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Paup 1995MVP

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Everything posted by Paup 1995MVP

  1. Leverage is everything on the Lines. But our DT rotation of Phillips, Oliver, Settle and Jones (with say Ankou in reserve if one gets injured) should be as solid as any we have had in a long while 1-4. And in the upper echelon in the entire league this year. Just watching the guys back on the field is exciting. Allen, Diggs, Miller, Rousseau, Milano, etc. We have a hell of a roster top to bottom. It is going to be an exciting year. Can not wait!! Go Bills.
  2. Does he deserve a new big time extension is the question. Does anyone know what Poyer is due to earn this year? I like Poyer's game. He is a solid player and leader on our defense. That being said, he is not some amazingly gifted athlete playing the safety position who has revolutionized the game. I get that everyone wants financial security. But not sure he is the guy the Bills are going to throw the Brinks truck at. Especially since they still have Jacquan Johnson and Damar Hamlin, who the Bills might be high on.
  3. Bud Grant certainly has more knowledge of the NFL game then Vrabel and Rivera. Not sure what Reich has done to get all the kudos except have his team completely unprepared in their playoff or bust game against the Jags last year. (Loved him as the Bills QB. Just don't think he is as great a coach as some like to say.) We shall see what he can do w a mediocre Matt Ryan this year. And I would put Grant on the level of Newsome and Tomlin. Safety is obviously important. But the kickoff has become a waste. Kick from the 30. If its a touchback, bring it out to the 20. The rule did not need changing.
  4. I think you are overstating all that team building feel good stuff. The Chicago Bulls were dominant because they had the best player to ever play professional basketball. He had an insatiable appetite to be the best player he could be. And to win. Sure he got other players involved like Paxson and Kerr. But they won championships because they had Jordan and Pippen. Michael wasn't some cuddly guy who loved his teammates. He tolerated them, as long as they brought their best every nite. And more then that come playoff time. Sports were much different then. A guy like Ben Simmons would have been laughed out of the league, after he got his ass kicked. Sports were played by grown men. Who were supposed to act like grown men. It was a microcosm of society of how people in general acted, until the world fell into the apocalypse of ridiculousness that has become our current society. Phil Jackson did a good job keeping everyone somewhat together. But he did not reinvent the wheel. He had one amazing player, one really good player and some solid complimentary parts. As for McDermott, he is a football coach. I do not think he is a revolutionary. He has a great QB. And a lot of other very good players. He treats his players fairly. All that matters is wins and losses. He needs to lead us to the Super Bowl. With the talent on our roster, he should be able to get that done. That's my two cents. Take it for what its worth.
  5. I have watched hilites. And watching Josh make play after play, running for first downs and throwing darts all over the field to Gabe Davis is a site to behold. However, the loss will always be there. You never forget the heartbreaks. (Getting rid of Levi Wallace was somewhat cathartic for me. But the loss still stings.) Just like you never forget the huge wins. I still think about the comeback against the Oilers in the 1992 playoffs. That game never gets old. I was at the Music City Miracle, and I will never forget the dejection shock dismay and helplessness I felt watching those events unfold in front of my eyes on that grey cold afternoon in Nashville. And the drive home from Nashville to Atlanta was like driving home from a funeral of someone close to me. Heck I won't forget my son's High School football team losing the 2016 7A Georgia State Championship on a missed 30 yard FG in OT at the Georgia Dome, after tying the game on the last play of regulation on a pass by Malik Willis, drafted by the Tennessee Titans. (My son's HS team had around 15 guys go play D1 football. That was quite a team) Sorry for the digression. But the tough losses are just part of life's journey. I can not wait for this season. Great schedule. Great QB. Great team. This is what its all about Bills fans. Soak in every moment of every game. September can not come soon enuf.
  6. Interesting points Alpha. One player that comes to mind is Kyle Williams. 5th round pick out of LSU. Was a tremendous DT for us. One of the best in the league for a long time. Why did he not get drafted til the 5th round? Granted he was short for DT's at about 6'1. But obviously he outplayed his "draft slot" by a considerable margin. And that was great for us. Obviously the draft is not a science. Some you hit on. Some you miss on. If I was a talent evaluator. I am watching guys film. Are they making plays? Do they play tough and fast? Not worried so much about the measurables. A fast 40 time is nice. But what is their game speed? And then what is their makeup. Do they love football.. Does winning matter to them? Are they sharp and smart in their understanding of the game of football? It really should not be as hard as the talking heads like to make it in evaluating talent.
  7. Its not a beauty contest. I thought Basham played hard and fast whenever he was on the field. Which was not a whole lot. I think he has solid upside to be a strong contributor in the D Line rotation. D linemen don't need to look like Tony Gonzalez or Calvin Johnson. (which is where Epenesa was heading.) Put some bulk on these guys and let them fire off the ball.
  8. Schobel was a very good player in a dark decade for the Bills. He was not a social media type of guy. He was a country Texan boy. Always was a little surly a little cranky. But not a total jerk. (It was probably tough to be real happy playing football on those Bills teams. Although the 6 game run in late 2004 was fun. Unfortunately it collapsed like a house of cards against Pittsburgh in the last game of the season. Ouch that was an ugly one. The ghost of Willie Parker still roams the earth.) But the guy could play. As to the debate about whether Jerry Hughes is a Wall of Famer. I lean towards no. He was a good player (but never a great player) for a lot of years. No shame in that. The wall needs to be for the best who wore the Bills jersey in my opinion. Cornelius Bennett Eric Moulds and Kyle Williams should be up there.
