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Everything posted by MDH

  1. From the top of your head you got that list?!? Bwhahahaha, yeah right. From the top of my head here are the first 24 digits of Pi: 3.14159265358979323846264 Seriously, I didn't look it up. No, honest, really I didn't.
  2. Let me spoil the whole thing for you: The movie will suck, just like the last two!
  3. Two INTs this season that are "his fault"? Maybe its this inability to see what's actually happening that prevents him from playing well. He had 3 INTS LAST GAME that were his fault. Just because the ball is tipped doesn't mean its not the QBs fault. How about throwing some better balls Drew? Throwing the ball 9 feet in the air on a friggin' screen pass and you don't take the blame for that INT? Throwing the ball behind the WR and letting the LB stick his hand in there to knock it up and you aren't to blame for that INT either? Whatever. Bledsoe was always considered a class guy, but you know what, you can spot the class guys based on how they handle adversity. Bledsoe is just another QB (alla Dougie) who points the fingers elsewhere instead of nutting up and taking responsibility for his own poor play. For all the people saying, “he’s right”, you just don’t get it. It doesn’t matter if he’s not the player solely responsible for the poor play of the offense, but you don’t take it to the media and bash your teammates. Have you seen any Bills taking shots at the QB position? Hell, have you seen any Bills not named Bledsoe opening blaming any other player on the field? What Drew has said is divisive to a team that needs to stick together. I’ll tell you what, after Bledsoe has left his Oline out the dry I bet they can’t wait for Losman to get healthy.
  4. Not that the Yankees didn't choke, but I think it's pretty funny how you think losing in 7 games is worse than gettins swept...sure they had a 3 game lead, but at least they won those 3 games and didn't get swept! An no, I'm not a Yankee fan, I hate the GD Yankees.
  5. Actually, looking back that fumble had no bearing on the outcome of that game. Two plays after Moulds fumbled the Bills D got in INT that they returned to the 4 yard line...which resulted in a FG. That INT doesn't happen had Moulds not fumbled, the two turnovers equal a wash (actually, we increased our field position by 4 yards). It doesn't excuse the fumble, but it had no bearing on the outcome of the game whatsoever.
  6. Dropped 2 TDs? You mean the ball that was thrown 3 feet behind him? And the other which would have been another spectacular catch? I'll give you the INT, but those two "drops" as you like to call them were not drops...no WR in the league would have caught that ball Drew threw behind Moulds. This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about. People obviously don't watch other games with the likes of Moss, Owens, etc. All they see are sportscenter highlights where it looks like these guys always make spectacular grabs. I've watched most of Vikings games this season and let me tell you, Moss doesn't make every spectacular catch that he attempts, hell he drops some easy balls. I guess EM is supposed to be on some different plane and make any grab where the ball is thrown within 4 yards of him.
  7. If we have these exact same guys lining up next year I'm going to explode. We need to go out and get two more guys who are upgrades, one at LT (Jennings is gone) and one at RT (and move MW inside). I wouldn't mind seeing Teague replaced as well but I think that is hoping for too much in one offseason.
  8. At least that way we'd avoid a DB int...
  9. Further proof the AL is a stevestojantty league: The DH rule.
  10. Yeah, but at this point why not try and change and see what happens? I mean, what's the worst than can happen, we lose (again)? Nobody said the change has to be permanent, if Mathews comes in and does a worse job, stick Drew back in...
  11. They also threw a stat up on Sunday during the Pats/Jets game...the Pats have won something like 36 games in a row (don't remember the exact number, but it was upper 30s) when leading going into the 4th quarter. Mentally tough team that doesn't make stupid mistakes that lose games. And even when they make mistakes there's always somebody who steps up and makes a play to win the game.
  12. As opposed to DB, who the above statement is true if you take off the "with a stiff wind." part.
  13. I've been defending Eric Moulds on this board for over a year...all of you who think this team is better off without him and his salary :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Moulds and Spikes (and perhaps Milloy) are the types of players I want on my team, not the ones you cut.
  14. You have to be joking. EM was lucky to get a hand on it. He was running full speed one direction and is supposed to stop on a dime, reach his hand back and bring the ball to his body with one hand? No WR in the league catches that ball. Not one. As for the "hands in his lane arguement", it doesn't wash. DB should have thrown the ball earlier, he would have had the same lane and EM wouldn't have been 2 yards in past the ball. Of course, you have to have a QB who can read and react quickly to do this...
