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Everything posted by billsfans126

  1. Agree, was at the game, was talking to the bills fan the row in front of me , we were saying tick tick rock, I can't believe they did that. It was just seeing the jp fumble a few years back vs the jets. Tick tock*
  2. Will be there!!! Got 4 cars full of bills fans!
  3. I'll be at the game as well! Where's everyone going to be tailgating? Can u message me when you do? Going with a few bills fans and would like to tailgate with everyone.
  4. R u kidding me? That play happened right in front of me, the defender was basically hugging nelson.
  5. Bills wouldve have won last years game if it wasn't for one of those field goal timeouts and this is a better team.
  6. Just got my dareus, spiller, and Johnson away jerseys, took 2 weeks cuz friends of mine ordered them and also got a few more, love the jerseys, got 6 jerseys shipped for 165, will post pics tonight.
  7. Poz was a great person to have here , but he wasn't going to turn this defense around. Poz was a 2nd rounder and we counted on him right away, why can't we count on a 3rd rounder from another good football school who's going to be playing behind dareus and kyle williams and a better dline? Bills will replace him with a fa lb to play next to davis/ sheppard. Imo, bills dline will be better then jags dline, so poz might just be spinning his wheels, too bad, he might have been real good behind them, someone elses turn.
  8. Ive been going to the bills jets games down in the meadowlands for the past few years seeing im from pougkeepsie which is about 45 minutes away compared to 5 to buffalo. Ive only had one bad experience there and it basically proved jets fans are nothing but bandwagon/fair weather fans. Giants fans are alot more classier, and its not a division rival. Ill be at all the home games, and get to go to 2 away games in the meadowlands this year which is great, let me know when it gets closer, i plan on getting a bunch of people together for tailgating and such.( Its always good to go with some giants/ or jets fans).
  9. Were not in bad times due to buying jerseys from china, what I mean is with this economy, who are u to judge people buying jerseys for cheap while gas is 4 dollars a gallon and jobs are hard to come by. How am I selling out america? Because I buy a couple jerseys from china every year? Do you know how much I spend on the bills every year alone. Season tickets 2000, gas is about 500 a year, hotel about 800-1000 a year, parking over 100, add tolls, and food to that as well and your judging because I save a few bucks on jerseys? Get lost man, and while I'm not prejudice or anything like that, immigrants coming to our country is a much bigger issue then an 11 year old making jerseys and getting sold in the us and its not even close. And taking jobs from americans***
  10. I have had season tickets for 13 years now and this year got 2 more, ive been through tons of jerseys, replica jerseys for 85 a pop. How many are still with the bills? none of those jerseys, how many playoff games have i seen since i had season tickets? None. So yeah i supported the bills then, where did it get this team that is in such financial despair? no where. So last year my friend told me about these sites, he gets all of his jerseys there, alot nicer then the replicas as well,and now thats the only place i will buy one. Say what you want, yeah this economy sucks, so you expect us to waste 85 for a replica jersey or 250 for an authentic one when these players are constantly changing?!?! Sorry man i have a full time job,and a part time job, new car, own place, and i manage to buy my season tickets including another pair this year, the bills get their money from me and will continue to through season tickets. So if your willing to spend 250 a pop on an authentic jersey, or 85 replica, on a player that might be gone the following year, good for you, ill continue to get my jerseys from china for cheap. As for your comment about the money going to 11 year old kids in china, i really dont want to hear that man. I went to school for 4 years for criminal justice, in debt for student loans, ive gotten mid-high 90s on all my civil service tests and im yet to have my police/state trooper job, but yet they give hispanics( no offense to anyone, its the point) 5-15 extra points and giving them jobs for getting a lower grade on a test then i did. SO before you complain about this country and team being in such bad times, maybe you should look at stuff like that before you say something so stupid.
  11. Eball, yeah they use paypal , figured that out the first time too. They won't let you use credit card, which isn't a bad thing.
