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Everything posted by MDH

  1. Yep, enough people misuse a word for long enough and the meaning changes. It’s how language has worked since the written word was introduced.
  2. That all makes sense but if they could get a 3rd for McCoy that pick could be used to upgrade the OL next season which would also help Allen. Im not sure what the answer is but I do know that anything less than a 3rd isn’t worth it.
  3. They are a decent kicker and ridiculous official reversal from being 4-1.
  4. The ball placement wasn’t great. You don’t want that ball high as it makes the defender’s job easier. Put it in the WRs belly/chest and it’s harder to get a hand in the ball. So it was a combination of multiple things, ball placement, Holmes not being aggressive enough and a good play by the CB. I’d put most of the blame on Holmes though, if he comes back for the ball it makes the other two thing immaterial.
  5. Yep, they aren’t mutually exclusive. That being said, an offensive system that runs the ball 2/3 of the time is going a bit far in one direction. A run heavy team, in the modern NFL, has a roughly 50/50 split. That’s the number I’d like them to shoot for, but every game has its own rhythm. I don’t think we can read too much from a single game.
  6. If that’s your criteria for having a negative opinion on Allen shouldn’t that be your criteria for ANYBODY having any opinion?Do you demand this level of knowlege from everybody who has an opinion or just when someone disagrees with you? We should all just stop talking about football on this board unless the poster personally breaks down the all 22 and, for each player they talk about, keep copius amounts of data on each player. Yeah, that would be a fun board.
  7. I think that’s being generous. This offense is right out of the 1950’s, the “3 yards and a cloud of dust” era, except it’s now a cloud of little rubber beads.
  8. Im not sure the toughest part is behind us. Pats twice, Jags, Bears and Lions. Those are all very tough games. Hell, even the Phins are better than most thought. Even if the Bills win this week I dont see them winning more than 6 games on the season unless their passing game miraculously becomes competent.
  9. That cant be true, every person who achieved greatness did so all by themselves! There was never any support network.
  10. What would make someone change their mind already? Just because Allen is on the Bills? We haven't seen enough from any of the 1st round QBs that should significantly change our minds about what we saw in their college body of work. If someone liked Allen more then then they likely do now and vise versa. I thought Rosen was the best QB in this draft that people looked for reasons to dislike because they didn't like his opinions or that he stated them at all. If Allen proves me wrong, then great, but thus far Allen has looked exactly like he did in college. Hopefully he grows with experinece and performs better once he has some talent surrounding him on O. We’ll see.
  11. Thats the same decade our offensive philosophy comes from.
  12. Luck sure doesn’t look “done” to me. Not sure what posters in that other thread were talking about.
  13. We can ask your above question about any move the Bills have ever made in the history of the franchise does that prevent the people who make the decisions from being held accountable? That being said, four weeks worth of info about a QB isn’t enough info to hold people accountable. 2 years from now if Mahomes is still lighting it up and Allen is a bust the day of reckoning will come. Same goes if Rosen is a legit franchise guy and Allen isn’t.
  14. It’s totally shocking how WRs don’t produce while wearing a Bills uniform but the moment they move to a team running a real NFL offense they suddenly become productive. Somehow these guys weren’t good enough to be on this Bills squad. All part of the process though...
  15. Then get a vet - any vet - in here even if you have to trade a low round pick to get it done. It's better than sending Allen out there when he's not ready and the team around him isn't ready either.
  16. On the flip side there's more to having talent than simply having a big arm and being mobile. "Talent" at the QB position has more to do with quickly processing information, having pocket awareness and getting the ball to the WR accurately and on time. It's not simply who is the biggest, strongest, fastest guy at the position. Yeah, this is the boat I'm in. Personally, I'd like them to just sit him this year even if it means we all have to suffer through Peterman at QB the entire year. Get him some weapons and an OL this offseason and give him two years starting to develop. Right now they've simply thrown him to the wolves and it's the last thing you want to do with a developmental QB. He wasn't ready to start if he had a solid surrounding cast. As it is he has the worst surrounding cast in the NFL. Yeah, Allen has very little help as it is and people want to get rid of two of his best weapons? And yeah, I realize with Benjamin that's not saying much atm, but it's true nonetheless.
  17. The Bills have run offenses like they're taken straight out of 80's playbooks for the past decade. Why change things now?
  18. I'd like to see more of both. They're very easy reads for the QB which is what he needs atm.
  19. He turned his back to the LoS consistently and tried to run backwards at the first sign of any pressure. He had pockets to step into plenty of times and failed to do so. That is the definition of rattled. People don't want to admit what their eyes are seeing because they cross their fingers (and close their eyes) and hope he ends up being good. I hope he ends up being a fantastic QB too but it doesn't prevent me from seeing the obvious - the kid looked in way over his head yesterday and was rattled from the 2nd quarter on. This team is going to ruin Allen (cue all the fans who claim you can't ruin a QB) by instilling in him the idea he can't stay in the pocket and has to continually break out to make plays. He did this at Wyoming and he's doing it here. His footwork (which is the cause of his inaccuracy) is never going to improve under these conditions. I'd rather suffer an entire season with Peterman than throw Allen in there and destroy his confidence and hinder his ability to improve his footwork. And if the Bills insist on sticking with him, for the love of God establish a running game and set up a screen game that can build his confidence little by little.
  20. I didnt see too many, ‘give the kid a break hes still learning’ statements for Peterman. But they're all the rage now. I guess patience for a young QB only applies to first round QBs. Both QBs are young and are nowhere near ready to start yet thats where this Bills’ roster sits at the moment. Allen should be sitting this year but the Bills’ front office outsmarted themselves and now we have a young QB that is learning how to get the pocket jitters. The Bills are following the blueprints for how to ruin a developmental QB.
  21. When healthy he is an average WR, which is better than just about any WR on the Bills roster.
  22. He is. He’s able to get playing time on a team with way more talent than the Bills but somehow he isn’t good enough for this team?
  23. His instinct is to take off running after 2 seconds in the pocket whether there is pressure or not. Often times he has a pocket to step up into but he wants to run to his right time and time again.
  24. He got away and was out of the pocket. Throw it out of bounds and take the FG attempt
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