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Everything posted by freeagentqb

  1. I gassed up Cookie Gilchrists car (told me to fill it up and I sold him a can of gas additive called spitfire). Also gassed up Jack Kemps car (told me to fill it up) when I worked at a gas station by the peace bridge in the 60's. Also once gave Al Hirt directions to Kleinhan's. A few years ago i was in line behind Tom Day at the Getzville post office......
  2. How come Pittsburgh receivers seem to get open all the time. Is it the players, schemes, patterns or coaching?
  3. Would peters, at about 8 million, give you that much better results than a 2 million journeyman on this team in this offense? I'm thinking no. I vote for trade.....
  4. This really hurts fans like me who don't have season tickets and watch the game on the telly. Now there'll probably be blackouts and we won't be able to watch most of the home games. Thanks a lot Ralph....
  5. I didn't say give him all the money but what the heck why not, I love watching you bang your head against the wall.... Here's a couple more for you: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:
  6. I think Ralph can and should kick Sullivan's butt... Have a nice day
  7. OK, I found all of the wheels and they're still in good shape. The front ends not totaled out and with a little help I think we can get this thing back on the road...
  8. They made some defensive plays when it mattered but I think we need a different defensive philosophy. Get a pass rush and play tight aggressive coverage instead of this bending defense......
  9. It must be me, but I love those skits......
  10. I agree, we need to mount some sort of a pass rush. If we do, we can possibly win. If not, we're sure to lose. Welker will have 10 plus catches....
  11. I saw him on the sidelines eating a cherry turnover and he dropped it.
  12. Yeah he made plays in the run game, catching passes and special teams. This guys a stud football player....
  13. For Peters its V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N- time. See ya next September good buddy....
  14. I see our favorite player Jason Peters isn't playing today. How convenient for him. Guess its officially vacation time till game one next September....Hope he feels better and can play in Hawaii with his Probowl buds...
  15. That's a great thought. Hope all of our good players stage a silent hold out next year, come in out of shape and contribute from around game 5 or 6. Screw the team, its me first from now on. Put free agents and rookies in the line up for games one through six. Yeah, sounds good to me...
  16. No his proper option was to show up, work hard to get better and help the team win. .....
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