  12. I got my stevie and evans jersey from nfljersey-supply.com, cost me 50 for both shipped. Compared the jerseys to the ones that are 250-300 and there really is no difference, unless you get a bad jersey which ive lucked out. I got the dareus, williams, and johnson for 120 and change shipped from dhgate, the first time i ordered them so we will see how they are. But id rather spend 250 and get 5-6 jerseys from china then for just one. The jerseys are great, people at the draft were saying i was crazy for spending alot of money on an authentic bills jersey, when i told them it was straight from china for about 25-30 bucks, they didnt believe me.
  13. Yeah go for the china jerseys, got dareus, williams, and johnson shipped for 120, and I've ordered from them a lot and the jerseys are great, can get 3 for basically the price of a replica shipped. I got in trouble for telling other bills fans on buffalo bills .com.
  14. Nfljersey-supply.com I've ordered my stevie away throwback, evans away throwback and also got my father the jim kelly superbowl jersey, compared them to the ones that go for 250-350 and their identical. Waiting for them to get the new jerseys, can get 2 shipped for the price of a replica. Can*
  15. I think cj will be a playmaker, give it time, look at what mcfadden did last year, took a couple years.
  16. Maybin was a defensive end and undersized at that position, not a linebacker. Miller is a linebacker and has been playing the position unlike maybin. Big difference.
  17. They give you head sets that you can tune into either the nfl network or espn and listen to what their saying. There's big screen tvs and the actual booth is right in front of you.
  18. People that stayed for all 3 days last year get tickets. The line no joke can be about as long as half a mile long and I've never seen them turn people away. Radio city is huge, a lot of ppl get in. I'm not sure if this years guidelines are up yet, but for example if it says lineup starts at 10, I would get there at 9 or 10, I've seen people get there as their giving out tickets and get in. Once you have your tickets your free to do whatever you want, me and my friends booked hotels a couple months before draft, brought all our stuff to hotel and went out in nyc. The next day it'll tell you come back at 5 or whatever, get there an hour or 2 before that. Butlike I said once you have your ticket your in, and your place on line has no bearing on where your sitting. This year they closed the street down because of the vice pres going to nbc studios, goodell came out and talked to all the fans on line for a while, and dhani jones was out there interviewing fans. They mess with the pats and cowboys fans a lot, as you would expect. Last year when a steelers fan walked by everyone started chanting she said no, its hilarious. I haven't heard a word being a bills fan down there.
  19. i researched it a few years ago and determined without any doubt that it is an awful idea to go. A huge pain, a ton of waiting.... and the payoff isnt really that great once you get in. Well researching is, well researching. I've been to 4 straight drafts and its an awesome time and its now less of a pain then it use to be! You wait in line for a couple hours now, they give u tickets around midnight and everyone leaves, you come back next day wait in line for an hour or two and they give out tickets randomly. The first year I went I was in back of line and ended up sitting next to the espn and nfl network booths and hung out with joe thomas's aunt and aj hawk. Last year I was in front and ended up on upper tier. There's a lot of free stuff and its a fun time for a real nfl fan. Not to mention your in nyc, there's tons to do every night afterwards. Any questions just pm me.
  20. Nfljerseys-supply.com, just got my steve johnson jersey in the mail today. Yes their from china, 45 dollars shipped, stitched on letters and numbers. Got my last 2 jerseys from here and will never buy another replica jersey.
  21. Bills, yankees, nets, sabres!
  22. This is the week we may get some interceptions without qb pressure, jay cutler!
  23. I sit right between elvis and the chefs since 98.elvis only leaves if the games out of reach which half the stadium usually does. The chefs and elvis are fun to be around. The chefs are going to the game in baltimore as well, their pretty good fans.
  24. He's a ****ty fan, I live in jets and giants country so I always to the bills jets games down in the meadowlands. 2 years ago, the jp fumble game, he left for the food when the bills started winning and didn't come back to his seats til the jets caused that fumble and won the game. I was with 4 other friends that are bills fans, and what does that pos do? He starts chanting !@#$ and the whole section started doing it as well. Good fan? Please that's a joke, I can't stand the guy and he's a ****ty fan. Would love to do same at the ralph as he did to us.
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