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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. He is still better then a lot of the Hot Garbage masquerading as NFL QB's right now. Have you seen what New Orleans and the Giants have been trotting out on the field lately? Winston, Taysom Hill, Trevor Simien, Ian Book!! Winston doesn't suck, but it falls off a huge cliff after that. And Daniel Jones, Mike Glennon and Jake Fromm. My goodness I would take Big Ben over all of them. The quarterbacking around the league on the whole when you get past the top guys is pretty rough. And a lot of the guys starting in college suck too. Any of you watch the Minnesota v West Virginia bowl game Tuesday nite? Wow, did that set football back about 40-50 years. Tanner Morgan for the Gophers and whoever the scrub was for the Mountaineers were atrocious. (I had a bet on the game. That's why I was so involved w it.)
  2. Summerall and Madden were an amazing pair. I remember the last game they called together. The Super Bowl between the Rams and Pats in January 2002. Great game. And a fitting ending to the legendary duo. John Madden was iconic to the nth degree. Makes me sad that all the younger generation knows about w John Madden is a video game. And they won't know Pete Rozelle and Paul Tagliabue either. They get snowflake Roger. Makes me want to puke. And makes me glad I grew up in the 70's and 80's. Where men were men. Women were women. And football was violent!! Lets all drink a Miller Lite and toast John Madden blasting thru the sign in one of their first commercials. He was just awesome.. God Bless him and his family!!
  3. What is wrong w Feliciano now? Covid or a calf or a concussion? Guy is always hurt. Availability is important. Guy is not great. We should be able to find better in the offseason, especially w him never being healthy. Bates looked good yesterday. That guy may have a future.
  4. The problem is that this roster is not strong enuf in the trenches as it is now built to do that. We need a major overhaul of the O line, and at least one big dominating DT and better edge rushing. And a powerful RB. Without Josh Allen this is easily a below 500 team.
  5. The Jets are trash. Zach Wilson isn't beating us on a cold day in Buffalo. He will be lucky to leave Buffalo in one piece. That being said, they should play hard every week. That's what they are paid to do. We need to put a beatdown on the Patriots this week. We lose this game, we really are not a playoff team, and will have a real difficult winning one playoff game this year. The game plan, the in game coaching, the effort and execution all need to be top notch this week. We do that, we should win by at least 10 points. If we are a Super Bowl contender (debatable) its starts on Sunday.
  6. We were actually able to run the ball some against the Panthers. Our OT's other then Dawkins just suck. Drafting O lineman out of Northern Iowa and Miami of Ohio is absolutely head scratching. And then you have an undrafted free agent in Boettger at LG. These guys are just not very talented. But they just need to avoid the penalties and play smart. Josh will make plays. Pats are going down. Its the type of game we need to come out from the opening kickoff and just lay the wood to them. Like Michigan did to Ohio State this year....Finally.
  7. Its football. Its a violent game. Joe Buck wasn't making fun of him in the slightest. Get a grip.
  8. The Bills O line is trash. One of the worst in the NFL. That has been the biggest problem. We don't have a guard on the roster who should be starting in the NFL. And our tackles have not been much better. With a bad O line, the offense can not get any consistency. Josh has to make up for it with his outrageous athletic ability. He is as good if not better then anyone playing QB in the NFL right now. But with no time to set and scan the field, his game inevitably goes down. The defense has been nothing special against good teams. But does have its moments. The secondary even without Tre is pretty frickin solid. Dane Jackson can play in the NFL. The d line needs to find some pass rushers. Edmonds is the weak link on the defense. Anyone who says otherwise is just not watching the games. He should not be on the roster next season. And McDermott's conservative decision making is not helping things. The punt on 4th and 3 from our 45 in the 3rd quarter was horrible. As for the rest of this season, a good showing against the Panthers on Sunday gets us in the right direction. And we all know what follows next. Time to put a beat down on the Pats. That will be the season right there. If this team is any good, we should go 4-0 to finish the season. If we get in the playoffs, we will be a tough out. Josh can win a lot of games for us, if he gets any help from his O line and the defense. But that run D will really have to tighten up. Beane has constructed an extremely mediocre roster around Josh Allen. Gonna be interesting.
  9. That is tragic news. Loved watching Mark Pike play. Just a tough dude who loved playing the game of football. Even worse that he was only 57. Live your best life everyday. Just never know what lies around the corner. Very sad.
  10. Do you mean Edmunds or Star? Because we can do much better then Edmunds and for a lot cheaper. How about Vernon Butler? He didn't show up last nite either. I forgot he was inactive. Eli Ankou replaced him. Nice move keeping do nothing Vernon and his big contract another year. If we had gotten rid of Hughes Addison and Butler in the offseason, we would have saved approx 19 mill against the cap. I am sure we could have found suitable replacements who were cheaper. But this regime hopefully has learned its lesson. And will take the offseason a little more seriously next year. Because they should only be given one mulligan if that.
