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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Why did you edit this post to make up your stupid trade rumor? Your dumb lie: TOOL!
  2. Where is Langston Walker?
  3. I remember that as well.... Also remember Thurman ordering the pizza on the field for Eric in training camp..... I'd love to see #80 back @the Ralph.
  4. In The Money...... LoL
  5. Bet it's contract related. He probably wants lots of $$ but any contract should have incentive clause's because he is injury prone.
  6. No way!! Too much coin!
  7. Especially ones fron the 'U'.
  8. That's great.... MaGahee Jalopy!
  9. Me too......... that was great!
  10. I'll take that man....
  11. And Droughns is talking on the station now.... Sorry but it's impossible to link to it
  12. Jerk! Nuf said!!!
  13. Didn't play like he could because he had no help and there was not a winning mentality. He said something about the QB but it was unintelligble Some truth there but he's better off keeping his dumb trap shut. Going to stay in Baltimore during the off season "Got to, I have to learn all the plays" (then a dumb laugh).
  14. Agreed........ 33yrs old & breaking down. No more Pats castoffs please.
  15. Why would we want Norv Turner?
  16. better lock up all the women!
  17. He was a dumb jackass. True, True........ I saw him on the defunct Steven A. Smith Show, "Quite Frankly" and he was a typical Miami Style hoodlum JERKOFF!
  18. Per NFL Channel.... Adam Schefter thinks it might be Chris Brown,
  19. Nick Goins would be a great pickup..................
  20. $80M - $22 Guaranteed Highest paid Defensive player in NFL history!
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