect from a lot of you, it is really hard to read for more then a few minutes on here at any one time. (I will give Kudos to the few on here who post clips from Bills teams and games of the past like the Bills v Broncos and Raiders from 1990. And the Jeff Kaye 1973 narration of the opening of Rich Stadium video. That is some good stuff!!) But dam has this place gone down hill since I came on board back in 2007 talking about my boy Willis McGhahee and his trade to the Ravens. Wow the cynicism on this message board is ridiculous. New player coming off a real strong season w the Texans is starting out well for us in OTA's. And most of you have to rip him and the title of the post?? Good grief. Be happy about any positive news from the Bills. This guy maybe a stud and hopefully can teach our overrated MLB something about playing good football. Are other NFL message boards like this? Because between the censorship and the BS cynicism and overall lack of football intellect from a lot of you, it is really hard to read for more then a few minutes on here at any one time. (I will give Kudos to the few on here who post clips from Bills teams and games of the past like the Bills v Broncos and Raiders from 1990. And the Jeff Kaye 1973 narration of the opening of Rich Stadium video. That is some good stuff!!) But dam has this place gone down hill since I came on board back in 2007 talking about my boy Willis McGhahee and his trade to the Ravens. Wow the cynicism on this message board is ridiculous. New player coming off a real strong season w the Texans is starting out well for us in OTA's. And most of you have to rip him and the title of the post?? Good grief. Be happy about any positive news from the Bills. This guy maybe a stud and hopefully can teach our overrated MLB something about playing good football. Are other NFL message boards like this? Because between the censorship and the BS cynicism and overall lack of football intellect from a lot of you, it is really hard to read for more then a few minutes on here at any one time. (I will give Kudos to the few on here who post clips from Bills teams and games of the past like the Bills v Broncos and Raiders from 1990. And the Jeff Kaye 1973 narration of the opening of Rich Stadium video. That is some good stuff!!) But dam has this place gone down hill since I came on board back in 2007 talking about my boy Willis McGhahee and his trade to the Ravens. Wow the cynicism on this message board is ridiculous. New player coming off a real strong season w the Texans is starting out well for us in OTA's. And most of you have to rip him and the title of the post?? Good grief. Be happy about any positive news from the Bills. This guy maybe a stud and hopefully can teach our overrated MLB something about playing good football. Are other NFL message boards like this? Because between the censorship and the BS cynicism and overall lack of football intellect from a lot of you, it is really hard to read for more then a few minutes on here at any one time. (I will give Kudos to the few on here who post clips from Bills teams and games of the past like the Bills v Broncos and Raiders from 1990. And the Jeff Kaye 1973 narration of the opening of Rich Stadium video. That is some good stuff!!) But dam has this place gone down hill since I came on board back in 2007 talking about my boy Willis McGhahee and his trade to the Ravens. Wow the cynicism on this message board is ridiculous. New player coming off a real strong season w the Texans is starting out well for us in OTA's. And most of you have to rip him and the title of the post?? Good grief. Be happy about any positive news from the Bills. This guy maybe a stud and hopefully can teach our overrated MLB something about playing good football. Are other NFL message boards like this? Because between the censorship and the BS cynicism and overall lack of football intellect from a lot of you, it is really hard to read for more then a few minutes on here at any one time. (I will give Kudos to the few on here who post clips from Bills teams and games of the past like the Bills v Broncos and Raiders from 1990. And the Jeff Kaye 1973 narration of the opening of Rich Stadium video. That is some good stuff!!) But dam has this place gone down hill since I came on board back in 2007 talking about my boy Willis McGhahee and his trade to the Ravens. Wow the cynicism on this message board is ridiculous. New player coming off a real strong season w the Texans is starting out well for us in OTA's. And most of you have to rip him and the title of the post?? Good grief. Be happy about any positive news from the Bills. This guy maybe a stud and hopefully can teach our overrated MLB something about playing good football. Are other NFL message boards like this? Because between the censorship and the BS cynicism and overall lack of football intellect from a lot of you, it is really hard to read for more then a few minutes on here at any one time. (I will give Kudos to the few on here who post clips from Bills teams and games of the past like the Bills v Broncos and Raiders from 1990. And the Jeff Kaye 1973 narration of the opening of Rich Stadium video. That is some good stuff!!) But dam has this place gone down hill since I came on board back in 2007 talking about my boy Willis McGhahee and his trade to the Ravens.
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