  9. Teams go thru cycles. The Texans were not nearly as bad last season as the narrative pushed by many (on here and other places). The team played hard every week, ended up beating the Chargers late in the year. And almost beat the Pats as well. Davis Mills has some upside. Bill O Brien acting as GM and HC was not the best move by the franchise. But don't forget all their players are getting paid also. And they got Derick Stingley at #3 who is going to be a stud CB.
  10. Lets hope at least two out of the three become solid contributors. None of them are overly twitchy with special athletic qualities. Although I think Rousseau has some solid upside. Basham plays hard-for whatever that's worth. Epenesa has looked mediocre so far. Hopefully he figures it out in year 3.
  11. Cliff Kingsbury (an overrated coach to begin with) may want to reapply for his old job at Texas Tech. Or at least to be their OC.
  12. He must really suck Gunner. You made me laugh w your comment about LJ.
  13. Why would you want to cut Jamison Crowder? The guy is a baller. A professional WR. He will be a big part of our offense this year.
  14. Exactly. I don't think he's worth $2 million at this point. The performance he gave last year on Monday Nite I believe in Tampa was absolutely brutal.
  15. Yantha well put. It is tough to have real football discussions on here. Some people just talk a lot of nonsense on here. Not a lot of hard core football talk by some. I don't go on other teams message boards. So I don't know how those compare. And I never go on social media. Would be too jacked up all day. And that's not healthy, and I have a business to run. That being said. Edmunds has never been very good. He isn't terrible. Just not a very good professional football player. I believe he was overdrafted. I believe he is just too long to be a physical player in the middle of the field. However, the thing that hurts him the most is his poor instincts for the game. He just doesn't seem to have a good feel for the flow of the play and is usually a step behind. I don't hate the guy. I just think we can do a lot better at his position. I hope we can include him in a trade on draft day and get rid of his $12million salary.
  16. First I love your user name bro. Anything heavy metal and then combining with the Bills is top notch!! All three of those guys were brutal. Mike Williams was so soft to play O line. Not sure what happened there. Guy had no drive no desire. Flowers was lousy. And Maybin was laughable how small he was to be playing rush end. He had limited production in college also. It should not be that hard to find players who are going to be at least decent (not superstar) pro football players if that is what you do all day for a living.
  17. She is pretty beat looking in all actuality. I don't think the Bills of the Super Bowl era would have even let her into one of Jimbo's basement parties. Not sure why what Von did should be considered a crime. He did not sexually assault her. He did not assault and batter her. Was there an illegal touching of some sort I am missing? The world has lost its mind. Glad I am already 56. I feel bad for my kids and grandkids.
  18. Bates looked more then Meh in his short stint late in the year. So if he keeps trending upward, there is your stud at RG. And in general there are just not a lot of very good to great stud O lineman types playing in the NFL these days. Try finding John Hannah. I believe he is still living. And so is Anthony Munoz. Maybe they would love one last shot at a ring. LOL
  19. The defense isn't good enuf. And wasn't last year. That's why we got torched by the Chiefs at the end of the playoff game. And by the Bucs in December. We are a good team. But there have been lots of good teams in the NFL over the years. I think you are putting a whole lot of faith in McDermott and Frazier to coach up mediocre players. The whole idea that Levi Wallace was good enuf is just a fallacy. He was beat plenty in his time w the Bills. Coaching is important. But talent wins. And we could use more talent at CB and LB. Hopefully we see a trade of Edmunds and new reinforcements are on the way at CB and LB. There you go.
  20. How many mid season signings do we ever do? Like good players just fall from the heavens after week 9. When does that ever happen? LOL
  21. I live part time in Fort Lauderdale. And it certainly isn't overrated. No funner place in America. And it is absolutely beautiful down there. Check out the Nu River and the intercoastal along with Fort Lauderdale Beach. If you like boats and being on or by the water. It can not be beat. Weather is warm all year round. And certainly lots of eye candy. I agree about Boca and WPB. Pretty boring in Palm Beach County. But certainly not in Fort Lauderdale.
  22. Antoine Winfield, Nate Clements and Pat Williams to name 3.
  23. Why are you being an apologist for Zack Moss and blaming blocking schemes, etc? The guy doesn't have much of a burst, or much vision. We all watch the games. No need to overanalyze the situation. Some guys have a real feel for how to play NFL running back. And some have some exceptional physical abilities. The great ones combine it all, having the feel (including the vision) on where the holes will be. And then bam they exploding right thru and are into the second level. (Think Marshall Faulk and Thurman Thomas) Zack Moss is certainly not that gifted. Hopefully we will find better. In fact, I would say that Duke Johnson has proven himself to be somewhat better then Moss during his NFL career. Now if Moss can up his game, and be a difference maker, then I don't have a problem with him making the team. But that remains to be seen.
  24. That was an amazing game. I remember watching that as a teenager at my grandpa's apartment in Detroit. We had to push back going to dinner because that game went on and on. But we were glued. I believe Dick Enberg and Bob Trumpy were the commentators. Although I could be wrong. (It has been a very long time) Weren't the Dolphins up big early and scored on a hook and lateral late in the first half? But Dan Fouts and Kellen Winslow were absolutely phenominal in the second half and OT. That is a game that the younger members on here need to try and watch. I get chills thinking about that game still. As for Bills games. The comeback against the Oilers in Jan 93. It doesn't get any better.
  25. Isn't that the bottom line in most businesses? the end result is what matters. You produce in your job, the company loves you. You act crazy (within reason) outside of work, who cares as long as it doesn't effect your work performance. As an adult you should be responsible for your own actions.
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