  11. We have no running game unless Josh Allen is winding and weaving thru defenses. Our O line can not protect our QB a large amount of the time when he drops back to pass. And our run defense gets mauled by physical offenses. And the coaching has not been top notch. Thank god we got to play the Texans, Dolphins twice when they had not reached their groove yet, the WFT when they were struggling, the Jets, and a seriously depleted Saints team. We seriously could be 4-8 at this point in the season otherwise.
  12. The overall roster is not star studded or even really good save for Allen, Diggs, Tre White, Poyer and Hyde. Gabe Davis has talent and is getting better. And Taron Johnson is a very good nickel. If Ed Oliver continues to get better, he can be a top NFL D Lineman, but that's a maybe. But we are missing solid tough players who can be counted on week in and week out to contribute in good if not spectacular ways. A good team would have beaten the Patriots pretty easily last nite. They threw 3 times for god sakes. Load up the box on defense with a bunch of run stuffers and the Patriots get 3 pts playing that way. We have an amazingly athletic and competitive QB with great physical tools. He still has room to grow with how he reads the field. But the throw down the sideline to Diggs late in the gate was as good as it gets. But then he made a terrible read and missed throwing to a wide open Beasley on 4th and 14 that probably wins the game for us. I think we have a hard time making the playoffs this year. Really need to beat Tampa on Sunday. (We will need to pressure Brady. We sit back and rush 4 and we are done.) But it will be tough. And then beating the Pats in NE will be difficult as well. Heck playing Atl Carolina and Jets to end the year will not be gimmes because this Bills team is just not really good. (see the pathetic performances against Jax and Indy) We will need a bigtime reboot this offseason at O line, RB and D Line. Probably even at WR save Diggs and Davis. Heck the coaching staff may look a lot different as well. If things fall apart, Beane and McDermott need to take off the rose colored glasses and decide how they want this team looking going forward in 2022 and beyond. Because this version has seriously run out of steam. But as long as we have Josh Allen, we will have a chance each season. Interesting how quickly things can sour.
  13. Yes we got pushed around on defense last nite. Although I thought Milano and Dodson made some plays, as did Harrison Phillips. (Vernon Butler did not dress again. Waste of money keeping him. Should have been let go after last years disappearance) Haven't heard anyone talk about Tremaine Edmunds. He was dreadful last nite. He is NOT built to play MLB in the NFL. The guy is thin, He is 6'5 and has no bulk. He can not take on O lineman and has no leverage due to his height to knock back thick RB's. Its a matter of physics. And on top of that he overruns many plays. No instincts. He totally overran Damien Harris on his long TD run. Signing Tremaine Edmunds to a large extension will not make us a better team. I actually think that Dodson and Klein have a better understanding of how to play the position then Edmunds. But this organization is too pig headed to admit their mistakes and cut bait sooner then later. Not sure why the team loves so many tall lanky players. Epenesa Rousseau Edmunds. Football is physical. Bring me some guys who are thick and win the line of scrimmage. I would also let Singletary and Moss go. Neither has power burst or vision. The difference between those two and the way Stevenson ran for the Pats was nite and day. Sure the O line is lousy, (and needs a major retool.) but dam we have the worst group of RB's talent wise in the NFL. And the O line is close to that level as well. Shame on Beane and McDermott for putting this trash on the field w a top 5 QB. Wow we have fallen off dramatically this year. With a tougher schedule we seriously could be 4-8 right now.
  14. That last play on 4th and 14 was ridiculous. Beasley was open and breaking away from his defender at the 5 yard line to the right side of the field. That was an easy read that he missed. Why Beasley wasn't his first option on that play is absurd. And the throw itself to Davis was never going to get there. It was a floater. He just kind of choked there. Moss has no vision when running. Brieda while having some fumbling issues gives us our best chance to score in that situation. (See Jets game.) Mistake not playing him there as well.
  15. I agree about the team hitting a rut this year. We came out flat opening week against Pittsburgh and have not had great mojo most of the season. I think the team is really handicapped w how bad the O line is. For a team that had Super Bowl aspirations. It unheard of to have such a below avg line. And the RB's are not much better. I don't think McDermott goes. A lot of this has to fall on Beane. But McDermott needs to not be so predictable. When you are not an overly physical offense, some gimmick plays need to be used to keep teams off balance. Pretty much the same offense week in and week out. We beat the Colts in the playoff game last year because of Josh Allen's super human performance capped off by the great 97 yard drive at the end of the 1st half. We did not move the ball well against Baltimore or KC.. The offense has gotten stale. Needs to reboot. It will be interesting to see if McDermott can do that. McDermott is a good nuts and bolts coach. But is he good enuf to get us at least back to the level of last season and beyond that? I think the jury is still out on that.
  16. Running game was just awful tonite. Moss is not an NFL RB, has no burst vision or wiggle. Terrible 3rd round pick. Offense has been out of sync most of the year. Definitely need upgrades across the O line. And at RB. Don't have the juice this season. Josh playing his ass off. But need better talent all around him. And have to be tougher stopping the run. Edmonds over pursued all nite. Belichik knew what he was doing against this version of the Bills. Beane really has to look at this roster in the offseason and tear it down in several places to get better.
