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Everything posted by MDH

  1. Ahh, I see how you've risen above the mudslinging Thanks for putting things into perspective for us.
  2. I'd like to see how we play on the road...this NE game will show us where this team really is right now.
  3. He's not getting fired because of injuries and a pothead, he's being fired because of his entire tenure their, not just this season. The guy has been one of the worst coaches in the league for years.
  4. I'm guessing his decision had a lot to do with Pennington being out of the game. With Carter coming in rusty I would think he was trying to force him into a mistake. That being said...he should have been in prevent mode with a 2 score lead.
  5. I was saying it all season, the guy is a liability in coverage. Vincent had better go back to his CB spot and not S...
  6. Laugh, I'll admit the play calling on that drive was bad...but give me a friggin' break. The D shut the Jets down in the second half, they've shut their last 4 opponents down in winning 3 of the last 4 and you come on here calling for the Gray's head.
  7. Come on BF, how about setting the bar a bit higher for Sue. You're claiming that she doesn't know enough about the internet to do a google search? That sounds like a bigger insult that anything anybody said to her yesterday.
  8. I stand corrected, he was in...great catch!
  9. He was out of bounds...
  10. Where did I say they were playing prevent?
  11. They were in the backfield...both blitzed
  12. And that's why you play prevent D with a 2 score lead late in the game...
  13. I realize they didn't have a great pass package in the game to run a play...but you run one nonetheless. The way our offense moves the ball, we can't afford to just give up a down at the 1 yard line and accept a FG. A little foresight would have helped MM here. He shouldn't have had that package in the game on 2nd and goal w/ no TOs left. He should have had a package in the game that could run both a 2nd and 3rd down play. This isn't rocket science.
  14. Why assume a sack? We haven't allowed a sack in 6 quarters...no reason to think we'd suddenly get one there.
  15. You're missing the point. They should have had two plays called in the huddle, the second one a pass play if the run play on 2nd down didn't work. On 3rd down no playcall is needed, get to the line, run the pass play and if its incomplete you kick the FG. Not even trying is ridiculous...I mean, if we're so afraid of mistakes we should just punt the ball on 1st down every series.
  16. My god, how people forget Sue's role in all of this. Like she's a victim. I tried to explain to her why people were flaming her and she attacked ME. You know what, if she wants to sling mud, I'll sling it too. She was the rudest person in that thread yesterday, but yeah, she's the victim. She brought it all upon herself with her responses. Should I have been more polite and understanding? Yeah, perhaps I could have. But if someone is spewing that much venom I don’t feel the obligation to extend the olive branch back to them. People ribbed her a little bit and she flew off the deep end threatening people, calling them names, etc. Yeah, she's the victim.
  17. That's the same thing I got, bwhahaha Cootiehog...
  18. or he could mean he's "good looking" in French...
  19. Anyone else think ICE and njsue would make a great couple?
  20. If anyone should apologize it's you for devaluing all of our degrees...
  21. You had better watch out, or she may "apply to" you that special type o' learnin' that she likes to teach!
  22. I was wondering why you keep using the terms "jerk" and "jackass" exclusively and then I realized that nobody had linked you to an online thesaurus so you could get more synonyms. Here ya go!
  23. This photo answers the age old question, "What would Rob Johnson look like if he was an offensive lineman?"
  24. Best line of the thread...I was actually in tears reading this.
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