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Posts posted by freeagentqb

  1. Scrap the play to not lose or keep it close strategy. Script a lot of the plays and include throwing medium to long at Lee and TO on some first and second downs. Introduce the play action, draw and screen plays. Bottom line, play aggressive and if we lose big, so be it, lets go down fighting instead of cowering.....

  2. Your right Losman is not Big Ben. But I Bet you if Big Ben would have been drafted by the Buffalo Bills he most likely be playing in the same league that Losman is know. Everytime Big Ben gets hurt who ever comes in to take his place they look good. Thats because they have there QBs better prepared then we do. Better playcalling. LOOK AT buffalo in the 90s when Jim Kelly got hurt, we bring in Frank Riech and wouldn't loose a beat. Same with 49ers back when Joe Montana was there .Steve Young sucked at Tampa Bay came to S.F. 49ers became a pretty good QB. Same with Jeff Garcia after him.

    Look at Eagles McNabb gets hurt and backup comes in looks good. Good gameplain helps your QB. Hell we got some pretty good playmakers here and we don't know how to use them. Look at N.E. last year Tom Brady gets hurt and Matt Cassel comes in and looks good. N.E. sets there QB to succeed.


    You make a lot of sense.....

  3. The games may not count but the performances do. I didn't expect them to beat the steelers but expected a competitive performance. The starters looked terrible and no better than their worst play of last year. No improvement whatsoever. The offense looks totally lost. The defense can't stop third and long...It wasn't a bad performance it was a pitiful performance and embarrassing...

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