  17. He's a trash human being for using a fake vaccination card?? I admit the guy is a me dude. But he can be a great WR at times. Who made you the self righteous police? Lot worse out there then Antonio Brown.
  18. That is what I was thinking Doc. The Giants are just miserable on offense. Maybe Jake Fromm can turn them around:) We play Tua. We will beat his ass down every time. The Dolphins O line can not protect him against us. Its that simple.. They don't match up well against us. Flores gets outcoached by McDermott every game. I don't see that changing.
  19. I can't stand Collinsworth. He is a big cheerleader and nothing more. He thinks every player is amazing. I was in pain listening to him and Tirico fawn over Lamar Jackson despite the fact that he threw 4 int's last week. Just terrible. I like the Sunday afternoon announcers the best. They just talk about the teams, the actual game and what is going on. And they usually can be critical when needed. Not sure why Collinsworth is so well liked at NBC. I guess because he never has anything controversial or critical to say about anything related to football. He is exactly what Goodell and his snow flake honchos want. I would much rather listen to analysts like Charles Davis, Trent Green, Rich Gannon, and even Jay Feely. And of course Daryl Moose Johnston on Fox. He will give some ***** when its needed. Go Moose!! As for Aikman and Buck, I like Troy. I think he is solid and funny. Just a middle aged ex jock who is cool. Buck sounds the same whether he is calling baseball or football. Talking w Aikman or John Smoltz. TD or stike 3. I tolerate him. He looks like the kid in school who knew all the stats but was never good enuf to play. And as for the MNF crew. They are awful. Steve Levy needs to go call Islander games. He looks like a sausage wrapped up in his blazers. Lighten up and unbottom the dam things. Give me Gus Johnson every weekend, and I am in heaven. You all want an exciting call. Go find the clip of him calling the interception in the Oklahoma-Nebraska game this year. He lost his mind. It was a riot. And who else can do commercials for Sushi Wraps in a vending machine and it actually seems legit?! Go Gus. Hopefully he calls the Michigan-Iowa Big Ten championship game Sat nite. He just makes every game seem so important in a legitimate way. Love the guy!!
  20. That's a good analysis right there. "Equally mediocre" is a perfect description.
  21. It certainly is. And our defense was ass against the Titans and the Colts. That being said, we showed up well against the Saints last week. But the 2021 Saints being led by Trevor Simien and without Alvin Kamara are not scaring anyone. We have everything in front of us over the next 6 games. All six games are winnable. And I think we need to go 5-1 to win the division. That would put us at 12-5. Lets hope we are peaking when the playoffs come around. We won't have Tre. But the rest of our secondary is all solid if not excellent at safety. We just need to show more physicality on both lines and we can compete with anyone.
  22. Agree about the RB's. Moss and Singletary need to be shown the door. Neither has any burst. And they miss holes quite often. Not sure what they saw in either. Lets get Hassan Haskins from Michigan. Not a burner but a pounder w great vision. Pair him up w Brieda next season and we will have Thunder and Lightning.
  23. What is there to like about Davis Webb? I never want to see him take the field in a Bills uniform. Jake Fromm had an excellent college career. Never understood the crap many Bills fans gave him. And if I am a Giants fan I sure as hell hope Jake Fromm has more game then Daniel Jones has. Because Jones' performance last Monday nite against the Bucs was atrocious.
  24. Definitely need to pressure Mack Jones. He is not elusive in the slightest. Blitz hard from the outside like we did against Tua. And do not let him escape up the middle. Even though the Pats beat the Falcons 26-0, when the Falcons blitzed, Jones was a deer in headlights. This is going to be a great game. We have not had many home games in prime time in a long time. Bills need to come out w some swagger. Did not have that against the Colts. Stuff the run and make Jones beat us. Play physical. Offense has been missing the juice we had last year. They played better in the second half against the Saints. But the O line was lousy especially Dawkins. Real good teams don't have O lines that are this bad. Need to get Breida a lot of touches. He brings the speed and energy to the offense this year. And opens things up for the rest of our weapons. There are no great teams in the NFL this year. Its a week to week league with over two thirds of the teams still in playoff contention. We need a big win Monday nite against the Pats to start our push to the playoffs. No excuses.
  25. Dawkins is not a franchise LT. Not sure where anyone ever thought that. The guy at his best was decent. (Maybe a poor man's John Fina or Cordy Glenn when healthy) This year he is terrible. We could not run to the left side last nite at all. And his pass protection.... we all saw what happened w that. If he isn't recovered from Covid he should have been placed on IR. Do you really think Bates would have done any worse this year there? The personnel use on this team is questionable at best. At least Moss and McKenzie were benched. Big revamp this offseason on the O line. But hey the defense at least brought the wood last nite-that was great to see..
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