  15. Who is responsible for putting this team on the field? This team has Donahoe's fingerprints all over it. It’s the team he put together. And they've done nothing but lose the entire time he’s been in Buffalo. I won't hold the first year against him as he inherited a mess. The second season was solid improvement, nicely done. The last 1.5 seasons have been a cruel joke. In all my years of watching sports I’ve rarely seen such poor play from an NFL team. It can be legitimately argued that we are the worst team in football. If there is blame to be handed out that blame goes squarely on the shoulders of the man solely responsible for putting this collection of players on the field. Do the players share some of this blame? Sure they do, but would any of those players who are constantly making mistakes BE in Buffalo making those mistakes if it wasn’t for Donahoe? Talent will only get you so far, games are also won with the head. We have a bunch of million dollar talents with 10 cent heads. At some point the man at the top has to take responsibility for what transpires. How long do you give him before he is accountable? If we had won a few SBs in the past few years Donahoe would deservedly get just about all of the credit. The opposite is also true. I don’t think Donahoe should be fired right now, but if this thing doesn’t start to look up by the end of this season the man deserves to lose his job. If that isn't rational thought to you I'm not sure you understand the term.
  16. Vendetta? Where did you pull that out of? As for those linemen "playing well"....yeah, sure they are, it's why we can't get any push in the run game (and none of those guys as dominant in the running game as Williams) and why our QB is constantly under pressure...I know its fashionable to blame everything that’s wrong with the Oline on Williams, but he's just part of the problem...those players you mentioned above are a huge problem as well. If 3/5 of our line was worth a stevestojan (like you claim) the line wouldn’t be a huge problem, but it is.
  17. The bad should also include neglecting the entire Oline for his entire tenure with the Bills. He tried to address it with Williams, and he's not as bad as some want to make out (he is dominant in the run game) but he is certainly not worth a #4 pick. Bottom line is that from what you've posted you seem to believe that a "good" job is when the sum of the parts look good on paper, but can't win games. 1-5 in the 4th year of "rebuilding". That, my friend, is not a good job.
  18. Unfortunately that's 6 or our starting 11 offensive players. =/...or roughly 1/4 of our starting team.
  19. What makes you think the oline will be better next year? When is the last time this Oline was any good? Put him out there and let him get used to playing behind this Oline, because he's going to have a few years of it to come.
  20. And if stats won games Rob Johnson would be a great QB too!
  21. Because those players will not be able to do much behind a putrid Oline. An Oline that has been neglected for years and years.
  22. I knew it was over after Deon took back the INTO for a TD because that meant our D had to pitch a shutout the rest of the way for us to win as there was no way in hell we'd put up more than 13 points. All we had to do to win that game yesterday was not give them the ball with turnovers. That's it. Simple. We don't turn the ball over yesterday and the Ravens O can't put more than 6 points on the board by themsevles. I don't expect this O to put up huge numbers and be a scoring machine, but the least they can do for this team is not cost us the game with turnovers.
  23. Show me a positive to focus on in a 1-5 season and I'll do my best (and don't even mention the defense, they are responsible for 2 of the 5 losses). As for idiots, I say it takes a bigger one to not see negatives in a 1-5 season than it does to find them. I guess I should just walk around with a smile on my face that the Bills have sucked for the past 5 years and are arguably the worst team in football right now. But yeah, good job TD! I thought TD was a hell of a GM before he came to Buffalo and up until this season I was giving him lots of slack and still had faith. But at some point he has to put up results, just like Bledsoe there is always some excuse for TD. You can’t run away from 1-5 in the fourth year of TD being GM.
  24. If we had played them in Miami I'm guessing the result would have been different.
  25. The really hilarious part is that TD has a built in excuse for next year too. Does anybody expect to not hear the following at some point next year: "We feel we have a young team that is going to continue to develop and continue to grow under the leadership of J.P. Losman and we feel the fans should be patient, not just with the team but with esentially a rookie QB, who we feel has all the right ingredients to be successful in this league." I'm sure he'll come up with some excuse for the 2006 season too, just give him time.
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