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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Wasn't he color blind? Plus Every other AFC East had white helmets, right?
  2. Hahahahahahahaha............ Wait, I live in Jersey, where is my car?
  3. I'm not saying we should've gone after Favre but how in the world are the jests, who are up against the cap, going to fit $12M in? Cutting Penny doesn't nearly make that up!
  4. Sanyo M1: 240(w) x 320(h) but looking at getting a Samsung Instinct 240 x 432.......... Looking forward to tbd/pda Cell Phone Resolution Samsung Instinct 240 x 432 Samsung Glyde 240 x 440 Nokia N81 (8GB) 320 x 240 LG Voyager 400 x 240 Palm Centro 320 x 320 Apple iPhone 480 x 320
  5. What a great place to eat................ I love that joint.
  6. Yes, Bar Bill....MMMmmmmmmmmmm GOOD!
  7. No league suspension.
  8. Simms to the Jests..... I bet.
  9. The Giants Insider June/July 2008 post draft issue states that the Buffalo Bills offered the Giants their 2nd and 3rd round picks for the Giants 1st round pick, but Jerry Reese decided to stay put and select Kenny Phillips. TGI also states that Phillips was "by far, the highest rated player on the Giants board, with some reports stating that Reese & Co. had him rated as the 15th-best overall player in the draft". http://corner.bigblueinteractive.com/index...p;thread=289839
  10. Against: yankees jests fish pattycakes rangers phillies braves steelers jests yankees leafs lakers knicks chevys any team playing the Bills, Sabres or any other Buffalo team!! Did I mention the yankees and jests?
  11. His father is Larry Fine Fine choice!
  12. Agreed.............. But, 'Rob Johnson for life'????
  13. #NACL Go, Godbrother!!!
  14. Wow.......... big bucks. This isn't like Bear Stearns.... not losing billions of $$$$ Get the ISP to put your data on Sharks.......
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