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Everything posted by MDH

  1. No Butters?!?! Bah!
  2. We've lost 5 games in conference already. There is no chance of winning a tiebreaker for the WC with 7 losses when 5 of 'em are in the AFC (assuming don't lose anymore in conference games). If this team has any shot at the playoffs they can only lose 1 more game this year. So, no, we have no chance at the playoffs unless we suddenly turn into a powerhouse team like the Pats or Eagles.
  3. I Guess I'm the only one who doesn't love this move. Vincent is an excellent CB...maybe he'll be an excellent S, I don't know. Even if he is I prefer to have my excellence at the CB position. McGee is an average CB right now. He gets beat more than anybody in the secondary. Is he better at CB than Reese is at S...perhaps, but again, if I have 3/4 of a strong secondary, I prefer my weakness at S, not at CB. This doesn't even take into consideration if Vincent will be able to pull this off midseason without some growing pains. I hope I'm wrong and this works out, but I'm of the opinion that the D is fine and any tinkering with it will only cause problems.
  4. This is the route I went. I just bought myself an authentic Moulds jersey on Ebay for 46 bucks...55 including shipping. And yes, it had tags and I've compared it to an authentic jersey a friend of mine bought from NFL.com and it's the exact same.
  5. This is exactly what is wrong with this country right now. "Our way" vs. "their way"...how about doing something good for the country instead of these petty politicians and their corporate masters looking out only for themselves? I hope whoever is elected president works with congress in an attempt to do something worthwhile instead of just stonewalling the opposition.
  6. It’s unfortunate that either of them will win. But from the looks of it, it looks like it’ll be Kerry.
  7. Classic internet defense move. Nicely played. Take it off topic because you have no answer. Yeah, he doesn't have a Jr. at the end of his name, which makes a difference in this discussion how?
  8. "Don't let the smoking gun be a mushroom cloud." - Pres. George Bush Jr. Yeah, that doesn't sound like a scare tactic to me!
  9. Exactly. Think of them as you vote for anybody but Bush. After all, he’s the guy that lied and used scare tactics in order to get approval to send them over there.
  10. If people were fair weather fans and bandwagon jumpers they wouldn't be on this board passionately talking about their team. Everyone here is supporting their team, everyone just chooses different ways of doing it. I'm not telling the super-positive people to think my way, I'd appreciate it if those people would stop telling me to be positive. Anyway, I am positive...positive this team is one of the worst in the league and positive that I'm not going to sit here and tell them "nice effort" when their play is pathetic. They deserve to be ripped into, they deserve to have the fans on their backs pressuring them to get better. They're big boys, they can take it.
  11. I thought you were going to say, "...America loses". Though I suppose I'd agree with your statement too.
  12. Pat...he produces and plays, Jennings does neither. Jennings reminds me of that joke from Annie Hall, two old women are talking, one says, "the food at this restaurant is terrible!", the other replies, "yeah, and the portions are so small!"
  13. I liked the use of Adams at the goal line...the more beef you can get down there on the goal line the better. I was also impressed on WM’s second TD when Adams not only blocked the DL in front of him, but moved to the second level and put a hit on the LB as well. Nicely done. As for Bannon, he seemed to pull pretty well, but I don't think there are any long term permanent plans to use him on the Oline...but I guess we'll see. I do like the fact that MM and the staff aren’t afraid to try some different players elsewhere to see if they can improve the team. As for putting the "best" players on the field in the secondary, I agree...but at the positions they are the best at. I don't think that McGee is a better CB right now than Reese is at S....but I know that Vincent is a better CB right now than he would be at S. Maybe with a training camp under his belt that would change, but asking Vincent move from CB to S midseason is just asking for game changing mistakes to be made while he learns a new position. Not to mention, I think people are way overrating McGee as a CB right now. He does seem to have a nose for the ball and my be our biggest ball hawk in the secondary, but that being said, he also gets beat more than anybody else in the secondary. My basic philosophy on the D is why mess with it? Once Vincent gets back (and assuming we don’t lose anybody else to injury…) our D should be dominant.
  14. He wasn't caught from behind because he is too slow...he was caught from behind because he was attempting to cut it inside because a WR missed a block and he wasn't going to be able to get the first down by running to the sideline.
  15. I also noticed WM ripping into a linemen on a carry in which he lost a few yards because he got swarmed in the backfield as if nobody was blocking for him. It was nice to see somebody with some passion out there for a change.
  16. 1. This type of move should be made in the off-season, not in the middle of the season. You don't just shift the line around and hope for the best...it takes some time...and believe it or not the line is actually making positive strides. Make some moves like this and its back to the drawing board. If Mike is moved (which isn't a bad idea in and of itself) it should be done next training camp. 2. Again, this is a move that shouldn't be attempted in midseason. Not only that, but it's a bad idea right now. We're much thinner at CB than we are at S. If Vincent is moved to S then we have McGee starting opposite Clements...and McGee isn't a viable option right now as a starter. Not only that, we have Thomas as our Nickle...in a 3WR set the idea of having McGee and Thomas on the field covering a team's 2nd and 3rd best WR scares the hell out of me. Don't move Vincent to S until we have somebody who can be put at CB that is more than a stop-gap. 3. Edwards is playing very well, but the guy doesn't deserve to start over Pat or Sam...who both are playing very well as of late. Not to mention that Edwards pass rush is his forte right now and he gets in there on obvious passing situations as it is. I feel much more comfortable with Pat and Same clogging the middle on first and second down than I would with Edwards in there. 4. I'm all for starting JP once his leg is ready...in-so-long as Bledsoe is still playing like complete crap when that time comes. If Bledsoe (by some miracle) manages to turn it around before JP's leg is ready, then he shouldn't be pulled. Otherwise, give him the ol' heave ho and lets see what the youngers got. Most of your ideas seem to be change-for-change-sake ideas. The D should be left alone, period. It's doing its job for the most part and once Vincent is healthy our secondary is no longer a weakness. The O-line and QB are the major problems with this team right now, but you really can't start moving people around mid-season on the line without having negative consequences...and yes, even worse than what we've seen thus far.
  17. The best and only reason you need to vote is that you have no right to B word if you don't vote! And we all know how much fun complaining can be.
  18. Duh, yeah it was Brown last year...messed up my last name colors in a bad flashback to 2000-2001
  19. It would be just like the Chargers to nurture a young QB until he starts performing at a Pro Bowl level only to let him go because they "have to" play a 1st round QB they drafted last year...and hope he becomes a Pro Bowl QB... If the Chargers let Brees go they're idiotic....which is why I expect them to do just that.
  20. The guy is the best kick returner we've had in...in....in...hell, since I don't know when. The last 15 years maybe. Kills me that he was on the bench last year while Black was returning kicks for us.
  21. Game balls go to the entire special teams and the entire D. Both gave the O great field position all day long. The O didn't light it up, but they stuck it in the end zone for a change. If I had to give it to one player...Sam Adams. He blew up plays all day long.
  22. I think it has to do with the Bills being the middle of a waste of a season. People expected more and they got less. How can you not understand them being disappointed? Winning one of what appears to be a handful of games this season isn't going to make people happy. Are they supposed to be pleased because the Bills don't have the worst record in the league? Sure, they looked good today. If they looked like they did today most other weeks you'd have happy fans. The problem is this type of game is an anomaly, not the norm and people aren't going to be happy until they make it the norm.
  23. I wouldn't call him great...but he's playing a hell of a lot better than he did last year when he got toasted over and over again. Once this D gets Vincent back we'll be pretty stout.
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